r jSjjjlLpSpil Spaed WSm ANNETTE'S . LADIES' . WEAR . WE LEAD MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion 4 bet .2nd,. I PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEV73 Chase "thai- sinking feeling with delicious hot BOVRI O. W Pears ? district manager of the 3w:ft-Canadian Co . arrived in the city this afternoon from Vancouver in the course of one of his periodical business trips He is accompanied by Mrs H Pearson, i BUY BONDS! 3M FASHION . 626 Third Avenue it 41 I T W E. Henr" who has been engaged in t insurance business" herrTor the- past couple of years, will leave tomorrow night for Vancouver to be located in future Mrs. Hem and child are already in ,he sou'li. the Victory! mf fighters. They're pill boxes and dear-Buy 5th Victory i give them the tools to finish the job. They're counting on you: don't let them .down. Buy and speed their Victory ! OTHERS FOLLOW SPUD WE VICTORY Tanks and more tanks! That's the only talk the Nazis understand. So let them have it with both barrels. Buy 5th Victory Loan Bonds and speed the tanks ahead driving to Tictory, Every dollar counts. Every bond brings Victory that mudhi nearer. Go all-out for Victory, V FOOTWEAR Phone Red 321 LOCAL NEWS NOTES .Watch for FVxform announce- Mr. and Mre. WHIiam Cruick-:.: Saturday. (247) shank, who have been on a va- cation trip to Vancouver. Regina Major a. 5. parses, recruiting ; id auxiliary service officer , this area, returned to the c:ty this this morning from a trip I Vancouver. A Mrs. F. Peagum, nee Marj' Mac-fee, wishes to mlerm her cus-tjmers that business will be closed until further notice. lt A iaohitkn to authorize the bringing of A. E. Blrd James Edmund and J. E. Harvey un-der the operation of the Unemployment Insurance Act was passed at Monday night's meet-;. j of the city council. Ladies: Reminding you of Red Cross Tea. Thursday, October 21. at Mrs. L. W. Kergtn'tf 430 4th Ave. West. Remember H as Cooking Table. Red Cross lie hewing hand to human-v Come with a friend. Make. :ea a success and enjoy ,e:.c!ship in a cup. (245) A showing of graphic war pic-c in support of the Fifth Vutory Loan campaign was 1 " feature at today's regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Maurice Brydges was In charge of the arrangement of the day's program. President W. J. Scott was in the chair. Tenders for transportation of :;y telephone operators to and from work during the night :. "ir were considered at a recent meeting of the utilities -Timirtee of the city council, h" desisiono being to leave the .existing arrangement un changed. T United States Engineering Department is -negotiating vrtth the cityconnctt- for the lease of lots 3 to 9, block 39. section 1 and lots 41 to 43, block 29. section 1. The former would be used for construction pur poses. The latter is occupied by the Roya Motors. Some excep- jonro lakenby members pf ,i he city (council Monday night (it the inclination of the Americans to withhold payment un til use of the properties actually started, tying them up mean- time. The matter way referred iff!eefV - ' The ciys rights in the Wood-worth Lake watershe.dlr:which is the source ol municipal watei1 supply, in relation to the Northern British Columbia Power Co., which -takes water fiom there for the Shawatlans Lake power plant, is under discussion by the city council and came before the council' in committee of the whole Monday night. The city engineer is being instructed as to the city's rights and theN company's responsibilities in fe-gard to dam maintenance, availability of water and other matters. LUMBAGO' ACHES y AND PAINS ) 5T 725fv7W Announcements j All advertisements in this column will be charged for a j I full mouth at 25c a word. Red Cross Tea Octobef 21st. ( I Home of Mrs. Kergln, 430 4th Ave. West. Eastern Star Ball, October 22. Orange Dance, October 25 Od-fellows Hall, 9:30 sharp Jean de Carlo's orchestra. W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance! Oct'. 25, Empress Club. "Help Norway" Invitation Dance Oddfellows' Hall, Oct. 29, Drawing for raffle. Hear Tim Buck, Capitol Theatre, 12 noon, October 31. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 4. Little Norway Tea, Nov. 10. A Canadian Legion Auxiliary Bazaar. Nov. 12, Oddfellows' Hall Cathedral Fall Bazaar Nov. ISM St Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov. 25. United Church Bazaar Decern- and Winnipeg, returned to the city this afternoon. The Northern British Colum bia Power Co. is being requested by the city to have all electric light poles plainly numbered for the convenience of the public in reporting street lights out. A Attention Wdmen of the Moose: Important meeting tonight at Oddfellows Hall at 7:30; Initiation followed by Joint social with the Loyal Order of the Moose at 9 p.m. All visiting Moose Member welcome. It COLDS 90 Hr-i-Lil i k uiuci jrr as xutrat mu nigra CO. Rub the throat, chest MICKS and back with time - tested v VapoRub CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 room house with furnace. Price $3000. Immediate possession. 424 Dunsmuir St. Green 390. (249) FOR SALE Klitchen table and chairs. 902 Hays Cove Ave. (245) FOR SALE Lcvely toned Hawaiian guftar, also Scotch drum sticks, lke new. Blue 712. (247) FOR SALE 25-foot model "A" motor boat. S175.00. Box 637 Daily News. (250) FOR SALE English pram and convertible buggy. Phone Red 885, call 432 4th Ave. East. FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply 341 9th Ave. West. (247) SECONDHAND bed, spring and mattress, used one week. Phone Black 215. (246) FOR SALE Chesterfield with 2 chairs complete, 4 dressers. 4 beds complete, dining room set, 4 chairs and table, buffet, 16 bedroom chairs, 6 pairs woollen blankets, 16 pairs bleached shf-etlng, 8 pairs pillows, 8 pair expensive bedspreads, kitchen set table and 4 chairs, 16 pair's curtains, kitchen set dishes and other utensils; numerous other articles. 202 9th West. Call 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. to November 5. FOR SALE One Model A Ford engine. Water cooled. Seven tube Victor battery radio. Apply F. Rowe, New Floats. 245) FOR SALE Quebec heater In good condition. Apply 940 10th East. (245) FOR SALE One Mcdlary Range, all enamel, Al shape, $130; Apply 1055 Herman Place (245) FOR SALE 5 room modern house, immediate possession. Apply 990 Ambrose Ave. Phone Red 480. (248) FOR SALE Knee high water-proof leather boots. Phone Blue 913. (245) FOR SALE 1860 acres fertile farm land situated on shores of beautiful Francois Lake. About 2 miles lake frontage. Excellent cattle or grain ranch. All southerriVslopes. No crop failures here, $20.00 per acre. C. R. Hunter, Colley-moilnt P. O.. B.C. FOR SALE Record 'flayer1 attachment and records in good condition. Phone Red 417. : (245) FOR SALE Dinner set. complete service for six. Dining room table, with drop leaf. Electric ranRe with' water heater attachment'. Phone 38, Mr. Tubb. (249) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room. Apply 910 10th Ave. East after 6 p.m. (244) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM' AND BOARD', 718 Frascr Street. (tf) WORK WANTED SPARE Time work wanted. Shingling, Painting, etc Box eoa Dally News. 1 Mrs. J. J. Judge is feafftof tomorrow night lor a trip -to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. R. Anderson are leaving tomorrow niht for a two weefcs' trip to Vancouver. William Stapkion, general passenger agent for Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, arrived in the city this afternoon for Vancouver in the course of an official tour and will be returning south tomorrow night. Capt. W. J. Boyce. who has been stationed here for the past couple of months on pilotage work, leave tomorrow night on his return to Vancouver. J. M. Buchanan, general man ager of B.C. Packers, and Mayne D. Hamilton and R. E. Walker arrived In the ,clty this after noon from Vancouver, being here on an inspection trip of the company'.