V fey PAOE POUR -ii i ii i iii ii hese Jays, ivhen tea mttst yield the utmost in flavour, quality is of supreme, importance Ask for . . Alberta Couple Married Here The marriage took place quietly on Tuesday evening at the Manse of First United Church, Rev. James -A. Donnell officiating, of Miss Kate Mishlw and William Misanchuk, both of Myrnwam, Alberta. Witnesses of the ceremony were Miss Rosie JMackney and Walter Polowsky. 'IMPORTED ART Bveft Duychlnck, a Hollander who staled on Lon;- Island in 1635, made the firs stained glass in America Mother, Grannie, Within 18 Hours WINCHESTER, V.. Oct. 14 P -Mrs. Julia Secrist. of Paris. Virginia, became a mother and a grandmother within 18 hours Mrs, Secrist gave birth to a daughter of Mrs. Secrist, Mrs. jrital at 8 ajn. The next day at 1 am., i daughter df Mre. Secrlstt, Mrs tWllma Hough, of Vienna, Va., "aye birth to a child at the same hospital. It aiso was a He 1h iiiterfer.hiR With Canada'M war effort reducing public efficiency, causing an increase in civilian purchases, creating scarcities which need not exist. He has u maddening itch to buy for buying's sake. He lias been bitten by the Squander Hugl Don't wait till you are a victim of this dangerous pest. Render yourself immune to its fatal bite NOW. IMcrige yourself to invest every cent you ean in Victory Honda and War Savings Stamps. Taken regularly, this treatment is guaranteed to protect you just, as long -aa you keep it up. BREWING COMPANY LIMITED 1M-A Local Col. Thomas J. Weed, port commander here for the United States Army, returned to the city yesterday morning from a trip to Seattle. L B. Crow, radio Inspector of 'he Department of Transport, arrived in Prince Rupert yesterday morning from Vancouver to check up on delinquency in the matter of the purchase of radio licenses in the city. Rev. Henry Knox arrived in the city yesterday from Vancouver, where he is pastor of Van couver Heights' Baptist Church, to supply for the coming month in the pulpit of First Baptist Church here. Civic Matters Are Discussed Housewives League in Regular Session on Tuesday Night Organization Expanding. ! Civic matters were discussed i at a meeting of the east-end Housewives' League Tuesday ' night and resolutions were pass-ed for submission to the Civic .'Labor Federation to which or ganization delegates were ap pointed in the persons of Mrs, William Creak, Mrs. J. Bouvette and Mrs. J. R. Blakey. -Attention was drawn to the fact that quite a few children in the. east-end were unable to attend school owing to lack of accommodation and emphasis was placed on the need of immediate action in connection with the building of the new school on Conrad Street which Wartime Housing has decided , to erect. a Exception taken to "j uven -lies being ablgo into local stores and purchase cigarettes l and steps wlil1 be taken to see I that this is "Cheeked. A second Housewives' League Is being organized in the west- i end of the city. On its formation, I a central executive will be form-ed with delegates from each " j branch. There was a'report on a whist : drive held October 1 when the sum of $19.80 was realized. Last night's meeting was well attended and a few new members were enrolled, i Mrs. J. R. Blakey was iq.,e chair. flONE 'FOREVER There is no remaining trace of the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. CUTS,BURHS and BRUISES ) use PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK EMPLOYEES' ASS'N D ancc In Stan Dining Hall SATURDAY, OCT. 1C 9:00 P.M. Red Pass or Button Necessary Lady employees can bring male escort GOLD SEAL I ,utocv Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and AS Herring Irt TnrttalA MA 111 " mmnnys J Sauce are both on active service but will be back on' your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. THE DAILY NEWS Save Planes For Defence Of Germany Allied Air Forces Drive Germans To Defence Tactics, By ALAN RANDAL Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Oct 14 0 You don't have to go any further than the men who man the big night bombers to get the answer to the question of what has become of the Oerman air force. The bomber men say the German air force 'has jbeen turned almost entirely to defence, particularly in Increasing use of night fighters. In all probability there are some hundreds more night fighters between Britain and Berlin tha at any other time in the past couple of years. 