JUNET1M3 ft j n Pa Trolls' puiiu " ST fic Jvi"on Milk is moving out to t'pscen rapidly now and : it above all otner kinds or it you dont find it inhere yet, that Is due to i-ecedented demand for in: at this time but most &rs already supplied. ICIFIC MILK Ltfd and Vacuum Packed L WSALE Cotton Mattresses, at $13.50 Jsed Beds and Springs, at . . $9.50 Electric Ranges at a very low price. ,C. Furniture 1 MUill UIUII1 Um t THIRD AVENUE woy IOTEL farl Zarclli, Prop. Mil l0. Box 544 BASER STREET WINCE UUI'EKT letery Service p wishing plots fixed ftalew Cemetery, phone smaker at the Cemetery ha 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. 'ays. SERVICES TO l"r, Victoria and Way- U Stewart and North, Charlotte Islands. Information, Tickets ,li Reservations fRANK j. SKINNEK Wlfe Rupert Agent 11 A. Phone SG8 T1LLIK THE TOILER Tag Day Is Successful Great satisfaction was expressed this morning oyer the result of the Sea Cadets tag day held on 8aturday, by Alex McRde who, with C. C. Mills, was in charge of the event. The money collected by the boys totalled $758 89, an amount said by Mr. McRae to more than double that received at last year's tag day. Individual prizes of $5, $4 and $3 t n V, 1 11 . t w me icuuuig Doys were won by Stanley Hemming, who brought in o.jo, j.Tea came, wno brouglit in $56,67, and Dan Larson, who brought in $48.36. Harry Daggett Head of Class Locat Hoy Does Well In Studies at Queen's University Official notification has been re ceived by Harry Daglett, son of Alderman and Mrs. H. M. Daggett or tnls city, that he has, beeni University, having headed his class for the year in chemistry. Baseball Scores SATURDAY National League Philadelphia 0, St. Louis 1 (called after 7th inning). Brooklyn 2, Chicago 3. Boston 7, Cincinnati 5. ' New York 5, Pittsburgh 1. American League Chicago 4, Boston 1. St. Louis 3, New York 2. Washington 6, Detroit 3. Philadelphia 6, Cleveland 5. International League Syracuse 12, Jersey City 0. Montreal 7, Rochester 4. Toronto 10, Buffalo 0. Baltimore 6, Newark. 0. American Association Toledo 8, St. Paul 5 U3 Innings). Minneapolis 7, Columbus 4. Louisville 1, Milwaukee 6. Coast League Portland. 1-5, Oakland 2-0. Seattle 1, Hollywood 4. San Francisco 2-3, San Diego 3-2. Los Angeles 6-13, Sacramento 0-3. SUNDAY National League New York 1-0, Pittsburgh 18-7. Boston 3, Cincinnati 4 (14 innings, 2nd game postponed). Philadelphia 1, St. Louis 1 (call- 5th, 2nd game postponed). Brooklyn 4, Chicago 3. American League Detroit 1-4, Washington 5-8. Chicago 3-2, Boston 4-3. Cleveland .5-5, Philadelphia 12-0. St. Louis 1-0, New York 2-10. (1st game 11 innings). International League Jersey City 3-3, Toronto 2-9 (1st game 11 innings). Syracuse 3-3, Buffalo 1-1. Rochester 8-2, Montreal 6-3. Newark 9-2, Baltimore 6-4. American Association Toledo 1-3, Minneapolis 14-4. Indianapolis 3-0, Milwaukee 5-3. (Other games pontponed). Coast League Portland 3-5, Oakland 2.1. Seattle 3-7, Hollywood 4-6 (1st game 10 Innings). Los' Angeles 8-1, Sacramento 0-0. San Francisco 3-5, San Diego 1-2. IT GROWS LONG The vine of the rattan palm Is sometimes 1,000 feet long, a record in the plant world. OPPORTUNITY WILL BUY, TKADK, or SELL What Have You? Phone Black 823 VE GIRLS HAMg GOT SOME" I PRESENTS FOR C?7Z S&tk Paul Postulo, Albert James Harrison and John Palmer Johnson of couver. B. Thorsteinssen, inspector of schools, left this morning for Tele graph Creek to inspect the school there which has not been visited for some time. G. Graham and G. E. Norris, inspectors of customs, were here this morning enroute to Whitehorse and elsewhere in the Yukon on official duties. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that from this awarded a scholarship at Queen's 1 date I shall not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone other than myself. I SIGNED at Prince Rupert, Columbia, May 31st. 1943. OLE KILDAL. CITY OF rUINCE nUPEItT All Dogs six months old and over must have 1943 License Tags. These can be obtained at the City Hall or from the City Poundkeeper on and after June 15. All persons with dogs not licensed are liable to penalties. J. UNWIN City Poundkeeper Al f'TION SALE Timber Sale X3i97.1 There will be offered for sale M Pub lie Auction, ait 12 o'clock noon on the 6th dy of June. 1943, In the office of the District Porewter, Marine Building, Vancouver, B.C., the Licence X32973, to cut 4,250,000 f .b.m. of Spruce on an area BlUatod at Shannon Bay-Mi-wett Inlet and Juaka.Ua Inlet, Queen Charlotte Ulands Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in peram may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction said treated as one told." - Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester, Victoria, DC . or the District Foresters at Prince Rupert and Vancouver. B.C. IN TliB SI I'tlKMK ('Ol'KT OF HKITISII C'Ol.r.MIIIA IN I'lIOIIATIl IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS- ISTRATION ACT" and fN THE HATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP DAVIS. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HU Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 27tft day of May, A. D. 1943, appointed Administrator of the estate of Philip Davis, formerly of the City of Prince Rupert. Deceased, who died on or ifcout the 25th day of March, A.D. 1943. All persons Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of The'.r Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the. sa'd Estate are required to file them with me prcperly verified on or before the 15th day of July, A. D. 1943, falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C, this 27tti day of May, 1943. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert B.C J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westhoime Rooms NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Uoine" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box III THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Bedding plants For Sale. Wilding's Greenhouse, Alfred St. (tf ) A Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) Executive Meeting tonight at 8 p.m. JUST WIIAT'LL HE NEEDED tvAO?v RCSSS' COOK BOOK J HOVM TO COOK; r livid AElio's Pay Casn for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Mrs. Murdo MacArthur assisted with refreshments at the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association tea last week. Mrs. Hart was a serviteur. The flowers were do- Prince Rupert have enlisted in the nated by Mrs. Joe Naylor, Mrs. R. N. McParland, wife of a Col. Walter McCaffrey of Otta- evening by train on his return East. FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral of the late Carl Johnson will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Orenville Court Chapel of the B.C. Undertakers. finnouncetnen All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Diptheila susceptibility (Schick) testing for adults at Health' Unit Office (2 donrs from Library) Monday and Friday, 5 to 6 p.m.; Saturday 9 to 12 a.m. St. Peter's Tea and Home Cooking, Mis. J. W. Morehouse, June 10th. Navy Tea, Mrs. Borland's, June 10. L.O.B.A. Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, June 14. ) , Presbyterian Tea, June 24, J. E. Smith. Valhalla Invitation Dance, fellows' Hall, June 25. FREE Odd- Webster's Twentieth Century Deluxe Die tionary, Webster's New Office and Professional Dictionary, Mechanical Encyclopedia, also Cook Book. II. ROTIIWELL, Prince Rupert Hotel Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet weather. Oil burners also cleaned and serviced Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE I II ii i KWONG SANG HING OOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 aan'. Phone Red 247 For Income Tax RETURNS SEE U. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. AND HERE'S A FEW PRESENTS WE SOT FOR VOO,TLUE.'LL SHOVO EM TO PU NOW H Graduating In Seattle Miss Lucille Brooksbank Qualifies As Domestic Science Teacher Miss Lucille Brooksbank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooksbank of this city, has been successful in receiving her bachelor of science degree at University of Washington in Seattle in-addition to certification as a home econom- mto w.