PAOE TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAQINO EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this oaper and also the local news published therein. All rights ol republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. LOCAL ADVERTISING Transient, per Inch . Contract, per Inch 50s Readers, per line 25c niir-V Popa Rp.iriprs ner line 40c Business and Professional Cards Inserted daily, per month, per Inch ED IT OR I AM ATTENTION LADIES! BUY THE NEW Victory Bonds R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. $2.50 Monday, May 10, 1943 Wanted: Plans With Work! . . . As we come to grips with the study of the trends in post-war planning, we see that some of the planners appear to have overlooked the fact that plans stay on paper until someone translates them into work. Not only that, but some of the plans appear to be plans to avoid work. They consist almost wholly of proposals to make life easier and pleasanter for everyone, payment for which To in rnmp nnt nf rhP nnhliV trpasurv. and to overlook the ri 1 r,.V V,owl M-rvL- irill rpViiiilrl the thiYifrs! youth. iati umt uuij "Vru'of that way of life must, in turn. that have been destroyed in the battle areas, and eaten largeIy depend on the aDllity of the up on those things that have' been neglected in favor of .church to define itself and its mis-war work in other areas. 'slon ln terms f a changed world. We are in favor of making life easier and pleasanter Ls'.vi" Lncl-self;d!f lp"ne-" , iut everyune uul we aie tunuus auuut wuu .a , observances w do the work. Because, behind that phrase out or tne public treasury" there hides that uncomfortable fact that the Only public treasury is taxes, drawn from the money that somebody got by work. The justifiable magnitude of the sums now being obtained by taxes of one kind and another, and the necessarily vast war efforts being paid for out of these sums, obscures for some people the fact that, if such a scale of taxation remains in effect after the war, to finance public spending, much of industry we have known will never be 're-created. Such great employers of labor, as. for instance, the automobile industry, are utterly dependent for their existence upon a public in whose hands is .left, a reasonable margin between ' "' ' 1 1 income aid outgo. V This consideration is relevant to the fact that business is only one of three groups now at work on post-war planning, and we are not sure if it is the most active, because business is simply the work of the country. The other two groups are first, the rather large group of people with ideas. It may be an accident but most of these people have not, in the past been prominently identified with the work of the country. Second are various governmental bodies being set up. These bodies can at best supply governmental guidance to post-war movementsbut the citizens will have to supply the work. To expect otherwise would be to expect of government that it did our part as well as its own. The government bodies will need the co-operation of business in the making of the plans and the support of business in their implementation. If the business is the work of the country it has a right to .express itself on the soundness of the plans offered by the people with ideas and, if it thinks some of them to be unsound, should be prepared to point out in what respects they are unsotind. Should it fail to do so, it might regretfully see the electorate vote affirmatively on some of such plans. Again, if business is the W01K of thp pnimti-r if cVimilrl study, discuss and express "itself in connection with the plans now being evolved by the various governmental bodies. On its shoulders will inevitnhlv fnll m.i work of carrying out these plans and, through taxation. iuuLii ui me unanciai ourden of paying for them. Violet Mah, always alert, and ever on the search for new techniques to make you lovelier, has returned from a tour of the east with the latest trends in Victory Coiffures, Hair Shaping, Permanent Waving, Manicuring as well as many other phases of modem beauty culture. Of course, you will want to know what Is new . . . and you will want to avail yourself of the opportunity for up-to-the-minute beauty services. Why not call today for consulation? SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Cor. 6th Ave.-and Fulton St. rhone Blue 913 J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms ter of Youth Si ill necessarily vary ln different localities and denominations. In seme places processions and mass meetings will be held. Schools and Sunday Schools naturally fall into the pictu:e. Specially suitable hymns and scripture readings will be used and .sermons for the young preached. The "I Believe" poster, sent out by the National .Council of Education to thousands of clergymen will be posted on church doors, above the pulpit or in some other prominent place. Religious bodies In Canada will co-operate in making Youth Sun day a milestone in the advance of civilization. The Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic IN Till, SITKKME COI IU Of ItKITISlI rOM MUIA IN PKOIIATE III the Matter of the "Administration Art" anil In the Matter or the Estate of I.ouN Elner Johanseii, otherwise known ni Louis .lohansen, Ileeeasetl Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 30th day cf April A D. 1943, I was appointed Admlnlstratcr of the estate of Louis Elner Johensen, otherwise known as