ctf . by themselves mean real value Is de- by both price, and two things you can v v a n v t MS RACOU FTTH by A. B. Hodges, I'hone 427 iiprrinr Court of lirltlth i 11 j i nwM EKVICKS TO vrr. iui"i and nti. Stewart and North Charlotte Islands fnrmaffnn Tlrhftf t Rupert Agent vr. I'Hnn Mix lif ul (lif -Ailniiiit(rtilloii Art ami trr af Hi l!fclnl of Rutk. Hit. Ito-tHMftl. UTICE KM by OWr of Judr: Flwrwr. Lore! Jxidge I ) on the 23rd day D 1943. t"mintt Arim'n- Er afte c Itotwrt formerly cf Prtnr Rup-Ooiurabia, deceased, who r about the 7Jv day at 1M3. AJt rrnom liv- v.w ma Exutr are- re- -y we amour of their ivriiiiwircn maa mm "tag claims again the n? required to file fcrn " tiy vvruipa on or rje-ith day of Stmtrtnber-. faUtne which riimtrlbn. be made having rewind linn pT.bn. -. 1. 1 Tcit!ed. Prinze Ruwrt. BC. ihi Julv I on MAX! A uniiiai Admlrvlatnvtor, Prince Rupert, B.C. MThkmi. rnritT nt' ITltll ..... ....... . n ProbiHc I --. .hi- .iiiiui ibii rui lull Art' anil ' Hie IMnte ot John fetik, brrniscl Intetfntr p ini " UJ mut r Of HOT ' A.D. 1S43. T . umint. w wie c-uua UL cterraera, ana """n claim, aolnnt the hereby required to T r.h l n. . . pirmrs lnduUtnd to quired to pT the-'oelr lndebledJieee to me Prince Tliirwrf nr ti.i. wv, n.u. 1943 "aai Admlntotrator. AUJa, B.C. ''I'fme Court of llrlllsh .."nun i iroiite l la Art" mid of the Eftr f Alex 1 na, HeiefK.e.1 "Se Waher. Luod Jinto. 'Preme Court of Brtttah L Wua nn 4h. in.u - ,,2' 'tinted AdmlrUa- - J1 oc Alex PukBS. Tt EMwarri Ttnii.h (ll-aWMXl, Who died nn r day of Awn. a. d. '" indebted to ,th. m td1 . .u. TO Pn5T the n,w all Dt-mrai. h.i .... w hh, r.t.1( ... a-, n, U. IU4H. fa II Inn - -vvuU will b moH. r nn.. i -" --u WHJT-n'L. HIT ORMAN A. win "ioii AdmlruatriLtor SUPPLY OF COAL Was Important Matter of Business at Housewives SessUn A committee consisting of Mrs. Adolph and Mrs. Smith was appointed by the Housewives League at the last meet-, Mi to Interview coaT dealers in the city to see If a more satisfactory distribution of coal could be arranged reported to last night's meeting that they had discussed the matter with the heads of ocal firms and that the problem of distribution was closely coupled with that of storage. A shortage of storage rw? was one of the causes of the hand-to-mouti coai situation here and at the present time this was made worse by the fact that many of the Alberta mines where the city's coal comes from are flooded with water. The committee report that coal delivery could be better equalized If consumers stopped putting in orders for five bags and instead ordered larger supplies leiyi frequently. " f Mrs. Thurgood and Mrs. Adolph were appointed as dele gates to attend meetings of the Allied Trades Council, following an Invitation by that body. A suggestion laid before the last meeting that women be allowed to work" four hour srjlfts in local plants to help alleviate the manpower shortage had been presented to several firms as well as. the Selective Service, it as reported, but no reply had been received up to last night. Ihe Interest of the Housewives' League in the children's recreation movement of Rev. .. W. Scott, was affirmed and assistance will be given In the way of supervision during the recreation periods. Attendance was smaller than usual at the meeting of the Housewives League owing to the fact that so many members are away on holidays. However, sev eral matters of interest were dealt with. MacPIIERSONS TION GLASGOW, July 23 R A call to all MacPhersons to contrl old region port director, who says centtury-old relics from Cluny Castle, Inverness-shire, the fonner MacPh'erson home, are up for auction and he wants to save them. LOVE FROM SCOTLAND EDINBURGH, July 28 TO Lt.