: 1 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS i Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT V ,-ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Rupert lien's and Boys' Store Catering To Men Men's Suits & Topcoats Underwear Shirts.; . Sox Shoes Ties Sweaters Sport Jackets Sport Pants Try Our New PERM W . I SUITS TO PLEASE C Stripes, solid colors and navy blues we've got them all I right here in stock. Sizes 3G through 46. Rupert Mens and Boys' Store 5 Quality You SIXTH ST Across From J. Can Afford. Helgefson Realty AW,AWAVWAWWAIWAW1V.V.W.VAV. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best job and material obtainable. Wc Pay The Return Charges LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes' In Brown Suede,, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any pocket-book. I ' MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8". Just arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes for lustrous beauty that can't be beat ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street across from Post Office Phone Blue 917 for Appointment CFPR (1340 Kilocycles) Schedule SATURDAY P-M. 4:00 Afternoon .Muslcale 4:30 Dick Todd 4:45 Musical Americana 5:00 Tea Dance Time 5:30 Operetta Time 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Top Flight Tunes of Yesterday 6:30 Serenade in Blue 7:00 CBR Singers 7:30 Victor Record Album 8:00 National Barn Dance 8:30 Jubilee 9:00 Command Performance 9:30 Hit Parade 10:00 CBC News- . 10: Of Fish Arrivals 10:10 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Q, I. Jive 10:30 Spotlight Bands 10:45 Yank Swing Sessions 11:00 Saturday Night Dance ' Party 12:00 Silent .SUNDAY A.M. 10:00 Music for Sunday 10:30 Classics for Today 11:00 CBC News 11:08 Sunday Morning Concert 12:00 Hit Tunes of Yesterday 12:30 Old Country Mall 12:45 G. I. Jive 1:00 Chamber Music 1:30 Andre Kostelanetz 2:00 CBC Sunday Symphony 3:00 CBC Discussion Club 3:30 Paul Whiteman 4:00 Duffy's Tavern 4:30 Fitch Bandwagon 5:00 Just Mary 5:15 Henry King's Orchestra 5:30 The Army Show 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 The Cavaliers 6:30 Hour of Charm 7:00 Personal Album 7:15 Yarns for Yanks 7:30 Mail Call 8:00 Front Line Theatre 8:30 Fred Allen 9:00 U:S.O. Quiz 9:30 We Who Fight 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Vesper Hour' 10:30 Silent MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Help Wanted 9:00 Mirror for Women 9:15 The Oakies 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Singing Strings 10:15 Marek Weber 10:30 Will Carter 10:45 Claire Wallace: They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:30 Petit Concert VM. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Rebroadcast of Used Show 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 Ann Watt 1:15 Lud Gluskln r 30 Rebroadcast of Used Show 2:00 Silent KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CH0PSUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 217 1 BOMBS FLOAT DOWN ON LAE Dozens of heavy bombs float lazily down on Jap at Lae, in New Guinea. White spots at MIDDLE RIGHT and UPPER LEFT of the picture show still more bombs, which will explode a few feet off the ground, or on contact, with terrific and devastating effect. Waterfront 'CP VM vvnirrs , Effect of American Price Ceiling is To Increase Halibut Landings Here Sockeye Catch is Still Light SPECIAL OFFERS In New and Used FURNITURE Used Beds and Springs. New Coffee and End Tables, Used Windows, New Mattresses, Used Carpet large size, Kitchen Chairs Kitchen Cabinets , New Cabin Stoves, etc. Used Bed and Springs, for the two S9.50 Used Kitchen Cabinets, at 510.00 Used Carpet, large size $11.00 Used Windows, from .. 50c New Occasional Chairs, teal bargain S12.50 Used Bathroom Sinks, good condition, from $1.50: B.C. Furniture Phone B!ack 321 THIRD AVENUE WANTED EMPLOYMENT AND CLAIMS OFFICER, GRADE 2, MALE OK FEMALE, FOR EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Open to qualified residents of Skeena Electoral District, except that area Included in the triangle formed by the Yukon Boundary, the 131st West Meridian and the Alaska Border, and the area south of a line drawn northeast from a point Just north of Ocean Falls up to, but not In-, eluding Endako on the C.N.R. main line, and east of a line drawn from Endako to a point Just northwest' of Ware. SALARY: Depending upon qualification of successful can didate, not exceeding $1800, per annum,plus cost of living bonus, less usual deductions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Ability to meet the public, to do Interviewing, selection and placement work, and ability to maintain office records. Please quote Competition Number 43-2024. APPLICATION FORMS, obtainable at Post Offices, should be filed with CIVIL SERVICE .COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE, 789 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C., NOT LATER THAN JULY 24, 1943. Applications will hot be transferred candidates