i - m mi i . i i i LflSTinG BEflUTy REDUCE SUGAR RATION IrtJBLIN The sugar ration ' In Eire has been reduced from j4 of a pound 10 '2 pound per week. Enjoy MtlejMin Health Ml. the moit delicious porrioje. It'i I blend of Whole Whe.t, T.ble Br.n, Rye end Flu. Ht mild ly uutive tcuon, i i wmt f . ctcoie DIAMOND and WEDDING KINGS CHOOSE YOUR Bte"Ritl ENGAGEMENT RING AT t rj John Bulger Ltd. Poppy Day J Poppy Day. Poppy Day! Scat let blossoms amid the Lighting the chill November iskies;. ; Syrrrbjle of Hope and sacri-liee. I Poppies glow! Poppies glow.t ' "Rtinembe them" they ivrhisper low. . "Who bore the Torch of ;Fre icm high, j "Who fought and died for liberty." i Bom of their fathers fight ' ' .today; i A new generation takes the fieJd. ; ! 'i f' I Ytfung, , vaHanfe hands our itrerfgfh and shield. poppies flame! Popples flame! Deep In our hearts enshrine fthelr'Jame. ."Lest ye fetget" they ieem tto "O. wear a Poppy on Poppy Eayl"" Winifred O. Brass I - Speed the Victory! Back our gallant fighters. They're smashing the pill boxes and clearing the way. Buy 5 th Victory Loan Bonds to give them the tools to finish the job. They're counting on you: don't let them down, Buy and speed thtir Victory I i ' ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR WK LEAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW 1 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. fhone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASEll STREET PRINCE RUPERT WEAK A POITV Editor Dally News: Tomorrow will be Poppy Day! Tomorrow we offer once again :he mystic symbol of Rememb-rarre--the Flanders Poppy-fashioned by the skillful fingers of wounded Servicemen of the last and of this Oreat War & replica of the little red poppy Ahlch flourished amid the dead nd dying in France and Fland-?rs, which bravely flung its Stowing red mantle over the cars and wounds of war over .he shell-holes and the beater, tone of No-man's land, as if to assure the beholder of life sternal even in the very Jaws t death. The Canadian Legion is call ng to the people of the Domln- on to observe more than ever Remembrance Day and asks hat even man, woman and child wear a Poppy in memory' both of those who laid down lieir lives in the first Oreat Var and those who have made the supreme sacrifice In this r-:cnt conflict. This appeal Is not made on behalf of the Legion itself or It membeis but on behalf of , al, ex-servicemen who are In need. The collection and administration of the Poppy Fund has been entrusted to trie Canadian Legion. This, however. I doe-, not mean that the Poppy (Fond is part of the funds of he Legion. It is kept entirely iephrate and It is considered a Trust Fund which the Legion administers for the benefit of all ex-servicemen. Any man who has served and who is In need has a claim on this fund. The joppies and wreaths which clt-zer.s are asked to buy arc made by disabled ex-servicemen Incapable of earning a living In any other way and who, bat fo. this industry, would be a charge on public funds. If Poppy Day did nothing but keep Basketball both good and bad- was presented at Seal Cove last night, in the first ;heduled games of the season when Fortress humiliated Ack-Ack 49 to 9 in the opener and Port Edward Americans beat Air Force Flyere 55 to 42 in th--ltghteap. . The Yanks and Flyers staged t quick-pkiying, fast -passing jwntest that didn't decrease its liigh-geared tempo for a mlh-atr. Tiiers was little ta choose between elthe; five with the ossicle exception In the ,gun-?ry departmental which Mollne and Ketchmark of the Yanks were the chief exponents. Mollne, a most deceptive forward, weaved and faked his way through for twenty-one points. Ketchmark. another ac-surate pegger, was good for 17 Vato and Zack, "sixty minute" men of Flyers' rear-guard, and Gerasimoff. sawed-off forward, toiled ha:d all night. Zck arid Oerasimoff were their team's biggest an even dozen a to came In the second quarter The count was 16 to 13 for the '"anks at the five minute mark a hen Mollne, with the aid of a lust about held their own in he third. 