Jay, as always, the 'Salada' label is your guarantee of a rs. t TEA end power was ,i )M of the an of the city wo hours this an army 'n into an elet- knocking 11 IMI'OIITANT ADDITION Diamond were first added to wedding rings by the1 Veric flans. Neafly 2.00a merchant ships from the United Kingdom lire at sea at any time, rL-, ti i acr. i r.- ' 1 ' - a" a - o.iIt .uiir.ii l.im.i BP. uf I he mmM'a ftnvt H . K-fV I cke.l under "iRS MalllrTa Vlill 111. " K ?5 Ttr Tea that tir m the 1 F . l.l.lt pUlraiKofOylun C ami India ... Ira that 'V4M am rtrlirr In quality, H CjjH ni.rTf ilfln Indinuf. aiKk'fl Trr Malklif'a V".nllH KSJB more B VLaaaaa cwiinon, B mT alllB N T VM 4 -LUL laHHS - .HM:t.K'!i Hindi B HLlijJBr lm ,ik h. r.. inswer to the Coal Shortage IS OOD FUEL Avenge to see your Dealer today. Deliveries may be delayed by : t, , , jo order early. W'.a rust be paid for before Delivery. LPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. hrifty Housewives KKATURE A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and fresh stock of Fruit and Vcrc! ablcs- a can get everything you wnnt at this Nmunity Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET t US R1VC you XMAS PERM "r PERMS arc hard to BEAT nnette owe 1 1 eauty Shoppe 1 Strt (Across from Tost Office) rhone Blue 917 LOCAL NEWS NOTES local Butcher' will be closed a Presbyterian Young People all day Thursday. Armistice ' meet November n Note chanze Day (263) Tonight's train, due from the ast at 11 o'clock, was reported his morning to be on time. iW. A. Canadian Legion fall in at Legion Hall 10:30 am. Nov. 11 for Remembrance Day Parade. (263) Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Elkins. who hate been on a trip t Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the city thW morning. A Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion meyt at Legion Rooms, 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Parade to Cenotaph. J. 1. Little, general manager of the Northern British Colum bia Power Co., returned to the city this morning from a trip Pioneer Room No. 6 OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 73S 2H Seventh Ave. West in date. V TTVTVTTTTTTT rTTTTTTTTT mm .mm a . Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee l Tops) TIMttKK CAI.R MS939 8co.ll txtni will bp iroflvfd by th Mtnwrr Lund at victom, BC. iwt Jtr thw 11 o'clock In Dm forenoon on in fen any 01 (mbcr 1943. ft U ptirchW o'clock. Ml W tWW V a VIS watvw. I a fj Urroc X13939. to cut 8.83 1,000 faat nt Snnir. Cdar ana iictiupck a .n att coniprlshw Prt t Votlona 13. 1. 3J rKl J4, TOfJilp Thrw (3) Vir win oe aiiawra rk- rmmvl of timber. tv,rwirr Victor H. BO., ot DUitrlrt JVrwtCT-, Prtnc Rriwt. BO. In thr Siitirrmr Court of Mr II Mi Cnliimlil.i In ITohnfe di llir Miillrr f llif "Ailinlni.trllin Act" mill In I lie Matter of Hie IMutr of Jolin nirlrk lliirrltiin. lMrafl. take NCmCE.lha.t toy order of Hi Honor. W. E. FWier, made on ah fin.t tv at N6vetrtbr, AD, 1943, I i cliMtteif AxlmlfiMriktor (lth WUl annexed) of the. EsUvte rJ .Tnlm Putrlck Hrrlirn. deceiuied tmd all jwrUea havlivg cUJitui affalnat Oie mild entnt are hereby required tri furnish mune, properly verified, to me ail or about the first day n( Dorember. AD. 1043, and all finrlJea Indeibte! to the estate are reituired to py wnouirt of their liKlnUleilne to m XoMihwtth, DATED wt Prince Rupert, BC , thU first day of NOTeiHbnr, AD. NORMAN A, WATT, Official Administrator Piluca Uivpert, n.O ihts i-sst i A Come join the crowd at the ArfinnHolne. I Minn nindr. Oddfellows Hall. "T""" ""'ri Friday night. Lat of fun, wheel of forune, bingo, dancing, etc 7 pin. till midnight. A Canadian Legion (BZSL.i Wreath Bearers are invited to oln th? Canadian Legion Parade if they so wteh. If not. x-jpj'.hs may be placed alter the (crvlce Is concluded. The Legion looms will be open at 10 ajn. Canadian Letion (B.I1S.L.) ARMISTICE DAY Mornlnt Fall in at Canadian Legion Rooms at 10 30 am for parade to the Cenotaph. Evening Afl-Bwmbe.13 pf thq Canadian Legion are Invited to a "Smoking Concert in' the Legion Rooms to celebrate "Our Day." You are promised a specially good program with first class refreshment, so reserve this evening to be with your comrades at the Legion. I For Mutual Benefit! ! Health and Aecldent J T 1 1 See JOHN U WRIGHT a, A ' rhone 711 (263) A Canadian Legion (isZSL.) Regular monthly meeting td-nlght at the Legion Room. Time APrtnce Rupert Industrial Workers Union Meeting, Wed nesday at 8:00 p.m In ValhaHa Hall, corner 8th and 9th. AH Retail and Wholesale Clerks welcome. '263) ; f A Attention members of I.O.D.E meet at Legion Hall Thursday morning at 10:30 for Remem brance Day Parade to Cenotaph 263- SCANDINAVIAN CUSTOM In Scandinavia the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. PREVENT Colds Developing Put Vlcka Vs-tro-nol up each nortril at first inlffle. sneeze, or nasal Irritation. 