J: im-m f, W- - i r 3 ixttsxsx X X '( PAOE FOOT ENTERPRISE FRUIT MARKET We carry complete line of DELNOR FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Advertise in the Daily News. A Vote for a man who stands and knows municipal affairs. Square year conscience with your intellect. Vote Casey . Birth Notice I Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Scan-jlon at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, a daughter. Linda Both mother and daughter are doing wefl. Continue to Speed the Victory Support the B.C. Stationers, Printers, and Booksellers $1,000,000.00 War Savings Stamps Campaign for November and December Come on Prince Rupert, let's lead Canada! Each Stamp Purchased Entitles You to a FREE Draw on Valuable PRIZES! Get Your FREE TICKET Bay Your War Savings Stamps from Dibb Printing Company Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Don't fail to see . . . THE CHATTY HAM REVUE NAVAL DRILL HALL WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Dec. 15, 16, 17, at S:30 p.m. Admission Free to all Service Men and Women who may be accompanied by a civilian guest Officers are particularly faulted on Friday evening. To The Electors . . . tent -fail to cast your Tote for the man that built the new Past Office and relieved the congestion of mail at Prince Rupert, who has been working as a plater in the Dry Dock and is now operating Poolsen'i Grocery and has served on School Boards in Alberta. I eonsbfer myself qoaMfied to work for the City and the Taxpayers and soHctt yoar Tte on December IS as a .Von-partiaan Candidate for Alderman the man that brings results. CARL POULSEN. AVOID THE RUSH . . . Have your XMAS PERMANENTS Now! at the Style Beauty Parlor 67 3rd Ave. West (Next Door to Royal Bank) PHONE BLUE 81 For Sane, Orderly Progress And Businesslike Civic Administration VOTE FOR Gordon Bryant Non-Partisan Aldermanic Candidate LOCAL NEWS NOTES The Ideal Christmas Gift . . . Books of Theatre Tickets . . . j Prices 51XO to $150, now selling j at Capitol Theatre. tf NOTICE Do not delay yoor cleaning any longer. Now fci the time to send it to Ideal Cleaners. The House of Bet. ter Cleaning." Phone 85. We pick np and deliver. (29$ Moose Ladies' Meetaag to night. 8 pra.. followed by joint seeial wtth Moose Lodge and friends at 9:36. atteens' if yoa are in thh fight to win a new deal from the Dominion government, drop partisan politics from municipal affairs. If not. you are beat before you start. Vote Casey. 292 Parent - Teachers' Assoeiatiec PTA.v Tag Day on this coming Saturday to raise funds for much needed city schools, sports and library equipment SWANSEA. Wales Q Welsh workers have no legal right to refuse to work in England. Sir Marlay Samson. Swansea magistrate, ruled in fining a 24 -year-old girl the equivalent of $112. for failing to obey a National I Select ire Service rder to work low pre field. n.nn.i.i!HijiLT,im'Mi FOR SALE FOR SALE Double bed Phone Red 893. FOR SALE Modern dinette set. almost new. and other articles. 622 8th Ave. West (292) FOR SALE 8-to be consol radio. General Electric, five bands. 146 Fourth Ave. East Phone Red 127. ftf FOR SALE Portable Sewing machine. Apply 1831 7th Ave. E. (294 FOR SALE Doable bed and large doll buggy. Phone Green 923. (292) FOR SALE Trailer "Eclla." J4 feet, 10-14 engine. Cow Bay. (292) FOR SALE Beautiful Doherty piano, lovely tone, ln perfect condition. Can be seen 138 8th Ave. West, anytime. (293) FOR SALE 1938 Francis Bar-nett motor cycle in Rood con dltlon; good shape. $125. Call, between 10 a.m. to 2 pjn., 1531 1 2nd, Overlook St. (297) FOR SALE Bed, dresser almost new, chiffonier, kitchen table and chairs, hot water heater. Apply 1404 Overlook St. (297) FOR SALE Kitchen Rane McClary's. 3 tables, 2 kitchen 1 dining-room davenport, folding coach and kitchen cabinet. 