15 to 13. In the final tanza each quintet made twelve paints, the Flyers not being able o overcome that sudden flurry Tank baskets In the second uarter that causedJthelr de- .at. ation and Ack-A:k never had a sliow at any time. Taylor and these mm self-supporting and . Chanman wallcprf thrmioh fnr 1 self-respecting citizens, it would ; 15 and 10 points, respectively, sUU be worth-while. So, please j and MacMurchle. a nice play- Duy a reppy on Poppy Day. makr J . ' , . was woo good bwu for 6. w. THE DAILY NEWS LETTERBOX SEAL COVE THE DAILY NEWS BASKETBALL PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMIUA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER. MANAQINQ EDITOR DAILY EDITION H RESERVE IS HOOP WINNER 1918 Armstire anri aithnnh vir v, .i uommanaer uree. KX w. . o-- - 1 v. wMiwuiaii n d4 Ui i milky, . ... . are again at war. we do not i a high calibre. The league could "aTal ," eer Jn , en Prln"' oare to say that the sacrifices , ue more men like these. It s ' " J v 'of the men in that other War ribf often that ftams-both w!n- 1,8,1 of th an-m were in vain. In memory of rting and losing have words ! Darts, who scored two polriM them and our heroes of this of praise for the refereeirw as In the last half and Dominato. War wea- a Poppy on Rememb- they did last night. who countered the same num-1 rar.ee Day. t i A CALL W. O. B. J.M.S.Loubser U.C B. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 6tt LEO OYER High Class Decorating and Paprrhanging Red 395 867 Borden St. TTTTTTTTTTTT V TTTTTTTTTT CLIP THESE COAL TIPS ill L j1 'in i ii in $ Adjust Drafts Properly Learn how draft controls work. An excessive draft will waste heat and should be cut down by damper. Normally the flue DiDe damper should be less than wide open. If it's necessary to leave It wide open to maintain the fire, there may be an .obstruction In chimney or flue pipe. AAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAA, Fortress Taylor 15. Oueloa. ber. were top snipers for Re- Chapman 10. Turner 5, Mac- serves. Wallace with 11 points, Murchie 6. Kelley 1, Landskall number with 10 and Martin 7. 6, McKeown 4, Hendron 2." d Navy. Ack-Ack-Carter 2. nillnger The game was refereed by 2, Speed. Detweller 2. AUken. n ,-t. ... .. Mapleton 3, Beale, Splcer. : r B Hutchings. I 1 j a AmerlcansMartin 1. MoHne : to 5, Smlther 9. Oeroslmolf 12. ! i 21, Ketchmark 17. Dlrschel 2. j Davldon. MorrKm, Bennes, Mc- '' trailer z, LarKin 4, Webb 2, Mo: ran. Anderson. Katorskl, Hofman 2, Wagner 4. Air F ;e Zack 12, Blore 4, Ca Referees Matasi and Sanfl- i..f J AFLOAT AND ASHORE, Mobisco Shredded Wheal with milk ho afwayi been a favorite brealfoit dish) with men who like to keep fit. TODAY our Nutrition Authorities recommend "one serving of a whole O'ain cereal" for everyone everyday. And the tasty, nut-like flavor of Nobitco Shredded Wheat makes it easy to follow this important food rule. WAR WORKERS, especially will benefit from the abundant food-energy and excellent food-values which this 100 whole graij- whole wheat cereal helps to supply. Serve Nabisco Shredded Wheat for Fitness , , , save War Savings Stomps for Victory I THt CANADIAN SHHDDfD WHEAT COMPANY, IT0. I041A Niogar. Fall., Canada Friday. November 5, 1943 The Axis Totters ... With Mussolini out and Hitler tottering, we at long last venture to speculate that the war has reached a phase where final and decisive victory may soon crown our arms. Possibly the Moscow conference has been the real turning