29 Oumc Invitation Dance March Sonja Home Cooking Sala. April ?4. Eastern Star Dance, March 21. Valhalla Invitation Dance, low. Hall, April 2. Prrbytcrlan Spring Sale Apr. 15. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 29. Join Your Friends "V n. r. MARCH 23, 1943,, TUESDAY. THE DAILY N'fcjWtf PAGE THREE days, wkc tea, musi yield the uimosbifv flavour. auality is" of supreme importance, FM 11 AH A!! glAlinlln T E A f, nnH Mrs. A. Mcintosh left ivn, . this afternoon for Victoria. Edward Masson appeared iri city police court this morning on a charge of Indecent assault and was remanded until this, afternoon. Masson was taken Into custody at the theatre last night on complaint of a woman member of the audience IhncuhcetneittJ All advertisements in this column will be oharged for a full month at 25c a word. J A1H Thlmn. CIIIa. t . . 1 . Protect Your Home . . . fore the city council last nlehf thp question of two Wartime Housing dwellings which were fceine erected in the sand pit on Conrad Street and regarding which Ex-Aid. G. B. Casey had a letter in the Dress last night, stating that the late Jack Inch, the owner of this Dronwtv had provided In his will that the lots concerned should be "retained as a playground for children. The matter was referred to the finance committee for the purpose of checking up on the title of the prope;ty and the authority of War time Housing to occupy the lots. The city council last night deferred until its meeting next week dealing with applications of H. M. Lindseth and D. Scherk for tax sale lots, the bids In each case having been lower than assessed valuations to which the council, by previous resolution, had decided it should adhere in future sales. Mr. Lindseth bid $200 for lot 11, block 31, section 6 and Mr. Scherk $150 for lot 15, block 41, section 7. The feeling was that something should be done In the way of rescinding the decision that no lots should be sold at less the assessed PRINCE RUPERT'S REGIMENT First (Reserve) Battalion, prince Kupert Kteiment (Machine Gun) RECRUITS NEEDED It you are between 18 and 50 years of age and reasonably ph: iically fit. It Is your duty to be trained as a fighting man to defend your community in case of emergency. If you are not already enlisted do so at once at the Armory, Sixth Avenue JOIN UP! NOTICE HAWKINSON'S LAUNDRY Wish w announce that owing to present circumstances they are forced to temporarily discontinue their pick up and delivery service They hope that their patrons will try to co-operate with 'hem m this respect. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Let us do your Shoe Repairing. Mail Your Shoes We Pay Return Charges and Rive you 24 HOURS SERVICE HlEh Class Workmanship Best MaterialReasonable Charges TItY THE VICTORY SERVICE! TILLIE THE TOILER LOCAL NEWS NOTES St. Peter's Sale postponed. On recommendation of the fi nance committee, the cltv council last night accepted an offer of $90 tor lot 10, block 23, section 7, from Mrs. 'C. O. Creamer. A Mr. Fergus McKean. B. C. Sec. Communist-Labor Total War Com mittee will address a meeting ir. the Eagles' Hall, Sunday, March 23 at 3 p.m. A recommendation from ' the finance committee that a plumber's licence fee which had been taken out by LA. Dlgman be not refunded was adopted by the city council last night. For failing to stop their motor vehicles at a stop sign, Sinclair Pierce, Mike Pustak and Victor A Retzlaff were each fined $5 In city police court yesterday. William Page, organizer of the Carpenters Union from Calgary , Is a visitor in the city In the course of one of his periodical trips. He was a visitor at the meeting of the city council last night and was welcomed by the mayor. II. D. Thaln, the new city cleric of Prince Rupert, arrived In the city - -yesterday afternoon from Trail to assume his new duties here. He was welcomed by Mayor W. M. Watts at last night's council meeting. Pupils of the commercial class of St. Joseph's Academy are raf-fling a beautiful baby doll for the benefit of the Red Cross. The doll Is being displayed In the window of the Dry Goods and Novelty Shop. An application from Frank Ward to purchase lots 1 and 2, block 23, section 8 for $170, no water connection or building permit being required, was received at ast night's