ft M PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ' 7 V J J Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge i """l Via vvnMj X. v Repairing, Hand Enr raring VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant i Your New j i SUMMER DRESS !; Linens, Seersuckers, rrints fJffiPI I J I and Cottons. Bright colors and !sfsjlp ! conservative dressy types, too. ?ff!Pi i I) New ones arriving every day. frPiiSvi ' I "PLEASINGLY immER ? PRICED aflr : i Rupert Peoples si Store II '$1 ? ,"TTT ' 1 " 1 . ' f il .V.V.VMV.VWWWAV.VWMV.VWAVATAWAW A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY FELT MATTRESSES, all sizes. Different grades. Cash price, from $10.50 to $18.50 MATTRESSES (Wave Crest), WHITE COTTON. 4 ft. and 4 ft. 6 only. Cash price, .each $29.50 BED SPRINGS, all sizes. Limited number' only $14.50 Phone 775 327 2r& Avenue. Prince Rupert VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 Richard Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best job and material obtainable. We Pay The Return Charges "GAUVANT" SH IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to' C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" BORN HERE, IS WEDDED Miss Cecile Smith Becomes Bride Of Sergeant Malanoski The Exhibition Building on Acropolis Hill was the scene of a very pretty military wedding on Wednesday evening when Miss Cecile Smith, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Smith of this city, became the bride of Sergeant Stanley Malanoski, son of Mr. and Airs. B. Malanoski of Herkimer, New York. The bride, entering on the arm of her father, by whom she was given in marriage, was charming in white satin, designed with true lover's knots and sweetheart neck line. She wore a floor length veil from an orange blossom headdress and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Olga Lindquist, maid of honor, and Miss Mary Bill, bridesmaid, both were lovely in pale pink and green net, wearing shoul der length veils, held in place by gardenias. Their bouquets were carnations and phlox. The mother of the bride wore Queen's blue silk Jersey with matching picture hat and corsage of red roses. The groom was attended by Corp. Olsen and the ushers were members of the groom's company. Before the ceremony took place. Sergeant Glenn Scarvie sang "I Love You Truly." Chaplain Rowlands of the United States Army officiated at the ceremony, which took place under an arch beautifully prepared for the occasion with evergreens, lilacs and other spring flowers, under the supervision of Mrs. La Pierre of the United Services Or ganization. After the ceremony the bride and groom passed between a guard of honor consisting of members of the groom's company. A reception followed at which the guests extended their congrat ulations to the happy couple. The toast to the bride was proposed by Capt Lowery, Commanding Officer of the company, and responded to by the groom. A Jovely sliver tea the daily nzvts IDAY, jure 4( 1943 Legion Women Keeping Busy Considerable Business Dealt With at Meeting Last Night On Thursday the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary held its regular monthly meeting wiOTpre- sident Mrs. F. Barber in the chair. There was a good attendance of members. Routine business occupied the first part of the meeting. After some discussion it was de cided to send a gift to a good friend of the auxiliary who had as sisted very substantially in the recent spring sale. It was also arranged to assist with a cash don ation one of the members who had lost most of her possessions in a recent fire. Suitable gifts to the Veteran's Guard were next before the meeting and it was decided to leave this in the capable hands of Mrs. Wright Davies. It was decided to hold a dance and raffle in September. The entertainment committee for the next three months was elected with Mrs. William Rothwell as convener. Members were advised that the annual Decoration Day would be on June 20. Members will meet at the Legion in the afternoon for the parade to the Cenotaph. The gift of a large box of shoes from Annette's store for the Bundles for Britain was ordered acknowledged. TRY AND GET IT A cord of wood contains 128 cubic feet. service was presented by Capt. Lowery. The couple were also the recipients of many other beautiful gifts. The refreshment table was centred with a beautiful three-tier wedding cake which was duly cut by the bride and groom. Later dancing was enjoyed, the music being furnished by the Aristocrats Orchestra, The bride was born in Prince Rupert and is a member of the City Telephone department. The groom is with the United States Army. They have the hearty con gratulations of many friends. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess , The Service Wives' Club met Thursday afternoon in the ladies' lounge at the "Y." There was a somewhat smaller attendance than usual with nine ladies and seven children present. Major Mcllvena of the Canadian Women's Army Corp paid the ladies a visit and stayed to tea. The raffle prize which was donated by Mrs. Dewar, was won by Mrs. G. E. Rhodes. The members voted to give five dollars of their funds to the overseas cigarette fund. Lunch was provided and served by Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. H. Hood. Two new members, Mrs. Machenn and Mrs. Rhodes, who Incidentally was the Mrs. Rhodes who won the raffle, were welcomed. The ladies are get ting on with Joe Terry's curtains at a great rate. Two offers came in ror sewing machines for the' American unit and I'd like to thank Mrs. West and Mrs. Denny Allen for their kindness and their promptness. Out hut Is looking very lovely and smelling summcrlike with all the glorious lilacs with which we are being showered. Mrs. Black and Phyllis Hamblin brought in particularly lovely bouquets. Don't forget the Coast Battery dance tonight at the Empress "Y" Hall The Women's Auxiliary of this battery are holding this dance to provide funds for cigarettes for their boys overseas a duty which they imposed upon themselves very early in the war and have managed to keep up ever since, although at times the going has been hard. Tickets will be sold at the door until the required two hundred have been admitted. I have had the offer of help from a girls' club in Vancouver. They call themselves "The Quad-ettes" and their president is Marge Parsons who is by way of belonging to our "Y" because her fiance is Smiling Jimmy Corlette stationed in Alaska. I think I will ask the girls if I ' It's Results That Count You, a fisherman, do not count your fish before they're caught. This is a result of experience in your own business. So, also, from experience by trial and error Standard fuel and lubricants have reached a perfection which has taken the guesswork out of engine performance. STANDARD MARINE STATIONS IN B. C. Alert Bay Eamficld Bull Harbour Cascade Harbour Ceepeecee Churchouse Ecoole Gabriola Island Goose Bay Gowland Harbour Heriot Bay Nanaimo New Westminster Port Neville Prince Rupert Refuge Cove (Sydney Inlet) Safety Cove Spring Cove Tofino Vancouver Coal Harbour Dunlevy Avenue Deep Cove Victoria Walters Cove Zeballos THROUGH FISHING SEASON Hakal Pass Banks Island Finlayson Island Naas River Port Simpson Groasdaile Island Smith's Inlet Skeena River River's Inlet Kennedy Island Northwest Bay For your convenience a list of Standard Marine Stations is listed to the left. STANDARD MARINE PRODUCTS Red Crown Gasoline Standard Gasoline Unsurpassed Standard Diesel Fuel Pearl Oil (King of Kerosenes) Standard Stje Oil Thermo-Charged RPM Motor Oil New RPM DELO (Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil) CALOL Diesel Engine Oil and other fine Standard Oil Products Available at mjny Marine Stations are the well-known General Batteries. 'Mm- r-. ..'sy. 7 j Marine, trwnflerinj ' tWtiii adenre story ofa MaSSikA Svvn7 man who 200ms to xSKm. ffl Colored Cartoon: they will wash and mend the dolls' clothes and make us some new ones. WOT NEW AFTER ALL? I Suj.anilamlde was discovered by , an Australian scientist in 1003. High Low High Low Local Tides Saturday, June 5 a 2:20 20.8 feet 15:17 18.8 feet 9:05 2.5 feet 21:06 7.9 feet Sunday June G ..... 2:55 20.0 feet 15:56 18.1 feet 9:40 3.1 feet 21:45 8.2 feet 3 "BAH WILDERNESS" "POPULAR SCIENCE" "CUBA, LAND OF ADVENTURE" WORLD NEWS EVENTS CAPITOL rmhi ' - Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00. 0:00 Feature at 1:41, 3:41, 5:41, 741, 9 41 SUNDAY Joan Bennett MIDNITE "Margin For Error" plus Wm. Bojd "Tuilighl on The Tr.iT J. M. S. Loubser U.C, B A. Chiropractor Wallace Block - fhone 141 Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping dime in wet wea?her Oil burners aV ...:cj and serviced Phone Black 733 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE xi.tix:rnv.airarrBi8i.i:ia3 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 isma mzmzwiKsmxMT ms : para savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelll, Prop. Phone S7 P.O. Box Mt FKASKK STREET PKINCK KUPKKT SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria md points, Stewart and North, queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Ticktts and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Kupcrt Agent Third Ave. I'""1" 568 KWONO SANt) IHNO nor KEE CHOP SUEY House Nejrt to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All our patronage vvclcon Outside Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Orders from 2 p.m. to I m Phone Ked 2