PAGE SIX THE Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Rupert Peoples Store CHOP SUEY jfK chas- Chas. Dodil Dodiincad rH YT"VTI -1 J Optometrist In ( $ $ Malch' C,uck- J V - ucpalring, Chare Jewelry Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT OKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Bajifase and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Headlights In New Millinery Rupert Peoples Store V.V.VAV.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.".V.' THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOW 3IEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. !nd Ave. (across from Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 OUR TURN NOW A year ago we were wondering what HITLER was going to 4o. Today he is wondering what WE are going to do next. Yes, the tide Is turning but the war is far from won This is no time to let down, it is time to accelerate our efforts. Young physically fit men and women should be in the Army. Those who are not fit for active duty should, if possible, be in the Reserve the Rangers the AH.P. Red Cross Salvage Corps, or the like. Everybody should be in this war, young and old, men and women, In order to assure victory. Apply to jour nearest Recruiting Office. Ormes Ltd. 3l" Pioneer Driuzg fats THE REXALL STOKE PHONES 81 and 83 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.rn. Simmons Mattresses BEAUTYREST SLEEP UNIT, size 4-6, 4-0 $71 00 DEEPSLEEP SLEEP UNIT, size 4-6, 4-0 S61J0 SLUMBER KING SLEEP UNIT, all sizes Z $52.50 Felt Mattresses WHITE KNIGHT, size 4-6 S37 "5 OSTERMOOR, size 4-6 " S295n SLUMBET. -.,:iNG, all sizes $2g50 4-plece BEDROOM SUITE, consists of BeT Ends Chiffonier, Vanity and Bench $89.0(T ELI0 FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue (Next to Dally News) rrince Rupert I For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER fcrhone 88 324 2nd Ave. THE ARMY NEEDS Men and Women Don't wait for a call RE A VOLUNTEER I IS ; lu CFPR (1240 Kilocycle) Schedule THURSDAY IM. 4:00 The Esquires 4:30 Boston rops Orchestra 5:00 Piano Interpretations 5:15 Ray Kenney's Orchestra 5:30 Sound -off 5:45 O. I. Jive 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude - 6:15 Sports Interviews 6:0 To be announced 6:45 Canadian Pattern 7:00 Major Bowes 7:30 Bing Crosby 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Round-up 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30 Classics for Today 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Fish Arrivals 10:10 Recorded Interlude iii:j5 Great Music 11:45 Organ Reveries 1 1 : 00 Closing announcement FRIDAY A.M. :30 Musical Clock : 45 CBC 'News :5U Musical clock :30 Morning Devotions :45 Novelty Tunes : 00 Jimmy Cash : 15 Music a la Carter :30 CBC News : 35 Transcribed Varieties :.0O Henry King's Orchestra :30 Will Carter : 45 They Tell Me :00 Scandinavian Melodies : 15 Broadcast of Messages : 17 Recorded Interlude :45 Troubadors : 00 Wayne King's Orchestra VM. :30 Spotlight Bands : 45 CBC News :50 Interlude : 55 Program Resume 00 One o'clock Muslcale :30 Bing Crosby Rebroadcast 00 Closing announcement Girls' Jingle Gets Her Man LONDON, Sept. 23 O) Three years ago, lG-year-old Rose Wood, war worker at a clothing factory, dropped a Jin&le into a pocket in the soldier, battle-dress she' was making. The jingle went: If you arc single, drop me a line. If you are married, never mind. If you are single, and lonely, too, Write to me and 111 write to you." Ptc. Percy Lambert, 20, got the battledress and the note. He wrote. They met They were mar-iried recenlty. Irie-placeable treasures from London's Lincoln Cathedral have been buried for the duration in a chamber hewn out of solid rock 60 feet underground. ULT SORB and WD FCiT HPEME the Antiseptic Limihemt NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Trince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 PHASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT lOTICE ERASER & PAYNE'S Chance of Store Hours Store will be- closed all day Thursdays, and from 12 to 1:00 all other business days, until further notice. J. M. S. Loubser D.C, B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone B4h LONDON, Sept. 23 Q Triat No. 1 glamor girl of the war, the Russian woman has won herself a new admirer the British sur geon. Britain sent some of her best surgical brains on a three-weeks visit that showed them Russia at war medically from Vyazma, on the front, to Moscow with her research institutes, in, the rear. With them were Prof. Wilder Penflcld of Montreal, famous Canadian brain specialist, and two American doctors. Prof. Pen-field proceeded to China from Hussia. The major impressions of the Tritons, disclosed at a press con ference on their return were: 1. 99 per cent of the Rusisan doctors in training are women. 2. The genaral nrinciDles of fu'slan medical work resemble those of Britain and America. 3. Russian medicine in the oast 20 years has made "amaz- I ing" strides. 4. Blood transfusion is handled on a "colossal", scale. 5. The Russian ability to eet the wounded Into the care of I specialists with i a minimum of i delay. Seven of 10 Red Army wounded later returned to actl4 Allowed to go anywhere they : wished, the surgeons saw nurses ! behind the front lines cutting timber in their spare time to help build a hospital. That eve ning, the same nurses nut on a cabaret show for the visitors. The women doctors, they said, were highly qualified. Thev met one wearing five wounded stripes.1 The chief of the army medical HP SOVIET NURSES Service Men Like GLAMOUR GIRK Letters from Home British Surgeons Admire Women Doctors, Nurses Who Do Most of Soviet Medical Work. By DOUG HOW Canadian rress Staff Writer Tit Hit of nylon fur mVj frain twhlintl it anothrr txamplt tf tfniiiKt ,f MxifUI Cbtmittfj that it aiding tht war tfft. Writing Letters an Art But Must Be Done in War-Time. NEW YORK. Sept. 23 0) Keeping in touch with friends' scattered all over the globe is doubly