PAGE POUR line. lo'day, as always, the 'Salada' label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine quality teas. fM mm m m mm TEA Sea Cadets Prince Rupert Corps 7 p.m. Hands to- divisions; 7:15 pjn.--Hands to classes. 7:15 pjn. Nelson division, boate and rigging; .830. .compass. 7:15 pjn. Hood division, compass; IfclO, boats and tigging. 7:15 pjn. Howe division, physical education; 8.10, lead, and CoL F. O. St. John, D.S.O., V.C., for some thirty years an officer of the British Army in India, spoke at a dinner of the Women's Canadian Club last 'night. Col. St. John gave a vivid discourse on various Dibb, are remaining in Vancou- Lake on ver for a while longer. bagged. TIMlin: KALE X33B95 Sealed tenders will be received by the M. nlter of lands al Victoria. B.C.. rat later than 11 o'clock in the rrrenoon on the 18th day of October. 1943, for the purchase of Licence X336G5. to cut 2.930.000 t of Spruce on an area adjoining Lot 1331. Timber Licence 23i0PSauth share af Mcwqulto . IeQuenTBuckiey Charlotte Inlands Land District. which a moose was WHAT CEREALS eesr fQft MY FAMILY? HO OTHER HATURAL CEREAL GIVES YOU WHOLE-GRAM OUTS VITALITY ELEMEHTS SO RICHLY! More than any other natural cereal, whole -grain oatmt-al helps make up shortage of meat's great vitality food element, Protein- without which children can't grow properly and adults cannot hive real jtaminaT'Alid'leaUj; every ' natural cereal in vitamin Hi, essentjal Wgdud nerves, digestion and energy I More and: nuire nAtlierj are serving big delicious bowls of hot Quaker Oats for breakfast every day and insuring extra growth and stamina protection for their families. Serve your family the ' one' best cereal" now that so many other valuable foods are rationed 1 QUAKER OATS Two (2) years MJlTie aifctoed for4 Five 5i years will ' The Quite rOu Company ot Caudft TIMIIKIt SALE X3IBIK) Sealed tenders will be received by he Minister of Lands at Victoria, E.C not later than 11 am, on the 30th da j of November, 1943, for the purchase or Licence X31600. to cut 26.000.000 feet of Spruce on an area situated on ALishaU inlet near Bay. Queen Charlotte 11- ancls Land District. be allowed for removal eroorol of of timber. timber. - - - - - ' ' ' removal removal of of tlmbe timber. Purtier particulars'' of tMXJifetf ' PuuUier particulars af the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Former. Victoria. B.C.. or District Purest r. Prince Rupert. B.C. I Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. Phone 775 "A noon PLACE TO nv" BUY VICTORY BONDS Place your Dollar to fight, It will place the Hun in flight. 327 3rd Ave. WHAT'S YOUR NEED? We have a very large stock of (Used and reconditioned) BUGS in all sires .and qualities RUNNER CARPET in many colours and widths I UKNlTimi: of roost all descriptions: chairs, tables, chesterfield sets, etc. FLOOR LAMPS. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, etc. FOLDING AUDITOBIUM CIIA1KS, CARD TABLES 5000 THEATRE CHAIRS (all types), Counters, Shelves, etc.; Lunch Counter Stools and "Tables BILLIARD TABLES, POOL TABLES Many articles too numerous to mention. Why not drop us a line. We may have just the article you want. LA SALLE THEATRE EQUIPMENTS 913 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. o LOCAL NEWS NOTES Will Gladstone and Albert In nis. both of Kitkatla, are leaving for Vancouver tonight. Housewives' League tonight, 8 pan. 1337 Street. Dr. R. C. Bamford returned I PlVA RmfltPfC Frank Dlbb returned to the to the city on Saturday night's city yesterday afternoon from a train from a two weeks' vaca- A OvArCAC trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Dibb and tion trip to Smithers which in- Irll C J Yd oCdb daughter-in-law. Mrs. George eluded a hunting trip to Babine , meeting Overlook O. A. Hunter returned to the city Sunday night from a brief trip to Terrace. A Canadian Legion (B.ES.L.) Executive Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 8 pjn. Notice of date of regular monthly