PAOETWO Transient, per Inch THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLOMBIA published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAQING EDITOR Contract, per inch . Readers, per line Rlarlr Fare Readers. Der line LOCAL ADVERTISING - $1.00 50o 25c 40c Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, per inch J2-50 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights oi republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Monday, June 7, 1943 Churchill Safe Home . . . Even in this far removed spot of the British domain there were feelings of relief on Saturday with the announcement that Premier Winston Churchill, our great war leader, was safe home. Between the time he was last heard of being in Washington and until the official announcement came that he was back in Britain, anxiety had been expressed as to his safety. There had been rumor in connection with the attack by the enemy on a Lisbon-London transport flying boat which was soon followed by an attack on a bomber travelling from Lisbon to Britain. It seemed like a set was being made on that route for some reason possibly because the enemy might have thought of intercepting the Prime Minister. If anything happened to Churchill it would be a severe blow to our morale, of course, just as it would be to Germany's if anything should happen to Hitler. It would be shocking, but, of course, not fatal. Germany and Japan ... Consideration of the future of this world conflict seems to divide itself first and logically into the war with Germany and the war with Japan. They are two distinct wars. It happens that we are fighting them both at the same time. But there is no real evidence of close collaboration between Germany and Japan. They are on their own. The Japanese were cunning and unscrupulous enough to launch their preposterous bid for world mastery while the white races were warring amongst one another. For Japan it is not Fascism versus Democracy. It is just Japan against the white races and we do well to bear that fact in mind. Japan is not at all interested in Germany, with her theory of blood and race exalting a more or less mythical proportion of the white peoples over those of all the rest of the world. It isn't any part of Japan's scheme-of-things to help Germany establish the world rulership of the north German Nordics. Japan, with an astounding myopia induced by national egotism and a strong sense of inferiority, is fighting her own war and, for a time, at least, thought that the path of conquest would lead Japan to the top, that she would be the dominant world power of the future. There have been some subtractions, no doubt, from the Japanese optimism. But Japan has gorged on a vast feast of islands and natural wealth and thus far she has lost very little of what she has taken. The fight to make Japan let go will probably be the kind of fight-to-the-death that must be waged against a persistent, unreasoning octopus. That part of the warring could go on for a considerable length of time. The German Avar must surely be looked at in the perspective of where we stood a year ago. And in that perspective it must be conceded that the defeat of Germany appears to be a good deal closer than that of Japan. O'f course, with Germany disposed of, the United Nations will be in a position to much more effectively deal with Japan. COMMENCING JUNE 1st Due to shortage of help we will close at 5:30 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday we close at 1 o'clock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-10 P.O. Box 575 FLOOR COVERINGS For your Floor Covering Requirements visit Elio's Furniture 8tore, next to the Daily News on Third Avenue. Elio's have a tremendously large stock of Seamless Axmlnster Carpets, Congoleunf Gold Seal Rugs, Inlaid Marboleum, Congo-leum, Feltol, Rexoleum, six feet wide. "" ' " , ' Elio's enormous turnover in Floor Coverings for years gives you better choice at money saving prices. Buy War Savings Stamps at Elio's. Saleslady to serve you Just say: "My change In War Savings Stamps." Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next the Daily News) Prince Rupert ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARB-UTT The Hostess Last week Molly Winslow was home for a few days. Molly was one of our first Junior hostesses and about 18 months ago she left Prince Rupert to become a Young Women's Christian Association hostess in the south. This February she joined the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division and is now Sergeant Molly Winslow. Very proud we are of her. She looks elegant In her uniform. Molly was home on a short furlough before leaving for the East where she will be posted. At the Empress tonight the sea men of H.M.C.S. Chatham are holding their monthly dance. Arrangements are In the capable hands of