. wnVEMBER 12. 1913 ITT17 rtTTAAAT unc uiu wla i Ji r Then you're sure to like the Chocolate Cocoa i Tay I III! Illlll. I " guinea om. E. MORTIMER , g TZt 2nd Ave. a. A A A V' SHRIMPS I . l..rUl (lit f' illj after I p.m. 1 V I 1. Ill Uli LIUUVf 1 D.C, IIA. .1111 . . ULLUI i rrr.djn i i a i I i " Tn 1 . ' i i k .1 I fclfaTaTaTaTaTaTaPF'W - I0TEL (i E (I It (i I jl 1 1 Hdo Maaf tf trtL UimuMil Hafal Gaoral. lif.vnif tw Uilnra l V J. 1 X . .1 . 1 t ..I S North... I fn. It. ....It.. I ..J . I i. " r ff ' T"y (W rpnortf ii mi tnioytMe nen yo nty RATES (rota $1.00 tUtVf Room (Tom S4.S0 (Ulff from JJ.00 oafly RESERVATIONS ADVISABLE GtOrtia. ' If ' Snjlt Room .in ti in 'looms Double t'ith Ifath Mil M SMART DAILY HONOR Your Assistance Dcl!y News Is compiling , f tr contain the name c we with the - sir Tj make this i d operation of the names, ; tapo.. .Iblc for the 'te the list complete " i? for the submission -or YOUR friend. fl!owini is the " and smih iv 1 of Kin tV; INEXPENSIVE NEWS ROLL Invited a Itoll of Honor which It of every man and woman armed forces at sea. on land list complete, It is essential to public as whole1 In sub--e Dally News or any one person so we are asking YOU to be of the name of YOUR boy, Information we would like you to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR . Dally News, Prince Rupert Air ruitv; ,mi , .r- -- - v tlon - ,;1v, .ft,.,;., its , w. : & 5 ' y iiw m 1 1 iM i 1 " of Enlistment .J ; of Dl .charge alty Nature and Date member if DANISH DERIVATION The word kilt Is derived from the Danish word "kilte" meaning to tuck up. MONTH KAL SETS RECORD Montreal Is the largest city In Canada and the largest Inland port In the world. YEOMEN OF T1IK GUARD England' oldest military corps, the yeomen of the guard, was founded In 1485. J7TTTWTTv,WYTTTTTTT ; FRESH SHRIMPS Dally 1 o'clock. Boat -Mar.." Llpwlt'. Dock AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J VfKortr, Britiih. CoUmblt - ciso may. You are responsible. rVWla f H taiV'MlL IIM Liter a ll Im.H Ihmuk. Jtmnn ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. Hy DOROTHY OARBUTT One of the Ack-Ack units is holding a dance on Monday at Its camp. Junior hostesses are Invited and will be called for at the "Y" Hut at 8:30 p.m. Y.W.CA. cnapcrones, representing the Queen Mary Chapter of the I.O. D.E.. will be present. "Sketches from Dickens," the Frank Ouy Armltage concert on Monday night, is for the, civilian audience. A collection," will be taken to go towards a fund for the Christmas entertainment of the children of the personnel of the Armed Services. The Service Wives' Club met In the ladies' lounge at the "Y" Thursday afternoon. There were nine ladles and nine children present. The club was happy to welcome back Mrs. Brain, a member who was with them all last winter. Mrs. Qlrardet donated the' raffle which was won by Mrf. Duke. The members discussed their plans for the All Services Children's Christmas party on December 20. Tea was served by Mrs. Duke and Mrs. Dewar. The CWJi.Cs have enrolled a! new member rather, he Is attached to them. He has received hU official paper, and CapUln,.6 , ey va. Hewett has given me permission to give you the details as follows : In order to avoid embarrassment for the gentleman in ques tion I have seen fit to eliminate a rew lu-ms and also in order to get mc past the Hayes Office pr our local equivalent). Name: Ounncr. Present address: C.WJV.C. Com pound. ' Date of birth: Sept. 11. '43. Place of birth of father: Father unknown. Place