OCTOBER 5, W3 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB SPRAINS etd SORE Wniia mm P.O. Box s I Ave. . no. Ince iiui"' ; 711 and I win gumj call VOY OTEL Zarelli, Prop. 37 r.u. uox SER STREET KINCE ItUrCKT L BUHNERS (CLEANED MNDYMAN Some service Black 735 kevtnth Ave. West TTWTYTTTTYTTTTT leet Me At i BHNNY'S 0 Johnny's ACK BAR nr Co' fee is Tups) L. Curry .ate of Yukon) kiropractor Itstholme Kooma XING ROOM new management. ILS ntOM 35c UP. pt6:30 a.m, to 9 a.m. 12:00 to 2 p.m. R'.OO p.m, to 8 p.m. : AIM TO TLEASE P'iprfnif Court af IWhInIi '"Hi In IToliutr I11" ol thf Administration Aft' ami f'Jf nr the VMatr of John J'lin Hi-Id McKenzle, OTICE ta bv Order nf W.t F:: :,er LqmiI Juh ripneme C,-urt of British I n on he 17th dav of p 194C, appointed Ad- 'n Rcid mcKmuii. rw. fijifrly ct Prtn.ce Rimert. M-mKa who dil on nr ; d:y of Daeomber, persons Indebted to r -o IhA uM T.,ntA p'f.L pri i . -" uii i ii iimrw. rn. ii wl44 1 Khali have bewi NOR.MAN A, WATT AthnlntaUutor "inre Ritpert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose Lodge meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the Eagles' Hall. E. V. Whltine. local Nfltlnnal ErKFDTlC LlHIMEKT Selective Service olficer, left f i I last last nleht night for for a a trln trip tn to Vancou V,nm. Organization U'nrM" tmd in " tual Benefit Lh and Accident Association LLOYD WRIGHT -ni Representative Lew Itooms No. ver on official business. Miss Mary Little, who has been the guest of Mis Jean Smith for the past week, left on last evening's train,, returning to her home in Terrace. BOYS' FALL OVERCOATS Sizes 3 through 18. Bring the boy in now. Complete stock. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE, 217 Sixth St. near 3rd Avenue. (235) A recommendation from the utilities committee- that certain supplies required by the telephone department be purchased was adopted by the city coun cil last night. Staff Sergeant F. W. Galla Igher, chief of city police, and Mrs. Gallagher returned to the city yesterday morning from a month's vacation trip to Van couver. The city clerk, on Instruction of the board of works, is ap-pioaching the United States Army with the resquest that a sidewalk ' on Second Avenue, j moved out of position by Army i trucks, be restored to its orig-i inal position. Gordon Bryant was proserit as a guest last evening at the regular monthly dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. He was welcomed by President R. M. Winslow who expressed the hepe that he would become a member. The police department is be ing asked by the city council to provide closer supervision of customers using the long distance telephone In the City Hall at night At times there has been considerable commo tion caused in the hall corri for their calls to be put through. The utilities committee of the city council is calling for tenders from local taxi com-Danles for the transporting of transferred to Regina as deputy assistant adjutant and quartermaster general. He left the latter part of last week for his new post In the Saskatchewan capital. J.M.S.Loubser D.C, B-A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 610 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Kates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 HAT'S YOUR NEED? c have a very large stock of Used and reconditioned) 'NNF p.?,1?8 and qualities 1 UNiTi'pr ,ET in may colours and widths "cscr,PUons: c,alrs "u,es rt'eslerfield , set t mhNfi iV,;?; ELECTRIC FIXTURES, etc. " T I 'at? II '""OKIUM CHAIRS. CARD TABLES I ."''ArKE ClIAIIts fail rmmlrrs. Shelves. &LLlAiiTU-h Cou,ll Stools and Tables "AUD TABLES, POOL TABLES a llnelclewilnumerous t(J mention. Why not drop v uwj nave jUSt tne articie you want. SE THEATRE EQUIPMENTS M" OranvllU s v ,, r. " TttllVUUVCI, ftl.V. Moose Ladles' Dance, Oct. 6, Oddfellows' Hall, Dancing 1? to 2. (234) Mrs. H. T. Lock returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a visit to Victoria. Theo Collart returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a week's business trip to Mr. and Mrs. Tony, Budinich returned to the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where they have been on a holiday visit. Leading Aircraftsman B. A. Daneliuk has returned to the Royal