I 1.4 lr A- 1 i no.... 1r :.' ' j i 1:1 III & Of !? JT " r e s r Expert OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OUE BASEMENT ..ORE tor Fine Cain. Dinserware, Glasses, Baggage ud Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE 217-219 Sixth St (Across from Helgrrvm Real Estate Co.) A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. f "A Good Place to Bny" What the iWtor ordered: "Plenty of rest and quiet," 4 Where better to find it than on a t GOOD MATTRESS BCILT FOR SLEEP We reeoEsiend ... j The "RUPERTIA." Size 4'6 onlv. Cash Price $29.50 .MORE TOYS have arrived Phone Til CHRISTMAS Suggestions Mirron, krety glfu that will last a hfetim- Tables-Zed Tabic, coffee Tables, Pull-np Chairs, DinetU Suite' Spring-fBIed Mattress, Chenille Bedspreads, Wool Comforter. Carpet. Toys Wagon. Kiddie Kara, Kindergarten Sets, Todteler Kars, lor fine gitt. See them at . Elio Furniture Store Third Arenue Lt to the DaUy News) Prince Rupert Paris Maid Slippers Christmas Presents . from a The Store for Dad and Lad. kWM:f 5 327 3rd Arenae GIFTS 1 ' aw Store Ltd. Good Shoes" New Arrivals in Women's, Men's and Children's Slippers, in Soft Soles PLI0-PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT SHOES Just Arrived. if I Family Shoe "The Home of Chas. Dodimead Optometrist la Chut Watch, Clock. Jewelry Repairing, nmd Earn ring -r- II Wartime Housing Christmas Tree Among -i fire: af ;he chiid-, rens Cttrisssaaa tree entertainment to be add this year wiE be that of the Wartrae Hoster and the pobiicity rrnmlMa Tenant' CoancU. which, it w.coasstU of Mr. R. Heath. Mr, decided at a aeettag Weetoes- a Haliiday. and Mr. Qui day nigh: will be held on Sat- M.s Johnsion mas appointed urday ereains In the stall house Ln:ng hail. 1 Mrs. W yicK z.t ps.2e t t r.rc w ws hr 3 t .-:a--e -.a...- : . - ... party i-d w appo.r. On the enieruinnaent eotn- auttee axe Mrs, E. BnaKB, Mrs Maloaey, and Mrs. TTirriBMim secretary, and Mr Arnold tmi. jre r am 4 4 4 WARNING FACING THE MOST SERIOUS MANPOWER SITUATION IN ITS HISTORY THE POST OFFICE CANNOT GUARANTEE LOCAL DELIVERY BY CHRISTMAS OF ANY MAIL POSTED AFTER DECEMBER 20 fMittfi hy oirffwrrry c! Hon. WJEam P. AUoci, K.C, MA Poamasltr General TTTT f Tf y TTTTTTTtTTf TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT J. W. Rogerson Desires to thank all those who supported him at the civic election vesterdav. To his opponent, Alex Sinclair, he offers heart- congratulations and best wishes. wwi S i As far back as recorded histon' Teaches the gift of jewelry was always the highest token of esteem possible to express. It's the same today. In giving jewelry you give not only the most enduring of all gifts, but one that best expresses your esteem and Where time counts most Our Wrist Watches Serve Best We have a really large and fine selection of popular Watches for you to choose from. PRICES $15 to $85 Plus tax AND RINGS JOHN A choice, varied stock of DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS of nationally advertised prices and designs. BULGER (Opposite Post Office) The Markets Srr White. Ox Golden Yelknr, lb. 3Ieats Baton, side, be trade. sated. hJImS mdf. 45 ctRoll tt 44 Pork, dry salt. lb. !m Veal. lorn. R. M rl ctMKM lb. JS and M Beef, pat roast, ta. Si and M Beef Steak. Bx . 