tSDAY OCTOBER 14. 1943 MRS. WHITE WAS RIGHT... UPTONS NOODLE SOUP MIX s THE QUICK SOUP WITH THE REAL CHICKEN-Y FLAVOUR A oulck - y m kin hi i Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY E V h n i ii w n W A TERM A N'S V 0 HAT'S YOUR NEfcPJ We have a very larpc stock of (Used and reconditioned) A ItVflfi n all c It niifl niiallUfS k iir 1'iiri' in man v riiii.ii iiiv in 111111. mi KhallBi-lliiIrl f 17 PIT. . . m Iilillll I 1 1 il I Iff. 11111 II I etc.; Lunch Counter Stools and lames Many articles too numerous iu. a line We may have U SALLE THEATRE EQUIPMENTS 915 Granville St., DAILY Your Assistance Invited The Dally News is compiling a Roll of Honor which. It k hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of tht city to serve with the armed forms at, sea, on land and m the air. To make this list complete, It Is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole in sub-mittinr the names. It is lmnosRihlp. fnr t.hp Dailv News or any one person ;jw compile the list complete 'sponsible for the submission of the name oi juuii ooy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the Information we would like you to "11 in and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Daily News, Prince Rupert Name Servlce 'Army, Navy, Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Elation Address -M Dale of Enlistment - Date of Discharge 1 cMualty, Nature and Date member name. nft "w f ---- viuv Ail u jr. iuu 11 you lose anvthinr?. - M I -7 . All ' " ,! want alway, in yo to add contents P f ' w it down . --I.HlVOU"- be" Lade on your stove. EHYIJAY C A U 1) S U N T A 1 N PENS i v V ruiuui a o.iv vi - ui dv ntvrriinri' aim ll K 1 Uv9 V" - "I to mention. Why not drop ust the article you want. Vancouver, IJ.C. NEWS ROLL so we are asking you to De 7. , r tile rcaiJUiiaiwi' advertise for it PRINGE RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of Local Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU responsible for someone's name not belnq In this list? NAVY Peter D. Allen. Charles Anderson. Harold Anderson. Stanley Anderson. Robert Armstrong. Don Arney. W. a. Barker. William Bremner. Bernard Brldden. George J. Brown. Harold Bunn. John Bunn. Hugh Burbank. Robert H. Capstlck. Douglas Christlson. Vincent Dodd. Robert Duggan. Elmer Eburne. Melvin Eburne. Robert Elkins. Donald Eastman. William P. Elkins. Terry Fortune. Mitchell Gay. Efner R. Green. James Greer. Ian Grimsson. John Grimsson. Raymond Hougan. Bill Hunter. Foster Husoy. Peter Husoy. Tom Johnstone. James R. Laurie. Jantolt Leland. Fred Lewis. Tilly R. Lloyd. "Harry Monkley. Andrew Macdonald, Jack Macfle. Roben McKay. Robert McLean. Norman McLeod. David McMeekln. David McNab. Robert McNab. Tai -a L McRae. ojgla:. Payne. ,"Eud" Ponder. Harry Robb. Robert Roy. Bud Skattebol. Stanley Scherk, , J. DflSchubf rtiitprisoneraof cfflsjA y MaTcolm Smith. Ralph Smith.. Walter Smith. Carl Strand. Orme Stuart. Stanley Veitch. Sid White. Robert Whiting. , George. Yule. Jack Yule. Jack Storrle. AU.MY Louis Astoria. William 1 Sonny) Beynon. Louise Bird. Walter Bird. Albeit Blackhall. Donald Blake. .. i Ronald Bracewell: ; William Brass. J, W. Bridden. Alfred Calderone. Jack Campbell. Donald Clark. Edward Clark Jim Colussi Mike Colussi. Grant coverdaii. Bert Cross. Walter Cross. Charles Dennis. Thomas Dennis. Paul Dvornck. R. C. H. Durnford. Malcolm Elder. Whitfield Elder. John Gates. Darrow Gomez. Thomas W. Graham. Burton Green. SDiro Gurvich. Phylls Hamblln. L. J. R. Haynes. 1C C W. Haynes. R. H. A. Haynes. E. D. Head. David Henderson. Howard Hlb'oard. Frank E. Hodgklnson. Harold Hodgson. Percy Hudson. William Hutson. Robert Johnson. Walter Johnson. Nick Kurulok. Matilda Lai-sen. , - Everett R. Leek. ' ' Clarence Lovm. Danny Magnet. Sti ve Mentenko. . John C. McCubbln. Ford Moran Jack Moran James Moran. Victor Miller. Robert Montgomery. Edith Mctrie. Ian Macdonald. Norman McGlashan. Leonard Ness. Walter Perkins. Em 11 Perlstrom. IMPORTS FROM EAST WASHING, TON 09 Before Pearl; Harbor, the United, States Imported 94 per cent of essential tropical commodities from the Eastern hemisphere. THE ARMY NEEDS Men and Women Don't wait for a call BE A VOLUNTEER! For Income Tar i RETURNS SEE II. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. J William A. Pilfold Jr. Robert Rudderham. William Scherk. Thomas Scully. Bob Shrubsall. Thomas Sibley. Glenn Smith. W. D. Smith. Hugh J. Smith. James Smith: Albert Stiles. James Sudcn. L. V. Tattersal. Arnold Tweed. Rodney Valpy. Martin van Cooten. Clarence Vaughan. Stanley Vickernan. William White. Jack Wearmouth. T. J. Williams. James Wood. AIR FORCE Ronald Allen. Harry Astoria. Peter Brass. Alan Burbank. Denis William Burnlp. Jean R. Cameron. Peter Cartwright. IrLs Corbould. Jack Corbould. Lilian Croxford. James Currie. Victor Dell. Jack Eastwood. Clarence Flnley. Hugh L. Forrest Thomas Forrest. Louis Orlin Glay. Harold Helgerson. Robert Henderson. . Helge Holkeslac Mike Hudema. Sam Jurmaln. Robert Kelsey. Kam Y. Lee. Alan Leighton (missing). HaroU Leverett. Albert Mah. Cedric Mah. Don McCavour. Ralph Morin. Hector W. Macdonald. WUllam Shrubsall. Ken Schubert. ltJtni5 JnspMh Thomnson. WlInhnfAi Walkpr. siltenry 'WorsTpld. li U.S. (ARMY George A. Glay. Thomas W. Pierce. Ernest Santurbane Made supreme sacrifice. i,: THE DAILY HEWS Wherever our troops must live and fight in rigorous climates, there you will find; in their equipment, Stanfield's Underwear. That is because a large part of Stanfield's production of underwear is going, to our armed forces But: ... we are still providing underwear for civilian use, though some dealers may not always have a full range of styles and sizes. If you must buy new under Am. m Greater Care Young Mothers LONDON, Oct. 14 (TO The modern woman, says. Dr. Edith Summersklll, well known MP., Is a different proposition from .her grandmother" she looks upon childbirth as a more lm-ortant matter than her grandmother. "She feels she has a great responsibility towards her child and I am sure that the population will continue to decline until there is adequate accom-nodaiioon for an expectant mother," Dr. Summersklll told a recent meeting. She emphasized the need for more facilities for rest for mothers both before and after their children were born. Red Cross News Urgent requests have been received from this division of the Canadian Red Cross Society I headquarters for sweaters, scarves, caps, gloves and socks. 'There is sttll a tremendous amount of work to do and, at this stage of the war, the needs increase rather than decrease, i The local workroom, City HalL has recently received a good; stock of wool and will be glad to give out material for the above mentioned articles. It is suggested that more knitting and sewing groups be formed to speed up this most important work. .a nada at War Year Ao Oct. 14, 1918 On the Western Front, Roulers was taken by French assault and the Belgian advanced 'between Dixmude and Comlnes. In the Balkans the Italians seized Duiazzo. President Wilson answered the German note declaring no peace '.i . . military autocracy. .-my wear, choose Stanfield's. Then you will be sure of quality, good fit, long: wear, and plenty of comfort. STANFIELD'S LIMITED TRURO, M.S. 43-3 Basketball Buzz If pie . schedule basketball games are any Indication ol what the coming hoop campaign holds, Prince Rupert should ibe the scene of many a keen encounter this fall and winter. Exhibition games In which High .School defeated Navy Communications and Ontario Regiment edged out Air Force were tooth close engagements. In the latter game, played on Tuesday night, the Air Force popped up with a new player, Zack. who madp a tiiomlslnff and auspicious debut, potting 19 points. Ontario Regiment's Kutner j and Hunt meanwhile, showed I :hey have lost little of their PAGE 5. scoring punch of last season as """ T,"T V , ine umcmna" ,Keo wno, quf-they combined to account for I Palr ot sUk stockings, tout u via tlons his decision to make the 3 of their quintet's 