Canadian Air Force sta tion at North Battleford after a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Daneliuk. G. A. McMillan, superintend-ant of Canadian National Steamships,- and T. C. Workman of Lloyds marine underwriters arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver on business in connection with a local dry docking job. A. E. Oakley, who many years ago was with the city engineer-ins department and is now with the Canadian Fishing Co., arrived in the city yesterday morning from Vancouver and will be returning south this afternoon. He U here on company business. At the suggestion of J. J. Little, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerc last night tendered a vote of congratulations to the committee in charge on the great success of the recent civic carnival, W. F. Stone and T. N. Youngs being specially mentioned .Mr.' Stone said that there was now some ' $60,000 in' the civic centre fund, :, Arnold Flaten, chairman of a committee having the matter in hand, reported to the Prince Runprt Phamhpr nf fVimmprro dors by such customers waiting j last nlgM that thefe WM nQth ing further to report In the checking up on .a proposal of "Premier John Hart by which the provincial government would assume certain responslnbilites in connectlan with 'the city of telephone operators to and Vancouver taking over the Brit' from night shift duty. Nocturnal hh Coiumwa Eiectric Co conditions here being such as they are, the city for some time has been providing transporta- Col. J. W. Nlcholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish tion for some time for the night & Col storage Co., who left the operators. I city recently with'a view to 'making his annual fall business Captain Dennis Green of trlp to Canada and the Powell River, for some time sta- , Unlted states, got no further tioned at fortrese headquarters than Vancouver. After consult-In Prince Rupert, has been pro- lng wlth physicians in Vancou- moted to the ranic or major ana ver ne was orciered tQ ja for a period of weeks for complete rest. The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce sent word to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night that the annual dinner meeting of the Junior Chamber would be held on Thursday evening of this week. As many members of the Senior Chamber as possible .are being urged to attend the Junior Chamber meeting. Dr. G. W. Fiddes, medical su nerintendent of the Port Simp son General Hospital, was here yesterday, morning returning to Port Simpson after a trip to Vancouver. Dr. Fiddes had ex pected to enlist in tne uoyai Canadian Army Medical Corps but, as relief for him is not available at Port Simpson, he ivlll have to be remaining there for some months yet. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was held last eve- linc at the Central Hotel with 20 members in attendance and President R. M. Winslow in the :halr. The session lasted three lours and a number of import-mt matters cre taken up such is western link with the Alaska highway, radio broadcasting, oost-war reconstruction and treet conditions. Correspondence dealt with some specific ind a number of general 1IMIir.lt SALE XHKilM) Sealed (tenders wUl be received by he Mlii.Mter of Uinds flit Victoria, BC not totr ,ttan 11 am. on the 30Un day of November. 1943. for the twrclme of Licence X31600, to cut MOOO.000 iteet of Spruce on mn area ."iMnitPrt on Massdtit Inlet near B'.uliliy Boy. Queen Charlotte M ,,.- limd DUtrlat. Five (61 veiirs will be allowed for .! trf timber Furtlher particulars of the Ohlef Fire "rt v " iria, u.i or uiaincr F tre' ter, Prince Rupert, BX5 Mrs. L. Allen and small son left this afternoon for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrn. Dan Larson left this afternoon on a trip- to Vancouver. ' Col. D. B. Martyn, area commandant here, returned to the city Sunday night from a trip to Vancouver where he attended an army conference. Sale of lot 41, block 34, section 1 to the Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd. for $1,925 was reported 'by the finance committee to the city council at last night's meeting. J. Pappas and J. Athans of Vancouver, who came to Prince Rupert In connction with the death of Thomas Athans recently, left today to return to Vancouver. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Cable Springs for three-quarter size bed. 427 5th Ave. East. Blue 967. 232 CHILD'S f OLDS Relieve misery direct -without "dosing". Use swift-acting VICKS VAPORUB FOR SALE Small fully modern house on 2 lots. 1011 Ambrose Avenue. (233) FOR SALE Motorcycle. 629 8th Ave. West. Phone Red 438. (236) FOR SALE Household furniture. 1324 Overlook St. (2371 FOR SALE Good lumber from shack. 27x14. Call after 5 o'clock, 1900 7th Ave, East. (233 FOR SALE 5 room house with furnace. Price $3000. Immedi ate possession. 424 Dunsmuir St. Green 390. (234) FOR SALE 120 acres on creek and highway, fenced, Timothy clover -and wild hay. Plenty of building material on ground Price $1000. Particulars, Box 16, Francois Lake, B.C. (233 FOR SALE 5 room house with basement, 2 lots. 640 8th Ave East Phone Red 113 (235) FOR SALE Double end row boat in good condition. 2 pair of paddles. $30. Apply any time after 5 o'clock. S. Hlng-ston, 817 Fraser St. (233) FOR SALE Davenport suite, gateleg table and chairs, stainless top kitchen table two wicker chairs, bed complete, dresser clhlffonlere, radio, linoleums. Call evenings. 1109 7th Ave. East. FOR SALE Four roomed house "partly furnished with basement. Two lots fenced. $1100 cash or $1250 on terms. Immediate possession. 1840 7th Ave. East. Phone Blue 482. (239) FOR SALE CRUISER VERA S FRY, FULLY EQUIPPED, Enterprise H. D. Engine, anchor winch, Edison storage battery, oil burning range. A real sea boat, length 36' o.a., 10" 6" beam, draft 5'. Price $1950.00 M. M. Stephens & Co., Ltd. (237) WANTED WANTED Two or more furnished rooms, manied couple. Reward. Green 314. (234) WANTED Furnished house or apartment for one adult and child. Phone Green 155. (234' WANTED Woman to take carp of 10-month-old boy. Apply evenings, 526 7th Avenue East. Mrs. Lemon Is Honored; Orange Ladies' Present A very enjoyable time was spent Thursday evening at the home of Mis. M. B. ' Lemo. when the mistress and past mistresses of the the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association tailed to- present Mrs. Eva Lemon with a past mistress' Jewel. Mrs. C. Smith, the only other charter member attending, presented Mrs. Lemon with the pin and Mrs. M. Cox made the presentation of .a lovely bouquet of flowers. The tadles' Orange Benevolent Association was Instituted at the home of Mrs. Lemon twenty - one year ago, Mrs Lemon being the first worthy mistress. The evening was spent In playing court whist, prizes being won by Mrs. E. Murray and I Mrs. M. Cox. (234) WANTED 3 room furnished suite or furnished house by Canadian officer, wife and child. Call Blue 754. (234) WANTED OLD UMBRELLAS. Regardless of condition we will pay you cash for your old umbrellas. Conserve Canada's metals for war Industry. Help us supply the manufacturers with umbrella frames. Annette Ladles Wear Co. (tf) Those present were past mis tress Eva Lemon, C. Smith, M. j Cox, E. Murray, M. Viereck, B : Eastman. A. Murray, E. Barber. B. Guyan, J. Krause, P. Howe. J. Menzies. B. KllHn, A. Wide. worthy mistress B. Evans, and Mrs. M. B. Lemon, Mrs. M. Mc- Leod and W Matheson. WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING Room required by officer's wife. October 13 to 28. Apply Box 590 Daily News (233) WANTED TO RENT Large room or apartment. Call American Signals 415, Angler. (234) WANTED TO RENT Furnished house or apartment for reliable Air Force, officer, wife and one child. Apply Box 593 Daily News. (235) WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment, close In. Will buy .furniture to $400. References. .Apply Box 589 Dally News. (233) WANTED By October 15 furnished suite or housekeeping room by Service man and wife. No children. Apply Box 596 Daily News. (234) HELP WANTED WANTED Butcher or butcher's helper, ,male or female, for local retail store. Apply National Selective Service office AM 87. (233) WANTED Janitor (part time) with free nuarters for apartment house in city. Apply National Selective Service AM 90. . (tf) WANTED Oirl or married lady to work irr grocery store. Apply National Selective Sejrvice, A.F. 89. (234) WANTED Chambermaids for hotel work. Apply National Selective Service AF 