703 Fulton Street. (292) FOR SALE Man's C.CAL bicy cle. 1103 7th Ave. East. (297) FOR SALE Pram, In good con- oution, apply 972 Ambrose Ave. Phone Green 480. FOR SALE McClary range. 1655 Herman Place. (294) FOR SALE Kitchen suite and crib, linoleum, radio table. 601 5th Ave. East. (293) FOR SALE Lot 1. SD. of S.77 acres of DI 1969, situate at Hunt's Inlet, Porcher Island, and containing approximately u acres, wun cabin located thereon. For particulars apply Official Administrator Court Uoue, Prince Rupert. (292) Announcements HELP WANTED THE DAILY KW4 Phone Labor Campaipi head quarters at 371 for information xi to voting. In a tity with Prince Rupert's problem. -Business at usual" Can't till the bill. Donl forfei. kiddles Canadian Legion Christmas tree. St-udray. December IS. rrom 2 to 1 Jt Labor has kept polities out of the City HalL Result the city h better off today than a year ago. 4 It's a long ttrae since they ki labor coolant run the London Ooanty Cornell Labor did it through the 1940 botaes too and the people like it Mow- New York is fottowtac suit. The independents forget bat the voters will not) that hut year's labor council has been the hardeat-worktn and beat in the history of this city. The city's twwtjr-fh Labor organizations urge yoa to vote genuine Labor tomorrow. Re member. Hitler was a paper hanger once in Birmingham The girl said Jack Wearaaottth. son of she wru prepared V wrk wr.h- Mr and Mrs. H. F. Wear-in reach cf her h orr.e j tnouth. on serrtce overseas with ;the Canadian Army, has been J heard from in North Africa and Minora Blades Mean CfZ 2L? ln IUJ? HAPPY SHAVING Comfortable thovet at a real og tiafs the net cf Minora story, k's th quaCty blad S All advertisements In this column will be charged for a' full month at 35c a word. S-OX. Invitation Dance. Dec. 17 No tickets available at the door Oddfellows' Han. 9 o'clock. ; Dry Dock Employees Associa-; tion Dance. Friday. Dec 10 and '. 17. Roy Proverbs Orchestra. 1 Vote solid Labor Dec. 16th. Moose Ladies New Years dance OddfeMows- Hall. Dec 39. 10 to 2 Jean De Carlo's orchestra Re- f'h-mersts STENOGRAPHER for account ant's office. Neat and accurate copy . typing essential. Shorthand not so Important. Applicant with knowledge 0! commercial book-keeping, or thost wtfting to learn, will have preference Written applications only. State experience, if any. Apply U. L C. Ail 66. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper. Hours 8 to 5. Apply 1009 3rd Ave. West. (2931 WANTED Two warehousemen for local wholesale grocery. Apply Selective Service AM. 99. (tf) WANTED WANTED Job as telephone operator, evening shift (unexperienced but willing to learn). Would fill in over holidays. Blue 712. (292) WANTED Young busine ss couple want two or three rooms, close in. Box 643 Dally News. (295) WANTED By young couple. room and board; no children. Phone Green 346. (294) PERSONAL "JET for polishing hot stoves is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET is safe, handy Sold GIFTS! Group order privileges. L-nateieme, 50c; Macleans, 80c; Mayfalr, $1.50; Home & Gardens, $1.50; and a lovely greeting card. Phone Green 59 now! (290) WANTED TO RENT ROOM or suite. Young married couple. No children. Apply Box 634 Dally News, , (292) ELDERLY couple desire to rent a small apartment from one to four months. Phone 52 up to 6 pm. (tf) Naval Revue iBeing Staged Tonight, tomorrow night and Friday night have been ohoatn by the new concert oreanis- atton of H.MC.S. Chatham. popularly styled "Chatty Hams." to present their latest rente. This group of sailors who have already gtven their first snow Itn Prince Rupert have been planning this new revue for a lone tkne. Under the skillfaB and can. hie leadership of Cheater Le Mnlatre. the papular YJU.C.A. supervisor, who has planned the wfcoie production, the "OhaUy Hams' are mid to have reached a new goal in amateur