of birth of mother: Prince Rupert Nationality: Damnation, naturalized. Name and address of last employer: City of Prince Rupert Water Dept. Then follows his certificate of medical examination: also In ' part). v Age: Six weeks. S Eyes: Brown. Hair: White. Height: 10 Inches. Weight: Six lbs. Identification marks and scars: Spotted. Have you now or did you ever have any of the following dis eases? Eye trouble: Had trouble opening when born. Nose, throat, or sinus trouble: Has to growl to clear throat occasionally; also nose cold. Varicose veins: Not as yet. Feet: Large. Remarks: No fleas. Psychiatrist's report: Young and over anxious pup. Will learn more control with age. Recommended for re-examlnatlon In six months' time. Signatures: (O. Groans) Major RCAME, (S. A. W. Bones) Captain RCAMC, I. Tcstum) Lieut. RCAMC. Qualifications: Military ftrc extinguisher. Languages: Doges. University: "Karcs Kennels for Keen Kanlnes." Record of postings, promotions, etc.: Taken on strength C.W-A.C. Attached Captain Nancy Hewett for all purposes except housebreaking. FORKS SUPERSEDE FINGERS Eating with forks was not known In England until th reign of James I. PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of Local Men and Women on Active Service Arc YOU responsible for some- ones name not being In this (Bee entry form elsewhere.) NAVY Peter D. Allen. Charles Anderson. Haxold Anderson. Stanley Anderson. John Armstrong Jr. Robert Armstrong. Don Arney. W. o. Barker. Emlle Blaln. William Brcmner. Bernard Brldden. George J. Brown. Harold Bunn. John Bunn. Hugh Burbank. Robert II. Capstlck. Douglas Chris tUon. Sydney Croxford. Vincent Dodd. John Dohl Robert Duggan. Elmer Eburnc. Melvln Eburne. Robert Elkins. Donald Eastman. ' ' William P. Elkins. Terry Fortune. ? Gordon Eraser ? ' Mitchell Gay. Efner R. Green. f James Greer. Ian Grtmsson. John Grimsuon. Raymond Hougan. Bill Hunter. Foster Husoy. Peter Husoy. Tom Johnstone. James O. Laurie. ; Jack R. Laurie. . Richard Lelghton. Jan toft Lcland. " Fred Lewis. Tilly R. Lloyd. Bruce Love. Ted Mills. Harry Monkley. Andrew Macdonald. Jack Macfle. Robert McKay. Robert McLean. Norman McLeod. David McMeekin. David McNab. Robert McNab. John D. McRae. Charles Ormlston. Douglas Payne. "Bud" Ponder. David Ritchie. Jack Ritchie. Robert Ritchie. Harry Robb. Robert Roy. Bud Skattebol. Stanley Scherk. J. D. Schubert (prisoner of war). Carl Smith. Malcolm Smith. Ralph Smith. r Walter Smith. Carl Strand. Orme Stuart. Sid White. Robert Whiting. Oscar Wlngham. George Yule. Jack Yule. Jack storrle. ! AKMY John Armstrong Sr. Louts Astoria. Jack Balfour. Eric Barton. Beatrice Berner. William (Sonny) Beynon. Louise Bird. Walter Bird. Norman Blackball. Donald Blake. Raymond Bracewell. Ronald Bracewell. William Brass. J. W. Brldden. Earl Brochu. Alfred Calderone. Jack Campbell. Donald Clark. Edward Clark. Jim Colussl Mike Colussl. Frank Comadlna. Grant Coverdaie. Bert Cross. , Walter Cross. Charles Dennis. Thomas Dennis. Paul Dvornck. R. C H. Durnford. Malcolm Elder. Whitfield Elder. John Gates. Ralph Gillies. r Andrew Glover. William Oomez. , Darrow Gomez. Thomas W. Graham. Burton Green. SDlro Gurvloh. Phylls Hamblln. L. J. R. Haynes. R. II. A. Haynes. K. C. W. Haynes. E. D. Head. David Henderson. Howard Hlbbard. Frank E. Hodgklnson. Harold Hodgson. Percy Hudson. William Hutson. Robert Johnson. Walter Johnson. S. D. Johnston. T. D. Johnston. Nick Kurulok. Matilda Larsen. Everett R. Leek. Pierre LcRoss. Clarcnca Lovln. O. p. Lyons. Danny Magnet. Steve