H ;erond half of the C ;j competition after r. ... the first half win was a three to ndirr player In Tues ni- was Watson, Air : '."nder, to whom 1 c: :ir . given much of for his team's win. m;:lc te Umonlal of his :pc ieur:e In Vancouver r i'- ti n unt rnf Tin n 11V :nrt nronlrltir nlntro ilif ( DP ' "PI nf lnnnl rtrr,rti Fcrce Watson; Blore and sun Baldwlr. Novak nnd lank Kllllps, Manson, ille Cousins and Fowler, in in mare). ' Johruon: Murray and Croia, Brookman and t- an Hanson, Rae, Ir--3 Bendle (Livingstone, tme score was two to i.U'l' Hla fnr Air Pnrrp nnrl tct Navy. :b Nav- and Slenals meet- anenioon In the next ir riiitiin i.. ti..ij.i fii --,.., III Ulllll'II oiuiis i(liv Tli... .ft ... ...mii Aiiuii: ih'IC Three Years Ajjo n . . "ouiNUTON. D.C.. .Tnlv 31 o Bureau of Statistics places population of the United 1 a- on March 1 at 128,200,-il drop of 3,100,000 from 1D40, decrease Is held larcclv to ;ntf'.lng of men to the arm- 'rvlcca. e Population of the Pacific t states has calneri hv 7dr . There is akn n euhi u.t(,.v gUUi ouumi but. the east and rl states are down. n fwiH.., ii ... i-i'.uuuu ui me uist.npr. .iiuui is increased h yi cent. HIMMLER IS IN HAMBURG Chief of German Gestapo Putting Down I'eace Move LONDON, July 31 Heltuicb Himmler. chief of the Nazi Oestapo, is reported to have arrived in hard-bombed Hamburg to put down peace demonstrations and anti-Hitler displays. WARNING BY REDS Must Offer no Haven td Fleeing Fascists Neutrals Are Told LONDON, July 31 0) The Russian government backed up President Roosevelt today in warning neutrals not to give asylum to "Mussolini, prominent Fascists, or other war crlmln- als" In notes being presented to Turkey and Sweden. A Moscow broadcast said that granting pf such asylum, or any help or assistance to Fascists Is a violation of the principles for which the United Nations are fighting. Lady Astor Given Fine Endeavoured to Break Rationing' Regulations by Smuggling Fur Coat LONDON, July 31 Lady Astor was fined $240 in Bow Street, police court yesterday for violation of the rationing regulations. She endeavoured to purchase a fur coat from the United States. BONUS TO BE PAID All Shipyards Must Make 5125 Weekly Payment to Employees OTTAWA, July 31 0) The National War Labor Board announced 1 night that effective Immcdialely all shipyards under its Jurisdiction which are paying less than the full $4.25 weekly cost of living bonus must pay the full amount. I Ceiling To Be : Put On Fruit 1. OTTAWA, July 31 W Baseball Scores 4 De- finite ceilings will be placed on tresh caches, plums . and pears as soon as the main crop comes on the market, It was announced last night by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Steps will be taken to en- sure that some portion of the crop is canned. This is one of the principal ob- jects of the celling, the ac- tion being taken because of acute shortage of fresh fruits and high retail prices. The Board said It was also considering con- trolling the price of apples and is planning during per- lods of shorter supply in winter and spring to put a celling on storage root crops such as carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips and cab- ase. the outlook lor supply of which is Improved. National League Boston 3-0, Cincinnati 0-2. Chicago 12, Brooklyn 3. New York 13, Pittsburgh T. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 2. American League Detroit 5, Boston 2. .New York 5, Cleveland 4. Washington 4, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 2. American Association Kansas City 2, Indianapolis 1. Kansas City 1, Indianapolis 0. Minneapolis 4, Columbus 2. Minneapolis 3, Columbus 2. Mllwakuee 12-1, Louisville 4-:4. Toledo 3-3, St. Paul 1-6. International League Jersey City 4-7, Buffalo 3-7. (Second game tie). Rochester C-8, Baltimore 1-2. Syracuse 1-2, Montreal 0-4. Toronto 5, Newark 4. Pacific Coast Los Angeles 7, San Diego 1. San Francisco 2, Sacramento Hollywood 3, Portland 2. Seattle 2, Oakland 1. READY TO ACCEPT WASHINGTON President Roosevelt said yesterday that the Allies were ready to accept Italy's surrender from King Victor Emmanuel, Premier Badoglio or even the mayor of a city as long as he is definitely not a Fascist. PhovicrAj : WILL CALL MORE MEN Extension of Age Groups for Compulsory Service in Canada Being Extended OTTAWA, July 31 An early extension of the age groups for compulsory military service In Canada is expected as the pres ent pool Is being depleted. The limit may be lowered from 19 to 18V2 or 18 years and the 25 to 30 years of age married men group may also be called. INCREASE IS DENIED United States War Labor Board