-. Gen. Kenneth Anderson of the First Army in North Africa surprised a Scottish woman by answering a letter she sent to him In the desert. "It so encourages me and my men," he wrote, "to know that the love and good wishes of you all at home sustain and strengthen us all the time." P. E. I.'S FISHING Herring and lottrters, together accounted for almost 90 percent of the total of Prince Edward Island fish catch. W ANTED PLENTY OATS It Is estimated that Canada n.MT ninT AT7 fWVl CUY InicVlple nf III the Supreme 'Court of HrltMi CiHnmhto In friihate In the Mailer of the "Administration Art" nnd In the Matter of Ihe Kstute nf Cora Ellwitwth ntiick, riecenscil TAKE NOTICE that' by order of Ilia Honor W. E. Fisher, made on tih 136h day of July, A D. 1943, I wa B4iUitt Administrator ot the Estate of Cora Ellaaboth Black, deceased, and all parUes having claims against the sold estate are hereby required to furnlah aame, pnoijerly verified, .to me on or about the 1511 day ot August A. D. 1043, and aU parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot thU InideMedneM to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 15th day of July A D. 1943. . NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. lit tile Supreme Court of IlrltWi Columbia lit Troliate In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Ma4!er of the Ksdate of Herbert John MyiKitt, IN-eeiiM-il, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Homer W. E. Fisher, made on the 23rd day of July A. D. 1943 I wu appointed Admiiilfltratox of the Estu,t at Herbert, Jdhn Mynott, deceased, and all parties having claims against tlie said estate are "hereby required .too furnish same, pnqperly verified, Do me on or about the . 24th day cf Augruat A. D. 1943 and aU parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the- amount of their indeibtodrfean to me romrtwiwi. LOCAL NEWS NOTES A. V. Townes of Vancouver, who has been In the city on business, left yesterday to return to Vancouver. James Greer left yesterday for Vancouver where he will Join the Navy. Mrs. Douglas Sutherland returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. W. V. Scrivener, local representative of the Wartime Prlcej and Trade Board, returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. lHHl'lU'liJI With Minora Blades j Mirtora Is by far the best and sharpest double-edge blade in its clan. It's the. quality blade in the low-price field I rzvi 1 1 ic .i.i'i no Mil Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:45, was reported this afternoon to be thirty minutes .ate. C. H. Fogg, assistant superintendent of Canadian National Steamships, arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver and will be 'here for the next couple of days on official Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone), who has been on a bus lness trip to Montreal, Toronto Mrs. Lawler and Sid Thomson Are Wedded in South Following their recent marriage in Vancouver, Sidney C. Thomson, well known local business man, and his bride, the former Mrs. Anna Lawler of Ketchikan, are at present visiting in Tacoma and elsewhere along the northwest coast. In three weeks or so they are expected In Prince Rupert to take up residence. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, on arriving here, will have the hearty congratulations and best wishes cf many friends. The groom has been in business here for many years and is well known In business, fraternal and ex-service quarters. The bride herself re- "V Z ;r;". ! sided here many years ago and , j . .. . . has numerous old friends In lie oemana in laio-ti. ' . tjq, Prince Rupert. Canada at War 25 Years Ago July 28, 1918 Allies advanced on 20-mile front to depth of four miles, forcing the Ourcoj River. Canadians made two successful raids near Oavrelle and British made raids in the Mor-lancourt sector. Anthenay and Olisy-et-Violaine villages captured by the French. PRIMROSE PATH CLEANUP COLUMBIA, S. C. July, 28 01 Two pioneering hospitals which restore women victims of venereal disease to health In five days to 10 weeks have gone into operation In this state. They are part of a nationwide effort to control the wartime Increase of venereal disease. KINO WHITEFISU Rated according to marketed value of annual catch, thr ...uuaricVi Is first in hrroortance ----- --- r..,r, . t. r,, nn thl. wimw . the fresh water species 24uT day of July a. d. 1943. among Norman A. watt taken in commercial fishing In OffkHal Administrator, - j. Prince Rupert, b.o. Canada. THE DAILY NEW3 T. W. E. Henry returned to the Thomas MeLahIn Ucal city yesterday afternoon from j linotype- operator, returned