must file new forms. Men eligible for military service cannot be appointed. v THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS AUTHORIZED BY THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE. Pi 5C The effect of the United States Office of Price Administration halibut price ceiling order equalizing the prices at Seattle and Prince Rupert has been to boost the volume of fish landed at Prince Rupert during the past week to almost one million pounds from American vessels. The boats landed at Prince Rupert, It is believed, because - - they would have found it un-' aggregate of both American and profitable to take their catches Canadian fish for the week up the additional five hundred to 1,064500 pounds. For the 1943 irfiles- to Seattle with no differ season up to and including yes-entlal provided to compensate terflay the grand aggregate was for the extra long haul from 8,845,400 pounds as compared the fishing banks. The actual with 9,738,019 pounds, at a coT- 1-1-1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 'rocnnnHfniT H 1 1 a 1 1 vmp Thp loiai ot nuieuoiiii iuuiuui, ij.hu- . j... ed at Prince Rupert during the American total for this year had week was 903,500 pounds which, ! reached 4,781,700 pounds in corn-added to 161,000 pounds from parison with 6,377,800 pounds a Canadian boats, brought the year ago while the Canadian aggregate was 4,063,700 pounds compared wtlh 3,360,219 pounds. With a few exceptions the American selling price of 175c and 16c was maintained throughout the week. Canadian fish for export fresh was ,paid 18.2c and 7c, the difference being due to exchange between American and Canadian funds. Conditions for sockeye salmon fill netting were none too fav orable during the past week on the Skeena and Naas Rivers and catches continued relatively light. So far most of the fish is being caught in outside waters, she run In the Skeena River Itself being negligible to date. There is by no means any cap-, acity supply for the canneries as yet although all plants are running. High ... Low ... Local Tides Sunday, July High Low Low .... Tuesday, July "In tnMfM 18 1:24 14:20 8:05 20:15 Monday, July 19 uign z:ua 15.05 8:49 21:04 20 2:56 15:50 9:32 21:53 Wednesday, July 21 Mign 3:40 16:39 Low 10:16 22:44 Thursday, July 22 nign 17:30 Low - 11:02 23:40 Friday, July 23 mgn a:u 18:27 Low 11:51 Saturday, July 21 High 6:50 19:28 Low ,. 0:40 12:44 Sunday, July 25 High b:uo 20:30 Low 1:48 . 13:45 Monday, July 26 High 9:21 21:28 Low 3:00 14:50 SSafiS ci and 23.1 feet 20.8 feet 0.0 feet 5.0 feet 23.0 feet 21.0 feet 0.0 feet 4.9 feet 22.4 feet 20.9 feet 0.8 feet 5.0 feet 21.2 feet 20.3 feet 1.9 feet 5.3 feet 19.9 feet 19.9 feet 3.4 feet 6.0 feet 18.1 feet 19.1 feet 5.0 feet 16.9 feet 18.8 feet 6.3 feet 6.6 feet 16.0 feet 18.5 feet 6.5 feet 7.9 feet 15.9 feet 18.7 feet 6.3 feet 8.9 feet GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Snr.ke.ve j Herring in Tomato Sauce are both on active service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. Ml SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Wa points, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 WANTED! IJoys andgirls up to the age of 1G. An opportunity to earn good money. A number of routes arc open in a few days in all parts of the city, due to older boys leaving for work in war industries. t APPLY Daily News Circulation Dent. Phone 98 Or Fill Out This Coupon and 3Tail to THE DAILY NEWS Circulation Dept. THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT I Herewith Apply for a Daily News Paper Route NAME ADDRESS ... PHONE AGE 1 ENDS TONIGHT Complete Shows, 7:00, 9:00 AMAZING MRS. HOLLIDAY (at 7:20, 9:20) SATURDAY JTJLv , SUNDAY .MIDXifi Llojd Nolan, "Mln , Wouldn't Die," riu, r Cartoon, Mr. Bug q, Town" V0Mm, 2 DAYS STAKTIMj MONDAY 2 DAYS Complete Shows i:uu, 3:uu, a;uu, 7:00, 9:00 Feature at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 1 FURY AND wjk'ldB THE PERSONAL pk" W jl iWITH HISTORY OF A QM i FIGHTING MAN I NiB 9 THOMAS MITCHEtl I Vfa0 "ro? V REGINALD 6U1IIEII t t I .list" 1 1-rH CAM Td Sunday, 2 p.m. Free Armed Services Only "THE AMAZING MRS. HOLLIDAY" CHARTS I For Navigation Purposes 1 We carry a complete stock of Hritish, Canadian and United States Charts of the Canadian Pacific Coast and Local Areas Keep Your Charts up to date Canadian Charts, each 50c United States Charts, each .... $1.25 Admiralty Charts, each $1.15 to $3.00 TIDE TARLES LOG HOOKS V t 'f 1 J V A Ji Ji WOMEN PKAISE OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES! , nvulLlt urca 0I lnc 0la scnemc uc ', m lure them in to buy that they are unstinted in their P of our policy of presenting every item in our store atWB trices, instead of the customary few "bait" prices that- -w fC1USea agam agam In the long run you save more at THE VARIETY Si because you save ALL THE TIME not Just occasional Come buy ' what vmi- a . -nn. tn . i, M num uur slocks ui ' "lg Supplies, trmfh rnrlPS. M many other needfuls, and prove it! I THE VARIETY STORl m