meeting of the city council and referred to the finance committee. An offer from the Armour Salvage Co. to supply gravel to the city for lane repairs at $1.85 per vard on scows has been made. It was reported to the city council last night by the board of works. The Moosehaven committee of Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211, Women of the Moose, held Its regular meeting last Friday evening at the home of the chairman, Mrs. J. P. Moller. This meeting proved to be very Interesting and beneficial to all present. For obtaining a second liquor permit after his first one had been cancelled, William Atlee James was fined $50, with option of one month's imprisonment, In city po- ice court yesterday. Vincent F. Valerie was given three months' uspended sentence and order to oay $3.75 costs for having two 'iquor permits. B. C. Bracewell, assistant super visor of municipalities for British olumbia, arrived In the city yes terday afternoon from Victoria and will be here for the coming week in official duties. He was present at last night's meeting of the city council and sat in in an advisory capacity after being duly wel comed by the mayor. Mr. Bracewell for a time acted as city commissioner of Prince Rupert. On recommendation of the finance committee, the city last night granted an applica tion of the United States Engineer ing Department for a reserve on parcel 12 on Second Avenue on which a fifteen-foot right-of-way is to be put in. In future the de partment is being asked to secure the necessary permission before occupying city property. Frank Dodsworth left this after noon for Vancouver. Mrs. II. F. Wea"hnouth left this afternoon for -a trip to Vancouver. AEllo's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. A residence at 1910 Eighth Av enue East, handled by Collart ti McCaffery, has been condemned by the city engineer and must be vacated unless foundation repairs are effected, the city council was advised last night by the board of works. Estimate was being awaited from City Engineer F. N. Good on the cost of excavation for a sewer connection to Wartime Housing buildings on Eighth Avenue. Private residences will also be served by the connection. It was left to Aid. Robert McKay, chairman of the board of works, to follow the matter up. i Improvements 'in the jail prem ises are contemplated, It was re ported ny tne ponce committee, Aid. James S. Black chairman, to the city council last night. A fur-the report will be made as soon as possible. There has been some j delay In the appointment of a jailer for the city, It was also reported by the police committee. For Relief of HEAD COLD MISERY Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril . , . ( 1 ) It shrinks swollen membranes: (2) Soothes irritation; (3) Helps flush out nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL The city council last night, on recommendation of the finance committee, passed for payment an account from Smith , Bros, and Wilson, contractors, of $592 cover ing the cost of saddles "On' a new sewer line put in in connection with a Wartime Housing project. The saddles will enable private the same new sewer line. The pri vate owners concerned will be asked to hook up. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli. Prop. Phone 37 ' P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT GOLD SEAL I 32 r.j 3"san: HSRRIN6. Fancy Red I Lgg Sockeye 1 Salmon and jogrt ft PAnWUf oo Id -T3 I J ' LsolJ fecH 1 L1 " (home vjitH ''II W ; f - k Y S I Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on active service y but will be back on your n . i 1 1 wm m grocer s sneu soon as vuuui- f dltions permit. H Classified TOR SALE NEW Battery Radios $32.50 complete. !Publlc address systems, Washers, 'Furniture, etc. Write for details to Wrights Ltd., New Westminster, B.C. (70) FOR SALE L. C. Smith & Corona adding machine and cash register combined. Apply Box 459 Daily News. (74) FOR SALE Drop-leaf kitchen table and chairs, 2 Congoleum rugs. 806 Borden Street. (70) FOR SALE Furniture, practically new. Apply 1325 Overlook Street (73) FOR SALE One steel cot and mat tress, chiffonier, hassock. 130 Fourth Ave. East. (70) FOR SALE Household furniture; Apply 708 McBride Street around 7 p.m. (73), FOR SALE Furniture' and floor coverings. 