point. Certainly there are authentic and definite signs of weakness within the Reich in addition to the disaffection which is spreading throughout satellite and subjugated territory. Meantime, of course, the Russians are. continuing their stunning military offensive, which, no doubt, is helping to weaken the fast weakening morale of the German people. The air assault based on the British Isles against western Europe and the Allied campaign northward through Italy are also causing Lm 'grievous embarrassment for the scorers, getting ... . , , ,. enemy, .. , J. , . .. iDiece Smithsrs Victory over Germany is definitely m sight it ao- lanky centre, was close behind ! pears. Soon we will be getting in real earnost at the v,tn 9- I serious business of concentrating upon Japan which, The turning point or the set- j mav even at this time have ideas nf sliding nut vraee-t fully as the Allies elate over the defeat of victory J something which we miist guard against since Japan is guilty of much and must be irrevocably eliminated -jurle of hi? teammates, raced this time as po?.ibly the most dangerous menace T lL0!'' the Axis triumvirate. When the full force of Allied i anisic iu onus mcir loiai m . . i-t.T a. ah the Flyers could get in . niIdht comes to be applied to Japan the issue there I hat quarter were six points ti suoum noi laKf long to decide. nake It 17 all told. The Airmen ed representative of the Y.M.CA. with the Navy here. . Reserve MS' Fitch 8, Dom-,lnato 12. Davl 12. XtaePhee S. Mm Donald 0. Drummond 2. Scanton. Paullkaas. Teng. Hok- estad. A last half scoring spurt by! mv 3aiMartln 7 number In the opener. Fortress was Davis, of the winners, featured to Wallace 11. Knuton 2 Crm- :he complete master of the situ the Inaugural game of the 3, Johnson. Area Basketball League in which Reserve Army defeated Navy 45 to 33 in the Naval Dr'l Hall last night. In ooenlns-game ceremonies. , , ... 1 . . 1 November 11 this year is the 1 The refereelng of Sanflltow I f y 7wour,' H . ' iweniy-inui anniversary 01 tne 1 0f the Americans, and Matasl " a 4 Strains, Sprains and Muscular Pains A For Income Tar RETURNS SKE R. E. MORTIMER ('hone ,11 l 2nd Ave. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY I'llONK 157 tress wws tire SILENT SERVICE i B 13 Man 0ther BraTsrfe(j, "TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTv TTTTTTT Gillette shaving CREAM iBIg, 3 ounce Unf h wfcr, . ciiun, i;t TOR SALE j We a: ten- Dsily I oVWl 3'f UgctablH 1 iu,at -Man." Dork J Knlcrprfse Grocer. Dibb Printing Company CHRISTMAS CARDS Now on Display Make Sclrrtloiu Now forOmstai J a 1 1 aiiiivnii j it ' "'" runs anJ It IK Til DAY AND K V K It Y I) A V CAKdJ WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN P E S S Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 2341 IS REAL WAR 1 ' Mi This is not phnr.ey war The Cn , Ar MeV of tfi?AthV' The -.. , ,t r n tn U an Uvr I (id of battle I n. 1 fit and between Is ond 45 you ar- i ; ' ue AMIve Army, which M still ar c' rt!f volunteer Army. Vllt jronr nearl Army Rrrrnltlng OllWe todif, Don't drUr. Jit Pioneer Druqgiitt the nr.xAi.L STtntr. mo.M ti uii Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sunday and Holiday from 122 p.m. am) - SPEED ffa VICTORY The little thine ue do it home obeylnt the ratlonlnj rrculatioin do-liir without liuuilrs . . . rnrtallinx nrrrl-lie . . . sklmplnt In buy bonds . thre are not snrrlflrei, They are merely Hf drnlal. 'Ilie men who fare the atiual brunt of battle make the sacrifices. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage i'imnce ritpert Co. Ltd. """Tisii roinifl'I HAS THE . . . VICTORY LOAN SALES CALLED ON YOU? You may have been micd - nilAMr THE VICTORY LOAN rnuiin headquarters A Canvasser will be sent immediately "Jliiy an Extra Hond - Speed the