'Men and planes never Intended for use as defensive fighters ahii machines not designed for night interception, now are being used by the Germans for this work in the hope of forcing the Royal Air Force to abandon night raids in great strength. At the same time, while continuing the strategic bombing df German target cities the Allied air forces British and United States are concentration thinning the ranks of the Sore throat du to a cold ... let a little time-tested VapoRub melt a A in your mouth ff K S ...works finel W VApORuo FOR SALE 5 room modern house, immediate possession Apply 990 Ambrose Ave. Phono Red 480. (242- FOR SALE Bedroom suite, month old. 902 Hays Cove Are. (245i FOR SALE One McClary Range, 1 all enamel, Al shape, $130; I one 3-piece chesterfield suite, like new, $35. Apply 1665 Her man Place. (2451 FOR SALE Complete new -closet Vitro, never been used. 1900 7th Ave. East after 5 o'tlock. (241) FOR SALE Centrally .located five roomed furnished house. Immediate possessions. Phnn Green 278. (240) FOR 'SALE Chesterfield suite and bedroom suite and other aftlcles. Apply 622 8th Ave. West. (243 FOR SALE One Black Opossum Jacket, almost new, size 14 ..years. Price $27. Apply Box -'601 Daily News! (241), FOR SALE Cook stove. Apply r733tThompson St. after 6 p.nu (241)' FOR SALE Fully equipped trol ler. 33'. For particulars apply Boat "Arlington," Fishermen's Floats. (244) FOR SALE 2 houses and lot, all fenced in. For further information apply 736 Fraser 'St. between 5 and 9 pin. or Phone Blue 213. (244) FOR SALE English baby pram with good springs. $15. Phone Black 620. (240) FOR SALE Trumpet. Good condition. Apply Box 600, Dally News. (243) FOR SALE 0-room house close to Dry Dock and Schools. Occupancy Oct. 25. Apply 625 8th Ave. East. Green 930. (243) FOR RENT FOR RENT Bright bedroom, close to town Please Phone 'preen 830. 646 Taylor St. (tf) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT - Small house or 2 or 3 room suite by married couple, two children. 5 and 3. Write Box 597 Daily New (249) WANTED TO RENT Two-room apartment or cabin, furnished, by reliable couple, c-o Box 75, Room 44, Phone UJ3.E.D, 25. "Mac." 244) German fightr force. One of the potent weapons . for this work is the use of the fragmentation bomb. This bomb he. been found particularly useful In the Tunisian and Sicilian campaigns to immobilize enemy aircraft. Before the Allies invaded Sicily it was estimated the Oermans had between 250 and 300 fighter planes in the Oatania area. Then the Allied air arm went to work on the enemy airfields and by the time the landings were made only 20 to 30 of these aircraft were serviceable. After Nazi Planes In recent weeks the aerial offensive in the west has been directed at airfields, particularly the 20 or so which form an ' arc between Holland and Brest. Britain proved, during the i battle of Britilft, when the enemy was attacking British airfields in the south of England, that it does no great harm to bomb airfields with ordinary bombs because the damage can be quickly repaired. The present offensive against enemy airfields Is of different design. The fragmentation bomb Is directed not at the airfields but at the dispersed aircraft. The bomb Is "light in weight. Hun dreds can be sarried by a single aircraft and when a force sweeps ' r an airfie'd thousands of , them are released. They do not i make holes in the ground but J explode instantaneously on con-' tact with the ground and split into hundreds of flying fragments, j 51 far there nas been no claim that these fragments destroy an aircraft but 'there has been sufficient evidence in Tunisia S' -ilv to prove that an aircraft can be seriously damaged, ofte beyond repair. Thi then an attack which is complementar- to the destrue- WANTED- Reliable boys for Province paper carriers. Routes open are: 6th and 7th West 9th and 10th East Ambrose Ave. aria 6th East Phone Green 877. (242) WANTED Experienced woman for housework