PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE SLACK SUITS Designed for Work or Play Our Fashion Scouts looked over the best of the Eastern Styles and selected the choicest of the lot. Thus you may choose from many styles' that Rupert ordinarily would not see. Chas. Dodimcad if Optometrist In Charts Watch. Clock. Jewelry V V ; Kepairinr, Hand Enrravinx VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dlunerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novel lies. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Summer Scoop! Limited quantities of each style assure you of something different! at prices you'll recognize as quite inexpensive MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. (Next to Heilbroncr's) Phone BLUE 907 V.V.VWAV.W.V.V,VAVWA"AWAVJVJVWVVW A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Granny, "who only reads the headlines of the newspaper," said today they are advertising Rommel's Remnants. I wonder if they are coupon free! We have Floor Covering Remnants; no t Phone 775. Our Store Closed All Day Thursday 337 3rd Avenue ATTENTION LADIES! Violet Man, always alert, and ever on the search for new techniques to make you lovelier, has returned from a tour of the east with the latest trends In Victory Coiffures. Ttnlr Rh nnlncr Por- ' manent Waving, Manicuring as well as many omcr phases of modern beauty culture. f Of COUrse. VOU Will want tn knnw what is new . . . and you will want to avail yourself of the opportunity for up-to-the-mlnut.q .beauty services. Why ut can ioaay tor consulatlon? SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue 913 "GAUVANT" SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. ' .' Priced $5.85 and $5.50 " Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" 4fT7 . A PURE WHITE mSSmL Is Honored By Anglican W.A. Life Membership Presented to Mrs. Meadows at Farewell Affair A tea in honour of Mrs. II. S. Meadows was held at the home of Mrs. F. S. Walton by the members of the Anglican Women's Auxiliary on Wednesday. Mrs. Mfadows was presented with a life membership pin, the presentation beine made by Mrs. Walton I Tonieht's train. Gue at 10:45. is reported to be three hours late and will arrive at approximately 1:45 tomorrow morning. OPPORTUNITY x For fanciers of Scotties, Wires, Dalmations, Dobermans. Champion Stock Have City Licence, Building Material. Will Finance. Phone Black 833 u m juhulim Humphrey Mitchell, Minister of Labour ' THE DAILY1 NEWS FRIdav Military Orders -by Lleut.-Col. O. C. Oswell, ED. Duty Officer Orderly officer, P-2L. A. Ostashower; orderly sergeant, Acting Sergeant, R. N. Judge next for duty, P-2L. A. C. Small, Acting Sergeant J. A. Teng. Medical Officer The medical officer will be at the Armory for the purpose of examining recruits Mondays and Wednesdays. 2100 to 2200 hours. Sports committee The following personnel will represent their companies on the sports committee; A Company, Private R. K. Cameron; B ComDanv. Acting Sergeant J. A. Teng; C Company, Acting Sergeant M. M. Lamb; D Company, Acting Sergeant J. K. Schneider. Civil occupations The following personnel, while serving, are forbidden to engage directly or indirectly, In any civil occupation, either full time or part time: officers and soldiers of the Canadian Army (active), officers and soldiers call ed out on active service, officers and soldiers employed under O. O. 139 of 1939, personnel called up under the NJUCLA. RANGK PRACTICE Range Practice for officers and non-commissioned officers will take place on the Prince Rupert range, Galloway Road, on Sunday, 23 May, at 1000 hours. Personnel requiring transportation will parade at the Arm ory at 0930 hours. DRESS Battle dress, with anklets, with equipment with slung haversack (mess tin, wa ter bottle and ground sheet in ha WEATHER IN APRIL Weather Recordings For April Sunshine More Than Last Year and Rainfall Less Prince Rupert enjoyed 107.4 hours of sunshine during the month of April and huddled under the down fall, of 6.96 Inches of rain. The total hours of sunshine since the beginning of the year have been 364.1 and the depth of rainfall in the same period 31.95 Inches. Last year was slightly more dismal with only 93.1 hours of sunshine during April and a total brightness for the first four months of 280 hours. In April 1942 9.81 inches of rain fell, while the rainfall for the first four months totalled '3.41 inches. The maximum temperature for April was 695 degrees on April 7, as compared with a high of 57, In April 1942. The minimum temper ature last month was 31 on April 6 while a year ago the low was also 31 degrees. The extreme baromjter readings for April were a high of 30.29 on April 29, and a low of 29.30 on the same day. The highest wind during the month occurred on April with a velocity recorded at 36 miles an hour. . versack), field service cap, respirator. LUNCH Personnel will be required to provide their own lunch. Tea will be provided on the range. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Second Compulsory Employment Transfer Order Aotice to. Gesdain ZmfUoyeM and Cmploye&i Notice hereby given that men employed in ccrtnin specified lines of civilian employment, who arc in ape and marital clases already designated under National Selective Service 'Mobilization Hegula-Hons, must report for interview not later than June ISlh, 1913, to an Employment and Selective Service Office. A. Objective: This Second Order makes? available for essential employments the services of men in age and marital classes designated as callable for Military Training under National Si rive Service Mobilization Kegulations, who arc " i presently """u employed 'i"ca D. Procedure lo be Followed All men as defined above must report to an Employment and Selective Service Office not later than June 15th, 1943. Men resident outside a city or town having an employment and Selective Service Office, mcc, who wno