V A LETTERBOX : TllADIT UNIONS AND ''. SOCIALISM Editor, Daily News: Your editorial Trade Unions and Socialism" has caused a cerjaln amount of interest and amusement among those trade unionists to whom you would have us believe you are concerned about. First permit me to ask a few questions. In whose interests is this publication Canadian Business) issued? Is it ihe Canadian Manufacturers' Association? Wherever did you know of any organization without ambitious men at the top? Do you think that trade-unionism a lid politics can be separated while our . economic wel-are Is wrapped up in both? And do you think that this Is .something in the nature of an txpeilment. when a similar setup has prevailed in Great Britain for years? Sir, believe me when I say that the day is fa&i approaching when the interests of ihe majority of Canadians will be of more concern than a ' few members of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. Does , ycur urtJclc mean to imer mat you are afraid this move will ruin Jrade unions when the C. M. A. for years has loboied against labor legislation. I believe if this move were not to .strengthen trade unions the C. M. A. woulo sit back and wait or -ihe inevitable. The infer- nce to a dictatorship under so-.iaUsm should not pass without comment. I would ask you to .ead the itegina manifesto o; :he C.C.F. be honstt with your itf and let your conscience oe your guide. Thanking you ier your courtesy in publishing this letter. JAMES NICOLL. SLTPOKTS HONDS Editor, Daily News: As chairman of the Prince Ru pert Labor Progressive Club I want to most heartily endorse the Fifth Victory Loan cam paign.and to urge any one who has not already done so to buy tneir bond new. It is true that the Nazi forces are reeling, waiting for the knock-out blow. It is for us to deal that blow with the utmost speed and power of which we are capable. To allow the NazU to delay the hour of tbtir doom means to allow them to gut (.Europe as thp did Naples, Kharkov and Gomel. Every additional bond will help reduce the cost of the war and lives and men. Workers and progressive people in particular are all-out in support of this drive BRUCE MICKLEBURGH. si" .iBisBilsisissN. .llsssssssssssKasMss? " sMjMBSfi INOW-miEVE SORE P THBOAT FROM A COLD gj m RLfflUJI IN a IAN TIT K Si uilFai TEACHING SCRIPTURE IS URGED If the Ten Commandments are out of date as some people infer, the results of violating them are very much In evidence declared Evangelist P. T. Balmer Sunday evening in the Oddfellow Hall. Continuing he said: We are fighting for peace.iwe are praying for peace but in one wny only can it be obtained ac- ording to Isaiah the prophet In r hanter 48, verse 18 'O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments' then had thy peace b-en as a river and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.' " The pastor quoted a state ment made by a noted writer. Although our generations pi ides Itself on discoveries and inventions concerning natural iuw it must bow Its head in shame for Its ignorance of God's Ten Commandments. Our knowledge of science has filled our prisons, penitentiaries, reform schools and hospital! It Is high 'iaa oailt wevvo time for our generation to learn influencing such interpretation that God has & moral law Soon he would be teaching doc-whlch must be individually trine of some particular church obeyed, else we bring suffering and religious controversy would and death upon ourselves." j ensue. The evangelist said that It was taken for granted thatl home n tbe tint place to the children of today did not " religion .ueut. 8:8-8 and know much about the Ten Commandments, hence the urge to exhibit them In the public schools, continued Pastor Bal mer. Others advocated reading portions of scripture without comment or explanation by the teacher. What benefit to the children would this procedure give, asked the speaker. A child j might question: "Who Is God? ,Who Is the Son of God? What is sin? What Is the atonement? !And what is baptism? If the j teacher Is to abide by the rules I the questions would be unanswered. If '.t was necessary and right to read tne Bible in pubHc schools It was also necessary and right to explain it to wrlptures Matt. 28:16-20; John 11:15-17.) OIL HURNKItS CLEANED t HANDYMAN HOME KEKVICE Mack 7U 2:t Seventh Ave, West those who had a rtfht to ask ,,-'""mr.iaTa.rJ . ..... . . .... .a questions, saia tne evangelist. But most likely the teacher. " however learned, however dlplo- 5 matic. however, respectful of the convictions and opinions of 3 others, would rind it defftcult 5 to Drevent neraonal hollar if the hiimp uni nrwIiAsu fhn , Krcsh Local Haw and f Pasteurized MILK l VALENTIN