Bitten SERVICES TO ne.u0 V,ftor,a nd . .- vtu.-art nd Ijpoinn. North i...lnil Itlandl . 1 1 rrf-,.a full niorm""i -"- and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER j prince Jlupert Ajenl bird Ate, rnone aoo 7 Terrace Is Busy Town TERRACE INDUSTRY Lumbering Is Active New Mill Rising Out of Ashes Of Old One Soon to be In Operation Although one of the principal mills that of Little, Haugland and Kerr has been out of operation since Its destruction by fire on May 19 last, other lumber mills of Terrace arc hum ming steadily, taxed to the utmost of their capacity to fill orders for expprt largely to the United States. As .It has always done In the past, the milling and timbering activity con tinues to contribute largely to the prosperity of Terrace which was never at a higher peak man it is today. Plants in operation Include the Little, Haugland and Kerr and Carl Pohle mills on the Kajum road and the plant of u L. M. Olggey Just across the railway track fiom the town of Terrace. They are having their problems with log supply and manpower but are successfully meeting them. Reconstruction of the Little. Haugland and Kerr mill Is progressing satisfactorily. The roof is now on the substantial new mill building on the old site and machinery--some salvaged from the old mill, some new and some which had been held In reserve fro mthe old Kleanza mill at Usk Is on hand for the Installation. Between now and the end of the year this mill, It is expected, will resume cutting and shipping. Faith Is Real Need in World TERRACE, Oct. 14 Faith In God, faith In one's fellowman. and faith In one's dally work were more essential than ever to effectiveness and happiness, declared Rev. E. W. Slater In his Sunday morning sermon at St. Matthew's Angli-an Church. Mr. Slater exhorted a reading of the Scriptures and the carry lng of" the Gospel messages. GREEK DERIVATION The word anchor originated from the Greek word meaning crook or hook and the old Gre-'an anchors were in this form. The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for public subscription $1,200,000,000 '.V- Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada; the principal at any agency of the Bank of Canada and the interest semi-annually, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Hank, excepting that the first interest payment on the Z Honda will be for an eight months' period and payable 1st July 19 It. Honda may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as detailed in the Official Prospectus, through any agency of the Hank of Canada. VISION RECALLED Fully-Paid Subscriptions Subscriptions for either or both maturities of the loan may be paid in full w the lists arc open at the issue price in each case without accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons be available for prompt delivery. The lists will open on 18th October 1913, and will close on or about 6th November 19 13, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Department of Finance, Ultima, 14th October I9i3, Dream of Coal King Old Timer of Terrace Reveals Prophecy of Lord Rhonda Made During: Last Year Nearly thirty years ago now, Lord Rhonda, the Welsh coal king, sent his representative, Charles F. Law, to Terrace to negotiate for land for railway yardage and Junction facility sites. Law at that time revealed at Terrace Lord Rhonda's vision of a railway line extending westward from the Edmonton-Dunvegan line through Pine across the Naas River, down the j Kitsumkalum Valley Into Terrace and across the Lakelse '55 VICTORY LOAN Dated and bearing interest from 1st November 9 i3, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which U optional with the subscriber, as follows: 15 years and 2 months 51 o n d h Due 1st .laniiary 1059 Callable In or after 1956 Interest payable 1st January and July Hearer denominations, 150, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 Issue Price: 100 3 years and 6 months ' va k ends Diie 1st May 194 7 Non-callable to maturity Interest payable 1st May and November Rearer denominations, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 Issue Price: 100 hile will Instalment Subscriptions Subscriptions may also be made payable by instalments, plus accrued interest as follows 10 on application; 18 on 1st December 19 13; 18 on 3rd January 194-1; 18 on 1st February 1944; 18 on 1st March 1944; 18.64 on tbe 3 bonds or 18.37 on the lj bonds, on 1st April 1914. The last payment on 1st April 1914, covers the final payment of principal, plus .61 of 1 in the case of the 3 bonds and .37 of 1 in the case of the Wx bonds representing accrued interest to the due dates of the respective instalments. Coriivrsion OJJer Holders of Dominion of Canada 5 Bonds due 15th October 1913 and Dominion of Canada 4 Bonds due 15th October 1915 (the latter issue called for payment at 100 on 15th October 1913), who have not presented their bonds for payment, may, while the subscription lists are open, tender their bonds in lieu of cash on subscriptions for a like or greater par value of bonds of one or both maturities of this loan at the issue price in each case. Tbe surrender value of the 5 andor the 4 bonds will be 100.125 of their par value, the resulting adjustment to be paid in cash. The Minister of Finance reserves