are are too too far lar removed removed to to cal call THE ROUT OF ROMMEL and in addition to other penalties, refusal to comply renders a man liable to compulsory labour service in an Alternative Service Work Camp. K. Snerial Rrmicut to Employers: Each employer with three or more men Lctf CSSCnmI PIo-mr "0W P"7li;'."y -rite to the nearest office covered byP this X to SST2 specniea. ed , the the f,m first ..... ' KJ . ,n in ,nstance instance, and 4nd await t further (....y... . .... ... B. EMPLOYMENTS COVERED BY THIS ORDER: Men, of the specified categories, are covered If now employed in any of the following: (1) Any occupation in or associated villi retail stores; (2) any occupation In or associated with the manufacturing f feathers, plumes and artificial flowers; chewing gum; wine; lace goods; greeting cards; jewelry; (3) any occupation in or associated with distilling alcohol for beverage; (I) any occupation in or associated with the factory production of statuary and art goods; (3) any occupation In the operation of ice cream parlours and soda fountains; (6) any of the following occupations: bus boys; char-men and cleaners; custom furriers; dancing teachers; dish washers; doormen and starters; greens keepers; grounds keepers; porters (other than In railway train service); private chauffeurs. C ACE AND MARITAL CLASSES OF MEN COVERED BY THIS ORDER: (a) Every. man born in any year from 1917 to 1921 (inclusive) who bas reached age 19. , Every man born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) i i-jv, was: tu unmarried; or divorced or judicially separated a wi(Iowcr without child (ii) or or cnnurcn. -.J?) Kvery man born from 1902 to ?2 . Ive) uho ,,a' inrc July 15, 1910, become a widower without child or children now living. (d) Every man born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who, since July 15, 1940, bas been divorced or judicially separated. directions. E. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYEES: When directed to accept employ. ment, subsequent to the interview referred to, men described In Para-graphs B and C nhove are required by the Regulations to follow the direction given. F. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS: It will be Illegal for an employer to retain in his employ after June 15th, 1913, any men referred to In Paragraph C above, at any of the employ, ments set forth in Paragraph B above, unless a special permit has been obtained from a National Selective Ser-vice Officer, permitting such action. G. Transportation: Special provisions will be made for the transportation of men moved to work at a new place of residence. II. Appeals: If directed to transfer to employment subsequent to interview, a man may, if he objects, enter appeal with a Court of Referees, within 7 days of receiving such direction. I. Penalties in Case of Employers: Penalties are provided for any employer who retains in, or takes into, his employ after June 15th, 1943, any man covered by the Order, except under special permit. J. Penalties in Case of Employees: Penalties are provided for failure on the part of any employed man affected, to register under'this Order, or to follow a subsequent direction to employment,' lenuestcu to cn-onerate hv rrrtinw in touch with the Employment and Selective Service Office, to arrange a time for the interviews of his employees. L. Authority: This Order is issued under authority conferred on the Minister of Labour by National Selective Service Civilian Regulations (I'.C. 246 of; January 19th, 194J, and amending Orders in Council). 31. This Second Order is AddlUonal to First Order: Employments listed in Paragraph above, declared nnn-ewnthl in B i this Second Order, arc additional to the non essential employments contained in the First Order. The First Order, issued May 4th, 194J, required compliance by May 19th on the part of employees designated under Mobilization Regulation, and also of their employers, in .the following lines of work: () taverns or liquor, wine .and beer stores; (2) retail sale of candy, confectionery, tobacco, books, stationery, news; (1) barber shops and beauty parlours; (4) retail and wholesale florists; (J) service stations (gasoline-filling stations); (6) retail sale of motor vehicles or accessories; (7) retai sale of sporting goods or musical instruments; () waiter, taxi driver, elevator operator, hotel bell boy, domestic servant; (9) any occupation in or directly associated with entertainment including but not restricted to theatres, film agencies, motion picture companies, clubs, Jbowlivg alleys, pool rooms; (10) any occupation in or directly associated with dyeing, cleaning, and pressing (not including laundry work); baths; guide service; shoe shining,,. Men referred to above tnu$t present documents at the employment ojficc, Indicating compliance with Mobilization Regulation! A. MacNamara, Director National Selective Service IN "f"v,M Btwumti "THE GQtA.. WAR FILM EVER MAD?., am. r Leon Errol In "Mail Tiouble" News Novelty Cartoon Toefaf Copit .Complete Shows 1:10, 3:08, 5:06, 7:04, 9:02 Feature at 2:08. 4:06, 6:04, 8:02, 10:00 Sunday. .Midline: Lloyd Nolan In "BUY ME THAT T0WV .FOR QUICK. HKSULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. WHALES' SPEED Ltd Blue whales hav w A - r-.i ; v travelling at, a speed of 3(1 an nour tor snor c: aice, A nnouncemen DUS. LARGE AND CIB5 wish to announce that : will occupy their rew o!:J at 608 Third Avenue HI above Boston Cale on i after April 27. No thanjl telephone number, For Income Ta KETI HXS SEE R. E. MORTIMER! rhone 88 321 !ni KWONG SANG HLNO I HOr REE CHOP Si House Next to Klni Tl SIS 1th AVE. WEST All our patronaje weli'j nn,m K n m. to 2 a m. Ontsi Orden from 2 pm. tt fhone KM FOR S Ail .10 Cotton Matt esse; nt. m 0 9 Used Beds and Springs, at . . P 2 Electric Ranges i a very low Price' B.C. Furniture I'hone Black 321 THIRD AVENTE iLCunf (Late of Yik . Chiropractor