1U stimulating action aids Nature's defense at alntt the cold -and so helps prevent colds from developing. Try VICKS VA TRO HOL FOR SALE 2 counters. 20 stools, 1 cash register, 1 show case, 1 tollit and basin. 1 candy scales, 2 lee boxes, 1 meat grinder, 1 east Iron griddle plate. Phone Gfeen 41 after 6 pm. 266 FOR SALE McClary Range i with oM burner, extension dining footri table with 6 ! chairs. 664 7th Are. E. Black 5dl 264) l ...... . ... i FOR SALE Double bed, washer ringer, wfeker table. 215 7th Ave. West. 264 FOR SALE Viking 6 tube band spread long and short wave radio, new style mantel model with batterle. $52.50. Write L. A. MIKon, Skeena Crossing, BC. 2M FOR SALE Wew camp cot with mattress. Phone Black 145. Between 2 and 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon there wfll be a teat of certain fire sirens In the city. ilrs. W. D. Vance returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. WhUe away (268) FOR SALE Chesterfield and chairs, bedroom suite and dresser, coil spring mattress. set of dishes, and kitchen lln-oleum. Call from ito 8. 202 1 9th Ave". West. '268) FOR SALE Two room house on two lots. Immediate possession. $600 cash. Section 8, Lot 2, Lots 23 and 24. Apply Box 619 Dally News. (266) FOR SALE Bed complete and dresser. .935 1st Ate. West. (264) FOR SALE 4 kitchen chairs, drop leaf table and dining room table. Phone Black 606. 1263) FOR SALE Model "A" Ford sport coupe. 1930, mechanically A-l. Price $125. 102 9th Ave. ' West. (265) FOR SALE House, Immediate occupancy. Modern, two bed rodms. $2500.00 $1500.00 cash balance arranged. O. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. (26S? FISHPACKER FOR SALE Now I being reconverted and thoroughly reconditioned by Naval authorities to satisfaction of Oovernment Steamboat In spector and of owners' marine surveyor on release from government charter. Price $35,-000.00 subject to prior sale or charter. Apply to O. Bruce Duncan, 418 Pacific Building. Vancouver, B.C. Mar. 4232. (267) PERSONAL 'JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months meap hot stoves always. "JET' Is safe, handy. Sold every where. CHRISTMAS Gift subscriptions special low rate. Attractive gift card and envelope Includ ed. Please phone Green 59. DAY NURSERY - Reasonable rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue East. (230) WANTED The Dally News Is open to receive the names of bright and honest boyaf or girls who are desirous of obtaining delivery routes, (tf) WANTED Ward Maids for General HospKal. Apply Un employment Insurance Offkl A.. F. 97. 264) WANTED Driver for grocery store, part time, for afternoon deUtery. A"bpTy Selective Ser-Jlci. AM 94. . .. . 263) WANTED Chambermaids for local hotel. Apply National Se lective Service, AF 96. (266) WANTED Female cook for local . hotel. Apply National Selective Service Office, AF 8$. 266) WANTED $50.00 Reward for Information leading to the renting of a furnished or unfurnished house, responsible couple. Apply Box 618 Dally News. (264) $25 Reward for Information leading to the renting of an pnfurnlshed house, four rooms ot larger. Immediate posses .in Phone Red 877. (tf) NAVAI officer and wife, no children desire furnished apartment, room with kitchen privileges, or sleeping room. Phone 231. 1263) $25 REWARD for finder of small furnished or unfurnished house. Civilians. No children. Apply Box 605 Dally News. (280) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Can take electric work Irt spare time. , Box 618 Dally News. (263) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for service twin's wife In exchange for services. 718 Fraser Street Announcements All advertisements' In this column will be charted for a full month at 25e a word. ihe had the misfortune to again" nute Norway Tea, not. Iff, area ner arm wmcn naa Deen j,, Jens Munthe, 431 4th west. previously fractured. D. A. Hamilton, publisher ot the Vancouver News-Hefafd, U paying a brief vis.t to the city. He arrived from the south this Vancouver tomorrow night K-IL.fs..l....HMgBVB7 I aTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasjjjaw With Minora ooiio tfodePwlil l I. . I oureW- rrrraTfiTTTTiTH.Ma r ti m Dry Dock Employees Association Dance, Filday, Nov. 12. Aristocrat's lif-piece orchestra. A Canadian Legion Auxiliary morning- and will be returning Bazaar, Nov. 12, Oddfellows' Hal) i i in Cathedral Tea and Sale, Not. Job's Daughters' Dance, Nor- ember 19, Masonic Temple. L.O.L.M. 2 L.Oi. 2310 Orange Drxnce Mon. No?. 22, 9:30 sharp, Oddfellows' Hall, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nor. 2i L.O.BA. Dance, Nov". 25, Odd j fellows' Half, 11:30-1:00. Jeart del Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Valhalla Intitatlon Dance, November 26, Oddfellows' Hall, dancing from 9:30 to 2. United Chufch Bazaar 2nd. Nurses' Fall Dance Oddfellow's Hall CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Kate Ze per wercl per insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE i- 7roomed house. Phone Black 930. '266' HELP WANTED FOR RENT D. 3 FOR RENT Two rooms If fur- niture Is purchased. Apply 927 (tf) ROOM and board for wqrklng man. 977 10th Ave. West. (265) LOST LOST One lady's light biege gabardine raincoat. Taken In error ..from Headquarters' Dance Reserve D'rlll llall, Saturday, November 6. Identification In billfold in pocket. (263) LOST A parcel cohtalnfng work shoes either at Empress Hotel, Rex cafe or at the Grand Cafe. Finder please leave at Dally News. (267) LOST Strayed or Stolen from Port Edward, three year old Irish Setter. Finder please contact Nelson Bros. Fisheries at Port Edward, Reward. Anyone found harboring will be prosecuted, (205) 9th Ave. West after 6 263) FOR RENT Light large front room suitable for 2 gentlemen sharlrig. Phone BlacW 965. FOUJD FOUND Monday, glasses hi j casff on corner of 6th Ave. East and Plgott Ave. Owner may have same by caning at Daily News and paying; for this advertisement. 265f BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L.RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S .11 BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th St Phone 655 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 187 SMITlFffELKINS LTD. pfumblng and Heating Engineers. Phon- 1:1 r.o. UOX Z.i International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F- Lovin, Representative Box 52 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and C-S 4th Tuesdays every mon,lh at 8 p.m. When at Terrace Slay Philbert Hotel But make advance Reservations Box 5 Terrace Dally News Advertising Brings Results. No. 1 Butter XMAS (Coupons 34 to nr. :X lbs. IMMtflaT 1 Baking Supplies a PRESERVE COUPONS DS and D7 Valid Thursday SYRliP" 3'2-lb. Jar. coHporv . ... AYLAfER CHOICE PEARS 20-Oz. tin. '2 coupons) 47c Lilywhite, Rojers or Karo RASPBERRY JAM- 2-lb. tin. tP 4 cWaponsK each OOK BOYSENBERRY or LOOANBERRY 24-oz. Jaf. (4 coupons), each 35c ORANGE MARMALADE 24-oz. Jar. 4 eovponsl. each LYNNE VALLEY PEACHE- 20-oi tl. '2 coupons) 23c 23c AUSTRALIAN SUIVTANA8-2 lbs. QCn (limit fAI.TFnRMTA nTP.Q -" (Hmtt) DEHYDRATED BANANAS ! Excellent baking frnlt. 8-oz. cello QQ pkt CRISCO SHORTENING Limit 1, per lb WHITE DOVE ALMONU PASTE Saturday only. 20C POnK AND BEANS Helm, Zti's, each 1 DEIITDKATED BEANS Ayfmef, plain sance He 81.25 REGAL SALAD OIL KLlM MILK POWDER Si.29 $2.65 PONTIAC MATCHES PARI-SANI WAXPAPER 3 large Orjp lOO-ft roll. 99p fl4iV' boxes AOK heavy, eaeh FREE CITY DELIVERY PHONE 13 Wartime conditions are a challenge to Canada's meal planners. Their's n the Job of providing a variety on the table and a balance in the budget. Our mare complete stock at a more attractive price is the reason io many more , . . SHOP at 0VERWA1TEA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHinniiHmi r Dibb Printing Company CHRISTMAS CARDS Now on Display Make Selections NOW for Overseas V i BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 A GOOD PLACE TO BOY " ft 6 BEDROOM SUITES, Just arrived, in Eastern Hardwood. Sold in 3 or 4 pieces. Spring filled mattresses with foundation to fit 100 KITCHEN CHAIRS. Eastern Hardwood. 20-CRIB MATTRESSES. Standard sizes. Each Phone "75. NEW! $4:5(1 and S-55A 327 3rd Avenue MODERN! SMART! Raised Pictures ... in light frames, colorful and ' , attractive a nice range of sub- " jects. Sizes: 1 7 x 9. Each .... $1.93 7 x 11. Each $2.95 Nursery Picture Placques 6dc, (55c, 9."ic and $1.15- 1 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTLt' n v r