i I ; v r EAOlBtS r a Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Fashions Smartest Array Of Fall Dresses Now at the PEOPLES STORE Sizes 11 through 50 T 1 1 'l vnas. uouimcaa ." Optometrist In Charge I ' XX-. Watch. Clock. Jewelxr ' ' Repairing, Hand KnjraTlnj VISIT OUK CASEMENT -.ORE for Utir China, DInncrware, Classes, nassae and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant i Of Course You'll Like Them .Mail Orders Promptly Filled Rupert Peoples Store "In the Heart of Trince Kupert" THIRD AVE. Neit to Heilbroner's rhone BLUE 907 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 'nd Ave. (across from Kupert Hotel) rhone 17.1 BUY... RUPERT BRAND . Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage i fRINTK ITITUn CO. Ltd. KWTISII COLUMBIA JUST RECEIVED A New Shipment of Simmons Beds and Camp Cots Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next the Daily News) Prince Kupert For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Thone 88 321 2nd Ave. THE ARMY NEEDS Men and Women Don't wait for a call BE A VOLUNTEER! Sport Chat Britain's lightweight boxing champion lost an eight--ound decision to an aging fellow who held the same title a decade ago and the ringside boys began holle.ing for the kill. They figured Eric Boon's continuance as king was dated to end the next time he puts the championship on the block because veteran Harry Mizler, who has not shown much since he dropped the title in 1934, trounced him by plenty of points in a non-title bout. The eight-round affair headlined a card at London's Royal Albert Hall, scene of peactime pageantry and wartime musical concerts. Mizler, who won a British Empire Games championship at Hamilton Ontario, 13 years ago ' beat Boon with a flickerins left hand. An expressionless boxer. he refused to be hurried or flurried and he made Boon miss repeatedly. And at that he was substituting for the Jam- axan champion, Lefty Flynn The defeat showed Boon as but a shado of the fierce little battler of a couple of years back, followed hard on a non-title Belfast bout in which Boon was knocked out in the fifth round by Tommy Armour, Northern Ireland welterweight champion. A left to the Jaw did the trick before a roaring crowd of 10,000 after Boon had hit the canvas twice. Mizler, surprising even the most optimistic, won almos. every round. His left, hand transfigured Boon's features into a beet color and he opened an old wound under the champion's left eye. Immediately after the fight Boon asked for a return contest and said he was prepared to put up a side-bet of $2,200 that he would win over 10 or 12 rounds. Over at Cardiff. BerjJJackson created the biggest surprise 6f the Welsh mitt season by out- THE DAILY HEWS pointing Len Davies of Swansea. It was a surprise in that Davies wjthin the previous weeks had lateen decisions over both Ned Tarleton, B:itish featherweigW champion, and Jim Brady of Dundee, British Empire bantamweight king. Jackson, a featherweight, hit the deck for a nine-count in the third round but fought back furiously to take the decision over 10 rounds. Meanwhile, at Chester-fl::d, Brady tock a technical rnockout over Billie Doheity of I ivrpool when Doherty retired in the seventh with a cut CFPR H240 KilocjcIrO Schedule TUESDAY IM. 4:00 Lud Olusicai's Orchestra 4:30 Vocal Varieties 5:00 Your Violinist 5:15 Dick Todd 5:30 Sound Off 5:45 G. I. Jive 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Sports Interview 6:30 Songs of Empire , ; 00 Sammy Kaye 7:30 The Latin Americans j:00 Fied Wanng's Pennsyl-vanians a:15 Front Line Family b: 30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Round-up j. 00 Gav Nineties Review a:30 Soliloquay .0:00 CBC News Broadcast -0:05 Rccordsd Interlude 10:15 Show Time. 10. Suspense 11:0! Closing announcement WLDNES1MY AM. 7:30 Musical CIock :45 CBC News :50 Musicai Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Novelty Tunes 9:00 Freddie Martin and Dinah Shore 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast i):35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Homemaker's Program 1:15 Knnv Baker 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me , 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies '1:15 Broadcast of Messages : i Recorded 11:45 Polka Time Canada's troops may soon be fighting on many fronts. If their duty takes them, into extremes of cold, we are proud that they will be equipped with Stanfield's . . . the underwear that gives extra warmth. But . . . you, too, can get Stanfield's. You may not find as complete a range of styles and sizes at your dealers, but Stanfield's have done everything possible to ensure that civilians in Canada can still get this fine underwear. It pays to buy good underwear . . . the kind that will last. Choose Stanfield's for your needs, it will fit perfectly, and give long wear. ( Ml STANFIUD'S ' LIMITED I WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO FOR YOU n .4, i'. WINTER FUEL V ! For the past several months the City Council has been giving serious consideration to fuel prospects for the coming winter. There has been no recent improvement in the coal situation and it now appears definite that citizens will have to look to FUEL WOOD for the bulk of their heating needs. Last April the Council set up a Fuel Committee to study possible requirements, sources of supply and quanTities avaii-able, and to bring in a recommendation as to what steps should be taken to ensure an adequate supply of wood to avoid any possible fuel shortage. In, its deliverations this Committee has received the closest possible co-operation from the Wood Fuel Advisory Board of the Dominion Government, and, as a result of its studies has recommended 'to the Wartime Prices and Trades lioard that the ceiling price of 14" stove lengths oftir, Jackpine, Spruce, Hemlock and similar woods be set at $1I5U per cord delivered. Due to present cost of production, Dominion subsidies will be necessary in order to maintain this ceiling. 10 reduce labour involved to a minimum, deliveries will be made in random pack loads of 168 cubic feet to tne cord, which standard nas been established by the Fuel Control Board. At the request of the Fuel Committee and the Wood Fuel . Advisory Board, the established local fuel dealers have agreed to pool their resources for cutting and delivery purposes, and, in order to facilitate these arrangements, are forming a ate-company, to be known as The Prince Rupert Fuel Co. Plans are now proceeding rapidly and it is hoped that deliveries to houses will be commenced not later than October 15th. Those who advised the City of their winter fuel wood re-quiremeiits are asked to confirm these orders to their fuel . dealer who has agreed to give such orders prior consideration. The Council has done its part . . . it is now up to YOU to do YOURS Phone your requirements immediately to YOUR REGULAR FUEL DEALER. DO IT NOW. Orders will be on a strictly cash basis and will be filled in the exact order they arc received. PRINCE RUPERT CITY COUNCIL