PAOE THREE Rheumatic Pains J Backache Try This For Quick Relief i rom N'aet'ne PaW and When you've tried almost everything you can think of and nothing today Allenru Must Help or Money Back. tfhhcuhcemehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. L O. L. meeting eyery Monday, Oddfellows' Hall. All Orangemen are welcome. Cons of Nor - 7 Invitation Dance Jan 7, Oddfeliows' Hall. Tickets from members. Meeting of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock Employees' Assn. and Pdnee Rupert Dry Dock Medical Aid Aysn., Jan. 17, 8 p.m. Oddfellows' Hall. Cambral Snowball Frolic, Jan. Oddfellows Hall. 22, A Help Norway Invitation Dance,1 Oddfellows Hall, Jan. 29. ! (Classified able cash charges. lANTED An experienced girl for housework. Good wages. Apply Mrs. Robert Gordon, Gordon's Hardware, McBrlde St. (5) WANTED Male or emale sales clerk for store at Premier. Wages $100 per month. Apply VIC AM17 Unemployment Insurance Commission. (5) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD anrl rnnm fnr mpn shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. LOST LOST Gold wrist bracelet "R. T. Morgan V-36387." Return H.M.C. S Chignecto (5) LOST Three C.N.R. pension cheques. Will the two gentlemen kindly return to address on registration card. Reward. (5) LOST Red Parker pencil somewhere between Taylor and Ninth Ave. West. Bruce Mills, paper boy. Phone 94. (6) TILLIE TIIE TOILER Must Give Al In God's Work Rev. a. Wright k Speaker at Week of Prayer Steeling secmsiu"" ""...i. m,U m spite of unfavorable condl- soreness, uon,i gjye up nonj. jusyions Wednesday evening, there g0 co W. J. McCuteh?on or any was a good representation at St. good druggist and, get a bottle of pau)'g Lutheran Church from Take as directed and in ral of the churches In the city, about 24 hours you should see real fpr the third in a series of National improvement. Allenru acts in Week of Prayer Services being con-three ways-1 to relieve the pain ducted this week. 2 to regulate the bowel action 3) diuretic for the as a gentle Kidneys- -flushing out excess acids. So don't be discouraged start Rev. C. A. Wright of the First Baptist Church spoke on the sub ject uods Answer to a War Divided World," challenging his list eners with the thought that they muft be Spirit-guided and not car-muty rnirided men and women. They must learn with the apostle Paul to "present their bodies a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable to the Lord." Mr. Wright said people must decide whether or not they were go ing to be friends or foes of the Cross of Christ. "There is no room for lukewarmness In the Kingdom of Gad" he stated. "We cannot seek our own ends under the cloak if Jesus Christ." A period of spontaneous prayer followed the message. For Income Tax Returns see . . R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY NEWS WANT ADD. ELECTRIC SERVICE Appliances, Ranges, etc., serviced and repaired by competent electrician. Plugs Day and Night Service. PHONE BLUE 88-1 Classified Ads. advertising Is pay-In advance. No HELP WANTED WANTED Driver for retail grocery truck. Man, military exempt or female. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 26. (5) WANTED WANTED House. Would share. Phone LAC. Wright. Officers Mess, Seal Cove. (8) $25 Reward for furnished house or Call or write Ello's, Prince Rupert. Miss Lorna Richmond has recov ered from an attack of the mumpo with which she was confined to her home during the holidays. A Week of Prayer Meeting, Salvation" Army Citadel, Thursday, 8 p.m. Rev. J. A; Donnell, speaker. Miss Margaret Kerr R. N. of the nursing staff of the University of British, Columbia, leaves Saturday night on her return to Vancouver after a couple of weeks visit here. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club yesterday named William Lamble to represent he club at a meeting to be held next Tuesday night of local organizations for the purpose of instituting an Aid to Russia drive here. C.N.R. Trains For Terrace- Daily except Sunday - 4:15 p.m.' From Terrace-Daily except Sunday ..11:20 a.m. For the EasU-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 ajn. From the East-Thursdays 'and Saturdays 7 y.m. Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10:30 p.m. Timely Recipes CHICKEN IN ASPIC Cook a 6-7 pound fowl with pounds of veal shank In 2 quarts of water. Add 2 stalks celery, a bay leaf and salt and pepper to taste. When fowl Is tender, take from stock and remove meat from bones, keeping it in as large pieces as possible. Try to keep breast meat whole in removing from breast bone. Cook the stock, uncovered, with the bones and skin until It Is reduced to half the original quantity. Strain and cool thoroughly. Skim off fat and clarify in the following manner. Beat one egg white siignuy ana aaa wun h the crushed egg shell to the stock , gj and boll gently for . ten minutes, ! j stirring with a wooden spoon. Let : m stand till cool, strain through cheesecloth. Afcasure stock and reheat. For each quart of stock allow 2 tablespoons gelatine soaked In Vz cup cold water, and dissolve In the hot stock. Grease or oil a mould and pour In Inch of the gelatine mixture, chill till firm. Peel green references. Call or ask for Mrs. jPePPer tnnly and shaPe holly Murray Conn, Inlander Hotel. leaves, using scissors, merries may SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT THERE'S HR3.HUT30Kl.THe POST USTEUIUS TO l?OPLtS' TROUBLES ALL the; mmm xM& rim 'be cut from tne rea sKins oi : thinly peeled radishes. Arrange WANTED A child's steel crib, leaves and berries on top of the Phone Black 827. (7) jelly and keep the design In place ,ntnm if,.V-nln rmm. fnr adding a few Spoonsful Of the Airman's wife and child. Phone Red 990. (9) WANTED Couple desires housekeeping rooms. Apply Box 421 Daily News. ' 9) RESPECTABLE young couple, no children, non-drinkers or smokers, desire living quarters. Apply Box 417 Dally News. (5) gelatine mixture and allowing It to set. When very firm, arrange the whole breast top side down In the centre of the mould. Fill the mould with the remaining pieces of chicken and pour on the rest of the gelatine mixture, covering all the meat. Let stand In a cold place till very firm. Unmould on a large platter and garnish. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone' 281 P.O. Box 196 OW TILLIE. I'M Q5TRE5SEQ- SOME WAY KSCE. COOkifSJ' Z- ' TIIE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY . 7, ,1943 LOCAL NEWS NOTES We pay cash for furnltuie, Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) stoves, tools, musical instruments. : is leaving tonight for a week's business trip to Vancouver. iA shattered plate glass windpw In the Commodore Cafe was to be observed today as a result of high wind. The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will be meeting tomorrow night In RONCHITIS PflJOQ WICKS Edward Green has recovered from an attack of the mump3 with which he was confined to his home during the holiday season. Mrs. T. Yule, 829 Ninth Avenue West, received a cablegram at Christmas from her son, Georga Yule, who Is serving overseas with the navy. Birth Notice Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lundquist (nee Marie Balagno) Seattle, a son. n i, J' .- s Don't let 1913 put you "In the Red!" Shop at THE ' Variety Store H Where your dimes are little g a dollars wswxuzasMmsxsL bxbijbi j mm I WE CARKY 1 H Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue TiLUUMMfM sot to Find JFZ. some wAyHH' (SOSH, Quietly Married At Manse Here Miss Jean Ueid of Regina Becomes Bride of Donald Charles Munro The marriage1 took place quietly yesterday afternoon at the of First United Church, Rev. James A, Donnell officiating, of Miss Jean Reid of Regina and Donald Charles Munro who Is In the naval service here. Witnesses of the cere- ! . 1 1 1 n regular monthly session at the mvhu a nu . De..- Jam,n Roberts RusselL ' home of L. M. Felsenthal, Fourth Avenue East. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, arrived at Smlthers today after spending the Christmas and New Year season In Vancouver and Is expected In Prince Rupert shortly for a visit before proceeding to Ottawa to attend the session of Parliament opening at the end of the month. EGGS MORE PLENTIFUL Shortage Is Now Relieved Canned Milk Situation IIow Other Lines Stand Several Prince Rupert grocery stores were showing eggs in their windows yesterday, indicating that the egg shortage, which had' been critical here for some, time, is now to large measure relieved. Stocks s " i . . - 11!.- . ant said that the freezing for the time being of wholesale stocks of canned milk was producing a shortage In retail stores which, according to the individual stocks be ing carried by the Individual stores, were limiting customers from two tins to a dozen on single purchases. Canned goods are becoming scar cer all the time although canned vegetables are still available in fair quantity. Canned fruits are quite scarce and honey and pea nut butter are pretty well out. Fresh vegetables are scare owing to labor shortage on the farms. No shortage of ham and bacon Is evident In Prince Rupert although in the south they are reported to be scarce. A local butcher said there was no shortage of beef here as yet al mm: B i M oi uraae a large eggs are ruuing i h in from Vancouver and the present price of 60c per dozen Is expected to drop shortly to 5&c or lower. Discussing the retail stock situ ation this mqinln?, a local merch thougli veal arid mutton are scarce, i arid pork cannot tie bought. The, opinion appears to be general that rationing of meat will be coming soon. T. W. Brown, local barrister, Is among local adults suffering from the current epidemic of mumps. He is doing well at his home at Em-merson Place. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS I AllIBXailKEKBlBli: n Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring in Tomato Sauce are both on active serVlce but will be back on your 0 grocer's shelf soon as condl- ditions permit. iaXBXIEaXBCKKI J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms Bjg a S GOLD SEALS 1 1 i iXBiaXBEBXBCV By WESTOVER -TILLIE THIS NOH COMBATANT J OUTy IS QETTINS . MP rvVAlM I'LL SOr".' 6000 C5RIEF MAD. IF I'M MOT Ji'THE POST MOTHE.R3 TRANSFERRED C.MO WORSE OFF FRY'S COCOA The favourite for Over 200 years Our Delivery Schedule II 3 DELIVERIES WEEKLY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, n SATURDAY Please co-operate by placing h your order as early as possi- s ble. To ensure delivery, or- g ders must be In by 4 p.m. the g day preceding delivery, y MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 EBi;ai!ii:i:i!::i;rA:i!i:i.i;:i:s:iii:Biai;a;: ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 J. M. S. Loubser D.O, B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 641 FOR 1943 Standard Pocket Diaries Standard Office Diaries Ideal Calendar Refils Ideal Calendar Stands 1943 TIDE TABLES Pacific Coast Prince Rupert Harbor . . 25c 10c B 1rD ID III nj WjHjmEiEjmnimEJHrEJHJSJHrsin WORK BOOTS Out Stock of Working Boots is second to none. Sizes from 6 to 12. Arch-King:, Valentine, Greb, Til-sonburg and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let us show you. Family.shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" Early Ad. Copy is Appreciated s I I 1 I I s I I