611 5th Ave. East. (70)' FOR SALE Kitchen Ranges Elio's used department. FOR SALE Axmlnster Carpets, Elio's used department. FOR SALE Complete household furniture. 1333 Overlook Street. (69) FOR SALE Furniture and house hold articles. 806 Borden St. (69) WANTED WANTED Light housekeeping room or rooms by middle-aged couple. Phone 51, ask for Mrs. Frederickson. (74) WANTED Accommodation for naval officer and wife, urgently needed. Phone Black 716. (70) YOUNG girl wants housework"; good cook, also good references. Box 458 Daily News. WANTED Room and board or furnished room for lady. Urgent. Blue 419. (70) WANTED by April 1st, girl for care of house and baby in mother's absence. Apply 1413 Overlook. (70) WANTED Naval officer and wife urgently need living quarters of any kind immediately. Are will- ing to do any redecorating or Im provements. Box 452 Daily News. (63) HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable woman to look after .convelescent lady and to do light housework for few hours daily. Apply Superintendent, No. 1 Staffhouse, Green 129. (70) WANTED Female typist for Fish. Company office. Experience not necessary. Apply National Selective Service Office. A.F. 38. (73) WANTED Stenographer for a TILLIE WHAT IU THE WOSL.D DO SOU WAMT'WITH wholesale grocery house, permanent position to satisfactory party. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 39. (tf) WANTED Two female store clerks for old established grocery store in Prince Rupert. Apply Unem-playment Insurance Commission A F. 37 THAT RECORDS T LOST LOST Sum of money, Monday morning in Bank of Montreal or Post Office. Finder please phone Red 903 or 221 First Street or return to Dally News. Reward. rrsnv IDEA OF A REAL VACATIOM. I'LL PLAV IT FOR AlO HOUR AMD I VWOM'T GET UP (70) LOST In Post Office a purse con-i taining 4 dry dock cheques. Reward for finder. Enquire at Time' Office, Dry Dock. (721 BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for men sharing. 718 Fraser St. (08). BOARD and Room for single man. 742 Seventh Ave. West. (69): By WESTOVER . RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS To all Employers: The 1942-43 Unemployment Insurance Books expire on March 31st. New Insurance Books for the fiscal year 1943-44 will le exchanged by the Local Employ, ment and Selective Service Office in your .area for expired Insurance Books. Do not send in your Insurance Books without completing forms enclosed with circular letter 625. . . ; If you have not received this circular letter, get in touch with your nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. - Where it is necessary to quote the Employee's insurance Number, use the number with the prefix letter showjn on the front cover of , the book: example P-49247, E-22454. Do not quote the book serial number printed on the inside . pages of the look. Protect the benefit 'rights of your employees by following closely the procedure outlined in the "circular letter, and prevent delays by acting now. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION Hoy, HlIMPHSEY MlTCHF.IA llinistrr a Labour Commtssiontrt: LOUIS J. TROTT1ER R. J. TALLON ALLAN M. MITCHELL The Modern Beauty Sh oppe Wishes to announce that they are open for business from 9 In the morning until 12 midnight This new arrangement of our staff has made this convenience possible for you. ELSIE KLOHN 603 Thiid -Avenue West. Phone 947 BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK . V Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PIUNCE nilPERT CO. Ltd. BRITISn COLUMBIA A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 30 KITCHEN TABLES, drop sides with square legs, suitable for dinette sets, In white wood. DINETTE CHAIRS to match with red leather seats, white wood. Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue .Miss Violet Mah wishes to notify the patrons of the Sunrise Beauty Salon that the shop will be closed for the next few weeks during her absence on a business trip to the east. Appointments will not be taken In during this time and your co-operation will be fully appreciated. Also expressing sincere thanks for your loyal patronage of the past year and hoping to serve you better still with the latest fashions upon her return. 1-V jl s