Local Temperature Tonight's Dim-out i Maximum - 62.5 (Half an hour after sunset to Minimum 53 half an hour before sunrise). NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 10:20 pjn. to 5:15 ain. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1943 PRICE. FIVE CENTS Italy Is Trying To Get Out Of War PimiATFQ jl J U aJL X. A 0ADCA5T . lemfiits Regarding victor a l t x IIIIii'iv Were Unauthorized ..nrf n no HI! PJI11J. U.s UUIV iO ...jounced last night that ;dra:;t describing -Victor r : u::l of Italy as a "moron- t!? kine" and Marshal Pie- . . i i uj ir.ide without authorlza- aiid should not nave Deen The broadcast was put UNDING MUNDA Effort te Drive Japanese In Solomon Islands Continues TF.n HEADQUARTERS IN . . 1. t kalia, juiv 20 flnomcr aid has been made on ..aee stronghold of Mun-ue ! Solomon Islands, air i;:r.ner pre.-sure oy Amen d force j which are but .: fram the air base. :;Uci e.id of the South w-r theatre. Allied bomb- p :: delivered anomer :r a 'ack on Salamaua, C l: :: - dropping 123 tons ,11. LilUitC iiLavv sfisiw (iovfrnnifnl of Italy Re Political Doctrine Ju.y 28 The Italian - English language n lerday, announced n: w government of rrjeted Fascism as ie to the war effort." n ARMY II n I U ....... v " J - " J I m Aeainst Nazi In Orel Section S. OW July 28 The Red n: pushed ahead another 1 -w mile-, in advance on .. 'ance, In the dlrec- lilr'-'lT-inf Villi Una Knnli ii: B i a 1 1 '.r.ii'. iiuii AM. NIP .iey Conviviality lias I'olicc Court Sequel Mi in Tiii 1 1 rn pmirr with drunkenness, Is mr.ine with Lizzie Jones tWf UFnmnn fT't, .. "uitiuii, aim uuuiu ui Ut- ' romlision was a sol- Wli.h h-llf n V,ll. .. imo nowhere, after giving a amall rirlnlr1 ...... Air.nivlln .IvV-Ut U.tlQ Jones this nameless son -.i,Uoicu iicr on occona He last. irvf oj "udy she renlled that she ..i.v TJll U1V SlTt'CV. nauspirca, a aarK Wils a miing enough "m mere she took a inort of rum, was unable to shed any n the ldcntltv of hPr rar nor where he got 'ire nnrt rry.in... thing rum, ti.x Li n nn ii. . " nitre was no .vumo, tonuneni- vance. nprnrp ... uouai senienrp. nr r ieven riavs ITALIANS COLLAR. ! a f uiiicriians mailing i q. way on Mcny um Canadians Meet S . V Vj, Resistance k0 f 7S ALLIED HEADQUARTERS , SICILY, July 28 United State" ii !ii ioici-s, pusmiig rapiaiy across northern Sicily against crumb- ilng Italian defences, have Cefalu, 38 miles east of Palermo and 90 miles from Messina. They are now moving on toward San Stefano. The Drltlsh and Canadian forces are still encountering stiff resistance from the Oermans to the east but ate making gradual headway. Heavy Allied bombing of enemy objectives on northern Sicily and southern Italy continues. Prisoners taken by the Allies the Sicilian campaign are reported to Include hundreds If not thousands of conscripts from subjected countries. These sur render readily to the Allies once n n V have the opportunity. Among we laiesi 10 De lasen u;ns .1 prnnn nf thrpp hundred Poles. NEWENGINE TAKENOVER C.N.K. Pirsident Accepts Delivery of First of New ' Order MONTREAL, July 28 R. C Vaughan, chairman and president, Canadian National Railways, yesterday took over locomotive 6235 as the first of 30 on -order for-the. National system and required for wartime traffic. The. others will follow as quickly as they can be delivered by the Montreal locomotive works and as each one is received It will Immediately go into service. These, new engines are up to date examples of the northern type developed by Canadian National engineers and especially adapted to system requirements. They are dual purpose locomotives, being available for both freight and passenger service.. A wartime substitution Is that the bells of these new locomotives are of steel plate, made at the Canadian National Railways Montreal shops. Previously engine bells were cast of bronze but war priorities made that metal scarce and the "railway-men produced a bell made of steel plate Instead. The 30 new locomotives follow closely the principles of the original 6200's with modifications suggested after service which has proven the soundness of the design. The new lot have the sand boxes and the steam dome combined to suggest streamlining. The total weight of engine and tender in work his lng order is 677,890 pounds. The overall length Is 94 feet, 9 Inches. The engine taken over yesterday will be broken In by hauling a light tonnage freight load to Drockville, Ontario, and, when the engine Is in smooth running order, it will be carrying heavy wartime freight. Bob Kelsey Wins His Commission Local Boy, Now Pilot Officer, Headed His Class at Air Training School In Manitoba Robert Kelsey, who passed first in his examinations at Sourls, Manitoba, training centre of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and was awarded his commission as a pilot officer, arrived home on last night's train to spend leave at the home of his mother, Mrs'. George Kel- sey CHIEF PILOTS: S-Ldr. R. G. Seys, D.P.C., Montreal. S-Ldr F M Oobeil, RC.A.F., Ottawa. Fit-Lieut. W. S. Longhurst, Montreal Fit-Lieut r W it Thnmwn Thmson, 1, 7:,LT MUSSO IS IN HIDING Mystery Prevails as to Exact Whereabouts of II Ducc LONDON. July 28 Mystery continues as to the exact whereabouts of the deposed Italian Premier, Benito Mussolini. One report Is that II Duce has arrived in Spain and another is that he is in Switzerland. If Mussolini Is still in Italy whereabouts are being kept deeply secret. Halibut Sales American Ilene. 