Refuses to Pay More to Million Shipyard Workers WASHINGTON, D.C., July 31 IB The War Labor Board yes terday denied a general wage Increase to more than one million employees of 188 shipyards throughout the United States. The board declared that no gen eral Increases could be granted under wage stabilization polities Smuts Is Given Good Majority Prime Minister's Party in South Africa Has Lead of Sixty-Seven CAPETOWN, South Africa, July 31 Latest returns from the South African general election give the Smuts government, a clear majority of sixty-seven seats. War Eighty rercent Over PORT ARTHUR, July 31 Speaking here yesterday, Hon. C. D. Howe, on a visit to his home constituency, said he believed the war was eighty percent over as (ar as the time factor Is concerned. However, the re- malning twenty percent would be the toughest.- -; Local l emperaiure Tonight s Dim-out we (Half an hour alter sunset to Maximum 60 half an hour before sunrise). Minimum 54, 10 15 p.m. to 5:21 ajn. .J . NORTHERN MnPTTJTTPM AND AMn PRMTRAT. CENTRAL P.RTTTSIT BRITISH PHTTTMPT COLUMBIA'S A'.Q MT?WCTJ NEWSPAPER A Tt?tj I I xxxii, mo. p;.;-- M? PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT, RUPERT, B.C., B.U., SATURDAY, SATURDAY, JULY JULY 31, 31, 1943 1943 price, five cents mm mm . m amm alian situation Is Hicrhlv Tense OSING IN SIIIP-TO-SHIP TRANSFER FOR CANADIAN COAST IS 11" W dilutes. If MUNDA ERUPTION Baaopo .emporjZtfj: ;iVECT PACIFIC, July 31 idcd toy tanko and flame American troops yes- nrr mri ln:pr In thp vlt- -n nlrHrnmn of MlinHn back counter attacks, plane j In widespread at- shipping, sank eleven ; ; barges, It was an- ; - m 1 I i ta rework to the flame and the tanks to get u; out of caves, fox holes ;'.ilboxe and thus creep id the vital Munda air bombers ate still blast er .he Ground operations. New Oulnea the Austra force, also being given !' air jupport, are now but R FORCE WINNER SOCCER so Far This Season Un (en nnil ITntipilI.ntist Win Over Navy unbeaten and un 'hi , year In local i'.mues In winning Fliers, who captured nnv dim. first. '' 1 " 1943 to be -saJar , ;r.:o: have a strangle Just before Canadian forces started their assault landings on the beaches of Sicily it became necessary to transfer Major J. M. Robinson of Ottawa from the ship in which he had travelled from Britain to the destroyer H.M.S. Wheatland. This picture was taken as the transfer was made by means of a "bo'sun's chair" slung on lines between three vessels. Even In calm weather transfer at sea from one ship to another Is a hazardous operation. This operation took place while the convoy was steaming in waters where enemy attack was a possibility at any moment. (Canadian Army Overseas Photo). Allied Air Forces Continue Mer ciless rounding of Kelch Territory New Objective LONDON, July 31 (CP) The -Allies' rolling air offensive (shifted to a new target last night when Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Forcr 1 bombers blasted Remscheid, German Ruhr steel centre. The massive air offensive rolled on throughout the day with bombers being shepherded over the Channel by droves of fighters. An almost unbroken rumble of explosions could be heard. The whole French coast appeared to be in a slate of eruption. ON SERVICE IN SICILY Names of Canadian Regiments On Service There OTTAWA, July 31 Canadian regiments serving in Sicily In clude Hastings and Prince Ed ward, Royal Canadian Regiment, Twenty-Eighth Highland (Tor onto). Princess Patricia's Cana dian Light Infantry (Winnipe and Victoria), Seaforth High landers (Vancouver), Loyal Edmonton Regiment, Western Nova Scotia, Loyal Quebec, Carlton and York (New Brunswick), and Saskatchewan Light Infantry as well as various special and auxiliary services Including medicals and chaplains. CUT ON CLOTHES Nothing But Uniforms and Working Apparel to be Made in Germany BERLIN, July 31 The Berlin radio says that after Septembe manufacture of all clothing in Germany with the exception of military uniforms and working clothes will be discontinued. Army and Airmen Anti-Mosquitos Aiding Civilian Fight Against Pest in Prairie Gateway Centres WINNIPEG, July 31 tB Air. men and soldiers have an en emy in Winnipeg the mosqul toes who thrive on wet weather and 'throw a barrage across parklands on sunny days. An anti-mosquito campaign Is being carried on to blast the homes of the pest, the water holes in suburban districts which provide Ideal breeding grounds Airmen from No. 2 Command, R.CJV.F., have carried out an aerial survey, spotting from the air the mosquito puddles which later are covered with a thick coating of oil. "The survey show us wet places that we