Louis Johansen, deceased, and all parties hating claims against tflie said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day of June, A D. 1943, and' all parties Indebted to toe estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 1st day of May A.D. 1943 NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. in the sitremi: roniT or itniTisii COl.t'MlllA IV pnillHTP In the Matter of the. "Ailmlnktrntlnn Art" and In the Matter of the Estate of John Klee; Deceased Intestate TAKE NOTICE that bv Order of H1 Honor, W. E. Fisher made on the 22nd day of April A. D. 1943. I was appointed Administrator of tlve Estate of John KJee, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are here-by required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 27th day of May, A. D. 1943, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of thedr Indebtedness to me forthwith. bated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this ilia day of April. A. D. 1943 QAl. HALLETT Official Administrator Atlln, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY, MAY 10. i943 YOUTH DAY Mother's Day PROGRAMS Church Service To Assist ChurcheTo Imbtti Yjro With Loyalty IS Thine Of The Spirit Job's DaugliftrsAtJended In Body 'At Fiisl Presbyterian Church Another observance of the Mother's the local i evasion by TORONTO. May 10 o - Youth Sunday, eelebrated throughout the 1 Jb's .daughters organization was attendance at a special church swot British Empire as an Integral part I vice frst Presbyterian Church the Emphe Youth Movement, will be observed May 16. under the! night. Daughters and their sneeial natronaffp of His Malestv ! mothers attended in a body, the There was gation. m a. , i 1 the King. ' oncers oi jods uaugniers onus Originating with the KlngVcbr- jln the klte gowns. Miss Mar "nation in 1937. observance of Em- Saret Morin, honored queen, and pire Youth Sunday has been mark- Mrs- Alex Mitchell, guardian, were ed by Increasing numbers of youth j ln charge of the party, throughout the Empire each year. Rev- A. F. MacSween, the pastor, A similar movement in the United Preached appropriately to the oc-States also has advanced to some ! casion. Sergeant Qlen Scarvie sang degree. ja sol as did' MrsT W. Martin in The purpose of the movement Is j the course 6f an anthem by the to assist the churches of all de-! choir. nominations to imbue youth with a profound loyalty to things of the spirit Just a. iNazl youth have been fired with adherence to the principles of evil. Objective and Plans Major F. J. Ney, founder of the National Council of Eudcatlon ln Canada and now in the service of the British' Ministry of Information has emphasized that two ideologies One represented by the O.oss and the other by the Swaslka" face each other in the conflict. The future of Christianity li?s largely with' "T Their general acceptance a good-sized congre- SMALLER THE FASTER The smaller the mammal, the higher Is Its pulse rate. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. -AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT The Hostess The "Y" will be closed for four days so there will be no column until Friday evening. The Empress Hall will be open as usual for shows and dances. of St. Paul's being the speaker. The second part .of the broadcast will relay the service at the Metropoli tan Church, Toronto, where Very Rev. Peter Bryceormer moderator of the United Church will officiate. This reciprocal broadcast is available through the co-operation of the British Broadcasting Commission and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. It will be heard over the C. Br, Cj national network at 4 pjn. m.Tv V.' This year Major Ney will be the guest speaker on Empire Youth Churches, the United Church and s"nday at a rally of youth in Man the Salvation Army have distributed to individual clergymen across Canada 12,000 leaflets, posters and brochures by the National Council of Education and donated by individuals and companies, .featuring the victory of the Cross over the Swastika. Voice From St. Paul's In -the revised program for May 16, the service at St. Paul's Cath- edral, London, England, will open a transAtlantl: broadcast, the Dean IN Till: Sl'I'KE.ME rOI'RT OF ItKITISlI rou MiiiA in rnonTE In tlie Matter of the "Administration Art and In the Matter of the Estate of Albert Menard, Otherwise Known a Alhert I-ilamle, Deceased, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 30th day of April AJJ. 1943, I was appointed i Administrator of the estate of Albert Menard, otherwise known as Albert la- I lantW. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are here- I by required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day 1 of June. A D. 1943, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me I forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 1st aay on May A.D. 1B43 NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C Chester, England. For seme time he has been, engaged in a speaking tour of the British Isles and he is booked for a special mission to East, South and West Africa, ln which he will carry the spirit of the Youth movement, the Oreat Crusade and St. George's Day (April 23) to those distant parts of the world. i mi This Space Donated bys THE Variety Store "Where your Dimes are Little" Dollars" Phone Ked 120 518 3rd Ave. W. MAN'S CIIIN-CIIIN Man Is the only creature J has a developed chin. MILLIONS OF CELLS The human