Leading Seaman Samson. Junior hostesses are invited. Y.W. C.A. chaperones will be Mrs. Grace Maclntyre Jr. and Mrs. Feasby who THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY. June 7 represent the Order of the Women of the Moose. Mrs. Woodside is in need of volunteer workers in the evenings In the canteen. During the winter most of this work, has fallen upon the shoulders of the-B.C. Women's Voluntary Red Cross Corps and, as a great many of these ladies are teachers and will be going away for the summer, Hfrs. Woodside is ! really In a spot. The work Is Interesting and Involves serving In 'the canteen from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. The volunteers are escorted home In the Y.M.OA. car. I think it would be a pleasant diversion for many of the younger service wives who are in town and who find it hard to put In their time. Any women Interested In helping In that way could see Mrs. Wood- side any week, morning or evening. Well, well, well, It Is pleasant to see our girls In uniform with us. They've been a long time getting here but our welcome is all the warmer because of that. The first girl I met was "Tiny" Garnett from my own home town, Selkirk, Manitoba. Was I surprised! So far I've met "Tiny" and ner pal "Stubby" and Amy and Aurora. They are all bonny sweet looking girls and I think army routine must be good for them. They look so healthy. The rest of this week's dance nropram consists of a dance at (Falrview. Junior hostesses will meet at the "Y" Thursday evening i when transportation will take ' them to the camp. On Friday night one of the Ack-Ack units Is holding a dance at the Empress to which Junior hostesses are Invited. Y.W.C.A. chaperones, representing the Order of the Women of the Moose, will be in attendance. Present Executive Continues Office Peter Lakie Acting President of Canadian National Recreation Association At a meeting of the Canadian National Recreation Association for the election of a new executive it was decided to continue the present slate In office under Acting President Peter Lakle. Owing to the fact that it was without leadership due to the death of Its chairman, F. S. Walton, the bowling division elected Roy Nichols to be chairman. LETTERBOX Editor, Dally News: machines then, we would ha., thought we had the world bv Z tall. I did not look at that sive machinery with awe I look!, at it with disgust. Then I tfig here we nre hnn sul As I wandered around the court our leaders again, with evervth?11 house the other day looking at all we have. We have faith 8 the road equipment and what not country. No man can break it"1? my thoughts drifted back to days wondered why. Then I found t I'll never forget. Here all around My eyes had wandered to the me was thousands upon thousands memorial of our heroe wh l in uuuais wmui ui uiaciuiicry. i m me lasi war. I saw why we ca then remembered the time whenried on and why we could not w we wanted a few days' work fix- These words came to me u v ing a culvert or hole In a road, to break faith with us who die make a few dollars to help out shall not sleep in Flander, fields our meager living. We found that They are not asleep. They are with most times to our sorrow It couldn't us again, fightlne for rit. I be had. If some of us were fortu- freedom, urging us on. Thev ni " ",u6" - iiuuiiuvu uiwiijia ut? unui justice compi n I... Vm 1.. 1 fi . i. : . . "ts w ua me suuu wc yvcjc icLciviug. 11 uie worm 01 manKind. we had the price of one of these HUGH 6. CARntp Laborers and Mill Workers WANTED For Paper Mill Work at Ocean Falls UNION WAGES Agent In Town Apply National Selective Service (Prince Rupert) PHONE 52 VUTITATEVER the make or model of your car or truck . . . whatever its age or condition the General Motors Dealer's Victory Service Plan is the thriftiest, most effective means of making it outlast the war! . Developed to meet a great national wartime need to "Save the Wheels that Serve Canada" the Victory Service Plan is available from all General Motors Dealers. It provides thorough service regular service responsible service. Operated by skilled mechanics, equipped with approved tools, it can save both your transportation and your pocketbook. Make a date to sec the General Motors Victory Service Man today and make sure your car or truck will be fit to keep a date with Victory! LONG MOTORS (fowuety t4c4c gvettuMd Do your tires need switching? Does your motor run smoothly? Is your gas mileage low? Has you car been lubricated lately? Do worn parts need replacement? Is oil consumption high? Are front tires wearing unevenly? Has your battery been checked lately? Does your motor overheat? Does body or fenders need repairing? Does your car need a wash and polish job? Do your brakes stop the car satisfactorily? Are all lights operating properly? VS-33 THIRD AVE. and SEVENTH ST.