to a week's trip to Stewart on In surance business. tne city tnss morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Capt.. P. A. Mclntyre, former well known officer of Canadian -National Steamships and now with the Wartime Shipping Board, arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver, being here on official business. Capt. Dan MeKinnon and Capt. A. Sinclair, well known Tony AInsley has returned to his duties at the local radio station following a trip to Van-j couver. Thomas Anderson, former manager of the Tucks Inlet re-ructlon plant, arrived In the city this morning from Mrs. Lance Stiles and daughter. Miss Dorothy Stiles, returned home this morning from a trip to .Vancouver. Gordon Bryant, who has been taking training with the reserve army camp at Esquimau, re turned to the city this morning. Mrs.. O. E. Kvale and child arrived in the city this morn ing from Ocean Fans to pay a visit with Mrs. Kyale's parents, and Mr. and Mrs. D. C McRae, Dr. Kvale will be here at the end of the week. Mrs. Fred Busby and Mrs. Herbert Busby and the latter's young son arrived in the city this morning from Nanalmo to pay a visit here with the parents of Mrs. Busby Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Cotton Street. Joyce and Bobby Watts, chll dren of Mayor and Mrs. W. M. bote sixpence to "save the fam-'and elsewhere In Eastern Can-1 "and Dkk and Lols Nlck. -"ue . JZZL ."t : L .r: erson. children of Mr. and Mrs. to spend a holiday at Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Cambral Chapter Tea, July 29, Mrs. George Mitchell, 5th Ave. E. Valhalla Invitation Dance, July 30, Oddfellows' Hall. W.A. Coast Regt Servicemen's Dance, Aug. 9, Empress Club. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 531 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. We have moved to larger premises and will now be able to give quick service. Mail or express your shoes to us- Please enclose your home address, It will help to speed delivery. . WE PAY THE RETURN CHARGES J.M.S.Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 64? KWONG SANG. HINT HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tat 612 7 th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5- p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p-n. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 247 t SOVIET WOMEN FARMERS MOSCOW, July 28 0 With all able-bodied men In the Sov iet fighting forces women have. taken theh places in farming throughout Russia and in the last two years 700,000 women have learned to run tractors and combine harvesters. BORN IN VANCOUVER LONDON, July 28 TO Vancouver-born Air Commodore P C. Livingstone, head of the R. A. F.'s opthalmic department has been appointed Mbynihan then blue from birth. The ap- jeciurer ror 194a, ihe R;al pies of Armagh county in Ul-College of Surgeons announced, sier, are richest In Vitamin C. He studied in Britain and is a i which is used in treatment for coast pilots, arrived In the city Cambridge rowing "blue. this morning from Vancouver, being here on official business. Mrs. L. W. Kergln and daughter, Dorothy, are leaving tomorrow night for a holiday visit to. Vancouver and Vancouver Island. BIGGER GAME NEW NAME LONDON, July 28 I Coastal Command of the R.A.F. whose activities no longer are coastal but ocean-wide is seeking a new name and suggestions advanced Include Ocean Command, Trans-Ocean Command, Offshore Command and Air-Sea Command. ULSTER'S APPLE CURE BELFAST, July 23 TO A young Ulster doctor has cured with an apple a rare disease that made the skin of two bro- scurvy. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 -room house. possession immediately. Phone Black 370. (177) FOR SALE Complete household furnishings. 1660 Herman Place. (175) FOR SALE 10 room house, fully furnished, centrally located, hot water heating, two lots, good income. $2,500, terms. Mc-Clymont Agencies. 307 3rd. Ave (176) FOR SALE 4 room house, 9th Ave., off Conrad. Close to Dry Dock. Vacant possession. Favorable terms. McClymont Agencies. (176) FOR . SALE Baby carriage, circulating heater, bedspread and spring. Apply 522 8th Ave. West. (178) FOR SALE Household furnishings. 