OF THE JOYS OP ITALY CAMPAIGN ;oldlcrj, who had spent Svine three years In r jnd before they began the current campaign vcr the collection of hen fruit and Italian bread rtvr for their next meal In Italy. They are Ptc. .... fall, Alta.. and Ptc. Ocorgc Jackson, Maxvllle, ne Way to Win Rooms nd Influence Landlords -x a fighting father, marks on their wallpaper than :ie Pacific, to his about the crimes of Hitler. tells mc the Is J time finding a because of you. x- one look at you, you cxUt, and V. imma Is pretty ' a hunch though it to be. and I iMi't something a As I rem em -vre quite a nice I surprised how cm to have bc-" v.- it off and left ' . had to give up c.,, iielp some It I v i- expected of landlords and l.- y .-Mother siiould lie to find a house tit. maybe you jy on in It u ver touch the ' ms that land- :ruiting peer of li'tcr about the avo left finger AC Here M i G, Drown, Cana-Army Corns rc-: from Pacific n be 8 '. " 0 f Uils trip U to secrults for the na Army Corps ded now more "cloase category innrp active duty. iU be in Prince ' and tomorrow day night for a mooting will be ft; n Recruiting Of-MJvs Brown will ;:'or' unity of mcct-of the Civilian rcmittec and also, f"!nKcd, a revrcs-Women's Cana-d as well a rep- ' f;ic Imperial Order, ;' '.'hn Empire. stance of Alex 'hairman or the ui,''nR committee. Operation of AS. 1 .i:a, Liu was made nos IJrown and Lieut. : "'tend the Rotary jii meeting being -tuy. J .11 1 JJlltU wown will inter -I'm Not a Hero" Don't, don't, don't ever cry. You are only two but the people In the next apartment might not understand that and complain to the landlord that they can't put up with living next door to a child. Don't make any kind of a banging noise. The people of London stood the noUe of bombing night after night, but ap parency a good many of the people at home can't stand the noise of a child. And above all, don't try to go trading on your old man's rep- YOUIt DAD. New Members Are Enrolled Labor ProjressUe Party Here I Active To Take Part in Elec. tlons i iv,.. I Amplications of ctfrtuy new ' ' t , V.rV HIV t ' ',! k tinhinnn members were received and ac : officer from cepted at a meeting of the local ,r,:, nrritoH in Labor Progressive Party MOll , ihj tan dav nlaht. Bruce Mkkletourgh r ) which Mlas gave a speech of welcome to the members, some of whom signed on lor .Marxist siuay groups while others Joined ac tive committees. The party is preparing to take part in all elections and the ex tent to which candidates will be run depends upon now far the Co - operative Commonwealth Federation Is prepared to go In thi establishment of unity in action. Monthly reports of heads of cnmmlUees Mrs. Harold Pon der, social; Phillip Denny, mem b ship, and George Nelson, In dustrlal Indicated much actl vlty and steady growth. Open forums, with prominent speakers, are to be held. NO PAPr.lt TOMORROW Tomorrow, .being Remembrance Day and a public holiday, the Dally News wilt not be published. The next regular edition will appear Friday after noon. view all ladles who arc desirous of enlisting In the C.W.A.C. and who wish to obtain first hand nil fa&ts concerning the corps. 1 J Local Tides Thursday, Not. 11: High - - 0:34 21.1 feet 12:40 23.1 feet Low 6:38 32 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 19:11 1.9 leet VOL. XXXII, No. 263 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nazi Winter Line Is Set Up " s, o, a w - jjfia Bulletins REFUSES TO ABDICATE AUI, Italy King Victor Emmanuel was reported yesterday to have refused to El) UN KETUKNS LONDON Foreifn Secretary Anthony Eden returned to London today and Immediately reported to Prime Minister Wlniton Churchill on the Mowow and Cairo TURIN AND GENOA CAIRO Uuitrd States fly-Ing fortresses, operating- from North Africa, trnck last night at Turin and Genoa; TIIKEE DESTROYERS" SUNK WASHINGTON The United States Department of the Navy announces the loss of three destroyers. APPEAL TO MINERS CALGAKV United Mine Workers of, America officials have appealed to striking Itri-tish Columbia and Alberta coal miners to return to work. So far only 3000 out of 8300 have returned. Victory Loan Total Growing The Victory Loan oversub- utation. I'm not a hero and Inscription for Prince Rupert U you expect landlords to think continuing to swell as further I am and so be proud to rent i returns come in to headquarters your Mother a place where the 'here. At noon today the total two of you can live until I come back, youll be disappointed. -.You're on your owursoa. There Is nothing I can do for you until this war U over. I'm sorry. I stood at $886,100. WOMEN IX UNI FORM Britain is the only country in thought folks might help your the world which conscripts Mother and you out a little. Dut women for lta uniformed sef-I Rueas I was wrong. With all rice. The Women's Auxiliary my love. Air Force has expanded to times Its original size. !Noted Naturalist Is Visiting City Dan McCowun Sees Much of Beauty and Interest in Prince Kupert An interesting visitor in the city is Dan McCwan, noted Canadian naturalist, who is now identified with the Young Men's Christian Association war ser-. vices organization as a lecturer on natural history. After having been across the continent from Labrador this far visiting and entertaining the troops, Mr. McCowan Is now here for a couple of weeks and has com menced his visits to local posts Mr. McCowan has already ob- seived many interesting things in natural history here birds, Animals, Insects, marine creatures and plant life. He notices with delight numerous things that to local residents are so commonplace that they have long since become uninteresting. Formerly with the Cana-, dlan Pacific Railway publicity department and natural history commentator on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation network, Mr. McCowan says he find? Prince Rupert a very delightful place much and unfairly maligned. Mr. McCowan envisions a great future for tourist travel along this coast after the war. A new drawing card will be the Mount Logan National Park area In the southwestern corner of the Yukon which will attract visitors up the coast by steamship and across the country by r.ay of the Alaska Highway. It Is not too soon, .'.Ir. McCowan RETREATING NAZIS LEAVE NAPLES HARBOR IN RUINS General Giraud Commands Army ALOIEHS. Nov. 10 O As a series of sweeping moves coin ciding with the reopening of the consultative assembly re sulted In the ousting of General Henri Giraud yesterday as co-president of the DeGaulllst-cont rolled committee on National liberation, he remained only as commander-in-chief of France' fighting forces. ' NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE In a year the average woman worker louts 9.5 days' time and the 'average man 6 days'- time because of Illness or injury. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES In certain parts of Europe, up to a century ago, a ring worn 78 1 on the little finger meant "no marriage for me." erch Reported Taken By Russians Nazis in Very Bad Way Now MOSCOW. Nov. 10 Moscow had not officially confirmed up to noon today reports that the Important Crimean key city of Kerch had fallen to the Red Army. Seveial new landings, It Is also reported, have been made on the Crimean Peninsula as the Nazi endeavour to flee by sea in all manner of craft. A force of 50,000 Nazis is facing complete entrapment in the Russian advance toward the Rumanian frontier In the south, To the north the approach of the Red Army tqward Poland continues without let-up. Three great Russian columns are fanning out from Kiev. First heavy snows have come to the Ukraine. DIVERTED TO U.S. In September, 1941, the production of three Canadian shell-making factories, working exclusively for Britain, was to the United States. ACTIVITY IN AFRICA In one active day In North Africa, the Allied air forces consumed 1,500,000 gallons of high octane gasoline. thinks, for Prince .Rupert to start boosting for tourist travel to be brought this way as a post-war reconstruction measure. , . WINNING SEA WAR Allies Sink More U-boats Than Merchant Ships Lost LONDON, Nor. 10 (CP) The Allies sank nearly five u-boats weekly during the last three months and went further ahead of the undersea raiders by holding merchant shipping losses below that figcre. the British and United States governments announc-; i ed yesterday. Approximately sixty Nail submarines were ,sent to the bottom m that period with many-more probably sunk. October was the second lowest month of the year for Allied ship losses at the hands of u-boals. While sixty German submarines are known to have been sunk during August, September and October, the losses for the previous quarter were placed at ninety. CONSTANCY INDICATED Naples harbor one of the most important in Italy u a clutter of sunken ships and tangled harbor fixtures, destruction wrought by the retreating Germans, An Allied soldier, who marched In with the victorious Fifth Army. U accompanied by a neopolitan policeman on tour of the harbor, which will be speedily put back into condition by Allied engineers. Russian brides used to wear1 seven gold-wire rings. Joined with a single diamond to Indicate their love was good for a seven-day week. SLATED FOR AFRICA David Livingstone, famous African missionary and explorer, had wanted to go to China and was greatly disappointed' when assigned to Africa. REPAIR RATIONING Is Assailed By Soldiers A well known local citizen. while going home at dusk about 6:15 Monday evening, was struck by two or three soldiers who were, evidently, under in fluence of liquor to some ex tent. He was struck over the eye with what he believed might have been a rock in the hand of one. He was tempor arily stunned. By the time he had recovered, the assailants Vi art m nre rff The citizen reports that, as he I the man." He was not able to identify his assailants except that they were soldiers. Red Cross In New Quarters At the monthly executive meeting of the Red Cross So- 'ciety held last evening it was 'reported that new quarters had been secured for the work room in the Health Centre building. A large room Is available which is now being cleaned and decorated and will be ready for occupation next week. TRANSPORTED CANADIANS The Merchant Navy of Britain carried over all the quarter-of-million Canadian soldiers now in Britain. LASTS A LIFETIME The diamond Is the hardest. Shoes may be repaired only most enduring substance In na-once a year in Germany. ture. Another Attempt Being Made to Halt Allies in Their Battle Northward In Spite of Bad Weather and Stiffened Resistance, However, Germans are Still Forced to Fall Back. ALGIERS, Nov. 10 (CP) The German Command, using Italian labor, has erected a new winter line across Italy directly in front of present positions of the Allies, it was disclosed yesterday, and is pour-" ing in reinforcements 'in the greatest effort -to date to stem the Allied drive northward. Even as the line - Invasion t Coast Is t Evacuated MADRID. Nov. 10 W- 4 strip along the Atlanta 4 coast from ten to flfte . 4 miles wide which would 1 6,e be 4 ideal for an invasion 4 was learned last night. 4 4.4-4 4 4 4,4 4,4,4 4 4 4 Ambulance Fundi Is'Meeting Favor oo.u. - v lie o u flav f Mat lh Prince 4 4 4 The 4 4 German command in south- 4 4 western France has order- 4 ed the evacuation of the 4 4 entire civilian population 4 between the Spanish border 4 4 and Bordeaux within 4 Rupert Oene. ai Hospital Association has decided to subscribe the mm of $300 to the new ambulance fund which Is steadily glowing and for which further substantial donations have been made since yesterday Including the following: Ancajmous Dr. R. G. Large Eif oeth MacKenzle Elizabeth MacKenzle Ernest Unwln HJH.C.S. Chatham Ratings' Canteen Ward Room, R.C.N. Chief and Petty Officers' Mess. HALCjS. Chatham G. Oakey N. A. Watt Albert St McCaffery B. C. Packers Ltd. Fraser St Payne Mrs. H. F. Pullen Mrs. G. Foster " $20 25 1 10 5 50 75 LUFTWAFFE LEFT BEHIND British aircraft production had reached parity with that of Germany by April, 1942. CANADIANS TREAT WOUNDED SOLDIER IN ITALY Canadian medical men treat a wounded soldier just behind the front lines in Italy. was disclosed, the British Eighth Army advanced five miles to the area of tile mouth of the Sangro River at the eastern anchor of the new line. This was accomplished In spite of increased enemy resistance and extremely unfavorable weather. On the west coast the advance of the Fifth Army is also bqing hampered by the same BOUGHT MORE VICTORY BONDS ntau Made scripU National Employees Goovl Showing in Sub- ions jdAL, Nov. 10 Em the. Canadian wi.- rS?ways and affiliated bnipinles in the Fifth, Victory uoan topped their record sub-: scriptlon of the Fourth Loan by more than a million and a half dollars according to D.CGrar.t "vice-pfesiaellt" of'' finance ana'-accounting, who today presented a statement covering the period of the campaign to R. C Vaughan, chairman and president. Mr. Orant reported that 78,-424 individuals employed in the railway organization, Trans-Canada Airlines and National Railways Munitions Ltd. had subscribed for a total of $3,-. 411,100. This sum 13 $1,586,100, or over 23 percent, in excess of the final amount of $6,825,000 achieved In the Fourth Victory Loan campaign. In addition to the individual purchase by the workers the company made purchases to a total of $18,031,950, thus bringing the grand total of Canadian National system employee and management contributions to the Fifth Victory Loan to $26,443,050. The company subscriptions Included $1,050,000 from the railway employees pension fund and $140,000 from the employee pension fund of Trans-Canada Airlines. Young Woman From Port Arthur Dies The death occurred yesterday afternoon at the -Prince Rupert General Hospital .after a brief Illness of Mrs. George Delonne who had been a resident of the city for thirteen months, having come from Port Arthur where she was born thirty years ago. She Is survived by her widower and two children. The family resides on Comox Avenue. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B. C. EARLY IMMIGRATION Aboriginal people who flourished In America when Charier magne was conquering Europe, are believed to have been descendants of an Asiatic tribe. WARTIME RESTRICTIONS Britain now is without white bread, Ice cream, bananas arid lemons. There is no imported fruit at all except a few oranges for children. 1 p.. IS if m .i