meeting will appear in Wednesday paper. (2381 Harry Edgar left at the end of the week for Ootsa Lake phases of life in India. Mrs. J. where he will spend a couple of A. Rutherford, president of the weeks' holiday engaged In club, was in the chair and there hunting. was a good attendance at the gathering which took place in ; WINTER IS COMING We cthe Central Hotel. CoL St John, suggest you bring in your car who now makes his home in , chains NOW for repair. When the Qkanaean. arrived in the now arrives we may be too 8aOlcltv from the "uth yesterday ' busy to give you attention. S. E 7-15-Knota and sollces- pjii r-hysteal education, Band practice. Nels-n division on duty, on his return home. Two More Peters Boys of Fort George, Brothers of Local Woman Land in England. The arrival overseas recently of Leslie and Harry Peters, sons of the late E. S. Peters, onetime, sheriff of the Cariboo, and pioneer of the Fort George district brings to five the number of brothers in the Peter's family now serving with the Cana- dian Army in the European theatre. Word of their arrival was received last week by Mrs. W. A. McChesney, of Sixth Avenue iAWest, their oUter. who la Justl- RTably proud of the military rec ord of her family. ; The Peters brothers were early volunteers Into the armed forces, the last one having l enlisted in April, 1342. The I names of the other brothers are Ernest, Frank and Alfred. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakie's October 14. S. Or: N. Invitation Dance. Oddfellows' Hall Oct." "i3 r ' Orange Ladies' Dance Oct. 14 Oddfellows' Hall. Jean De-Cailo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Red Cross Tea October 21st. Home of Mrs. Kergln, 430 4th Ave. West. Eastern Star Ball, October 22. W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men' Dance. Oct. 25, Empress Club. "Help Norway" Invitation Dance Oddfellows' Hall, Oct. 29. Drawing for raffle. Hear Tim Buck. Capitol 12 noon, October 31. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 4. Little Norway Tea, Nov. 10. Cathedral Fall Bazaar Nov. 18 St. Peter's Fall Ba2aar, Nov. 25. United Church Bazaar Decem ber 2nd. ii SLRVICKS TO Vancouver, Victoria Waypolnts, Stewart and and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Iteservatlons FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 THE DAILY NEWS Dance. Eagles Hall, Wednes day and Saturday. 9 p.m. lti Mr. and Mrs. John Eyolfsen returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a trip to Van couver. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leavttt and family left at the end of last week for New Brunswick where they will take up future residence. They have lived here for many years. Captain Moe. who Is -located here with the American Transport Service, returned to the city yesterday afternoon from n trip to Seattle. Lieut. Col. A. E. Routler. whr was located here at the first of the war as fire commander of the 102nd Battery, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Victoria for a brief visit. Col. Routier, who has been of ficer commanding the artillery school at Victoria, is beini: transferred to Quebec as genera; staff officer. FOR SALE Centrally located five roomed furnished house. Immediate possessions. Phon? Green 278. -t240i FOR SALE Month old bed- sprine and mattress. 'Reason, able. Phone Black 215. ,t238) FOR QUICK SALE Bungalow, four rooms and bathi modern, concrete foundation, large woodshed. Close In and nea -schools. Apply 317, Seventh Avenue East, or phone Black 922 after 5 pjn. (239. FOR SALE Davenport suite, wicker rocker and chair, gateleg extension table and four chairs, kitchen congoleum. 1109 7th Ave. East. (238) FOR SALE Toys and novelties made in B.C. Apply F. Hossell, Box 203, WelU, B.C. (239) FOR SALE English baby pram with good springs. $15. .Phone Black 620. (240) FOR" SALE Trumpet. Good condition. Apply Box 600, Dally News. (243) FOR SALE 6-room house close to Dry Dock and Schools. Oc cupancy Oct. 25. Apply 625 8th Ave. East. Green 930. (243) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Single room for couple. Write Box 599 Dally News. (239) WANTED TO RENT Small house or 2 or 3 room suite by married couple, two children. 