body contains billion muscle cells. NATIONAL S ELECTIVE that six SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria ami Way points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone SG8 I SERVICE First Compulsory Employment Transfer Order NOTIC.i: TO CKUTAIN EMPLOYERS AM) EMPLOYEES Notice Is lierrliy fiiwn thai men 'iiii1oril tit certain specified line of civilian 'iiiili)iiicul, vlin urr in' age ami marital clasci already tlcsipiutcd under National Selective Service .Moliiliftitlou Krpiilatloiis, must report fur intcniew not later limit .May l'Jlli, 1913, to an , Employment nml Selective Service Office. , A. Objective! The Order males available for essential employments tlie services of men in age and marital classes designated as callable for Military Training umler National Selective Service Afohilizatinn Regulations, who arc presently employed in specified non-essential employments. II. EMPLOYMENTS C.OVEKEI) BY THIS OltDElt: Men, of llic epecified categories nre covered if now employed In any of tlie following tiiiiiistrie! (1) taverns; Iiiiior, wine and beer Mores; (2) retail sale of candy, confectionery, tobacco, books, stationery, news; (.')) barber sliops and beauty parlours; (1) retail and wholesale florists; (5) service stations (gasoline-filling stations); (6) retail sale of motor vehicle or accessories; (7) retail sale of sporting goods or musical instruments. Also, men are covered if now employed in any of the following ocru pa-lions, whether in abe Industries or not: (1) waiter, taxi driver, elevator opera-tor, hotel bell boy, domestic servant; (2) any occupation in or directly associated with entertainment, including but not restricted to theatres, film agencies, motion picture companies, clubs, bowling alleys, pool rooms; (3) any occupation in or ilirertly associated with dyeing, cleaning, and pressing (not inrlnding laundry work); baths; guide service; shoe shining. C. AGE AM) MAHiTAL CLASSES OF .MEN ( OYEHEIl BY THIS OHIIKItt (a) Every man born in any year from 1917 to 1921 (inclusive) who lias reached age 19. () Every man born from 19112 lo 19IO (inclusive) who, at Julv l.Vh, 1910, wan: (i) unmarried; or (11 divorced or judicially separated; or (iii) a widower without child or children. (r) Every man born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who has, since July 1.". 1910, become u widower without child or children now living. (d) Every man born from 1902 In 191ft (inclusive) who, since July !.". 1910, has been divorced or judicially epa rated. I). Procedure to be Followed: All men as defined aliovc must report to an Employment and Selective Service Office not later than May !9th. 194?. Men resident outside a city or town having an Employment and Selective Service Office, vsh;o arc too far removed to call personally, may write to the nearest office in the first instance, and await further directions. E. OBLIGATIONS OF E.Ml'I.OYEESt When directed to accept employ- nieul, subsequent to the Interview referred to, men described in Paragraphs B and C above are required by the Brgiilaiions to follow the direction given. F. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS! It will be Illegal for an employer to retain in bis employ after May 19th, 1913, any men referred to in Paragraph (' above, at ahy of the employ, inents set forth in Paragraph B above, unless u special permit has been obtained from a National Selective Service Officer, permitting such action, G. Transportation: Special provisions will be made for the transportation of men moved to work at a new place of residence. II. Appeals; If directed to transfer to employment suUequent to interview, a man may, if lie objects enter appeal with a Court of Referees, within 7 days of receiving such direction. I. Penalties In Case of Employers: Penalties arc provided for any employer who retains in, or takes into, his employ after May 19th, 1943, any nun covered by the Order, except under special permit. ..Jillrnallles in Case of Employees: M'ei!lTic$" are provided for failure on the part of any employed nun affected, to register under this Order, or" to follow a subsequent direction to employment, and in addition to other cnaltics, refusal to ctMiply renders a man liable to compulsory lalMitir service in an Alternative Service Work Camp. K. Special Request to Employers: F-ach cmplovcr with three or more men covered by tfiis OMer in his employ is requested to co-operate by getting in much with the Employment and Selective Service Office, to arrange a time fof the interviews of his employees. L. Authority: This Order is issued under authority conferred on the Minister of Labour by National Selective Service Civilian Regulations (P.C 2V of January 19th, 1943, and amending Orders in Council). Men referred to above must present documents at the employment office, indivting compliance uiih Mobilization Herniations Hu.Ml'HKl.Y MlfCIIKU, Minister of .ab6ur CUTTINO THEIR RICE CAIRO, May 10 Q As a wartime measure, consumption -of rice In Tanganyika Territory Is being reduced to 40 percent of the 1942 consumption. A. Mm.-Namam, Dircctot National Selective Service 02 LONDON, May 10 f According to reports from Istanbul, all factories ln the Ruhr, target for de vastatlng R. A. F. raids, are bein;i closed at 6 p.m. and there are m night shifts. The Fourth Victory Loan A Good BUY Today It Spells GOOD BY to the Axis PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD.