page mo FRIDAY. THK DAILY NEWS JANUARY 8, THE DAILY NEWS PKINCE RUPERT, miil&U COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Ein Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limit;:!, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MWiJUNQ EDITOR LOCAL ADVERTISING Transient, per Inch Contract, per inch Readers, per line' Black Face Readers, per line .. Business and Professional Cards indued diuJy, per month, $1.00 .. 50c .. 25c 40c P inch $2.50 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights o! republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Friday, January 8, 1943 EDITORIAL Good Party Program . . Writing in the latest American Magazine, Harrison E. Spangler, recently elected national chairman of the Republican Party of the United Stated, under the title "The G. O. P.'s New Stand," sets lorth an administrative economic' policy which would annear to be just about ideal. If Mr. Spangler is enunciating the real and bona fide policy of the Republican party, it should prove a most popular one. The question, of course, is whether or not it is just a lot of fine, idealistic ideas meant to win office on accomplishment of which nothing would be done about it. Mr. Spangler anticipates this suggestion with the following words: "No political party, and especially a political party opposed in numerous important domestic issues to the administration now in office, may conduct itself as mere political expediency shall sucrcest. It must weigh everv question, and every action to determine whether a certain course of action, a cei'tain statement, a certain agitation of public opinion be for the benefit of the United States of America as a nation, or whether it be merely to advance the fortunes of a political party. "If a course of action be for the common good, it must be followed with vicor if it be merely partisan, it must be set to one side, tabled, forgotten." As for the party's practical economic program, Mr. Spangler writes in words, the like of which we have heard other parties, possibly of less responsibility, enunciate before but which express ideals which the most of good-thinking people would approve, Mr. Spangler goes on in part as follows : "The party must stand firmly for an orderly supervision and regulation nf our economic life. A regulation that shall set standards of decent,- honest conduct, protect the investor, the laborer, and that great section of our people who save and desire to put their money to work. "That regulation should see to it that every citizen shall receive the fair and just return in money and in opportunity to which his industry and thrift entitle him; and that no man, class, race, association, or corporation shall receive unfairly or in greater measure than its contribution to the public welfare shall entitle it to receive. "It must open wide the door of betterment and of opportunity. It must protect private property and the savings of the people, so that all may be able, by economy and thrift, to look forward to a day of plenty and security when their productive days have passed. It must make it possible for the people to work, to save, to invest, to have for themselves a decent amount of leisure in which to enjoy the fruits of theirtoil, and for the improvement of their minds as well as their pocketbooks. "It must plan and labor diligently to bring a day when capital, labor agriculture ehall ,valk a common road in mutual trust and with mutual respect not as opponents, but as allies working in intelligent harmony to the common end that there shall be prosperity and happiness for all. "It must enact laws and make provisions encouraging to economy and thrift and '.'elf-respect, in the hope that it may bring closer an hour when no man need ask his state or government for dole or support, because he, himself, will have ensured his future and his security by his own efforts efforts fostered and made safe by wise legislation and lawful supervision. "It must, in short, assert a program in which the citizens shall be the ultimate authority, acting through their elected agents to see to it that the government works for them. It must destroy any conception that the state is the ultimate authority and that the citizens are merely creatures to carry out its will. Dominion's Choice: Save... on clean shaves with Minnra Rlrtrlae tn...J.. M' vajM viuuwji vjiiuuu a m- favourite economy blade 1 WjJ Sport Chat All the wistful people in Britain aren't those who contemplate with horror the declining quality of the beer, although a large proportion of the population is engaged in this nostalgic pastime. Nobody can feel less at home in Britain than a skier. From the breathtaking downhill runs of the Rockies and the less rugger? but equally satislying ski country of the Laur-entians, it is a high gelandesprung to the snow-skimpy English countryside. A couple of the boys who would like to whoop it upf on their home hills the odd weekend are P. O. M. C. (Mickey Himself) Butler of Quebec and P. O. L. A. (Bud) Bolli of Jasper, Alta 'machine-gun slugs instead of la-jcrosse rstick now. This former star with St. Catharines, Ont., and i Toronto lacrosse club is a wireless operator-air gunner mounting a gun post in a four-engined Stirling bomber carrying out "Pathfinder" work, an important part of a bombing raid. Sgt. Dune Galloway of Montreal does his stuff with bullets instead of fists. A good featherweight boxer around Montreal a few years ago he's moved up In the weight divisions to a gun turret on a Wellington in an R. C. A. F. squadron. His crew skipper is a former football and hockey player at the University of Alberta, Sgt. Al (Lofty) Grout. Members of the R. C. A. F. Demon squadron in the coastal command were pleased with the commissioning to pilot officer of Milt Tisdale, former coast basketballer. JRangers and Wings Battle To Draw DETROIT, Jan. 8 New York Rangers and Detroit Red Wings battled to an exciting two all draw In the National Hockey 'League here last night. As a result, the! Red Wings crept up to within three points of the Toronto Maple ; Leafs and Boston Bruins who arej tied for the leadership and the! Hungers climbed out of the base-j ment tie with Montreal Canadierts. ' The standings: W. D. Toronto Boston Detroit Chicago Rangers Canadiens 13 12 10 9 7 6 4 L. F. 8 112 8 93 7 7 14 13 80 78 A. 75 88 65 79 79 115 81 101 KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tat 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronaft welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OAKHUTT. Hostess All sorts of amusln; things happened at the' "Y" yesttrday. Mrs , of all It was Carl Clay who provided the floor show. He decided t" hang up a very large new calendar on the partition bstween the family lounge and the men's lounge. I i order to do so he had to chin h m-self to the top of the partition-old commando technique. Mrs. Wardale caught sight cf his head above the wall and said. While Mic- you're at it Mr. Clnv. vnn nvohi Key spends a good deal of his time Just as well dust the top 'ledge ai looking for something resembling the partition." Well, Carl, just like Lac Beauport but always without any other man, took orders and we success. These two Beaufighter were treated to the sight of him pilots in an R. C. A. F. squadron straddling the partition and woi fc-even watch for good ski country l"g his way inch by inch along the when they are flying. Some of what top, uttering wild whocps as hr they have seen is rather difficult dusted the ledge. But whether the and unhealthy to visit at present; duster or Ca:l's trousers did most Norway, for Instance. They have of the work it was hard to tell, sighted some fine ski country In We nave nd several Air Force the Scottish highlands, but trans- bys the Pas' day or two waiting portation is a great problem. The to on ot the outposts. Time average station C. O. takes an ex- ,ns neaviIy n their hands as tremely short view toward flying 'ney know no one in town and to Scotland to ski and the constant "ave nowhere in particular to go. reminder; "Is Your Journey Real- ? wekmed the advent of ly Necessary." which appears in "U'e Wanda Sumoierville. not quite every railroad station, eliminates l!?14 f'' hu She harf Up lth J? mother to the most of the possibilities there. Service Wives Club. Mrs. Summer-Anyone who remembers Canada's ? id,edf t0 ?aveua sPot Wana Toronto Argonaut, Mark Thomp- J ftwoToSst an son. Thompson carries the same paL lac Wott, "minded" her Sh-impressive figure now, 10 years was taken to the billiard table to "" " "c "6 c""i6 waicn me pretty ied balls She i of the R. C. A. F. overseas band was given a ride on Corporal' Wal- ' in its many appearances in London ters' lap as he sat on the small i and provincial cities and towns, freight trolley they have for mov- The weight and power that gave ing heavy goods. I think the cor- him a place on that 1932 Olympic poral enjoyed it asmu:h as Wanda ' team and made him a good rugby who whs squealing at the top of her football player with Argos in later voice. She was also entertained at years make him a giant among the piano. As her own daddy is a men. Thompson, whose last major sergeant in the R. C. A. F. the uni-athletic achievement was winning for mwas quite familiar to her and the Canadian light-heavyweight sne took to her bachelor daddies boxing championship in 1933, Is a with a winning friendliness, warrant officer in the Air Force.! ur Russian friend Onanoff ws-s ' in town yesterday full name J. Sgt. Bill Dempster says' it with Raln Onanoff. I I a T 'EM I HAVE Says REDVy KILOWATT M o I Kiddy SAYS: "Th War Savings Ctr. tificaiei me buy now ire noc ooljr htlpinf to liik the Aiif ihejr ilo bring within our reach the new and improved electrical equipment chat will be waiting to ttrve ui once victory it won." r'OR .QUICK RESULTS TRY NEWS WANT ADD. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT! Give your budget a break! Do your shopping at the Variety Store! Wartime taxes and increased costs don't need to mean doing without everything. You'll find all your needs and wants right here and all for a dollar or less. Make it a New Year's Resolution to shop to save. And put the money you save shopping at the Variety Store into War Bonds! THE VARIETY STORE Just Arrived SHIPMENT OF COTTON FELT MATTRESSES All Sizes ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue A Beauty Parade . . . In any beauty parade, we'll bet on cur New Year Wishes for happiness and good health to win the trophy as the most beautiful of all sentiments. SUNRISE BEAU1Y SALON Violet Mali Cor, cth and Fulton Phone Blue 943 for Appointments ii r 4 DID YOU KNOW there was enough copper and brass in a washing machine for eight tf-lb'. incendiary bombs . . . enough aluminum for twenty-one of them?, Right now, we all want these metals to be used where they will do the most good in the form of bombs bringing destruction to the Axis. It means that the purchase of new electrical appliances will have to be put off for a while, k means we must make this our motto for the duration: "Fix them up make them last keep them working." Yes -that's the way wc want it. The job now is to "let them have itl" m t il:: M WORK BOOTS Jut Stock of Working Hoots is second to none. Sizes from 6 to 12. Arch-King, Valentine, Creh, Til-sonhurg and Sterling' makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in ' and let us show you. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Goqd Shoes" Canadian National Railways TltAINS FOR T1IK EAST WILL LEAVE PKINCE HUPEItT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 p.m., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 a.m:, stopping at principal points. LOCAL TRAIN for TERRACE DAILY except Sunday, 4:15 p.m. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE KUPFKT TUESDAY. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY, 10:30 pm THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 p.m. LOCAL TRAIN from TERRACE, 11:20 a.m. Dally except Sunday. AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full Information, etc., call or write r'UEir" City rsengfr Agent 528 Koo Third Avenue, Phone 2G0, Prince Rupert, Aeents for Trans-Canada Air Lines mPnH?t!!le-i!,lns'l0t sel1' a classified advertise-uTyer Sty W 1 Bn Iet y0U know if there i9 8 in the