50,000, 17.5 and 18, Baoth and Pacific. Lituya, 34,000, 17.5 and 16. Royal and Storage. Jane, 32,000, 17.5 and 16, At-lln. Canadian t Zapora, 45,000, 18.2 and 16, Storage. Kiska Is Hit Again UNITED STATES ALASKA COMMAND HEADQUAR- TERS, July 28 There have been nineteen American bombing attacks on Klska, Japanese base in the Al- eutlans, during the first two days of this week,.. making the total sixty .for July to date. " Glider From Canada to England TOP: Glider and transport that made first dual 3.2nn-mn Canada to England. Tow rope ------ f "-6"i- wai iaiciiiii ana a ion oi vaccine port Cornmand made record.setting night. Bulletins CIANO IX TURKEY ROME Count Ciano, son-in-law of deposed Premier Benito .Mussolini, may become the new Italian minister to Turkey in succession to Rafaele Guariglia who becomes for-cicn minister to the new Italian cabinet of Premier I'ielro Badoglio. ITALY AND AXIS MflDIUD The view is expressed here that Italy will continue on the side of the Axis providing Germany gives adequate assistance in the defence of Central and southern Italy against Allied invasion. ENDORSED BY CHINA CHUNGKING The Chinese government endorses 'the demands of Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain and President Franklin D. RooseveU of the United Slates lor unconditional surrender of Italy as the basis of peaco with that nation. China also favors the punishment of Bcnilo Mussolini as an "arch criminal." HAMBURG BOMBED AGAIN LONDON For the fouth successive night Hamburg was subjected to a heavy bombing attack which was officially described as "concentrated and effective." Extensive fires were started and casualties were high. The Ruhr was also' attacked during the night. Eight bombers, iicludlng two Canadian, failed to return. is made of J00 varrfs of nvinn TRAFFIC AWAYUP Further Increase Shown by TransCanada Air Lines WINNIPEG, July 28 During the first six months of the current year, air mall carried by TransCanada Air Lines was more than doubled as compared with the corresponding period in 1942, more than three times as much express was carried, and the number of passengers increased by more than 17,000. Figures made public today by O. T. Larson, vice-president give the mail load this year as 1,732,227 pounds, as compared with 864,095 pounds; air express as 332,212 pounds, as against 107,834 pounds; 64,747 passengers, as compared witr 47,650. In the month of June, 12,616 passengers were carried,, an increase or 2,299 over June a year ago; 309,109 pounds of mail, an Increase of 135,005 pounds; 71,-623 pounds of express, an increase of 44,217 pounds. No Lifting of Rationing Yet Stocks of Coffee and Tea in Canada Not Sufficient to Permit of This OTTAWA, July 28 An official of the Wartime Prices and Trade- Board said today that stocks of tea, coffee and spices in Canada are not sufficient to allow for a lifting of rationing 'for .some time at least. t.ranAt.lantn-. flieht from rnst inn T.nwF.rc- niirior heine ror Sjoviet Russia. it.A.r . iTans- (National Film Board Photos) Col. Ralston On Britain Visit Canadian Defence Minister in Old Country to Get Information Regarding Sicilian Campaign LONDON, July 28 CoL J. L. Ralston, Canadian minister of national defence, has arrive in Rritnln t.n visit the troons here and take up matters in connec- tion with the participation of Canadians In the S c lian lnva- slon. Accompanied by his per- sonal assistant, Col. H. A. Relde, the minister was met by Lieut. General Kennth Stuart, chief,", 1943. teachers were brought of staff of the Canadian Army. Baseball Scores National League Boston 6, Cincinnati 2. New York 5, Pittsburgh 8. Philadelphia 2-2, St. Louis 6- 5. American League Cleveland 4, New York 4 (13 inniugsf. ' St. Louis 8, Philadelphia 4. Chicago 6, -Washington 5. Coast League Sacramento 4, San Francisco 3. Oakland 1, Seattle 8. Hollywood 4, Portland 1. International League Buffalo 2-3, Newark 4-4. Toronto 2, Jersey City 4. Syracuse 3-2, Rochester 7-6. Montreal 2-1, Baltimore 3-4. American . Association Louisville 0-4, Kansas City 4- 3. Columbus 4-4, St. Paul 2-3. Indianapolis 3-3, Milwaukee " 0-4. Toledo 5, Minneapolis 4. HIT HARD AT KISKA Japanese Air Base on Aleutian Island is Ripped Up in Air Attacks WASHINGTON, D.C., July 28 American and Canadian bombing planes c6ntlnue to whittle away at the Japanese established base at Klska In the Aleutian Islands. Deep craters have been torn up In the newly completed air field and runway. Forty-one spearate air attacks have heen made so far this month on Kiska. 