the right to accept or to allot the whole or any part of the amount of this loan subscribed for cash for either or both maturities if total subscriptions are in excess of $1,200,000,000. The cash proceeds of this loan will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes. Subscriptions may be made through any Victory Loan Salesman, the National War Finance Committee or any representative thereof, any branch in Canada of any Chartered Hank, or any authorized Savings Hank, Trust or Loan Company, from whom may be obtained application forms aud copies ul me lmiiciui n.spi-cius containing complete details of the loan. 1 - A" iH.' V country to the Kltlmat valley" and down to a sea terminus Kltlmat. Oil and agriculture of the ! Peace River, coal ol the Groundhog, timber and agrlcul- ture of the Naas, Skeena and Kltlmat valleys would develop for thl3 line a tonnage greater than any railway line across the continent, Rhonda believed, according to Law. The baron had intended to build this rail way but death intervened and the coal project died. The vision was recalled to a Daily News representative by one of the prominent old timers of Terrace who played a leading part in the founding and development of the Interior town. "And I am still of the opinion that Terrace is yet to become ptobably the greatest town in the central interior of the future," said the rugged pioneer "In fact, that is why I chose this place to establish myself when I might have done like wise back In the real early day3 a.iywhere along this line." Railway "Y" at Terrace Is Now Installed TERRACE), Oct. 14 Another sign of the increased traffic over the Canadian National nallwavs at Terrace Is the put of the railway tiacks and on the south side not far from the Intervalley Lumber Co.'s mill. It will mean that railway equip ment will be able to turn around here without going through to Pacific. Phone 775 s",BREAK FOR RED CROSS Public-Spirited Citizen Puts up Workroom for Branch in Interior Town. The Prince Rupert Red Cross Society, which has been beg ging for workroom facilities ever since the war began and has been forced on occasion to oc cupy some rather unsuitable premises for its extensive and Important war work, might wonder if a solution might be found for. its needs similar to the break the Terrace branch had at the hands of a public minded citizen. The Terrace Red Cross branch is now in occupancy of a fine new building recently donated by C. L. M. Oiggey who provided lot, building and labor. The building will be available for the use of the Red Cross for the duration of the war after which it will be turned back to Mr. Glggey. The Terrace workroom building was opened on September -4 and a few days later was visited by Princess Alice, the wife of the Governor-General, who expressed herself as very pleased with the building and the work being carried on within. Terrace citizens made donations which provided for furnishings, stove, lamps, tables, ting in of a "Y" off the west end i chairs, cupboard and curtains. ivus. utvrge uover is ciiair-man of the workroom of the Terrace Red Cross. TWO CENTURIES OLD The first real piano was de veloped in 1709. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) " Opposite Canadian Legion A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" BUY VICTORY BONDS Place your Dollar to fight, It will place the Hun in flight. IS REAL WAR 327 3rd Ave. This Is not a phoney war. The Canadian Army is In the thick of the fight. The only way we can win Is on the field of battle. If physically fit and between 18 and 45 you are eligible for the Active Army, which is still an entirely volunteer Army. Visit jour nearest Army Recruiting Office today. Don't delay. Ormes ltd. Pioneer DruqjpisLs THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. I A A BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. WtlTISH COLUMBIA Do This a! bedtime tonight If you awalen feeling and looking tired. why not try this new aid to clear-eyed morning frehnes take a cup of lew, Improved Uvaitine warm at bedtime. IWir, Improved Ovalline helps to relievt ihat feeline of nervous tension. In Inerial dmif elm,nta ... nmmmA f. easy digestion. These food elemenli; A - : i- . i i i i "i f f ou sleep. IWir, Improved Ovalline contains more f Vitamins A, Bi and D, and ths minerals Calcium, ltHwnhorui and Iron, than ever to replenish worn oul muscle, nerve and body cells. Try JVeir, Improved Ovalline, See if it Joesn't help you to wake up fresher, more buoyant. Get Ovalline. today at four drug or food store. A'EIT, IMdlOVEO 0VALTINE THE BEDTIME DRINK COMMUNAL RANKING V?- The first consumers' co-oper- ! atlve bank was formed in Denmark In 1866. . i ; NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 YYTYTYYYTTTVTYYTTYYYYTT i a HSBaBaaQaabiSS I Winterize WITHOUT DELAY e Fire your furnace right, 2 Keep y our furnace clean, j Keep down temperatures 4 Close off unused rooms B Dress warmly indoors. Prevent heat losses. PHILPOTT-EVITT CO. LTD. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 4 w then at Terrace Stay Philbert Hotel But mate advance Reservations Box 5 at Terrace KWONG SANG 11ING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal G12 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 217. it '