3 . A ;,l , i v J . 1 PAGE EEC Expert OPTICAL SERVICE COMfUT OUTFITTERS For The Lad And Boy Boys' Suits Boys Overcoats Boys' Underwear Boys' Hosiery Boys' Shirts Rupert Mens and Boys' Store Chas. Dodimcad I Optometrist b Chare Hatch, CI'Kk, Jewelry ' Repairing, Hand Cnjravlng VISIT OUB BASEMENT ...ORE or Fine China, Dinner ware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant i " V 9 ', : io , s : io .? 10 'fW-'..? fe: ,J,-3ffl THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW 3IEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Ave. (across from Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 .v.v JUST RECEIVED A New Shipment of Simmons Beds and Camp Cots Elio Furniture Store Third ATenue (Next the Daily News) Prince Rupert MEN'S Working Boots PALMERS "MOOSE HEAD BRAND" 8 inch and G inch. GREB & STERLING Chrome and Men-nenite calf with double soles and solid throughout. Priced from $5.50 Shoe findings and arch supports. Family Shoe Store Ltd, "The Home of Good Shoes" 1 1 1 a 9 1 . r CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule THURSDAY P-M. :00 The Esquires :30 Boston Pons Orchestra :00 Piano Interpretations :1S Canadian Pattern 30 Sound olf 43 Air Command .00 CBC News :0a Recorded Interlude 15 Sports lnu-rv:ews 30 We Shall Have Music. 00 Malor Bowes :30 Bing Crosby 00 Fred Waring 15 Front Line Family 30 Personal Album 45 Melodv Round-im 00 Front Line Theatre 30 Interview with Gail Pat rice : 35 Classics for Today CO CBC News Rebroaucast C5 PecorrH Interlude 15 Show Time i :0 ureat Music :45 Organ Reveries :ou Closing announcement FRIDAY A.M. :30 Musical Clock : 45 CBC News :50 Musical Clock :30 Morning Devotions : 45 Novelty Tunes :00 Jlmmv Cash : 15 Music a la Carter :30 CBC News :35 Transcribed Varieties : 00 Henry King's Orchestra :30 Wilf Carter :45 Thev TpII Mp :00 Scandinavian Melodies : 15 Broadcast of Messages : 17 Recorded Interlude :45 Troubadors :00 Wayne King's Orchestra P-M. :30 Spotlight Bands :45 CBC News :50 Interlude : 03 Bing Crosby Rebroadcast :30 National newscast :uo Closing announcement Chung Hua Min Kuo is the oi the Repuijli. ' China. NOTICE All rftiTPTie rtf "Iroanvrti In should meet at theirvillage not later than .October 25 next, as agreeB by the council and endorsed at the public meeting. Signed) HENRY McKAY, Secretary of Greenville Council. ft THE DAILY ICJWB KEU-Y DOUGLAS & CO. LTD.! NADOD TOOO PRODUCTS LTD. I If wmM BBBTA At this time when Canadian ire urged to "Ejt Right to Fed Right", these delicious dewertt will prove a welcome addition to the nutrition foods featured by the National Food for Fitness Campaign. Follow Canadai Food Rule for Health and Fitneu. CANADA CLAUDIA" IS HERE ..... Lovable Girl of Novel and Stage Is Seen at Capitol Theatre. Laughable, lovable Claudia,. the young wife of novel and -tage, whose domestic ups and downs delighted Broadway au? diences for two years, is brought o the screen of the Capital Theatre this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, unler the original title of "Claudia- in the person of Dorothy McGulre, who por-' rayed the heroine on the stage. "Tie film also features Robert Young as David, Claudia's hus- nd, and Tna Claire as Mrs. "-rvn. Claudia's mother. Claudia Is the young wife who 'ves with her husband in a ambling Connecticut farm house. Her. sense of budget is 'l-llme and the general ease -ith which she meets domestic ijfflculties by simply ignoring them has become as classic as a June bride. Claudia Is the merican girl the girl who saunters about her home In low-heeled shoes, girlish dresses and collegiate cardigans. Into "Claudia's" pleasantly rural and rather frivolous exist CORN STARCH A product of tU CANADA STARCH COMPANY, limit.d Canada's Housoldiers know that custards and blancmanges, quickly and easily made with pure, high quality Canada Corn Starch, are a delight with any luncheon or dinner menu. "Proudly She Marches" Here t ence came many disturbing things. She meets a cosmopolitan British playwright played brilliantly by Reginald Gardiner, who U Intrigued by her whimsical charm. Tragedy strikes Claudia when she learns her beloved mother is doomed to die. Yet at the same time she learns that she Is - become a mother. Thus with the realization that life and death work hand in hand, she suddenly matures. A complete picture of the training girls are eettlnz In Canada's armed forces Jias been filmed for the screen In "Proudly She Marches." One of the Canada Carries On" series. "Proudly She Marches" will be shown at the Capitol Theatre In Prince Rupert October 25 to 26. The duties and recreationl activities of Canada's irls in the Navy, Army and Royal Canadian Air Force are thoroughly covered in this interesting film. ALWAYS niTII US Fans have been in throughout historic times. wan mam VANCOUVER. CANAO. use Traditionally Good Nabob Coffee is roaster fresh, packed In a Pliofilm container. This Canadian favourite has been famous for over 30 years because of its uniform strength and full flavoured goodness. You are assured of the utmost enjoyment when you buy Nabob