87. (238) WANTED Young woman preferred to handle gramophone records department. Good wages & good opportunity for the right person. Apply National Selective Service. AF 86 (tf) WANTED Baker's helper for local bakery, night work, 8- tiour day. Appiy Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 89. ' (236) JANITOR Wanted for local. hotel, room and board and wages. Apply Selective Service Office AM. 84. (tf) PERSONAL Washing done. 1337 Piggot Atffc (233) DAY NURSERY, reasonable rates. Apply 441 7th Avenue East. (250) "JET" for polishing hot stoves is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" is1 safe, handy. Sold L. C. OYER, Interior Decorating paper hanging. Phone Black 810. i239) Tost LOST Furlough C.N.R. Boat ticket. Reward.! Apply Box 594 Dally News. (236) FOUND In Jones' News Stand. small purse containing money. (234) room and board Board and Room, 718 Fraser St .(233) WARTIME EXIGENCY War has Increased the employment of women over 45 by 20 percent in the United States. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full mouth at 25e a word. Catholic Bazaar, Oct. 6 and 7. School Hall, Orange Ladies' Dance Oct 14 Oddfellows' Hall. Jean De- Cailo's Orchestra. Refreshments, Red Cross Tea October 21st Home of Mrs. Kergln, 430 4th Ave. West. Eastern Star Ball, October 22. W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's JDance. Oct. 25, Empress Club. "Help Norway" Invitation Dance Oddfellows' Hall, Oct. 29. Drawing for raffle. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 4. Cathedral Fall Bazaar Nov. 18. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 25. United Church Bazaar 2nd. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE 27 It. glllnet boat with 5 h.p. Vivian engine, In good running order. $225. Can be seen at Cow Bay Boat Building shed. (237) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished bedroom for business girl, eat out. Apply 544 7th Ave. East. (233) WILL Rent house, 4 rooms fur nished, in Vancouver, with winter fuel, in exchange for rental of similar house in Prince Rupert. Reply giving particulars to Box 595 Dally News. t (238) FOR RENT 4 room furnished house. Apply P.O. Box 1279. City. (233) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, eic. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th St. Phone 655 "STAR'S" STYLEWEAR Ladies' & Children's to Wear -v Ready - - 625 Third Ave. W. Black 780 Ii. M. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 NOTICE We wish to announce that we are now open for ladies' and men's suit alterations of all sorts. Quick and efficient service. MODERN TAILORS 318 5th St. Behind Royal Bank Phone Blk. 84 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and y)4thTuesdays every month at 8 p.m. I -XI The building of the Alaska Highway was an epic war effort. Many of the workers who speedily completed this lifeline of Victory were protected by Stanfi eld's Underwear against the cold of the north country. You, too, can get Stanfield's Underwear. In spite of large shipments to our armed forces, we are providing our dealers with a supply of good underwear for civilian use. You may not find all the styles and sizes formerly available, but you will find a Stanfield's garment to fit you. Do not buy more underwear than you actually need. But, when you do buy, buy Stanfield's. Then you are sure of quality underwear that fits well, and wears longer.. Ss STANFIELD'S LIMITED TRURO, N.S. FIRST CHOICE Our Special Box of 21 Fine Two new recruits to enlist In welder, and Robert GordoB the Canadian Active Army through the Prince Rupert recruiting station are Harry Gregory. Proznick, 26, who has been employed at the dry dock as a ver. Teea, 18, who nas oeen wtn. Canadian National Telegraphs, at Kwlnitsa. Both are leaving on tonight's tram tor Vancou- A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Exceptional Mirror Values ! White Frame Mirrors 45c, 65c and 85c each Molded Mirrors $1.25 each 40 Round, Square, and Oblong Mirrors, heavy crystal glass; neat Venetian cut designs. Priced from - $3.95 each Phone 775. 327 Third Avenue CHRISTMAS CARDS 95c New' ,1943 designs folder type cards with matching envelopes. , This attractive value will sell out fast Get a box or two NOW! y! J