States hospital ai I d on October 2. tele died as the result received when he kd down by a Ross ?.t at the Blllmor ptcmber 27. The ln- b OrV-Aicr 4. expressed themselves oi the opinion "that nejfllgence on the 6e doctois -In falling to r medical attention flther from Prince Rup : Port Edward hospital Bs notified by the first lant of the patient's ral Denson fitor Here General Ely P, Den uding officer of the wt of embarkation. Is in Prince Rupert. He i'T the cltv voclnrHal south and will be north tonight. Gen- rjn who Is no stranger Rupert, having been a uior here. U lm- J'lth the future possJ mis port in connee Alaska trade and W ihlDnlntr bombing ' plane that could be risked was thrown into the gigantic smash at Japan's sea air bastion of Rabaul, New Bri tain, the resultant devastation prompted General MacArthur to comment. "I think we have broken its bacje." Results included tne aesiruc nlanes. and the sinking of at. least 17.6C0 tons of ships in cluding three destroyers and three merchant ships, and the wrecking and firing of wharves and waterfront Installations at Simpson Harbor, one of the finest In the world. Salvation Army Fund Already acknowledged Kalen Hardware Fashion Shoe Shop Listen io CFPR THE VICTORY LOAN QUESTION ? i $3499.01 10.00 5JJ0 $3514.01 She NEW YORK, Oct. 14 0 Japan proclaimed the "in- dependence" of the, Philip- J- pines on Tuesday in a series of propaganda broad- casts and announced in- - auguratlon of Jose P. Laurel as the first prcsi- dent-of a -puppet "ReputP" lican government" she has ' set up under the thumb of v Japanese armed forces. TO HELP WARTIME HOUSING Responding to a request from Lionel Scott of Toronto, director of tenant relations of Wartime tlon or severe damage of 170 Housmgi the Prince Rupert Gyro ; Club yesterday went on record by resolution as approving the : principle of cooperation with: Wartime Housing In connection with the supervised operation of Dlavcrounds for children and referred the matter to the play-, ground committee with power to act Mr. Scott announced that It was the Intention of the War time Housing organization to do something for the children of Prince Rupert in the way of playgrounds and parks. "If we are able to find some land to clear and equip for playground purposes, we are asking if we could obtain some form of su pervision through support, leadership and understanding of the Gyro Club in connection with the safeguarding of the younger people," Mr. Scott stated. Wiyie the facilities for sport and recreation provided Dy Wartime Housing were speclfl cally for the benefit of war in dustrial workers and tneir ram-illes, it was also the custom to provide for the people generally who lived in the immediate vicinity. Mr. Scott opened his talk with a description of the activities sponsored by Wartime Housing with a view to ensuring the welfare, health and contentment of the people- for whom houses were provided. ; Speaking generally of Wartime Housing function In Can ada, Mr. Scott stated that 18,000 ; houses had b'.-en built for war Over the gravelled surface of the Alaska highway huge convoys of trucks travel dally carrying oil. as shown above, and other vital supplies bound for Alaska and battle fronts beyond. Picture at right shows the giant new span which bridges the wide banks of the Peace River. It Is now in use. - (National FllmBoard Photos) Air Blast At Rabaul' 'Crushing Defeat" Is Way Gen-eral MacArthur Describes Blow ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTH PACIFIC, Oct. 14 Uni ted Nations planes delivered a Heavy ' borrtbirig-ijlow on' Rabaul." New Britain, on Tuesday. Three hundred and fifty tons of bombs were dropped In the mass attack. "It was a crushing and heavy Jefeat for the Japanese at a vital moment," General Doug las MacArthur ald. Every Allied fighter and : Philippines .a. y w - . Independence :'Kiev Must Fall Soon General Collapse of First Ger man Defence Line in Russia Now Appears Imminent LONDON, Oct. 14 (CP) With the capitulation of Kiev in'. TitaWe the fall ' of three other major defence bases on the Russian front Melitopole, Zaporozhea and Gomel also appeared Imminent today as (he Russians tore new japs in Ihe wavering German defences. Fresh German divisions were being rushed to Kiev in an effort to stop the Russian drive long enough to evacuate Nazi troops and equipment. The Russians are only two miles from Kiev. The capture of the four cities would jeapordize the whole German position in Russia and might force a gigantic withdrawal ol frazi armies to secondary defence lines many miles to the west. Over Fifty Dead In Mexican Gale MEXICO CITY,. Oct. 14 0) Military officials have reported ."ifty-two persons dead and 102 injured as a result of a hurrl-:ane which swept over a 150-nile stretch of exlco's Pacific :oast at the end of