1 4 1 U r. I t t tt. S3 s? r? 3 6T if Hi" tt Ik 5 PAGE TWO MELOGRAIK CREAMED KERNELS For btbiti (rem 6 nontlt ii't m ccoo- CiCl Mid BOWtslt- MEtOGRAiN HEALTH MEAL A wfcolctofltc, tufy tfcjood oo4 i t t el Wkt.t, Rr( ft. l5 ponidf . ContiHM Soy Flour for FroUm. Ktmtlt nd Wkt Crm f c ntrjy. - VfXOCJUv flth O.I.. B I -4 m Vf .i.VUMl til T 1 J T I W fl ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT , Considering 'he fact Uiat everyone is raahed to death with Chrvtmas work just ntrr there s a very good attendance at the Services Wives" Club. The children were delighted with the bright lights on the Christmas t:ee There were seventeen members and ten children pm- :.t and a social afternoon was -;::t Mrs Strand woo the raffle which wi donated by Mm. & mez and Mis. Sargent and Mr. Livingstone served the, tea. It was deeided to cancel next week's meeting AM who can are jLilctd to go to the Navy Drill IL:i Monday morning to fill! RUPERT BRAND SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE UUPEUT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cerita" j We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion ! 3 1 1 !J : : : : I for find that the boaitat hour parcel wrapping are, from 11 us. to 2 pm. and from 530 pjn. to 8 pm. in other words in between shews. Our vofam-teers for today were Sue Woods as wen as Mrs. Kfcnmet and Mrs. Yalen who are aaembers of the Y.W.OA. Setvfce Wire Chib. Breen Melvtn has been htafietf a good ca.se of flu inks week. Just goe to show he Sftoaid hare taken better care of hiimeif daring the ftftt M- taek a few weeks . However state time he's wLvr. My little Aaalea is blooming like anything. Dun Adams tip ped me off as to the care of and it has really worked. He said to keep it sitting In wat er, never to water it from the tap through the earth. An a7- )alea loves a damp, boggy so:. j and he's right, it responds bej. : utifully. Well Miss La, Pierre, who -hostess to the American boys and myself both celebrated mi: birthdays within a day of each ' other this week. Queer isn't it. both doing the same Job? Mut have omething to do wtth our jiiand writing or our horoscopes YOU'LL Never Forget What a Wallop Moone's Emerald Oil Packs A;ainst Museular Aches and Pains If you want beneficial strength in a liniment -rub; if you're fed-up with weak product whose relief Is half-way or tmaginarv then try MOONE'S EMERALD OIL' It represents our MAXIMUM in counter-irritant relief ? muscular aches, pains, chest, cold, and a warming rub to re lieve tightness as weO as mas cular aches of back, limb? shoulders and neck, due to over-exercise, overwork, or exposure to cold and dampness. Once you try Moone's Emerald Oil we are confident you w.: say. "Now you're Ulkinr!". aitrf that you will never be wlthou U .In your home. On sale at all good drug stores BASKETBALL THIS WEEK to be The played Satardagrv tes win then until January S. THE VAILY NEWS The Area Service Basket bail league results this WNk have been aa follows: Coast Battery U. Hessjrrrl. Antt Aircraft 4, Oasatro Regiment 37. Fortress m. Airforce H ine remaining two fanr are III SLEEP WELL R1. ! l And sleep tight the whole, lovely b SW H n&. r Ca night when you're snugly, com- 1 SI. " -I' Ii H-jA V H fortably encased in these bed- I ''-'tl M $1 2 warming nightgowns and Py- f Hi-- ' v JP 1 Ar -R, jamas in a variety of soft pas- M MA k Mi I 530 THIRD AVENUE BUY ANOTHER VICTORY BOND Colorful, Beautiful, Plentiful Racked our brains, ve have, and can't think of a nicer gift for any gal. A particularly thoughtful gift, too, this fuel-Having, stay-at-home winter. Tailored or'beruffled styles in cozy flannels, rayons, chenille. ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR We Lead, Others Follow3 of ned To Quickly Soften Toughest Beards -Use Giliett Lather SHAVING REAM ! J LARGE llSr&-Jl fl ! Mod. bf (h MriTl 1 1 J l.otfing .ip.rfl in I JH Sj coa fart I I (h mtoktrt of tm x I fl Gfl Vadn. I I THE DAILY NEWS fRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER. MANAOLNQ EDITOR MEMBER Or" THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches' credited to It or to the Associated Press In Ihls paper and also the iocal news published therein. AH rights of republication of special despatches thereto -are ilso reserved. DAILY EDITION Friday. December 1". 