nbw Chinese operations ,5H,X(iT()N. DCV-Preldent Roonevelt announced today Cret Britain, the United Statei and China have reached Jl itemcnt for new military operatlone In the Chinese ridrnt aald the arreement would mun t. lift. Inr r" - ........ uu (iina Inland 1 CLOSING IN ON. KIEV LsCOM-Two suburbs of Kiev hare been taken by the on- U( Ked trrr,y "na pul wne more r"nn. The Reds are Lithin fle mllei of the centre of the capital city of the inc. JAPANESE NAVAL LOSS Lit" HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTH PACIFIC Ai a re- ,f Monday'a nlnely-mlnule naval battle off tb Sion L. the Jpanee lot one cruiser and four t cruUers and two destroyers were Idirmy TtU cre lot. Quit lilkmi for Separate Peace I About to be Instituted in OCHOLM, Nov 3 0 The c ai, Dcmokraten : it the Finnish : instructed Juhu f T:rr mlnUter to rrady to go to I -, f .aoiy 10 aucusv j ' t a separate r C a i. Dmokraten , F r.d'3 fate will be t - is next few days. 1 ir l -iiCiai coruirma- en Victory n 11nn rvf - tlUIJIJIII LCI 1 ?1 rr 5. A ken r- :4. Xottmbcr 11 -pons D6 and D7. ' :.?cr.z pair 23. November 18 pair 28. November 23 t ' Jfc coupons 22 and r :rr.3 38 and 39. pair 27 (first k No. 3) expire Novem- r ?"r.s, Nos. 34, 35. 38. -p:nr Nos. 22, 23, 24, Cr.d tMi.rnffii rrtii. " 1 t... . ' var nn nnnV 2 will v. ' . l.Ilfi-t nf rnn vtttir HTl I Inn nul.. - ri"i hut 11 e Dean of PnnlrKi,rv hue mure iorce 10 at with a choice cuss aK. i. . II-, L . inn upnn snlrt il . "i circuiaipn IIUS.S1.1I1 jo auuing r- n Ha j i. r ,i II X A Writ' Mr ll IT LOG SCALE MOUNTING ... Timber Output for" Was Contlderab., in Of Year AfO. - Victory Loan 1,1 Hr 3.145.45 rrrf ran-rtl.n1 Cedar 3.117.768 !. ..way section fore-: UJibum, 8ask. He Prime Minister pension cheques as Jt months tw de- 4 j rjrhaae of Fifth I : bends, Born in Vf - ,n, of SwedUh C, jlad worked for 1 the railway's " ; : m In Sask-1 Alberta. He rt-t: last year. rv . inn mrpc November ' -r? valid ration S . r..btr Xotrmber t ' "" coupons 20 and Spruce Hemlock Balsam Jackplnfl 1836052 6.19874 497494 Miscellaneous . 400,946 L4 r Excess 'Log scaling In Prince Rupert forestry district during the month of October this year totalled 31.959.973 board feet as compared with 22,897,127 board feet In the same month last year, there being a notable in. crease in the record of spruce from 11,134,308 board feet in October last year to 18,560,232 board feet this year. 80 far this year the log scale for the district stands at 178.841.192 board feet compared with 190.61 1.754 board feet in the first ten months of 1942. The scale per species this October was as follows, figures forothe same month last year also being shown .for comparison: Oct 1941 Oct 1942 303.382 381. 402 11.13408 6426.619 649,780 389,656 30,696 ToUb 3159.983 22,897.127 Forest Products The output of poles and piling In the Interior this October was light at 288468 lineal feet 250,- 901 feet cedar, 11331 hemlock and 5436 miscellaneous as compared with 636,778 lineal feet In the same month last year. The scale for the year to date is U6U12 lineal feet as against 636,778 lineal feet In the first ten months of 1942. The tie count this October 28.218,192 pieces, all Jackplne. as against 1,193 pieces last year In October. This October 374 cords of wood were counted compared with 1.335 cords in October, 1942. New Operations Superintendent of T. C. Air Lines WINNIPEO, Nov. 5 Walter W. Fowler, operations superintend ent of TransCanada Air Lines, Moncton, has been appointed as-, slstant operations manager at at Sackvllle, N.B., in iwe, nc began flying In 1928 and went to TransCanada from Canadian Airways. He became operations superintendent at Moncton In March, 1942. Mr. Young was born In Toronto In 1909: He began to fly In 1927 and served, as pilot and instructor, wjth Dominion Skyways, National Air Transport, the Brantford Aero Club and Century Airways. Join 'lilac ing T.C.A. l.UUIt In III January, "-. 1938. . as ' i-j. - pilot at Toronto a year ago, Goto War Suggeilon That Declaration Upon Germany May Follow Cairo Conference. LONDON. Nov. 5 Ol A declaration of war by Turkey against Oermany may lesult, from the visit to Cairo of Foreign Sec retary Anthony Eden of Oreat Drltalnffind Secretary of State qordoll HiUL Eden .and Hull left Moscow after- completing the tri-partlte dUcuisions, a Soviet radio broadcast announced yesterday: and there was a suggestion that they would stop off at Cairo to confer with the Turkish foreign minister. Numan Menemend-oglu, who Vd arrived there Wednesday night IS HEARING OBJECTIVE Victory Loan Total to Date is 11,127,000,000 With Two Days To Go. OTTAWA, Nov, 5 (CP) Thursday's Fifth Victory Loan subscriptions totalled $76,000,-000, bringing the cumulative aggregative to $1,127,009,000 with two days to go, headquarters announced today. On Wednesday tales of Victory Loan bonds climbed above average to slightly more than .17100,000. basting -the tv. mutative total than past the billion dollar mark, headquarters announced yesterday. LONDON, Nov. 5 O-Ameri-can heavy bombers, escorted by American fighters, blasted targets In western Oermany today while medium bombers attacked targets in noithern France. The daylight assaurt came a few hours after Royal Air Force Mosquito bombers hit the same general area Thursday night. Former President Of Varsity Dies TORONTO, Nov. 5 0 81r Robert Falconer, 76, widely Vnnun rfnrnt.lnnlfct. nnH nrpx! and Frank I. Young. Winnipeg dcnt of the Unlvcrsllv of romnm I at present chief pilot at Toron to, will succeed him at Moncton. The appointments will be effective on January 1, 1944, according to announcement today by R. F. Ocorge, operations mmiager. Both men have been with TransCanada since Its earliest Hnv. Mr. Fwler was one of the Ch"rf:h doesn't nrmmvn !t.OA. In November. 1937. Born to until retirement In 1932, died last night. Doctor Negligent Funeral Delayed LATTON-CUM-EYSEY, England, Nov. 4 0 A clergyman In this Wiltshire village who refused to conduct a funeral service for a woman member oi his congregation because a doctor signed the death certificate without seeing the body, described himself as "honorary re-promoter of the movement for prevention of premature burial or cremation and of their alternative premature death." GOOD SHOOTING Ships of the Merchant Navy in-1 would say a damned pilot, he was promoted to chief had shot down 115 enemy air tk t. rtAAmtiAK December 4t into craft up to 31, 1942. Speed ih. Victory J? Buy Victory Bonds VAR NEWS HITGB GEKMAN CASUALTIES Local Tides ... n.rmanr bai suffered 2.700,009 casualties neirlr aW ... mud and eantured. durlnr lh nl i f mini ' - - v Saturday, Oct. 6 offslve b the Rfd Armjr wh,th threl' t hurl is f High 8:41 18.3 ui ixrai oui ot Ru,' thl wnt special Moscow an- 20:43 18.1 nl a,d Uil "lht Low 1:47 5.9 - , .. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL RRTTI.qti p.fii.TTM ptao vrwctJADPn Four Acts Downtown SOMEWHERE IN SOOTH- ERN ITALY, Nov. 5, Q King Vlttorio Emmanuel m today sought some means of saving his throne for hinuelf in the face of de- mands by parties of the United Anti-FascUt Front that he abdicate before they Join the government of Premier Marshal Pietro Badogllo. 4 YUGOSLAV - PATRIOTS PROGRESS LONDON, Nov. 5 K - Yugoslav partisans have captured a stronghold from the Germans in Montenegro, the liberation army communique announced today. Partlzan unKs also smashed During the early hours of this morning somebody with a Juvenile urge to throw rocks through windows let himself go in a big way and, as a result, four Third Avenue business places are Ventilated by holes In their plate glass show windows. They are the L. D. Cafe, the Union Steamship Office, Wallace's Limited and Bulger's Limited. The destruction apparently began at the L. D. Cafe, where a rock, which smashed a front window, yas let loose about 1:30 The next victim was Bulger's Jewelry store, which was reported assaulted at 2:30. Two hours later a rock was reported hurled through the window of the Union Steamship office, and an hour later police received word of the smashing of a win dow in Wallace's. size of the missiles they hurled The chunks of rock, three of which now repose as exhibits at the city police station, weigh Warning To Coast Prime Minister Mackenzie KJnr. Suggests Possibility of Enemy Attack Here. OTTAWA, Nov. 5 (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King gave warning yesterday that there should b no relaxation of Air Raid Precaution organizations in British Columbia and they should be maintained intact and in state of constant readiness. The Prime Minister's statement said that vigilance should be maintained, because there is either definite risk of attack or possibility of attack. Three Alarms In September Three fir alarms tnmrt fire alarms. WAR TRANSPORT IS DESCRIBED Col. Thomas J. Weed Interesting Speaker at Weekly Luncheon Of Rotary Club. The developments ot ports of embarkation was the Interesting subject of Col. Thomas J. Weed, port commander of the United States Army at Prince Rupert, In speaking before the Prince Rupert Club at luncheon yesterday. The speaker traced the stages of transport of troops and war supplies from point of origin to destinations abroad, explaining the vast organization involved thereby. He paid tribute to the merchant marine, mentioning some of the arduous!