- salmon canning operations on ihls part of the coast FLEXFORM! WANTED WANTED Motor boat, 4-6 pas senger. Phone American Signals 409. (245) FURNISHED room or apartment needed by airman and wife. Meals out, wife working. Phone 212 between 9 and 5. (215) WANTED Electric Razor, Shave Master. In good condition. Call Green 88 between 7 and 8 at night. (247 WE are living in epjd, summer shack and' rowing to town. $20 reward for person finding small furnished or unfurnished house. Three adults. Civilians. Excellent references. Apply Box 605 Dally News. (248) WANTED Furnished room or aparment for couple, both working. Phone Black 751 after 5 o'clock. f250) AIRMAN recently returned from two years overseas requires house or apartment for wife and baby. Urgent. Apply Box 603 Daily News. (247) PERSONAL FOR your Splrella Foundation Garment, Phone Black 145. (245) SARDIS NURSERIES R.R. No. 2 Sardls, B.C. Order your requirements in fruit trees and ornamental shrubs and trees direct from us. Last year's catalogue and prices still prevail. Catalogue on request. WOMEN'S WORK CLOTHES Coveralls and slacks for women at dry dock, etc. Now In stock, RUPERT PEOPLES STORE. (246) DAY NURSERY, reasonable rates, Apply 441 7th Avenue East. (250) "JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold everywhere. FURRIER ALTERATIONS and any kind of repair work. Be patriotic. No pick-ups or deliveries. Work done in private home. 929 Tenth Ave. East. (245) LOST LOST Light brown cocker spaniel, female, short tall. Apply at Dally News office. (248) LOST Wallet, with registration - card, liquor permit and receipts. Phone Oreen 482. (24G) LOST Amber necklace between McBrlde and General Hospital, Sunday atternoon; keepsake. Finder please phone Oreen 327. (245) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Small house or 2 or 3 room suite by married couple, two children. 5 and 3. Write Box 597 Dally News. (249) SLIGHTLY ERRONEOUS Netherlanders call oranges "slnaasappelen," or Messina j apples, Leading Telegraphist William j Bremner, after spending two month' leave vtsWng vrtth hlsj parent!, Mr. and Mrs. John John Bremner, returned by Mon-1 day night's train to his naval. duties on the east coast. Major and Mrs. Alex Parkinson, who for 15 years were in charge of Salvation Army work at Glen Vowell near Haielton and are now conducting an Eventide Home at Gleichen. Alberta, arrived in the city on last night's train from Hazelton where they have been revisiting and will leave by tomorrow night's train or their return Gleichen by way of Edmontor For Income Tay RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. CALL LEO OYER High Class Decorating and Paperhanging Red 395 867 Borden St. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Wallace Block Phone 387 MODERN !lT(AILORS Makers of High Grade Made-to-Measure Clothes HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th St. Phone C55 'STAR'S" STYLEWE Alt Ladles' fz Children's Ready - to - Wear C23 Third Ave. W. Black 780 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITI! & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 NOTICE We wish to announce that we are now open for ladles' and men's suit alterations of all sorts. Quick and efficient service. MODERN TAILORS 318 5th St. Behind Royal Bank Phone Blk. 84 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 52C 1315 Plceot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 03 meets 2nd and 1 4th Tuesdays every month at 8 p.m. T.I ivou liuioi ivav uiiu fr.; 1 Pasteurized MILK J I VALENTIN DAIRY y . k g 1 11UNE 657 vMrnummmmmm. sugar W IT Tea ecu- w5 " ... 1 Butter w - ; ' WCa 22 i ... , net, 21 1 TVi wrA PLEASE Don't B A, Don't blame the bus driver if late. Road conditions make if iir ble for us to hold to our regular ule. We are doing our be.t t through, jjrx time and still sav equipment. . . And it just can't h under existing road conditions. We can't speed the buses but we CAS sp4 ARROW BUS I BUY VICTORY BONDS WHAT'S YOUR N Wc'have a very larpe stock Used and reconditioned) RUGS in all sizes and qualities KUNNEK CARPET in many colours and FURNITURE of most all descriptions: chesterfield sets, etc. FLOOR LAMPS. ELECTRIC FIXTTRES, t FOLDING AUDITORIUM CHAIRS, CAM 5000 THEATRE CHAIRS (all types), Cor etc.; Lunch Counter Stools and Tanlf BILLIARD TABLES, TOOL TABLES Many articles too numerous to mention. T us a line. We may have Just the articl LA SALLE THEATRE E! 915 Granville St., Vancouver, 8' to VICTORY Victory m 'y r "Y ,liHful W T !. t"i lh.t Ul" r,M! i.inhpt.1,. "J ln.n. rr rirhrr u, n..rr.ml,r,jI,jllr Iry Million til l.n.rr drlifio, Willi f,y tWw niiiMin, K SUE ATl(HI r,..'-,:'K;,K',T9 SOUND REA Victory Bond? last anything' buy. They pay: est while yoi 1 they are as go' in the bank vl-gency arises; t into dollars w; mature. If you lose anything, advert