56 point a set of cycle Urej and tubes, or piay because Eric is hard of total. In a younger age division, the TTracor .Qtrof Tiyorc Vnauo hpn working out in the High, School gymnasium and they are now on the lookout for cageis who would like to play them. Thi? club played some friendly games last winter with the St. Peter's Church, team of Seal Cove under the coaching of the Rev. E. W- Scott and it's possible that the same will be done thl season. for CUTS. BURNS atd BRUISES ULI HE THE ANTISEPTIC LlMIMEHT SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, P.rop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 5JI F.KASEK STREET PRINCE KUPtltT B.C. FURNITURE COMPANY '?..(:lWn..Cook 28.50: ciutta) ui. . . . 3G Mattresses- Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 11 Cfl 6-4, at JlliUU 6 Gold Seal 12.00 Rugs 9x12 . 1 Phone Black 324 Third; Avenue CENTRAL HOTEL DINING ROOM Under new management. MEALS FROM 35c UP. Breakfast 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m Lunch 12:00 ta 2 p.m. Supper . 5:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. WE AIM TO PLEASE fVVTTYTYVVTTTVTYYTTVTYTT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR II I III III INI i I II r ,., v so SO 1r!cli flirlc Mice II lull VJ1I ill llllOO Bicycling Jaunts - DUBLIN, Oct. 14 O) Jfowa- ldays - tlulckest waV 10 an even uutr uie. Rubber shortage has driven most of the tl;es. if Indeed. not all, Into the Irish black markJet; ccl dealers afe sm'. ".osed to get a, gercenta?e of their normal . purchases, but in 12 monthsronly a few have teen able to buy a tire frctn a re-aller in the normal way of :rade. Dublin once was described as "the cyclingest city In Ewope after Copenhagen." NO QUESTIONS ASKED BROOKLYN C When :Ei ic Tipton, former Toronto Maple Leaf star, calls fpr an outfield fly. there's not one member, of neanng ana once ne gets going he uever stops running. ' - YOU'RE IN THE ARMY NOW Sort scbini Fttl. chafed ldn. fore musclei. athlcce's foot 1 onched tod relieved by this h- taing, iwett jmclling reined;. All DDIS COUNTERS HEALING SALVE RATES flj E. W. Hudson, M.n.jtr V.ncouver, Bri'Jih Columbil Th quit!, luxurious Hold Georgia it f.vortd by visitors to Vancouver, whethei pleasure-bound or on business. The Georgia Is famed through-.Out. the Northwest foi.its cxcellant service and appointments, and Its prestige.'. Your visit to 'Vancouver It more enjoyable when you stay ot the Georgia. All Ilooins, tilth liath or Shower CENTRAL . . Single Rooms from J 3.00 dally Double Rooms from ...... S4.50 daily Twin Beds from $5.00 daily RESERVATIONS ADVISABLE SMART Electrical Supplies SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES and 6 ft. Cord $4.75 DOUBLE BURNER HOTPLATES and 6 ft. Cord, 1 single heat switch and 1-3 heat switch $8.95 DOUBLE BURNER HEAVY DUTX HOTPLATisS, 2-3 heat switch and Cord -. - $17.85 250 Watt Colls. Each Mc, 660 Watt Colls. Each $1-00 Toaster Colls. Each , - $1-50 Cone Heaters. Each - - $1-50 Iron Elements. Each $1-00 660 Watt Single' Heat Bricks and Colls. Each 52.50 1200 Watt Bricks and'Colls. Each $1.50 EXTENSIONS 10 ft. Male and Female Plug $1.25 12 ft. Male and. Female Plug $1.33 12 ft. with Key Socket $1.35 LAMP CORD, per foot . - 4c Portable Lamp Guard Set, Rubber Cord. Each $2.75 IRON CORDS 6 ft., no switch 6 ft. and switch INEXPENSIVE ... 95c $1.25 40c ....... 80c .... $1.00 .. $12.95 - 3, I IP. Piices on application. IRON PLUGS,, Plain .r - 50c Switch on ....... 75c FUSES Plug, any slze....... 2 for IS TRIPLE CUBE TAPS. Each 15c DUPLEX PLUGS. Surface Wall Type SOCKETS. Pull Chain, Key, Keyless, Push-through, Various Prices. 3-way Bulb type, Our Special AERIAL WIRE, 100 ft. roll ELECTRIC FANS, 10 inch ELECTRIC MOTORS, 14, 1 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC RADIO SERVICE 9 : -4- - I .; ';'j I i. H I k ATiVa "HBHHMia r uur lonrc is tups; j i ' I WMlwF-- t 4 3rd Avenue. PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. I MffffiJ V .'.nmmniummuill , ., , ,,, ., rrMMfli