-1 ties with which it had to con- I tend. At present there was an: all-out war effort in which ser-1 vice men and civilians alike must participate to the fullest extent of their power. Properly equipped and controlled, the personnel of transport, both service and civilian, could be relied to face all difficulties and dangers .willingly. That the vandals meant busl-' Col. Weed told of the bulldlnz ness was apparent ..from the ;UD 0f a'uort of embarkation ln- i.j i . .. ' . eluding such projects as docks and warehouses and the general services. He told how, at the (commencement of the Spanlsh- uvivru ,u una mrec puunas 'American War, United States each had no transport vessels. It was Police report that no attempt inot ovcrly supplied in the Great was made to steal anything from the damaged show fronts, and that as jet they have made no arrests In connection with the destruction. Local Temperature Maximum Minimum 49 41 War but since then there had been great development. President A. S. Nickerson was in the chair at the Rotary Club luncheon and guests of the day, besides Col. Weed, were Major Helse, U.S.A., A. D., Cameron, J. H. MacLeod. Dennis Taylor and S. C. Morrison. S. Ct Thomson was winner of the weekly raffle of a War Savings Certificate. LOAN STILL GROWS HERE Need of Extra Filip During Next Few Days 'is, However, EmphasizedTotal Now $731400. The Fifth Victory Loan can vass is by no means lagging In Prince Rupert but the local Na tional War Finance Committee emphasizes the Importance of an extra push today and tomorrow, the final days of the campaign, to make Prince Rupert's oversubscription as substantial as possible. The local total up to last night was $791400. well over the min imum quota of $750,000. Yesterday's subscriptions amounted to $23,700. The following are new subscriptions la be acknowledged: Miss Delia Sturby Jones' News Stand Mrs. Phllomen King Miss Elizabeth Marie Mortimer Lucy and James Evans Mrs. E. Andrew n , C. L. Youngman oermans in batle near Kolasln. I rfurinir rwsr k,, ,-1 A. Pavllkls Yesterday in Yugoslavia it was ! number of calls answered by the ! United Brotherhood of announced that partlzans under Tito had captured PilboJ, railroad town In south central Yugoslavia, after Inflicting heavy losses on Oerman and Mlhallovlch forces. PICTURES FOR NORWICH LONDON, a Russel Colman, Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, has decided to bequeath to Norwich his-collection of pictures by ar- Usu of. the "Norwich, School?: worth a fortune and funds to erect and equip the buildings in which to house them. fire department up to the end of the month to 102. Two of October's calls were false alarms and the other was a fire In a cafe which was con trolled th very little damage. In September there were 17 $ 500! 200 ; 100 ; 50, 50 j 100 ', 100 50 Carpenters and Joiners 2400 A. D. Noble (Terrace) Miss M. Frank (Terrace) W. 8. Pheasey (Inverness) Emma and Arthur Krist-manson (Sunnyside) H. M. Cowle (Sunnyside) John Kemp (Fort Fraser) E. M. Hedren (Endako) P. P. T. T. Jacobson Jacobson (Endako) (Endako) Army Age Limited 50 50 200 2,000 100 50 50 FORESTS RUINED 50 OSLO. O Norwegian forests JJ. M. Jacobson (Endako) 50 ariy of occupation to such an fjoyce A. Jacobson-tEnelakol SO extent that the damage to Nor- Shirley H. Jacobson, (Endako) 50 ways chief industry may not Katie and A. H. Glddlngs be repaired for generations. i 'Telkwa) 150 Vandals Blitz Third Avenue Windows BLASTING AT REICH Night Attacks of Force Following Day lUids Royal Air American No More Voluntary Enlistments Men Over 37 to be Accepted VANCOUVER, Nov. 5 (CD-Reduction of the Army enlistment age from 45 to 37 years except in special cases is announced in a Department of National Defence order received at Pacific Command headquarters. , The order said that enlist ment of volunteers would; be!' restricted to those who had attained their eighteenth birthday but not their thirty-eighth. Lay Preachers Will Carry On SKEENA CROSSING, Nov. 5 Three local laymen have been appointed