coffee a time-honored brand that is your guarantee of quality. Tune to the new and entertaining radio ihow v Nabob Party Time i ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. i By DOROTHY QARBUTT Captain Annitage always has some sort of a surprise up his sleeve. Besides being a magician, a vetriloQUlst and delving In hypnotism he also has an aunt who writes verse. It came about this way. he was rummaging through our library and ran across a school text book called The Voice of Canada" which is a collection of Canadian writ-ngs. Among these poem he ound a very lovely one written by his first cousin, Annie C. Dalton. Mrs. Daltom has two books of verse to her name: "The Marriage of Music" and name jnd Adventurer." I haVe taken a few verses from her poem called INCANTATIONS O Dog-wood tree, Be kind to me. For I have loved you so; And now beneath your branches, see, I pray for you to grow. If I should pray For you each day, Would not your sorrow heal? .or flowers and trees, the wise men say, Can hear and see and feel. Then hear my prayer A spring so fait Must mourn for you grown dull, With all those branches stark and bare, That were so beautiful. O wilful tree, "ome back to me! Tis dark where you would go. Even now beneath lorn branches, see, I pray for you to grow, Concerning his cousin the captain left me the following note: "F. o. A. browsing through the books at the Red Triangle Club, same across one of his cousin's poems 'Incantations' by the late Annie Charlotte Dalton, M.B.E., of Vancouver. B.C. F. O. A. remarked that his cousin almost totally deaf could hear the works of nature when others, more gifted In hearing, would be oblivious to their surround-ines." Which makes me think of the many times I have watched 'a'Heaf child at play and thought as I watched his sweet smile and the-look of peace upon his face that he must hear the voice of Ood although mine was denied him. Largest Organization of Its kind in the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WKIGHT Resident Representative Pioneer Kooms No. 6 t7 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 952 Prince Uupert, B.C. Phone 741 and I will gladly call Enterprise Fruit a rrozen rTUii ana vege- f f tables Now For Sale J PHONK 313 i SKEENA MOTOR IKANiPORl G. L. Brookes, Mgr. 21-Hour Taxi Seivlce Trucking of all kinds Bus Service to Airport Special Charter Free Parcel Checking Room OIL KURNEKS' CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 224 Seventh Ave. West t J Public Wailing and Rest i ? Jtooms for Men and Women A P.fV nn. mi t FRANK SKINNER GYRO PRESIDENT To Head Gyro Clult During Coming Year Maurice Brydges Is New Treasurer Frank Skinner will be president of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club for the coming year, his being the only name placed in nomination yesterday at the regular monthly luncheon of the club. Dr. John Gibson will continue as secretary and Maurice Brydges is named treasurer. For three places on the directorate C. G. Ham, Dr. Jens Munthe. Len Griffiths, Amerigo Dominato, Ralph Blackburn and W. D. Lambie have' been nominated Gordon Bryant continues as a director. Th" club decided rday to take part In an I-: national attendance contest. Frank Skinner. Dr. IT. O. Large and G. A. Hunter were named as constitutional amendment committee. The chairman of the playground committee reported that playground equipment had been taken In from parks and stored for the winter. a;i';ui rTYr" NERVES caue pain and symptom rffrcts, irgardless of name, designated as . . . trouble, diwasr, or, disorder. To correct and prevent count-!es electrical terminal effects 'A cause unknown or known, Power Companies recognize the Advantages In dividends of noney spent on maintenance of "ower Lines. Likewise, Chiropractic is "Service and Maintenance" of nerve Power-Lines. Trunk "POWER" .ines between brain-generator md nerve terminal effects. DR. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR '3a opened new offices in the Smith Block t care for the Trowing number recognina in health dividends the distinct and unusual advantages of vital 'Power" Service. i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIA 1:00. ci i 1:30- 3 31 1 , i woman! . I Picture I A i. . - - snaw I Y" heart fer,yef R VM ft UUKUIHY McGUIPf F VIM WKUIKtK i 0I SOU rj . mill nitif . . rrl . . fiNum rujg 4v ADDED Walt Dirnr i "VICTORY VEHICUT "MO KM OX TM1L? WOKLD NUVS HEAVY MILEAGE The R A.F : flies more t:-' 2' t a year Wc want you to . . . Look Vour and ve arc sure we can please you with one of our lovely I'ermancnts Annette Powc Beauty Shoppe llh Street Across from Post Office). I'hone Blue I Yes, IT IS EARLY AISLES OF GIFTS For 'Xmas Shopping t But we ur.:? ' buy y ur c -1- aa possible Condi tier are u:-usual this vcar Selection and service will cri be so ,;ood later DEADLINE I0U 1 We have a ;ooi f election of overseas cSt; and cardi. The Variety Store 1 Fresh Local Raw and ? ' Pasteurized MILK g S VALENTIN DAIRY B PHONE 657 g tWIiBElIlBilB.ElUBjtiBliBt'BianilliB J.M.S.Louksf D.C., B - Chiropractor Wallace Block