'The Election . . . The municipal election is over and we conpratu-late Mayor-Elect H. M. Daggett and the aldermen-designate nol ?o in'ucrj on the fact of being electetl to office as upon the measure of confidence which they iiave leen slidwn to enjoy on the part of their fellow -citizens who have impaed important trust in them. There may be some honor in the fact of being electetl a mayor or alderman but we presume that none realize better than the successful candidates themselves that there will be reauiretl of them, in carrying out the responsibilities with which they have len entrusted, much time, thought and energy. Doubtless-, that was, duly considered by them at the outset when they consented to become candidates. If any of them do not fully realize it now, they will do so before very much time has elansed after they are initiated into their municipal duties. Thev will also find that. even if they do a good job, it will often seem to be a II thankless one and that, where one word of annreria- 5 tion is said, there will be a dozen shafts of criticism. j So we would say to the victors that, if they do 1 1 their best and satisfy their own consciences, they hmi1il nithpr lw r:irr!orl nwnv tw infltionnwl hv what they mav hear or be told on the outside. The-! people who elected them expect only that they will 1 1 do the best their talents permit with honesty and ; efficiency, without fear or favor. We believe that each ' and all the new civic legislators may be trusted to ' put the best they have into a job which will, doubt less, be at times trj'ing and jerilexing. In that spirit we congratulate them now on their election. The task of municipal government in 11M4 has, at this date, no earmarks of being any bed of roses And those who are entrusted with it may be entitled to our commiseration before it is over. Labor Group's Victory . . . The result of the election was a peat victory for the Civic Labor Federation. It Indicated the effect of organization and consistent campaigning. Except for-a few days just prior to. the election there ' was not even consideration of the organization of the elements opposed to outright organized Iabor control at the City Hall. The outcome is that never before has Labor had s'ich a comolete domination of the municipal govern-ment of Prince Rupert Only one member of the city council and two members of the school Ivoard, oddly enough all of them women, are not directly sponsored by the labor organization. Whether or not that is to be beneficial or otherwise remains to be een. Another interesting angle- of the election result is the success of the women, all of whom offered themselves meeting with electoral favor. Capable Nora Arnold is in the position of leing the onlv alderman not directly sponsored by the Civic Iabor Federation. Three women dominate the five member school board. ' SEE OUR STOCK OF TOYS FOR - CHRISTMAS You may find a gift for anyone in our store. Gordon and And erson Hardware, Furniture, Electrical Goods, etc. FEDERAL BLOCK rNSlNKAIlLE LIPEKOAT LIVERPOOL. En t. onslnkable lifeboat Invent o FjobcU Lowe oX Llvcspooi wxi a soccw the first Ume u vx.? used. The boat, whtefa ha. aui extra buoyaney compartment a kapok fender round the hut and maintain st&bUlty when inclined at 100 degree, had t first trial when a sMp was tor pedoed and saver nr. ji Mm. Gordon Draaseke and daughter arrived la the city thta morning fiom Vancouver to spend the CnrKxnas hoi Ida r ssob vtsiUng here with Lieut DnKek 5 n i BiT. PURE WHITE Shop at in mnofa Ui'. '1HJi 1, IM. h t,' 1 HOAXED lUNimu 221 Seventh Ah.i Wallace's For Your Xmas Requirements A Few Suggestions from our Extensive Stock. HOUSE COATS Chenille, Quilted Satin and Bengalinc HANKIES Boxed or imlivfdiml ... GLOVES -Kid lined or unlined antl fabric. HANDBAGS a pleasing variety . .'. Fancy SCARVES and HKADSQUARES TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKIN'S in sets PILLOW SLIPS Boxed i 8.75 11! .35"! Vanity Sets, Runners and Square-Cushion Tops, to .... BRIDGE SETS a variety of styles, pot... BOXED STATIONERY In fancy pack 1.25 ,01 1.50 10 11 .691 5 95 ,0 11. 175"1! !! 1 1.50 10 4. 39 n Men's Ties, Scarves, Suspenders, Shavinf j Gloves and Handkerchiefs Christmas Cards Iwixed or individuil Christmas Wrapping and Ribbons piioxi: 11 j,d sei ri Another Wartime Xmas We again suggest that Christma pop pers this year be patriotic and buy VlflTOHY BONDS or WAR SAVING CERTIFICATES. If you insist on buying Men's Wear, & W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction"