mm 1 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RlJPnRT, BRITISH COLUiniA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince : Rupert Daily News .Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION Wednesday, November 10, 1943 vj Remembrance Day . . . J " if will be twenty-five years ago tomorrow since Lvi-thatLglad day art November ll, 1918, when armis-K'T tice ended the First Great War. Therefore, we ob jq ' serve tomorrow as Remembrance Day. We honor I f' the" memory of our brave young men of a quarter of a centurv aeo who eate their lives iii the "war" to end f -v . " v 11 ni. i wan! Their comrades, now old or miuaie-agen, many eraV-and grizzled, parade and otherwise pay their f annual homage, The rest of us join in tribute. IS REAL WAR This Is not a phoney war. The Canadian Army Is In the thick of the fight. The only way we can win Is on the field of battle. If physically fit and between 1ft and 45 you are eligible for the Active Army, which Is still an entirely volunteer Army. Visit your nearest Army Recruiting Office today. Iloh't delay. Ormes Lid. Pioneer Drtu&fat TIIK KE&ALL- STORE BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK ; Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PK1NCE KDFEKT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA PHONES 81 and 83 i Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. !ml Ave. (across from Rupert Hotel) Phone 17.1 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY QARBUTT Does anyone know where or how I can get some pine cones? One of the Hostess Houses In the south has asked hie for some. Flying Officer Graham whom t phoned says the girls WDs) can't get up the mountain these days the ground is so wet. Is it the season for cones? Perhaps I should ask Dafn McCowan that And speaking of Dan Me-Cowan. about whom I said I would tell you more, he Is engaged by YMCA War Services to travel to the outposts with hte slides of wild life in the Rocky ! - J1lA1 - - . j xoday we nave anotner crop oi war uean to nonor Mountains and nis running com-; young men of this generation Who likewise heard mentary of the same. This is the call and ami have iyc iimi.c made the ..m. supreme wF.v... sacrifice. v....vw. More ""4";,. . V I . v. I noienant. therefore, becomes the day. Time may have , ,f . . , . softened the bereavements of 1914-1918 but the an- coming to Canada forty years f guish of those of 1939 to date ar"e still unassuaged. lag from Scotland for hfe i i v . n health he settled in uann. e x . 1 . 11 -4 ll W.. , , . - i i t nas spent nis urnr Muumg 7r, . V' V i .,i , ir mountala and the birds and Minister Churcrnll said may be climactic but will prob- antmais that inhabit the Banff abfvbe the most severe and costly in lives of any so area. He is an expert photog- think as Wordsworth did: if "The world Is too much vith us, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers. i Little we see in Nature that ts ours." Another new baby on our list. This time It's Httle Sharon Marie Call whose daddy Is Telegraphist John Caill of the Navy. Sharon was born at 3:00 ajn. keep this for your horoscope Sharon) on Monday. November 8. She weighed six pounds, six ounces, fo hasn't much waist line as yet to worry over. Congratulations parents! Captain Armltage Is giving an evening of his Dickens sketches for the general public next Mon day at the Empress Hall, a collection will be taken to go towards a fond for the Christ mas entertainment of the chil dren of the perronnel of the armed services. A worthy cause for a great interpreter of the Christmas Carol. i The YWCA Service Wives' Club will meet at the YMCA Hut m the Ladies' Lounge Thursday afternoon. I luwe more information and plans for the Christmas party for them. Re member to bring a friend and also that all service wives are very welcome. KINO'S NfcW WINGS LONDON. 0 The King woTe the wfngs of a Fleet Air Arm pilot for the first time at a recent Buckingham Palace investiture. This was in consequence far in this conflict. Rut, withal, there is some rea'sorr, I rapier and his pictures, which' ,f an order under wnlch pllot it wSn n nnno'.r r hnno fViuf vo nnnthpr are DeaUHlHiiy unieo oy jum 11 co'mes around, there will have been another armistice nd we Will have started upon the great task of buifdmg a real lasting arid perfect peace not a mockery like the last turned out to be. make your meat ration go farther with BOVRIL "a "pepper.upper" for "left overs"; adds r; beefy flavour to soups, stews and gravies; l" - " " " wife, are mainly ones of animals, . , , """"J their if rarelv photographed and often 'ontinue to wear wings In most informal poses. There , transferred to another service, are also exquisite views of moun- . oin cconprv Rut- the epm is Mr MacCowan's talk. He is quiet i t-Ljrf A !fin?IIe leads yott on from one i tic'ure to another in me most itterestlng manner, telling un usual facts and IntersoerSing It ii with a quaint humor that Is flelightfu) Mr. MacCowan hus pent his winters for years now ednrtng throughout the length nd breadth of Canada and the United states and his stfmmers in writing his numerous books and taking pictures. He will be living his talks at the various forts and camps and. as yesterday. I warn you not to miss Itch f tit futic, IiummI II. I. I- rmiM. wiiulm SHRIMPS f rncsii kvert daV Boat -WS.L." Hrst Float west of Imperial Oil Co. daily after i p.m. him. After yotfve seen nis yon n ; W vtttttttvttttttvtttttt foi: sale FRESH SHRIMPS Daily 4 oVIock. Boat -.Mars." LiprtFt Pwk They found I TT isn't by chance that an airman is chosen for his particular job to aim the bombs, man the guns or keep up wireless contact to fly the plane or navigate it. YOU GET THE JOB YOU'LL DO BEST The R.C.A.F. uses a method of scientific selection to make absolutely sure you get the job you'll do best. Interesting tests measure your capabilities, temperament and reactions, They make you a success -not a misfit. For a bomber crew flies and fights as a close-knit, hard-hitting team. Each man's job is just as vital as that of any of the others no more, no less. There's a fighting job in aircrew that is just your measure. Get right into it without delay. CftCAF THS DAILt NEWS LETTERBOX HACKS AMBULANCE DRIVE Editor. Dally News: Will you allow me a small space'ln your paper? I atrt enclosing a 'cheque for the sum of ten dollars $10 to be applied to the Prince Rupert Ambulance Fund, the cheque to be used only if we are able to purchase an ambulance for the citizens of Prince Rupert by public subscription. I pointed out to an organisation In the city a early, a November 3. 1943 the dire need of an ambulance M Prince Rupert. I. at the same time, suggested a canvass and I also suggested to solicit the co operation of organizations of the city. I atoo pointed out tha we are" very liberal In distant fields, yet we sit by and see the i eitteens of Prince Rupert wltV out an ambulance If every cit? ten that can. donates one do! lar $!' I am sure that we could purchase an un-to-date foi almetl Inilont rtlitf (rm WURAtGM ti NtURlTIC PAIN ui iaU, lailo(t)ns A CDtDiAf t- 11 ntiiw .mi i (ambulance. There are many cit- Uzens I feel sure would give llb-1 erally. We could feel proud when jwe see the ambulance' on the I streets and be able to say that , we have done a humane act right here In Prince Rupert There Is no time to lose In waltfng for meetings We should send fn our contributions without delay. Ater the ambulance Is ordered I am sure some Ume will elapse before it can be delivered In Prince Kapert. Brtftji Hiiofftolh immindiit. ihtr tt helping (hrii1C ViOWT the rurriof luih (h1 ihingi it I'tek, frtin'i liniom thgthh ni.calM ind Vii-Weai rf-. BISCUITS o without ari 'itninUntt iiittU ow and all alike. Wishing this drive suece.w arwf thanking yorJ, Hf. Editor-. Elizabeth MflCkerttK SAVOY HOTEL Carl ZarcW, I'rop. phone n r.b. rot m .FHASKlt STHKKT rnitfct HVtTJrr raw StftVfCES T6 VsnrouTfr, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and .Nortli quren Charlotte Ilndi Full InfurmalUn, TWktt and Iteervallonl FRANK J. gKlNNMt Prince' Rupert Agen third Ave. Phone hit J.M.S.Loubser J. L. Curry D.C, I1.A. j ute of Yukon- ' "iri Chiropractor Chiropractor I 7 Wallace tUte Phonl 641 ' Pasteurised MU.K 1 -rpmmmmmmmmmmmm' WtlK,lme Room, t VALENTIN DAIRY ft " ; m MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -wxvB,'T8TB?-TiniT .Where dollars have more fenlT I . .u . . . I We haTP complete varlHy tit available If We are the only store In J , town carrying fj (Jrocclcs, Frcsli I'YuHk and VeKCtabtes, Frozen Fruits and Jj Tobaccos and Confectionery 4 Vegefahfcs f1 rmr. DELlVEftY throughout the city three timet weekfy 'Tuesday,. Thofsday, and eaturday4, J Knterprise Hrwerr . . : Opposite Canadian Legion i MR A i II nun,,. ViMiBWtGtinrt,,. yes, am em GUffrS 8tAM$tiSI Here's why prtci. ilon-midi Blut Gillette Bladtt iKin vou f atttr, Itart vwt face feeling and lool-Ing Its best. S(l ' dlamond-ieittd (m hardncn; edri ui th thafpeit ttii honed. That mitsj aster, cleanr tkitn . and more of thtt per blade! Try Uxa I BTA1 aal i - r xt ci tut. Iff ul ...14 um ..4 IrtMrf bom navigator JOIN THE FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES KKCIIUITINT. CKNTKCH I.OCATM) AT-Koyal Hank Hldj G75 West llatlnK Vancouver, and other nrlnrlnal rltleii of Canada. Mobile, recrultl.. unit, vUlt , mailer fetr ; T7 . GET IN'IU Tli TIGHT I ll f. r pS)fiiir mt Al.llf .Lit, J7 i m n y. jj, r $r, iW ff olmtw. MiffiM"1 J.tUn It n.l i.l'-Ort.nd r.w mi 44i m I 5 Aftiff Umif WI. 0. 19 CAt. t- fiBt c.ntf. iwir. ''r" f.r !'' r. vn(f (. .nlltm.n, .ln r"' 'M", Air C.d.l