1348 6th Avenue East. (1751) FOR SALE OR CHARTER Licensed diesel passenger ferry, diesel towboats. Box 531, Dally News. I FOR SALE Steam tug, small scow, 100 h.p. marine diesel. Box 531, Dally News. HELP WANTED WANTED For about six weeks, female executive secretary for Civic Centre Carnival. Applicants should have business and merchandising experience. Attractive remuneration. Apply Selective Service A.F. 69. (tf) WANTED Men for construction and repair work at Anypx, B. C, including carpenters, handy men, laborers. Apply to Selective Service Office AM 69. (174) PERSONAL SARDIS NURSERIES R.R. No. 2 Sardis, B.C. Order your re- qulrements In fruit trees and ornamental shrubs and trees direct from us. Last year's catalogue and prices still prevail. Catalogue on request. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. WANTED WANTED, by Aug 1, light housekeeping room for soldier's wife. Apply Box 535 Dairy News. (184) WANTED Substantial reward for suite or house, furnished or semi-furnished, for Airman with family of two. By August .15. Box 538 Daily News. (178) WANTED Furnished house or room suitable for light housekeeping by young couple with baby. Phone Black 715. (175) FOR RENT HAVE ROOM for single working, girl or one desperately in need of such accomodation. Apply Box 539 Daily News. (178) FOR RENT Store suitable for storage. Apply Box 529 Dally News. (166) FOR RENT Bed sitting room", close In, for single party. Box 537 Dally News. -(tf) TENNANT EXCHANGE RELIABLE young couple, two children, will rent modern furnished bungalow in Van couver In exchange for rental of house or apartment In Prince Rupert. LOST LOST Pink baby carriage cover between Third Ave. and Section 2. Phone Red 273. (175) LOST-rCamera, across harbor. Valued as keep&ke. Reward. Apply Dally News Office. (175) MACHINERY DEW ALT SAWS AND WOOD-worklng machines. Newest types available from direct factory representatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. De-Walt Disher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) 23,033,400 SALMON Commercial fishermen In British Columbia landed 23,033,400 salmon during the 1942 season. PAGE THREE DEATH IN THE ATLANTIC j p A . MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. HMKmiw 'rmmmrmm i a good place to buy Four aircraft- of the R.A.F coastal command, two Halifaxes and two Sunderlands, shared In the destruction of a U-boat sighted and attacked in the approaches to the Bay of Biscay during an Intensive phase 'pf the Battle of the Atlantic, when a major Allied victory was gained. The TOP photo, taken from a Halifax, shows one of the Sunderlands, circle, making Its runup to attack. The U-boat turns In a tight circle, leaving a streak of oil in its wake as the Sunderland's front guns open up on it. Photo at BOTTOM shows the plume of depth charge explosions masking the submarine. Store will be opened on Friday, July 30th, at 9:30 a.m. Our stock is largely increased. Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Bed Springs, Bed .Mattresses, all sizes. Crib Mattresses, Baby High Chairs, Spring-filled Mattresses with foundation. Linoleum and ' Floor Coverings. Mirrors all kinds. Bed Sheets, full size. Comforters all kinds. Window Shades, Window Curtains, Curtain Rods. Carpets. We are here to serve you. Phone "73. 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert Popular Books 75c each ADVENTURE ROMANCE MYSTERY THE OLASS SLIPPER - Eberhart TARPAPER PALACE u Larrlmore PAGEANT - - Lancaster RIVER SUPREME Hobart NORTH SIDE NEWS ; Hancoefc WESTWARD PASSAGE , Barnes XISH Rlnehart - TISH MARCHES ON Rlnehart DOCTOR'S WIFE Greig WHILE THE PATIENT SLEPT Eberhart SOME BURIED CAESAR . Stout BLOODMON LAKE LOUISA Kendrlck THE BIGGER THEY COME Fair THE BODY THAT WASNT UNCLE Yates HOTEL HOSTESS Baldwin THE LOVE OF" JULIE BORIE ..... Norrl3 THE ALBUM' , , Rlnehart TOO MANY COOKS Stout TEN CENT LOVE '. 1 Grefg-'1 ' WIFE vs. SECRETARY Baldwin TURN ON THE HEAT :. L Fair THE HANGMAN'S WHIP ; Eberhart PRESCRIPTIONS Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 m till 9 pan. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. J If you lose anything, advertise for It,