last week. Nazi Gualeiter For France to Be Named Soon LONDON, Oct. 14 0) The Nazis are preparing to name a gualeiter or leader for France as soon as Allied landings begin, a French leader In London re ported today. Soldiers Cannot Carry Their Arms When Not on Duty James Dwyer, a local soldier was fined $10 in provincial police court yesterday before Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson for carrying firearms with- industrial workers ln Canada j out a,llcense while not on duty, which, if put together In one Dwyer was apprehended at the place, would be the basis of a, Salt Lake on Sunday for carry-city twice the sire rf VW-'-. -- - - Spanish Leave Russian rront LISBON. Oct. 14 0) Auth- orltative advices reaching heie said a "volunteer" 3fan;sh division has been withdrawn from the Rus- slan front wnere It has been fighting since July, . 1941, and. will np.t.reurn, DR. BAMFORD RE-ELECTED Canadian Legion Victory Loan To The Canadian Legion held its semi-annual meeting on Wed nesday In the Legion head quarters. The meeting was i very successful one with a large representation of the members being, present. Election of officers was the principal business of the meeting.. General routine business was disposed of with several new applications being accepted. Invitations were received from the Area Headquarters and also the Victory Loan committee asking the members of the Legion to assist In putting on Victbry Loan parade on Sun day. The members of the Cana- Jian Legion will call a parade ot their members to assist on his occasion it was decided. Mrs. William Brass was appointed convenor of the com mittee to handle the usual ar rangements. for the forthcoming Poppy Day. It is planned to celebrate Re membrance Day with a parade to the Cenotaph, this being par ticularly the' Veterans day The Legion will take $6,000 worth of Fifth Victory Loan bonds when the campaign opens The election of officers for the ensuing six months resulted as follows: Honorary President, Col. C. W Peck, V.C., D.S.O Honorary Vice - Presidents- Col. J. McGregoor, V.C.; Col. S and Air Force. President, Dr. R. C. Bamford. First Vice-President, S. A. Cheeseman. Second Vice - President, W. L. Gordon. Executive R. James, Fred Hardy, J. Allan, L. Conner, J. J. Little and H. Klllln. , Trustee H.-A. Breen, S. Davis and W. Ranee. Wolturno Suppdrl Grossed ALLIED HEADQUARTERS. Algiers, Oct. 14 Oi The Anglo American Fifth Army cracked strong German lines along the 'olturno Rive tin a fierce night lttack vesterdav and has estab bridgeheads across that most ormidabl) obstacle on the path to Rome, Allied Headquarters Announced today. The Germans had rushed esh contingents south from jfJome in recent days, and. fierce p.ghting raged on the .north side I'f the Volturnot British; Canadians in the"- centrjb jofjfyv line across Italy 'drove forward live miles and occupied Glldone and made other gains to swing the east end of the line forward German communiques admitted that bridgeheads had been established on the north bank of the Volturno. ROOSEVELT SATISFIED Betting in Washington is That Germany Will Not Go to War With Tortugal WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. H TP) Great Britain's right to use anti-submarine bases In the zores as granted by Portugal Is described by President Frank lin D. Roosevelt as most import ant news. He indicated that the bases would be available to the United States it needed In em ergencies. Betting In Washington Is that Germany will not go to war with Portugal despite the grant Ing of the bases to Britain. Deanna is Divorcing CTTi h Temperature Tonight s Dim-out (Half an hour after sunset to 47 half an hour before sunrise). 42 7:18 pjn. to 7:38 ajru, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No. 240 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS ttu Island Bomb Target For Japs t: Push Nazis fr.roup Says Mihallo- Ktin? for Germans. Oct 14 0 -Strony, Ues attempting to Ba, an uiuuon .v.. Ling the plain leaa- have Deen !dgrade, k and are retreating a commulque of the National Liberation Ificar by tne iree ladlo said today. headquarters also that the entire .Italia vision, until recently the Nazis, have patriots. The com bo reported that the o:r.e of Mlhallovlc, r'i War Minister, are Ivith the Germans patroits. :IHDS iEHCE fcrj Recommends That Doctors Attend Clv- irkmtn bmendation that clvl- cd while working on 6a projects at ron at'maed by Cana-arnding to the Idt.wa by the Work- ppmatlon Board was the verdict of the sry which last night investigation of the he; of thei death; oj; . Chinese who died In Trucks Crowd Alaska Highway Pa$s Over Giant New Span Unsuccessful Raid; No Damage Is Done First Attack to be Made Since Place Was Recaptured by Americans Late in May Planes Flew High WASHINGTON, Oct. 14 (CP)--A United States navy communique today reported an unsuccessful Japanese bombing raid on Attu Island in the Aleutians. The raid was the first since the Americans occupied the islands late in May. Ten Japanese bombers flew high over Massacre Bay. Bombs were'dropped without causing damage. Allied interceptors drove the bombers off. " OIL FOR RAILWAY Canadian National Begins Its Own Production in Alberta MONTREAL, Oct. 14 With cont.ol of 620 acres at Vermilion Alberta, on the Canadian Na tional north line between Ed monton and Saskatoon, Cannar Oils Limited, a subsidiary of the Canadian National, has begun production of fuel oil for the railway's locomotives In western Canada, II. C. Vaughan, chair man and president, announced today. Already twenty wells have been drilled out of a planned jighty and ten are now produc ing 350 barrels a day. Other op erators are producing In ihe same field and the railway takes the entire output of the. Ver milion R e f 1 n e r v Pjimmnv'j ANTI-AXIS MINISTERS HAVE QUIT :lo tn VPrmillon LONDON, Ozt. U I The Vermilion oil field Is field and the oil-producln sands a located at 1,900 feet, between 1,800 and 1,900 feet, ihe field was recommended toy the Dominion government, geor Jpglst and J. M. Penney, manager of Cannar Oils, who, has had many years experience in the oil fields of South America and elsewhere, is optimistic ot ine future. "We are opening the wells.'' Mr. Vaughan said, "as a war time measure of precaution to secuie an adequate supply and reserve of fuel oil for the railway's western services. Opera tion in British Columbia and Alberta Is, at present, largely dependent on fuel oil supplies brought through Pacific Coast ports and any interruption to this supply would .seriously disrupt our service. Bituminous coal is so scarce that it Is Im possible to use It as a substitute for oil. At present levels of traffic, fuel requirements of the Canadian National in west- :rn Canada are 1,050,000 barrels x year." On his recent "r Mr Vaughan visited Vermilion and 3orradalle and inspected the veils and cleansing plant. One of Four Brothers Is Now Missing PORT HOPE, Ont., Oct. 14 Private Keith Long, eldest broth- er of a family of four Port Hope LOS ANGELES, Oct. 14 (TO mcn all of whom are on active Winnipeg-born film star Deanna has been reported miss- Durbln has filed suit for divorce lng ln actlon ln slcllyi He was here from Vaughan Paul, for- serving jn the same regiment ln P. MoMordle, D.S.O.; Col. S. D. mer associate nroducer, and .Mnh orinth(.r hmtw nnt Johnston. M.C., V.D.; Col. D. B. now a Unltcd States Navy lieu- . . . . u "bert LonS. a captain, trie Martvn. DB.O.. MC. and local ch marrion in commanders of the Naw. Army .r,i mil nhr hr ut nw "'"S ln Italy- Ttx0 J l 1 1 . , J.W , 1 1 cruelty. DOG CAME FIRST LEEDS, Eng. 0) Abram Ryder 72, gave up his city-owned home rather than part with his shetp J .....A ' Dm1ah Vtnrl omer Droiners are L,ieut. naim Long, who Is stationed on the west coast, and Sergeant Pilot Tom Long who recently received his wings with the Royal Can adian Air Force, Private Keith Long and Capt. ut VU.U if, '7f Z 3 'Frank Long were also formerly r either to leave his flat or get ( ta nf hie a whirh rmild not . on the west coast before going v 0 BUENOS AIRES, Oct. 14 G The government of General Pedro Ramirez has accepted the resignation pf three members of the cabinet, including the ministers of finance, justice and education and public works, an announcer said last high presenting the governnut.v;v !ts most serious crisis. The ministers who have re signed are generally regarded as favoring a rupture of relations with the Axis. , r - London Sniffs At Surrender of satisfaction, Will Beat Life blend' skepticism and xnown In o! circles as a shallow misgivings appeared today to be AI 11 L 1 X 11 1 the overall reaction to the Bado- glio government's declaration of war against Germany with most comments alive to reminders of Italy's former misdeeds. Any idea that her chang' pf sides has made Italy one o the United Nations of a ful fledged ally was discouraged. Out of Germany LONDON, Oct. 14 W Prime Minister Winston Churchill, In x congratulatory message to the Royal Air -Force and -the United States Eighth Air Fbrce, declared that "we shall" together inexorably beat the life out of Industrial Germany and thus hasten the day of final victory." THE INVISIBLE ENEMY BEDFORD, Eng. "Each one of us has an Invisible enemy working at a similar Job, across the narrow seas," said G. O. Jones, parliamentary secretary to the ministry of production, in calling bn British war workers to beat their oppo site numbers In the German war machine. Women Wanted LOCAL DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Requires 15 Women (21-40),, as Pipefitter Helpers Apply National Selective Service AF !)2 Hi i ' 4