; of Various City Schools i . i tj mi a ni n n i in ron t rnm r nn schools marched through lua morning 10 aiiena an I. Wuality counts most the steady growth of 'Salada' sales in Canada over half-a - century, speaks for itself itavmmta (Groups of children from the pub lic schools entertained with play3 and pageants of a patriotic nature. Speakers were Mayor W. M. Watts and O. R. S. Blackaby. Mrs. O. E. Moore, municipal regent, presided and Mrs. Blackaby was in charge of the program. HOW PLASMA KEEPS p. l iu. 1 1 t I T l rlnrl nlqcmn lAnv In Uay concert in wie iauitui u.wu puo ivcrya in The demonstration was definitely without refrigeration d by the local Imperial Or- and is quickly restored for use by mghters of the Empire, adding pure water. NOTICE On and after June 1 this Association has decided to handle Non-Member business with the e.xcep- :ioi Marine Trade and u.b. anu uanacnan uov- Bents' business. To take care of our Non-Member business, the 'm Consumers' Co-operative Association has n formed which you and all other consumers v imn . Help Yourself Help Us in he Kaien Lo-OD now The Kaien Co-op will commence business in the , ... . . t i - ..u ... V . V I v. - - - J ' - v I k..ll'i 1. .1 ' ...... iiuiii iusn aim Other lines of merchandise will be handled by eement through our Uow uay btore. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association Box 2G1, Prince Rupert, B.C. Quality Groceries Fresh Vegetables Cooked Meats Confectionery Cigarettes Tobaccos MllCC A I I r mr rTUinUV CTAD L" 1 1 1 I V m mm n n u ill -mil - " w I IUULITI U UVVI Will I i w . iv 111 "Where Dollars Have More Cents" vmmer . Camp Furniture P.O. Box 575 JLDINq DECK, CHAIRS, each S-25 LDINQ , CAMP CHAIRS, each S1-50 DINQ TABLES, each - $3.00 "-"inu CAMP. COTS, strong canvass, S4.95 ana $t.. "It fin .. . . iiavnlfnm. --"IB, maruoieum, uongoieum, i-mm, in-.v VISIT Elio Furniture Store Vfne (Next the Dally News) Prince Itupert LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Annette Powell's Beauty Shop a Bedding Plants' For Sale for betterfipermanents. fourth St., lng's Greenhouse, Alfred St. across from post Office. Phone ' uiue 817. (tf) Mis. and Mfcss Abbott, who have been guests of Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Irving, returned to Vancouver last night. A Tune in to CFPR Thursday, 6:30 pjn., and hear M. J. Coldwell, C.C.F. M P. on "Economic Planning." (118) Emll Perlstrom and' family returned to the city this week to resume residence after an absence of several months in A "SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN LINENS," also Jerseys, crepes and seersuckers, newest shades and styles.-At "Star's," opposite Commodore Cafe. Geoffreylwho was divisional organizer for Northern British Columbia in the Victory Loan campaign, and Donald Fraser, who was unit organizer for the Queen Charlotte Islands, sailed last night on their return to Vancouver. Corporal Louise Bird, Canadian Women's Army- Corps, who has been visiting in' Prince Rupert for some time, returned last night for Vancouver. A Canadian National Tennis Club American Tournament, Sunday, May 23, 1 p.m. Prospective mem bers welcome. (120) G. A. McMillan, manager of the Canadian National Steamships, Vancouver, left last night on his return south. David H. Gibson, Dominion chair man of the Navy League of Canada, Toronto, Lieut. Commander C. S. Glassco of Vancouver, command lng officer of Sea Cadets for the British Columbia area, and Lieut. Hooper, liaison officer, left last night on their return south after spending a couple of days here on business in connection with the local Navy League and Sea Cadet Corps. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McWllliams '.eave on Tuesday next for Vancouver to take up future residence. Mr. McWllliams, who has been a member of the staff of the Digby Island wireless station for the past six or seven years, has been transferred to Point Grey station. Their son and daughter, who have been in Kelowna for the past year, will join them in Vancouver. SMITHERS Jorgen Dahlie. who recently was obliged to take his" discharge from the Canadian Navy on account of ill health, is now at his homeJ here recuperating after a long illness. His many friends hope that he will have a complete recovery. His brother, Halvor Dahlie, also of the Canadian Navy, Is at present home on furlough, visiting his mother here. Announcement All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Job's Daughters Tea, Novelty Sale, May 29, Mrs. Art Nickerson's, 801 Summit Ave. A Diptherla susceptibility (Schick) testing for adults at Health Unit Office (2 doors from Library) Monday and Friday, 5 to 6 pjn.; Saturday 9 to 12 am. Eastern Star Dance, May 21. Sons of Norway Invitation Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, May 21. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 28. St. Peter's Tea and Home Cooking, Mrs. J. W. Morehouse, June 10th. '; Hill CO Mystery' Tea, June 3rd, Mrs. G. E. Moore, 5th Ave. W. Parent-Teachers' iows' Hall, June 4. Tea. Oddfel- Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance, Empress. Club, June 4. Navy Tea, Mrs. Borland's, June 10. L.O.B.A. Invitation Dance, Odd fellows' Hall, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith left for Vancouver last night . AEllo's Pay Casn for Furniture. Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. The Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211, Women of the Moose, held their regular business meeting Wednesday evening in the Oddfellows' Hall. After the business meeting two guest speakers addressed the ladies present In connection with social affairs to be held Jointly by the Loyal Order of Moose and the women of the Moose. A pleasant FOR SALE OR SALE One 20 K.W. Volt 1200 R.P.M. Cummins Diesel Generating Set, complete with switchboard and cooling system. Also one 65 H.P. Cummins Diesel Power Unit. Write or wire, Heib Schaub, Ketchikan, Alaska. (123) FOR SALE Attractive three-roomed house with full concrete basement and furnace, good central location, furnished or unfurnished. Occupancy June first. G.P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. (119) FOR SALE House, 8 rooms, fireplace, furnace, nice grounds and view. Occupancy aboui May 20. Near Dry Dock. Price $4,750. Terms. G. P. Tinker Ltd. (120) FOR SALE Drop side steel couch and mattress, good condition. $12.00. 143 6th Ave. E. - (120) FOR SALE Furniture, Chesterfield and chairs, walnut dining table, cupboard, bed spring, mattress, couch, kitchen table and chairs, coal and wood range, heater, electric frigidalre (Stewart Warner) all like new. 731 5th Ave. West, rear of 729). Callevenlngs. (121) FOR SALE Quantity of hard wood, cross-cut saw, sledge hammer, many other tools, 415 5th Ave. East after 5 o'clock. (121) FOR SALE 1940 Chrysler Royal Coupe. Accessory equipment, 5 white side-walled tires, Philco push-button radio, super heater. Low mileage. Perfect condition. Phone Blue 935. (121) FOR SALE White enamel bath tub and shower bath. Apply Bex 491 Daily News. (119) FOR SALE Used furniture of all descriptions. Visit Elio's used department, Third Axenue next to Daily News, Prince Rupert. FOR RENT "OR RENT Room and board for men sharing, 718 Fraser Street. (120) FOUND FOUND Key on Ring, owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (119) WORK WANTED PAINTING and Phone Red 738. The U & I Cafe Paper has Hanging. (124) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for men shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. (125) Notice management since May 15, 1943. The undersigned will not be responsible for any debts contracted under the name of U & I Cafe. CHRISTINE VEITCH NELSON NOTICE The Ideal Cleaners are not accepting any more clothes till after June 1st. All those that have cleaning at the Ideal kindly call for same before June 1. lw ?'MllIDmffiiCImilIlW Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 iri:i3KMB10.BXHf.aiVEB3IQ!!lai Winners, of Bridge TourneybyJ.OI)iE. George Howe and O. W. Rudder-ham were winners of the recent bridge tournament of. Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire. Mr. and Mr3. Paulln were winners of the second flight, losing but one game. Engagement The engagement is announced of Eileen, daughter of Mr. Sydney Hamblin and the late Mrs. Hamb lin of 420 4th Ave. East, to Private Ralph De Coursey, U. S. Army, of Eugene. Oreeon. The weddlne will social evening under the direction ! take place, Thursday, May 27th, at of the publicity committee brought tthe evening to a close. the First Baptist Church, with re ception at the Y.M.C.A. Hall. Classified Ads IIELP WANTED APPLICATIONS will be received fof the position of Accountant for the City of Prince Rupert. Applicants must have had previous municipal accounting experience. Apply, stating age, qualifications, experience, salary expected and date available to Unemployment Insurance Commission, (tf) WANTED AT ONCE Ten female workers for old, established dry cleaning plant in city, eight hours per day, good wages. Apply National Selective Service, A.F. 43. (121) WANTED Carpenter and Joiner: for bench work, sash and door, ; frames, general shop work, Apply National Selective .Service, A.M. 47. (123) WANTED City Engineer for City or Prince Rupert, B.C. Apply stating age, experience, qualifl-, cations, salary expected and date available to City Cleric, Prince Rupert, B.C. Do not apply unless your services Hre' avallafclenaer regulations P. C. 246, Part III. (January 19, 1943), administered by the Wartime Bureau of Technical Personnel (121) WANTED Stenographer. Permanent position. Phone 664. (124) NAMES ' of reliable boys and girls for paper delivery routes are being received at the Dally News office. WANTED Truck driver for Cartage business; Apply Unemploy ment Insurance Commission AM 34. (tf) WANTED Bookkeeper for cartage business, male preferred, military exempt. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.M. 38. (tf) WANTED WANTED to buy, 2 or 3 room house. Apply Box 490 Dally News. (119) WANTED Small sailboat or boat suitable for sailing. George At-j klnson. Phone 750. (119) WANTED Small cook stove In good condition. Phone Red 481, mornings. (123) WANTED Immediately, to buy Piano for cash. Box 494, Dally News. (120) WANTED URGENTLY Suite or house, $20.00 reward. Phone 308. (tf) WANTED TO RENT Famished or Unfurnished house, apartment or housekeeping rooms. M. Foster, Rupert Hotel. (120) WANTED to 6wap use of house In changed I Vancouver for one in Prince Ru pert. Apply J. ivicjveiizie, vuih-merclal Hotel. (120) WANTED Furnished room for light housekeeping. No children. Urgent. Box 492 Dally News. (120) WANTED Truck driver for Whole sale Meat Distributors. Apply National Selective Service, Prince Rupert, A.M. 45. (tf WANTED Reliable woman to care for two children. Private room and board. 251 5th Ave. W. (119) WANTED, urgently-$25 reward for house or apartment, couple with tiny baby need place by June 1. Call Blue 878. (119) WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment for young couple with small baby. Phone Blue 878. (200) The neighbours say we're very clean And it's quite plainly to 'be seen Our clothes are always fresh and Bright It's BLUE that ' makes them snowy white use. Use a swish of Blue in the last rinse for snowy white clothes. Cost a trifle: results amazing! SALE AT STYLE SHOPPE CONTINUING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Complete Line of New Shoes ordered last fall has just been received. GOING ON SALE AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES BOOKS and 4 FOR GIRLS BOOKS FOR B0YSI Anne of Green Gables $1.50 Just Mary Stories (CBC) .....!$...... $1.10 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm $2.50 Girls Hobby Book 7 $1.50 L. M. Montgomery Books $1.25 The Bobbsey Twin BooWta..;. . ... . . .4. ... . . 60c Garden City Classics f. .A . . ..... $1.50 Dave Dawson Series 75c Tom Sawyer 90c Moby Dick $1.75 Famous .'Adventure Series $1.35 Round tHe;, World Stamp Album 35c" Ace Stamp Album 75e I