in Whitehorse, Y.T. Good wages and transportation paid. Phone Red 103 and ask for Mrs. Dennl-son. (243) WANTED $25 REWARD for house or large apartment, close In, furnished or will buy your furniture. Call American Signals 424. Tayloor i244i WANTED Motor boat, 4-6 pas senger. Phone 'American Signals 409. (245) WANTED Board and room for boy. Vh years old. Apply Box 602 Dally Newr. (241) PERSONAL FOR your Splrella Foundation Garment, Phone Black 145. (245) DAY NURSERY, reasonable rates. Apply 441 7th AVenue 'East. (250) "JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months mean .hot stoves always. "JET" is safe, handy. Sold FURRIER ALTERATIONS and any kind of repair work. Be patriotic. No pick-ups or deliveries. Work done In private home. 929 Tenth Ave. East. (245) LOST LOST Four keys on ring between Ridiey Home and Overlook Street. Finder please leave at Dally News. (240) LOST Wallet containing registration card, driver's license, small sum of money. Finder please return to Daily News. (240) LOST Saturday, Oct. 9, Lady's Bulova "dime size" wrist-watch, with gold bracelet. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward. (245) TtOOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman only. Phone Red 978, (240) ROOM and BOARD 718 Fraser Street. (241) Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lowe's October 14. S. O. N. Invitation Dance. Oddfellows' Hall Oct. 15 Orange Ladies Dance Oct 14 Oddfellows' Hall. Jean De-Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Red Cross Tea October 21st. Home of Mrs. Kergln, 430 4th Ave. West. Eastern Star Ball, Otftober 22. W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance. Oct. 25, Empress Club. "Help Norway" Invitation Dance j Oddfellows' Hall, Oct. 29. Draw-, ing for, raffle. Hear Tim Buck, Capitol Theatre, 12 noon, October 31. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov 4. Little 'Norway Tea, Nov 10. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Bazaar. Nov. 12. Oddf rtlows' Hall Cathedral Fall Bazaar Nov. 18. ' St. Pe ter'aFallBazaar, Nov. 25., United Church Bazaar 2nd. tlon of enemy fighters in the air. The Intruder air attacks and sweeps over the continent by the fighter aircraft still go on but when the German air force refuses to come up and fight it must be destroyed on the ground and the fragmentation bombing is aimed at this. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 tocm house with furnace. Price $3000. Immediate possession. 424 Dunsmuir St. Green 390. (249) HELP WANTED RUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 . HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches "JOG 4th St. Phone 655 "STAR'S" STYLEWEAR Ladles' fz Children's Ready - to - Wear 625 Third Ave. W. Phone 174 Black 780 H.M. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. P.O. Box 274 NOTICE We wish to announce that we are now open for ladies' and men's suit alterations of all sorts. Quick and efficient service. MODERN TAILORS 318 5th St. Behind Royal Hank Phone Blk. 84 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 52G 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. G3 WS-j)4th Tuesdays every month at 8 p.m. Dally News Advertising Brings Results. 1 9 PREHISTORIC MAN ADY GUT ACARONl EASY TO PREPARE NIAGARA'S III GENU roe nrst skuii ok me soa:v?a The norma: rw c! tyl Neanderthal man was discover-! Falls '. oon ul ed in 1856 m Germany ' water a w nd Speed ffce.Vfitofi Back our gallant fighters. Tb) smashing the pill txrfcs and d ing the way. Buy Jthj VicM! Loan Bonds to give themthe mi to finish the job. Thciewuntkl on you: don't let thcSi Buy and speed their Victory! ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR WE LEAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW Colourful Canada New 191 1 Edition Now Heady; Hoxed Ready to Mail Only $1.50 This new edition is superb-a lull size WV cover plate and bright red, neatly decorated P add to the general attractiveness. Twelve new plates, reproductions from natural color spots in all P chrome photographs beauty Canada. Splrex bound-cord hahger. Makes a Complete (lift or Souvenir U?' Third and, final printing Now In ftotf I- SHOP EARLY MaMm.