-Virt Vine Kfor vtetHniy VlPT"P f fir ; . . ... ' .-...., 1Cs teacner wnicn vocation sne win well known Dawson WrWr 111 H, "awson barrister, was the past few days wltn hls brother- rptnrn n,m.h Columbia this here this morning on her return ,n.,L anri sWtir nr. nnd Mrs. l. :.u to the Yukon after a trio to Van. ,7;.' w pursue, me commnicracm r , w. iveriiii. win leave luiuuuuw exercises of the 1943 class of Unl versity of Washington will take place at Meany Hall on the coming Saturday and Miss Brooksbank wiU then come to Vancouver to take five weeks' post-graduate work at University of British Columbia. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE 10-room house, 2 lots , and furniture. $2,500. 735 8th Ave. West. (132) FOR SALE 10-roomed house, furnished. 415 5th Ave. East. (134) FOR SALE Sewing machine and f some kitchen utensils. Phone Black 989 after 5 pjn. (135) FOR SALE Used furniture of all descriptions. Visit Elio's used department, Third Axenue next to Daily News, Prince Rupert. FOR SALE 3-room house with concrete basement, hot air fur nace, automatic on ourner, nev, furniture. $2,250, cash $850. Col-lart Si McCaffery Ltd. Phone 11. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms for counle. Apply 1377 Overlook Street. (132) FOR RENT Two upstairs room, private home, uniurnisnea, suu couple. $25. Give particulars. Box 505 Dally News. (132) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM-Street. Green 880. -718 JIELP WANTED Fraser (137) WANTED Housekeeper ior two adults. Phone Black 85 evenings. (tf) VVANTED-School girl to care for children after school and Saturdays. Phone 53. (132) APPLICATIONS will be received for the position of Accountant for the City of Prince Rupert Applicants must nave naa previous municipal accounting experience. Apply, stating age. qualifications, experience, salary expected and date available to Unemployment Insurance Commission, (tf) " wanted" WANTED Small gillnet boat in first class condition. Apply Home Oil Dock. (133) WANTED Room and board for single girl. Phone Red 560 after 6 p.m. (136) WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment for young couple with small baby. Phone Blue 878. (200) WANTED Room or light house keeping room for navy couple, Urgently. Box 501 Dally News. LOST (132) LOST Wednesday afternoon, pair of lady's blege shoes, new. Be lieved picked up In error In one of local stores. Finder please Phone Red 276. Reward. (132) LOST Parker fountain pen, black with gold top. Finder please leave at Dally News Office. (132) Bv Wcstovcr DIGEST VJE TABLETS.' DYSPEPSIA CURE ' ff BICARBONATE , OF SO DA J SALE Clearing Shoes $100 a Pair COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS, SOCKS, MISCELLANEOUS at astonishingly Low Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS , Continuing Until Further Notice STYLE S HOPPE (Next to Bulkley Market) NOTICE On and after June 1 this Association has decided not to handle Non-Member business with the exception of Marine Trade and U.S. and Canadian .Governments' business. . To take, care of our Non-Member business, the Kaien Consumers' Co-operative Association has been formed which you and all other consumers may join. Help Yourself Help Us Join The Kaien Co-op Now Owine to the difficulty of obtaining labor and material The Kaien Co-op. finds it impossible to open the 3rd Ave. Store for about 10 days. The Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op, Cow Bay Store will serve the members to the best of their ability in the meantime. Prince Rupert Fishermen Co-operative Association Box 2G4, Prince Rupert, B.C. IT'S TIME to get your FATHER A CARD Fathers Day is Sunday June 20th Select a suitable one from our excellent range of Coutt's Canadian Cards. 5c to 25c each Greeting Card Headquarters at M '"i f. . IS 1