important today, but the fast tempo of war-time life frequently causes correspondence to fall into the limbo of forgotten things. And men in the services don't appreciate hastily-penned illegible notes either. The ideal correspondent in war-time or any time writes entertaining regular epistles of a satisfying length. If writing seems to be one of the things you can't find time' for in war-time, you might take a tip from a New York war wife with two small children and a job. She fits a special pad of notepaper and a fountain pen In her bag and writes a few lines whenever she has a spare moment. In this way she averages three letters a week. Local Tides Friday, September 21 High 10:34 16.9 feet 22:30 17.7 feet Low 4:06 6.9 feet 16:34 9.7 feet organization Ti-as a 35-year-old man. Ninety per cent of the blood donors are women and most of them return the money they receive for their blood to the state for war purposes. Russia has never lacked in any crisis for blood. .h purpose of the mission was exchange of Information and preparation for fuller collaboration between Britain nd Russia in the medical field. A Russian mission may visit Britain in the future. . COMEDY IS ROMANTIC The More The Merrier," With Jean Arthur, Joel MrCrca and Charles Cob urn at Capitol Theatre Co-starring Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea and Charles Coburn. the romantic comedy, "The Moie the Merrier ' comes as the feature picture to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. The story is about a beautiful secretary in crowded Washington D.C. who decides to do her share towards relieving the housing shortage by sha:lng her apartment. She is determined to take in only a woman but is Induced against her better judgment to take in Charles Co-burn for a week. The latter sub-lets half of the room to young Joel McC.Va, an engineer in Washington on business Then follow live days of tense excitement Including the storming of the apartment by Fede a' Bureau of Investigation agent--Investigating a rumor of Ja-; anese spies. The investigation results in a deluge of publicity nd Jean is misunderstood al' around. Finally, matters are satisfactorily straightened out for all concerned. The picture is said to be complete with delicate chaim tender amusing love scenes rollicking laughter and complete timeliness. ONCE UNITED Nrway and Sweden were united under one government from 1814 to 1905. WAR WORKERS find relief from painful corni with CRESS CORN SALVE Kttv you "on your (tti" at tV toughen iob. Cmi Com Stive im inula (I direction! ir carefully followed. Should coin or utlouf not diuppcai within i returnable time, mooer will be refunded on return of jir to dealer, what could be fiuci? Buy . try At ill druuutfs. CHEMISTRY HELPS TO WIN THE WAR ty Trains use Nylon Tow-lines Early in July a Douglas C-47 transport plane took off from Dorval Airport, near Montreal, and crossed the Atlantic-towing a freight-loaded glider. Thus the first trans-Atlantic sky train became a fact! This achievement highlights the increasing importance of glider operations in modern warfare. Today, winged armies airborne soldiers arc flying into action in big troop-carrying gliders towed by aeroplanes. Naturally, the tow-Jine that links the glider and its towing . .. plane is a vitally important length of rope. Only an exceptional rope would possess the tremendous strength and i'iUticity necessary to withstand the pull and strain of high SPCC1. long distance air transport. That's why the nylon tow-line was developed . . '. because nylon excels .all other yarns in the combination of lightness, tensile strength and elasticity. Nylon tow-lines-less than an inch thick and exceptionally light-are being widely used in glider operations . . . once again demonstrating, by wartime use, the outstanding qualities of this yarn that oricinated in the rhrmicre fnL A .' plant in Kingston, Ontario, C-I-L is now producing nylon exclusively for military use. When the war is won, nylon will once again be available for general consumer production. Hi CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED PA.2AS ' I CAPITOL A fAMOUl flATIII TMIAfll "JOl'UXtY ftn STARTS FRIDAY 2 DAYS at 7 , "1 Z6e saiv 6eA P?rrorc 7) UTut wouU you j I UH do if I you you had had to to J3AtxJ' Jfjf T with too ilxangs men) MX ADDED News and Cartoon Complete Shows 1:00, 2:50, 5:00, 7:10, 9:20 Canada at War 25 Years Ago Uy the Canadian Press Sept. 23. 1918 The British collected 13.000 prisoners and 120 guns to date in Palestine. Feature 1.00, 3 13. 53 7:j Beirut. In the Bala bians reached the v. ing the railway from Uskub. The Briti thrusts at various pc Western front. HOW NAVY GO' The Royal Nary : by the Boaid of A Whitehall, headed b opening the way to Acre and Lord of the Adminl ft-,,., LADIES' 'Gionella7 Dress Sli In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, B Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede it spike and cuban heels. High styled lir. suit.any taste and priced to suit any po book. MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HE.' lMfwUndN BOOTS in G" and 8" Just arrived. Family Shoe Store I "The Home of Good Shoes" M.M.M M.M.JIMHM.MJLM.M.MM.M.H DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is compiling a Roll of Honor is hoped may contain the name of every man am of this city to serve with the armed forms at sea, and in the air. To make this list complete. It is obtain the co-operation of the public as 'hoIe mltting the names. It is impossible for the Dally News or any on to compile the list complete so we are asking (. responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following is the Information we would infill In and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR . Dally News, Prince Rupert Name Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Relation , Address . , Date of Enlistment . .... Date of Discharge ... If Casualty, Nature and Date name, no one $lse may. You are responsible. ertaln