JPAQZ FOUR X -r Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 1 Chas. Dodimead fr Vvll I Optometrist la Chare I FX ) I w"-rm ' Hand Enrrarlnj VISIT OCR BASE5IENT .ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I Her Favorite Store Distinctive Gift Selections Lounging Robe Handkerchiefs Lingerie Purses Sweaters Hose You'll Find it At GRACIA OF I Rupert Peoples Store CHRISTMAS GIFTS Suggestions Mirrors, lovely gifts that will last a lifetime; Tables; End Tables, Coffee Tables, Pull-up Chairs, Dinette Suite, Spring-filled Mattress, Chenille Bedspreads, Wool Comforters, Carpets. Toys Wagons, Kiddie Kars, Kindergarten Sets, Todteler Kars, .for .fine gitts. See them at . - Elio Furniture Store Thiid Avenue. (Next to the Daily News) Prince Rupert Arch. Corrector Shoes ' . ' IN PUMPS AND OXFORDS Widths to EE wide. For comfort and wear I ; there is no better shoes in Canada at their ; ICC. . , . From $6.50 up Family ShoelStore Ltd. i. "The Home of Good Shoes" f - It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News I ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT I suppose now is as good a time as any to ask you what you are going to do with the toys the children have grown out of and which will be replaced at Christmas with new ones. The long and short of It Is that our toy box Is getting like Mother Hubbard's cupboard. Right no it's pretty bare. As the kiddles corner is in constant use and the wear and tear on the toys is pretty severe we could do with any you can spare, providing they are still unsable as toys. The Service Wives' Club met Thursday afternoon In Ladies' Lounge at the MY". The attendance was a record one with twenty-three members and fourteen children present. Seven new ladies were welcomed Mrs. Fasolan. Mrs. Skinner. Mrs. Dicks, Mrs. Duperrault. Mrs.Kut- ner, Mrs. Fitzgerald ana Mrs. Dvornek. This week the raffle, donated by Mrs. Belanger. was won iy aus. iuuuir. A GREAT FAMILY LINIMENT DIAMOND d WEDDING KINGS CHOOSt YOURS f ROM JOHN BULGER LTD. Wood Fuel THE DAILY .VEVi'S menta were served by Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Kaye The gifts have now arrived and Mrs. Strand would like all who can to come and help her wrap them up on Monday evening next. Also all the kiddles names for the party should be in by Monday at the latest. Next week Is to be gala, week in the entertainment line. The local navy show which has been in rehearsal for some time past will give three performances In the Navy Drill Hall on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday and Thursday ev-nlngs the performance Is for oersonnel of all the services and sach service man or woman nay bring a civilian guest. Friday night will be reserved for jfficers and their guests as well is for those of the services who iave missed the earlier shows ji lfc otedi(M j ' ! ' 1 SWANAGE. Dorsetshire. o,Ulv. Hazel. Ivy. Iris Please let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We have plenty of wood on hand. Phone your order for wood regular fuel dealer. CASUALTIES (Continued from Page 1) O R71W9. Mrs. M. E. Verne? i wife) 1 Whyte Ave., Cambus. land. Lanarkshire. Scotland, Mrs. A. S. Vamey (step-moth-cr Windsor Mills, Que. Tully. Ralph Wllbert. PO J18-180, W. O. Tully (father) Che-malnus, Vancouver Island, B.C. Previously Reported Missing on Active Service Now Reported Prisoner of War Japan Luetchford, William Oeorge.F O C3172, Mrs. W. O. Luetchford wife) 158 Roscberry St., St. James, Winnipeg, Man. Lee. Howard Henry. FO J14510 Mrs. H. H. Lee (wife) 890 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto. Ont. Previously Reported Prisoner of War Now Reported Safe in y reason of being on duty. Ad- i The United Kingdom jiittance is free. From the bits i Wendt. William David, WO R-and pieces of the show I have 100092, Mrs. A. W. Wendt (moth-heard I'm telling you "The e: Wcstport. Minnesota, Ufi-A. Chatty Hams" are putting on ( Previously Reported .Mlvdng on real entertainment and anyone Active Service Now for Official who misses it, well, it's just too Purposes Presumed Dead- bad. LONDON Conscription In youth organizations has been been advocated by Norman T. C. Sargant, vice-chairman of the Alliance of Honor, as a means of stemming what he called the "landslide In sex morals" among young girls. Barnes, Raymond James FS R87330. E. W. Barne (father) Battleford, Sask. Deerlng, Vernon John. Sgt. R-102121. John Deerlng (father) 15 1 Young St.. Stratford, Ont. Lewis, Howard Clark, FS R8-3454, R. F. Lewis l father I Ann Arbor. Michigan, USA. M:Kerns. Charles, Sgt. Rill- 483, H. S. McKern "fatheT) 127 Eng. Concord St.. Ottawa. Ont ana sammet. John Henry. PO Jl-i Pansv oillinaham. daughters of 6941. Ernest Sammet (father) Mrs. J. OllUngham, have Joined Naramata, B.C. the Auxiliary Territorial service i CANADA as cooks. I nuiea on Active hervice Barnes, John, .LAC OB 1608900, R. Barnes (father) The Ferns, Church Road. St. Marks, Cheltenham. Olos. Bordereau, Joseph Oscar Ro ger. SgL R169334, Mrs. Arthur Bordeleau (mother) 62 Frell Ave.. Ottawa, Ont. Crosthwalte. Thomas, LAC O- B1851121, T. B. Crosthwalte 'fa-then 20 Delesee Road, Bournemouth, Hants, England. Oalgan. Peter Edward. Sgt. R- 128183, Mrs. Wojlch Oalgan mother) Dana, Sask. Hill, William Leslie. FS R140- 992, W. A. HU1 i father Lcnore. NUn. Steurgeon, 'Ralph Richard, L AC R175023. Mrs. R. R. 8rutgeon A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. MA Good Place to Buy" Christmas" Spirit Is Not Rationed! Let's spread it throughout the community. Christmas Isn't things . . . it's people . . . Family, Friends, Neighbors. Let's have an upsurge of Christmas a prelude to 1944, The Victory Year. 'We may have what you need for your Christmas Gift give us a call. rhone "5 327 3rd Afenne TTtTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTT to your ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 SWOPPING WEEKS LEFT . ' mm. i . r v O Pick OJt CtAAS Fo. VCOTll i, l SERVICES TO VanrouTer, Victoria Waypoinit, Stewart 3 BuyQrlsm&S&fs and and North Qoeen Charlotte Itlands Full Information, Tickets and Reterntlons FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aent Third At. Phone 8t TYf YTTTf YYYYYYYVYVYYYYTY Trappers i Don't be foolish and tell your Furs on the Water- . J , U .. .. ... 1. 1 1 "ii i iii uhjcii nnu sic getting: big commissions. Goldbloom can par 30 per cent more than anyone else as a re suit of finding the best markets when in Montreal and New York. BEE GOLDBLOOM FlttST 44 AAA AA4AAAAAAAA4 A A AA AAA (wife) 641 Caxlow Ave Toronto, Ont Young, MA. LAC OB1566032, fclrs. M, Young (mother) 44 Woodford St.. Shawlands Glas gow. Scotland. Previously Reported Missing Now Reported Killed on Active Donald Stuart, Sgt. NZ 413220. Mrs. V. A. Bates (mother) Tauplrl Road. Hamilton, N.Z. Harris, N. C. PO RAF1319378. E. T. Harris (father) 50 High St., Risely. Bedfordshire. England. Williams. E. Sgt. Aus. 418901. W. E. Williams father) MilU-cent, South Australia. Previously Reported .Missing Relieved Drowned Now Report-ed Drowned Accidentally Wadylyke. Steve. Sgt. R187154, Steve Wasylykc (father) Days-land, Alto. Previously Reported Missing on Active Service Now for Official Purpose Presumed Dead i McMlchael, Edward Kltehener. LAC 1178854, Mrs. E. K, McMich ael (wife) Ooderlch, Ont With Minor- w-- NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rate 75c op 50 Room. Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC Phone til P.O. Boi ll C7r usmx mwtux u i us nt w 1 Mutual Benefit alth and Accident See JOHN L. WIlinilT Phone 711 Pioneer Koomi No. 6 J.M.S.Loubser O.C, It.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone k E i i can nun uiiii Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY 8 rilONE (57 f For mE KWO.NO SANd HINT. HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to Klnc Tal 12 7th AVE. WEST All ynnr patronaie welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuetday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outtlde Ordrri from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. Phone Red 247 YOU ttnv lliMk LTR XMAS GIFT PROIJLFM sn7 , of TIIKATRi: TICKKTS wlEll! Mivelopes . . . iou ran send. Uiem aiuh,. u, Famous Players Theatres operate . i.i . . n 1H4 .i L 4J JTau g """"w,t For Income Tar ' KirruitNs SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone S 324 2nd Are. When at Terrace Stay at Philbert Hotel But make adrance Reservations Bos 5 Terrace ! Dry Uoods and Ni GRADE ORDER ft 5 THRIFT)! HAVtJ v. &m?mtemm Supiffsl MtfMWltf'tf ItftfWttfWM ' lMMt1Mtim. .... Urth0fTlm. "rni, "Voua . " rwn.'.MH if.uuaiiinrrwHrjnr Tiar Walt , in w'orW N, ! lovcllyjljop Has iti utual line of attractive and I'ractical Clfti Ll)ll' AND CIIILDItlA'S VLU Childrru's Wear a Srwtlaltj Visit Our Store when Xmas Shopping AVOID THE RUSH... Have your XMAS PERMANENT.- N - at Uie - Style Beauty Parlor 607 3rd Ate. Wni (Neit Door to Kojil Sink) riio.M: IU.I K HI A I I I I 1 1 I ll A i uixrXL j NOW FOR XMAS A full line of Swift Premium Meats at nil times. A complete amhfrcsh' htock of Fruit and Vcjictahles. Make this your Community Shopping Ccotrt Prices Kicht! SEVENTH AVE. MARKET 'TYYYTYYVYYYTTYTTT TTYTTT YTT Y VYYY T YYYYTT' Dont be a Slow Joe . . . and always J- wait until Christmas . to t"? gifts, never finding what you warn, ana - Al tl . a 1 m lUn v-tir1 fi t ucany DiacK ana diuc irom u, uu- This year do your ChrUtmas shopping eany a better election at your favorite store. Till, va 8TOREI The Variety Store .ltAAAA.A- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News