to lead the services In the United Church here In the absence of a, missionary. They are Moses Jones, Arthur Howard and Alfred McDames. All three have had more than 20 Canadian destroyer had been damaged in a recent attack by 20 German bombers off the, Spanish coast. ' Closing On Rom& - 14:31 Entire German Line in Central Italy Crumbling Following Capture of Isernia. ALGIERS. Nov: 5 and Canadian troops yesterday captured Isernia; 'key Tnoimtaln ! junction on the'tentral Italian 'i ll,v Eighth Army which Includes the Canadian First Division. The "Little Rommel Line" has now been finally smashed and, indeed, the whole German defence in this section appears now to be crumbling. i Allied headquarters announc ed today that Allied troops have smashed to the vicinity of the Garigliano River on the western end of the Italian battle line. Farther inland Allied forces, advancing on Venafro In the up per reaches of the Voltumo River have crossed the Voltumo pn the Adriatic end of the line. British destroyers bombarded enemy positions In support of the rTff enslve ' of the British !$thh Army in the San Salvo area. Heroic Surgeon Awarded D.S.C. LONDON, Nov. 5 CT Award of the D.S.C. to Surgeon Lieut Maurice John Hood, of the Royal Navy has disclosed the story ot his heroism In leaping from the Ice-covered decks of a destroyer to a convoy escort ship to attend :81 wounded men last winter. He made the jump safely when the two ships were so years' experience as lay preach- V . . .. . . to brlnR them ln wlld seas ers. Thev were selected bv Rev Z Jt Y . f ?y . ; running at the time. A slip in the L nn.H United rnTh Church. tendent 01 taklS " or landing meant in- jtant dcath For 30 hours without a break WAR MEMORIALS after getttng aboard the escort . ship. Hood operated on the BELGOROD, tT A monument wounded men who had been will be erected to Russian Army picked up from the destroyer . General Joseph Apanaesenko, Achates. Using a seaman's mess- ' who was killed while defending deck table as an operating) the city. In Orel, a monument table 'and supported by two will be erected to Maj.-Gen. ratings against the ship's roll- Leonti Gurtyev, a hero of Stal- lng and pitching, Hood saved ingrad. every one of the 81 wounded. feet feet feet B3 feet """ " VOL. XXXII, No. 259 pntvr't?bTTPT7nrn r r pnTmu mtm.n'V ;.,L '" WM 1 j PRICE FIVE CENTS Settlement Of Strike Looms Tl urkey "" I o ! ;: Is T T Irvincf 4- . to . : fr Save Throne Government Proposal ' I. Is Being Put Before Western Coal Miners No Official Statements Made Yet Union Leader Suggests an Early Ironing Out of Difficulties. OTTAWA, Nov. 5 (CP)-The Union delegation which has been in Ottawa to negotiate a settlement in the strike of 8,500 Alberta and British Columbia coal miners expects to leave tonight for the west to place a government proposal- before the miners, union officials said today. The officials refused to DESTROYER DAMAGED Canadian Vessel Seriouslv In Spanish Wafers But Believed Sunk. disclose the nature of the pro- posal but said the government had asked the union "to do cer tain things." It was assumed that one of the government's requirements was that thejnen return to work Hit before any definite wage conces- Notlsion Is granted. A special federal cabinet meet ing was scheduled for this af- OTTAWA, Nov. 5 (CP) The ternoon. Union officials were ex- Navy disclosed today that a,1pected to confer with Minister of Labor Humphrey Mitchell be fore the cabinet meeting; Following a session with the cabinet yesterday, a union offi cial expressed satisfaction re-. ' marking that the strike "mjtf be Ironed out" fr Minister of Labor Humpniay Mitchell conferred yeaterdiy with senior Labor Department officials on tfce strike of the Western Canada miners. A con- mennand flnfem ofHefafsfTwi held .later on Thursday. Slashing Reds S5;Reach Kherson front, 90 miles from Rome. The LONDON, Nov. 5 a ' occupying force was from the Russians, slashing at Til? the re treating Nazis were believed to be nearing the eastern outskirts of Kherson, Black Sea port at the mouth of the Dnelper River, yesterday a Moscow communique said thai the Red Army had captured Bol-shol-Kapany, 21 miles east of Kherson, as the Soviet army-advanced ten miles and captured eighty towns -In the steppe region between the Dneiper and the Black Sea. German prisoners were quoted as saying that the Nazis are suffering tremendous losses. HOT UP THE BOND FIRE ;0UR QUOTA $750,000 Amount to date