1 Germans To I North Italy NEW YORK, July 28 &) German troops are reported moving through Brenner Pass to take up defence positions north of the Po River in IUly's northern provinces of Venetla, Lorn- bardy and Piedmont, ad- vices reaching the Assocl- ated Press from European capitals said today. 4 MOVING OF PRISONERS Great Numbers of Axis Captives From Mediterranean to Britain AT A BRITISH PORT, July 28 0 The- greatest mass- move ment of war prisoners, including thousands of Germans and Italians from North Africa, ever undertaken by boat has been accomplished without hitch despite Axis efforts to sink ships carrying their own soldiers out-of the Mediterranean war zone. TEACHERS AND WORK Selective Service Regulations In Regard to Them Explained "The general Intention of Selective Service Regulations, as applying to teachers," according to E. V. Whiting, manager of the local Employment and Selective Service Office, "is to sion during the school year, and to make the best possible use of their services during, vacation." Mr. Whiting said that there mleht be some misunderstanding , among teachers as to their stat- ui .u"uer etuve oervice uvu ian "eguiauons. He exnlainpd this status in this wav: By Order In Council of June under Selective Service. Pre viously they had been exempt in so far as employment at their Drofession Is concerned. Now a teacher must continue at the teaching profession during the'of tne Supreme Court of Assizes school year and can only leave I m September. to take their other full-time employment, except In the agri - cultural industry, under permit from Selective Service. It Is not the Intention to authorize teachers to leave the profession, where their services as teachers are needed. Teachers may still Join the armed forces without permit or they may engage at part-time employment during the school year so long as it does not Interfere with their teaching hours. During vacations teachers are encouraged to take other high priority work but, generally speaking and apart from employment in agriculture, teachers must secure Selective Service permits before entering employment. Teachers will not require permits to engage at work In their own profession, PEACE TALK WIDESPREAD Unconfirmed Reports Continue of Italy Dropping Out Of Fight NEGOTIATIONS START MADRID, July 28 British and American legations to the Vatican, according to a report received here today, have asked their governments for Instructions as lo their attitude in regard to immediate peace with Italy. This report was received following an earlier one that the Italian government was endeavouring to establish peace negotiations with the Allies through the Vatican. One of the 'principal difficulties fh 'regard' lo peace negotiations' appears to be the question as to the fate of German divisions still In Sicily and' southern Italy. The situation in Italy among the civilian population is gradually deteriorating. In Milan the armed forces have been called in to quell riots arising from demonstrations for peace. The Badoglio government has officially dissolved the Fascist party. LONDON, July 28 Without confirmation, rumors of negoti ations for an Italian-Allied ar mistice circulate in neutral cap itals and in London. Swiss newspaper dispatches indicate that Italian factions, long subordinate to Fascism's yoke, and these Include liberals who seek an Immediate end to the war, are seeking a voice in the development of new national policy. Indicating that there might be peace overtures through Tur-k"ey, aT reporfT irom Ankara "said' that Rafaele Guarigalia, new Italian foreign minister, conferred at sea with Turkish foreign minister Numan Menemenciogiu aboard an Italian embassy launch. At the same time a report from Berne quoted Information from Rome that Prime Minister Badoglio was discussing armis tice conditions with the Allies. There was no confirmation. In Italy there are widespread but unconfirmed reports of peace moves which would remove Italy from the war as an Axis partner against the Allies. The new government of Marshal Pietro Badagllo Is said to be already discussing ternu. Pope Pius is reported to be making every effort to promote peace negotiations between Italy and the Allies. Elects For UU1J JllTV 1 1 Tim IM1 Mary Mattin is Released on $5,000 Bail Till Supreme Court Sits Following her committal for trial in city police court this morning on a charge of at- tempting to commit an abor tion, Mary Martin, a local woman, later appeared before Judge W. E. Fisher In County Court and elected to have a Jury trial. She was released on '$5,000 bail pending the sitting j QprifPflPf ,UClllvlllL Reserved Stanley Unsworth, employed at the local dry dock, appeared In city police court yesterday charged with retaining stolen property and was remanded for sentence. According to evidence, Unsworth had in his possession a small electric generator plant-stolen from a railway car standing on a siding near the dry dock. BIG WAR BUILDING The Pentagon building in Washington housing War De- partment offices occupies a square mile. 1 ' I' ft r.i