theatricals. Special music is belnc r.earv for the firm time having oeeti written eapwialhr for the show by Dick Haddon UioUyvoodi and Freddy Grant (Toronto) and Lieut. Don Adams, the special services officer In Chatham, who has trained the choruses. The Naval Band under the baton of Chief Petty Officer Sunderiand. will be in the "tat" and will accompany the toon and dances. Special Ifchttnc and sound equipment has been brought hi to help create a new affects and a fine stage has been built by Lieut. Welters' capable main tenance party, Le Ma tore. U Adams and Mrs. Dorothy Oar-boil have deatgned and exe cuted several very attractive scenic backdrops that are caus ing a lot of interest amonoat the ratina. Admission is open to all ser vice men and women and their civilian friends m the Prince Rupert area following a desire of the Naval Officer in chart. Commander C M Cree for the Navy, to be hosts to a many as can paib: a. tend fSs C01DS I V nettrt mlmy i!ret I -without 'ionSgF CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable In advance at the Offi telephone orders Rate U per word per insertion. -No BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Wallace Block Phone 3X1 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM- SERVICE Shapes I)rcie Without ' ", ; Guesses Waterproofing a Speclalti We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box W B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 717 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th St. Pbone (55 SMITn & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. P. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 Driot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Advertise ln the Dally News. 0 5 Of W 9 it s s 5 V 5 1 M av y FOR CHRISTMAS SOMETHING HtL! Yw. Me will enjoy wearing one of thee Sea.,. . eomiortawe and smart aiK?ring, to, MESS SCARVES A grand array ..f and Spur PWngod ami Plain $U0to$l30 RiWHtlftil Silks r Daifgae manv e&mMfraUon of (. .n $V)0 to 5.5o KHAKI SCARVES In Fine Wool ... $2.00 PURE WOOLS Military Stripes - $2.50 SILK SCARVES Plain Colors Wine, Green and Brown. Paisley Wools S1J50 to STJJO Polka Dot CretH te Wool and SHk-Stntfes of Brown, Naty, Green and Wine. S1.95 and $2J0 .MUST CAKE IOK DOCS ,w.,vo.,o LONDON O A, kennel, maid received an annuity of MOO to C be reduced by MiO a year on 1 t the death of each of 30 doe C? left in her care by the will of Mrs Harriet Monscockies The dogs are pedigreed Japanese paniei and took many prizes t shows Termajthe will for bid the maid to sell or part with any of them 'vvvvvvvvvv rv vvvvvvvvTv THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEV CHOW MELN Opening Hours-3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (.croii from Trince Kupert Hotel) Phone 173 ii SAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAaAAAaAA j WVVVrVTVVVV VVVVVVVVTV w 1 Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's 31 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SNACK BAR 3 4 (Our Coffee Is Tops) -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OIL BURNERS CLEANED HiNDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 221 Seventh Ave, West X DRESSMAKING I AND ALTERATIONS I 737 Washington Block, I J 2nd Ave., Apartment 2 T Try a Wanr Ad for Quick Results. fZ 5 A FPRTHEK St'GGKSTIOX:-Give Dad a Hat Certificate for a New SS " presentation Hat and Box goes with each r"1 f .. Watts & Nickerson 5K Third Ave MEN'S and BOVS" CLOTIIICKS F :s J. A Welcome Chrism Gift For Madam - A eautirul I ermanep For the Home BY a:n!ne!tte powel if BE A U T)y SHOPP IS III. ci i f a t.(( Of f Lr ftuM nil ourvi II win a For the Olfkt for the Secretary and : ' Man or Woman Attractive bases in black or w" " 1' with fountain pen $4.75 - $5.00 - $5.50 ... . nrck GENUINE WATKiuii (guaranteed) $14.90 and $29.75 Above prices include tax