5 and 3. Write Box 597 Daily News. (249) WANTED TO RENT Two-room apartment or cabin, furnished, by reliable couple, c-o Box 75, Room 44, Phone U.S.E.D. 25. "Mac." 244) Auction Sale October 16, 1943 BURNS LAKE, B.C. 20 Head of Young1 PEACE ItlVER HOUSES, Suitable for farm work, bush work and heavy hauling. Time, 2 o'cloek, p.m. Terms, Cash Owner REX IRELAND Auctioneer M. F. NOURSE Tht legular monthly Business Clark McLean, formerly luncheon of the Prince Rupert the typographic staff of the I Gyro Club will be heW tenwr-!rw. The business will include i nomination of officers for the coming yew. There was an ex-;ecutive luncheon today. Os4. S. D. Johnston, VD.. M.C.. arrived In the ctty yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to pay a visit to his home here. W. J. Raymond returned to the city on Sunday night's train from a week's holiday trip to New Hazelton. Relieve . Painful Distress of MORE AND MORE sufferers from acute catarrh are discovering the grand relief that comes ... with a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-noL It soothes away distress, relieves stuffiness ... brings real breathing comfort J 3-purpose medicine. ..Va-tro-nol is so successful because it does three important things at once: (1) shrinks swollen membranes of the nose. (2) clears out nasal passages and 13 soothes lrnta- -tion. Man vcatarrh CLASS FOR SALE FOR SALE Oil burner heate: baby crib. 1071 Ambrose Ave Phone Red 152 after 5 pjn. (238' FOR SALE Remington n. rise-less typewriter, 19 inch carriage, good condition. Phone Blue 387. 238 IOR SALE One rowboat with two pair of oars. $40 cash. Phone Green 884 between 6 and 7. or call at Fishermen's Co-op basement. 238 FOR SALE 5 room, house with furnace. Price $3900. immedi ate possession. 424 Durismuiv St. Green 390. (249-1 " '' ': 1 - FOR SALE 5: room modern house, immediate possession Apply 990 Ambrose Ave. Phon Red 480. f (242' FOR SALE Fourfroomeri nous partly furnished with basement. Two lats" fenced. SllO-i cash or $1250 on terms. Immediate possession. 1840 7th Ave. East. Phone Blue 482. (239i sufferers say it's ViCtfC- found. Try it! VATRO NOt WANTED Woman janitor, part time, for local school. Apply National Selective Service A M. 91. (238' WANTED Chambermaids for hotel work. Apply National Selective Service AF 87. (238) WANTED Reliable boys for Province paper carriers. Routes open are: 6th and 7 th West 9th and 10th But Ambrose Ave. and 6th East Phone Oreen 877. (242 1 WANTED Experienced woman : 111 for housework In Whitehorse,' Y.T. Good portation paid. ' los and ask for son. wages and trans- Phone Red Mrs. TANITOR WanUd for local hotel, room and boaid and wages. Apply Selective Service Office AM 84. i tf FOR, your Garment WANTED ROOM wanted, centrally located semi-furnished. Phone Blue 893. (239) PERSONAL Washlng done. 1337 Piggot Ave. rates. Apply 441 7th Avenu? East. (250) 'JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months meen hot stoves always. "JET" is safe, handy. Sold FURRIER ALTERATIONS and any kind of tepalr work. Be patriotic. No pick-ups ox deliveries. Work done In private home. 929 Tenth Ave. East. (245) L. C. OYER, Interior Decorattnj paper hanging. Phone Black 810. (239) LOST LOST 2 Yale keys on ring. Wednesday, on Third Ave Finder please leave at Dally -News. (238 LOST Four keys on ring be tween Ridley Home and Over look Street. Finder please leave at Dally News. (240) FOR RENT Prince Rupert Daily News am; now with the Vancouver Sun. awrved in the erty on Sunday night's, train to spend a holiday vising here with friends. He motored from Vancouver to Hazelton. i FOR RENT Large room, suitable 2 men or business couple. Phono Black 506 after 6 o'clock, (t) WILL Rent house, 4 rooms furnished, In Vancouver, with winter fuel. In exchange for rental of similar house In Prince Rupert. Reply giving particulars to Box 595 Dally News. (238) ROOM AND BOARD RELIABLE Woman Is willing to board or keep by day, small child. Apply Box 598, Daily News. (238) ROOM AND BOARD for gen-tleman only. Phone Red 976. ' (240) ROOM and BOARD 718 Fraser Street. (241) -Build B.C. Payrolls" Makes Fine Hot ACUTE CATARRH Cakes Ladies' Ready is Pacific Milk is lovely for puddings and when I go on a hunting trip I always pack it in my hunting supplies as it cannot be beaten for making hot cakes." Thanks for the compliment, Mr. T. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Tacked RED ADS HELP WANTED BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty-Culture in all its branches !2W4thSt. Phone C55 'STAR'S" STYLEWEAR & Children's - to - Wear C25 Third Ave. W. Black 780 B. M. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' St Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 0245)1 Plumbing and Heating (238) DAY NURSERY, reasonable Phone 174 Engineers. .1 KTiSMITH & fiLKINS LTD. i, Thone Black 145. P.O. Box 274 NOTICE We wish to announce that we are now open for ladles' and men's suit alterations of all sorts. Quid? and efficient service. MODERN TAILORS 318 5th St. Behind Royal Bank Phone Blk. 84 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 520 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and 1 4th Tuesdays every month at 8 p.m. Capt. William Gleeson, form-mer well known master of Canadian National Steamships, recently arrived from Vancouver to be located here. C.N.R. Trains For the East-Dally except Sunday For Terrace and Paclfi 8 p.m. Dally except Sunday.... 4 p.m. From the East-Dally except Mon 10:45 p.m. From Terrace and Pacific-Dally except Sun 11:30 a.m. Try a rnasslfiea Ad In the Dally Nws for Quick Results. WirthiTAiift.wift'i Timed Home Ecoao. inist, whose weekly cooking coluroa ii regular feitureof this page. Look for theic Viliuble hinu every MonJjy You get the most from meats in groups C and D by slow, moist cooking The bones in meats give extra value in meat stews. These extend the appetizing meat flavour and make the most of its nutritional essentials by combining with other foods. Meat stew is a time saver, too. It-is as good, or better, served the second day may be cooked at any time and reheated at the dinner hour. Wide variation can be obtained by different seasonings and different combinations of vegetables. SEVEN TIPS FOR STEWS 1 Cut mt into uatform pmn. 2 Coit with wtll WMOoed Hour. 3 Brown mat in Ut. 4 AM inn enautth liqwit fwittr, veitetible stock, toaMO jake) to cover meat. 5 Cover clutlr timowr. ins ttrnfCTKure. Never boil. 6 A JJ Yegetabta insr long enough before serving to cook. 7 Arrange attiacrjYcly on platter or in cwtole. 3 I mmmm mm. ' t t Simmering's the Sed SAVOURY $TH VECETARB. 2 ' "t r.: ;; ts r..-- ,k '.tM r t - rs 2m. : 1 -jb Si flour ',, v x sj.I brown ; he' L: t oni.ii' an.' ; it" t't'.n 2 hoi: ulcr. puurc il.MIC For reu fjr.. "M ' Rt bOKl -her : C Ld Dr: ' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT V vTT It t Well Baby Clini I SWIFT CANADIAN CO. LIMITED.. alW wide organization devoted to theconsem'J eilicient distribution of Canada's loooi Tuesday, 2-4 Wartime Housing Clubhouse. 9M m Avenue. Wednesday, 2-4 Health Unit. Immunization Clinics For Children: At Baby Clinics and Saturday, W Unit.' For Adults: Tuesday, 7-8, Wartime llousin Cl1 These services are provided without ohar ;e u: P program of the PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH kxkkkkkkkkkkkkm Colourful Canada CALEND AH New 1944 Edition Now Heady IJoxedr-Ready to Mail Only S1.50 . ..!! c 7P 1 ....ii This' new edition is supero a " , u-.-i.t j ontiv dcccratMI cover piaie ana Dngiii, icu, ,iv...v - . add to the general attractiveness i fM plates, reproductions from natural v . f ..... l ..... cnti in si I enrome pnotograpns ueauiy Canada. Splrex bound cord hanger. .Makes a Complete Gift or ln ' Third and final printing SHOP EARLY -