4 and Al Lamb. leg. Rx Laab caopa. so. M to .40 Lamb Shoaider. to. SI to M UP Grade A: Large. cartont. doz. Grade A. aiedlaa. doz. JU Orade A. pvOeU. ie. JS8 Rheumatic Pains ! Backache ! Try Thi For Quick Relief From Nirriiu Pain and Aches When youte tried abaot er-- rthint yon can think of and -.oihmt seems to erea rettere ".e psun and sorer. e. don't ire np hope. Jast so to W. J. Mc-Ojtfheon Otbm TAA nr an f AHenra. Take as directed and .r. about 24 hoars yon shouid see : r'al usonrreatest. Allen ru ets in three ways I) to rettere the 2' to regulate the bowel a -:on 3' as a (ten tie diuretic fori t -e Kidneys flBshlnf out ex- cess arid. 8 dont be discouraged start t xlar ; Allenru Must Help or Money Back1 . ' NOTICE to the Public In the Interests of Pub i lie Health and as a protection to patients, the Prince Rnpert General HospiUI will be closed to Tbitors during the incipient influenza epidemic. SaHBaaBsHBaiBsar J. L. Curry Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block in ft '8 BBHfiaaaaaaaaamaaai aaaOaaaasaaaamBaaai ft ft 9i BggaaaA p BaSial tiaMBiBBBBaS 9lflMbgV ft1 1 in ft i ! 1 ft! Hi CFPR (II M KilyOs) Schedule FRIDAY P3L 4:00 Sound Olf 4:lS-0. L Jtte 4:30-Mosic In Three -Quarter Time 5:00 Lone Ranger S:9 Personal Album 5.45 Melody Roand-sp 6 W CBC Sevt 6.k5 Iteoorueo Interlock 6:15 Canadian Pattern 6:3 Masjc Hikers 1:60 Aldrtch raaaUy 1:90-Iohn charkM Thonas 8:86 Isabetle McBven Stnga 8:15 front Une Family 8 :3-One Ktcht Stand 9:00 rraak Morgan aad Faany Briee 9 : 58 Ncrrelejoe 10:86 Recorded Interlude lo 15 Yarns fx Yanti" 18.50 Drama from Vaneoerer 11:00 Oostng annoeaeeeeat SATVKDAY AJL 7:30 Musical Clock 7 45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8 50 Mornins Derotions 8:45 Old Timen 9 CO Musette Time 9 34 CBC News Rehroadeast 8.3 Tranacnoed varieties 18:30 Hank YodeBiac Cowboy 19 45- Music by Herbert 11:00 Seandinanan Mrtodiea 11 15- Broadcast of Measagea 11 17 Recorded Interlade 11 45- -Goada! Trio P3L 12:00 Sheo Tlda U 30 Spotlight Bands 4 V -BC News '2 50- - Recorded Interlade 12 55 Program Resume DO Pirn! 1 30 Rebroadcast John Chas. Thomas 2:00 Ciosine announcement T WEEK SWOPPING LEFT 5 OOTTTs ATWmJ CA. a mi ms oa. ' Bw Ctrrinx Seats NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Aay Prom Home Rates 75c op 58 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M SHRIMPS FRESH EVERY DAY Bost TTJX.- First Float west of Imperial Oil Co. dally after 4 p.ro. 8 KWONO 8ANO HIXO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 812 7th AVE. WEST All year patronage welcome Open S p.m. to 12 p.m. ToedTli p.ra. to 12 p.m. OotsHe Order frnrn X p.ra. 12 p.m. fhonc Red 147 For Mutual Benefit iralth and Accident See J0IIV L, WRIGHT Phont 711 Pioneer Rooms .No. 6 J.M.S. Loubser D O, RJL Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 841 For Income Tay RETURNS SEE U. E. MORTIMER Phone II Kl Zni Are. fcViuS Ji-r m u m nm nm - mm uci isyi vim ima itiiuin A generous portion of proceeds of this Theatre's thoaing of This t the Army" goes to Canadian Army Show and Recreation Fund! YOUR X.MAS r.lFT BUY BOOKS OF V- i: . l. nut .... ... tint umrepn . . . j,, ran K- anywhere In Canada where Famous PUer yv. , I To the Electors of Prince Rupert if iMjp thant" " due to the rittaens of Pr II the honor in eietttog me to the City Cour-II arare you that I will do all la say power confidence. Aa the oaly tndepea4a4 candtcu . rinliraT- ". w""" CMrehU1 I NORA E. AliN.-r AVOID THE RUSH Have your XMAS Style Beauty Parlor (87 3rd Are. West (Nest Door to Rojsl Rink rilONE BLUE HI To The Electors I wish to convoy sincere Uank t( number of voters who gave me their yesterday's election. To Mayor-Elect Harry Daggett I v SUCCOM. TTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTYTYYYTTTT YTYTTTTTTTTTTTTT aaaaaaaaaiB t t Whole Families are Store In thousands of Prince Rupert home. ChrtstT. ; (;S" ping at THE VARIETY STORE ha bewme a whiv- " ; affair. Younger old, every gift want Is so complc cr Uclpated here . . . men, women, children and V :n There Is the sure, extra satisfaction both In glrn'5 & J tJ ceiring a gift of dependable quality. ' The Variety Store It Pn-"- A'1 0Km - Ai . mm-n utje tt( ... C'.:r.;... . 1 00 2 54 ' , Psa'.-r. 1 . 1:87. 5 :i I'KOHIKM S()ivntf T1IIHTRE TICKETS ' . . . r t PERMANENT N at the 00 UT2 ROBERT McKAY Shopping at the Variety For Gifts! AAiAAAAA' i A A A A A A