might not i discover from the ground," -said i L. T. S. Norris-Elye, field man-1 ager of the mosquito campaign. "We are very grateful to the air force." Soldiers from- Fort Osborne Barracks have been helping civilian oilers In suburban Tuexdo where there are Infested pools. The heavy oil kills the mosquitoes before they hatch. Halibut Sales American Constitution, 48,000, 17.5 and 10, Booth and Pacific. Eldorado, 55,000, 17.5 and 16, Storage. Atlas, 39,000, 17.5 and 16, At-lin. Sonja, 30,000, 17.5 and 16, Whiz. Senac, 52,000, 17.5 and 16, Storage and Royal. We ek-E ' JB na tmeroencv Anticipated By London Bulletins BOMBARDING KISKA WASHINGTON American light warships bombarded thfc Jap defences on Kiska again Friday. CIANO RESIGNS LONDON Rome radio reports that Count Ciano, Mussolini's son-in-law, has resigned as Italian ambassador to the Vatican. DISARMING ITALIANS LONDON Dispatches report that German troops have begun to disarm Italian troops at Larizza, Greece. CLOSING ON OREL MOSCOW The Red Army has advanced another six miles and, taking twenty more villages, is now only eight miles from Orel. RIPE FOR INSURRECTION BERLIN It is admitted here that conditions favor insurrection In Italy Herman Goering has arrived in Rome. Warning Issued From Allied Headquarters That Terrible Aerial Offensive is to be Resumed Winning Everywhere in Sicily LONDON, July 31 (CP) Electric tension prevails in London as Prime Minister Winston Churchill has ordered the cabinet members and heads of the fighting services to stand by for a possible week- cuu emergency, ine Allied ttign Command, from headquarters in North Africa, has radioed a stern t Badoglio's t 1 CdLC 1 Idll ROME, July 31 Premier Pietro Badogllo, it became' known today, has prepared a four-point plan to take Italy out of the war and intimates that he will re- ' sign if It is not accepted by both the Allies and the Axis. ' i SICILIAN HISTORY History of the city of Catania in Sicily dates back to 732 B. C BOMBING RESULTS ll I mil ii -v Three air views which give mute evidence of the result of precision bombing as executed by Allied bombers on Palermo harbor. Sicily, recently. UPPER picture shows the harbor as the bombers came over the targed. IMMEDIATELY BELOW bombs are unleashed and on way down to cause destruction. BOTTOM photo shows the results of the accurate bombings D Two 120-foot vessels blasted and wrecked. (2) 270-foot warehouse wrecked and a 300-foot ship sunk. (3) Huge hole blasted in pier by explosion of munitions ship. 410-foot vessel damaged, and destroyer damaged at her berth. (4) Seaplane .station damaged. (5) Naval headquarters. BELOW, damaged. (6) Waterfront buildings damaged. (7) Garabaldl barracks and port station warehouses destroyed. (8) 350-foot merchant vessel sunk. (9) 350-foot freighter sunk hv harbor. . warning to the- Italian people that a terrible aerial offensive against Italy Is to be resumed Immediately. Meanwhile the powerhouse drive of the Allies crushed more Axis defence salients as American and British forcesdrew a tight noose about the .northwestern tip of Sicily, gains' having been made by the Allies on all parts of the front. The Internal situation In Italy continues critical as the new Premier Pietro Dadoglio plays for time before making his final decision for peace or continued war. There are reports of further fighting between Germans and the Italians In northern Italy. German civilians have been advised by their consuls to leave Italy for home. Slovene Irregular troops have broken through Italian lines and reached - the Udine reglor of Italy. . ' Giraud Takes Over Command Shake-up in Administration of French Colonial Empire LONDON, July 31 General Henri Giraud, according to word from Algiers, has been appointed commander-in-chief of all French forces while General Charles deGaulle has been made chairman of the national council of defence. SOLDIERS DROWNED Two Lose Lives in Okanagan Lake VERNON, July 31 Two soldiers were drowned yesterday in Okanagan Lake. Names will be announced after next of kin have been advised. More Must Be T'155 Produced For War This Year WASHINGTON, D.C., July 31 -Donald Nelson, Office of War Production chief, announced plans today for a new production drive. There must be an increase of 30 per cent In war production during the rest of the year. READYF0R NEW MOVE British Cabinet Remaining London Over Week-end in LONDON, July 31 Cabinet ministers and ranking military leaders have been advised to remain In London over the week-end in view of possible developments in the Italian situation. There were two special cabinet meetings yesterday, one at 1:30 ajn. If! 1 If IV