DAIRY IMIONK 6Sl HOW TO BUY VICTORY BONDS Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you or place it with any branch bank or trust company. You can also buy Bonds through your employer for cash or on the Payroll Savings Plan. Or send your order to your local Victory Loan Headquarters. Any one of these agencies will be glad to give you every assistance n completing your application. Bonds may be bought in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and larger. Basketball Buzz It was the church's business to Abnec of Booth Memorial a"00' irom ine 1 nnce "u" take over the program and not . the public school and state-paid teachers. To the Apostles was committed the great commission t teaching anc explaining the! pert uasKewau ixoguc raises speculation In cage circles as to what kind of season the High School will have. Stripped Pf all but two or tferee numbers of last year's trone entrv In the area loon. MONDAY Tic Bp BE m mm i h u.hu1 lannl !m mtllr-illir MRS. K. S. OXVlM . . been weakened but there arc ' Si'C, doubtless still enough players to form a good quintet. At present thers. are two other basketball squads beside the school Co-operative Fishermen and the Fraser Street Tigersand poxstbly these three teams will be able to operate as a league. Inter-house basketball Is still expected to be played at the High School this season If ar- ttotsUsUBK4.aisuuata ranitements can be made. HE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT Sergeant Joseph A. Gregory, M.M., lias fought the good fight . . . not only in this war but in the lilt conflict in which he enlisted before lie was fifteen years old, tcoetl three tears in Trance and was twice wounded. Today Sergeant Gregory is home in Canada. Behind him is the epic of Dieppe la which his daring sorties againit snipers' Positions and his gallantry and tfootioo to duty in carrying on despite a severe wound, which later cost him his etc. won liim the Military Medal. Sergeant Gregory is still "carrying on" as a member of the Recruiting Suff of M.D. 13, Calgary. He has two sons in the scrsice. a sister in the C.VCA.C and his brother i was also wouoded at Dieppe. Here is what the Sergeant says of Canada's fifth Victory Loan: "I'm out of action now and my turn boys art ulnit my place. I'd like to i mow that tbey un't iujjrrjrom lack of tquipmiut. Jiatk up tit (oyi uU art in act fiihthtglor . uiatbomt. ITt (an fob! or TUllM by pMnbaiiag mor aiJ more Vktorj liouJi." fjfou,too, cast FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT Dieppe . . Sicily . i . these are the battle honours of Canada. Here Canadian soldiers won medal after medal for valour above and beyond the call cj tluty. I icte our boys fought theood fight, as they arc now fighting it in July, Now is the time for you, too, to fight the good fight ... to show your faith as our boys showed their heroism . . ; to fight with your dollars as thev fought with bullets ... to buy Victory Honds on a scale above and beyiud the call oj duty, Remember, although Victory is now in sight it may yet escape us unless cmy one of us has the courage and devotion to see it through, to the end. That is why Canada's Fifth Victory Loan is a vital challenge to all of us . . . a bugle calling, for our best and finest effort. Fight the good fight for the cause of freedom, the continued security of those you hold dear ... the speeding up of Victory and all it means in a new and letter ctviliration. Uuy all the lionds you can out of your savings. Huy more on install-raent. These are your Battle Honours. - .4-' LOCAL FIFTH VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS: 313 Third Avenue West Telephone No. 3(11 VICTORY BONDS S-WT NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMIIltE i '""""""mmij GUI1 TIIKSK COAL TIPS iis Keep the fur' pan and ot:.c equipment fu;, tMtven't renui ! ted ptanU are t'V. kept tll w-i'errt! T the humloT -. ' temperatuie and cmf'irt nudity 1 : ' M HYDE TRANSFER Furl Dealers lilONE rM AAAAAAAAlAAAlSlliaiUiJ TTT TTTTTT TV VVVyfTTTlJ i ok sal1: FRESH SHRIMP! Daily t o JfxL Dual Mat?- UptfiH-lj AAAAAAAAASiAASAiSliliiJ When at I rrrarr SUy it j Philbert Hotel A Itut make adtir.re A Itr rrvatlsns A I Itoi S Trnift For Income Tai ItnCKNS S R. E. MOKTIMKK Thpne it nt 2nd Art- KH'ONO S.tXO HIC itoi ki:: CHOP SUEY HOUSE Nest to Kin Tsl (12 7th AVK, WIST All your patronai rctm ()ni 3 p.m, to I U s TufK1y It pm. U 130 a.m. Outalde Orders from I 1:30 a m. ttione Krd NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From IIM IUtf 75c op SO Itooms, Hot and C" Water Prince Huprrt, riione Ml P.O. " lit J.M.S.Loubser D.(?.. fliiVnnractor Villi Wallace Itlock rbo"' Dally News Advert ':W Kesults.