Mcntenko. Michael P. McCaffery. John C. McCubbln. Ian Macdonald. Jack McEvoy. Alex McFarlane. Norrran McGlashan. Victor Miller. Robert Montgomery. Michael D. Montesano. Ford Moran Jack Moran James Moran. John K. Murray. Edith Mt'trie. Joseph Naylor Leonard Ness. Donald Norton Walter Perkins. Emll Perlslrom, Arthur Phillips. William A. PJlfold Jr. L. C R. Raabe. Robert Rudderham. Olav Rysstad. William Scherk. . Thomas Scully. Bob Shrubsall. Thomas Sibley. Glenn Smith. W. D. Smith. Hugh J. Smith. . James Smith. Douglas Stalker. Albert Stiles. James Suden. Irene Sully. L. V. Tattersal. Arnold Tweed. Jack Unwin. Rodney Valpy. Martin van Cooten. Clarence Vaughan. Stanley Vlckerman. Jack Wearmouth. . William White. T. J. Williams. James Wood. AIR FORCE Ronald Allen. Harry Astoria. Alex Balllle. Howard Beale. Marcel Blaln. Peter Brass. . Alan Burbank. Denis William Burnip, Jean R. Cameron. Peter Cartwrlght. Iris Corbould. Jack Corbould. Eddie Crosby. Ray Crosby. Lilian Croxford. James Currle. . Arthur Davey. John W. Davey. Victor Dell. Jack Eastwood. Clarence Flnley. Hugh L. Forrest. Thomas Forrest. Louis Orlln Glay. Arvid Hansen. Harold Helgerson. Robert Henderson. Helge Holkestad. Mike Hudema. Sam Jurmaln. Robert Kelsey. Francis W. Least v Alan Lelghtori! missing)? uaroid Levereu. Albert Mah. Cedrlc Mah. George R. Mayer. Henry Mayer. Hector W. Macdonald. Isabel Mackenzie. Milly Mackenzie. Don McCavnur. Richard Mills. Herbert Morgan. Richard Moore. Ralph Morin. Ken Schubert. William Shrubsall. Robert Silversldes. Eddie Smith. James Joseph Thompson. John A. Walker. Henry Worsfold. VS. ARMY Chester B. Ciapp. George A. Glay. Mary McCaffery. Thomas W. Pierce. Ernest Santurbane. U.S. NAVY Howard FrlzzelL Made supreme sacrifice. o U&ICAFE Will open on Sunday, Nov, 7, under the old manage- ment. t CHRISTINA VIETC1I rr aniaarrBTKrasarraUrKTari Fresh Local Raw and i Pasteurized MILK U MIPMTTM rATT?V" V l PHONE 657 t SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Island Full Information, Tkkets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Briefs From Britain BADSEY. Eng. OV-At 102, Wil liam Mustoe of this Worcestershire village goes into his gar den daily to weed and dig his potato plants. COLWYN BAY. Wales Oi - "The less you Incite people to buy the better," said Judge Wal ter Samuel In declaring at a conscientious objectors tribunal that window dressing was not of national importance. LONDON OV-If everybody was like Edith Marsden of Plumstead, Britain wouldn't need any rationing scheme. Since war started she has Jived entirely on un- ratloned food and hasn't bought any clothes. MAC HESTER, Eng. O) Sir Stafford Cripps, Minister of Air craft Production, said here that 40 tier cent of the workers In the aircraft Industry are women SALOP, Eng. O) F. H. Illing - worth, chief Liberal whip In the ...m, ammnt hpfnrp th n""" " First Oreat War and a weu-known temperance advocate died here. LONDON 05 The Ministry of Supply has gone Into the rag- nlcklng business. Helpers have collected and reconditioned more than 2,000,000 worn garments from the army, air force and women's services. PRESTON, Eng. O Abolition of platform tickets at the railway station here was made necessary because of the number of "flirts" who made friends with men on the station , WATFORD, Eng. O). Women are becoming more politically .conscious than men, Jack Tan b READINO, Eng. (?) A record pr?e for & Ouernsey bull was oVH at o .atflo nta wh.n AVAaWM UW VMlkV altllV flitVi Antonio Third of Toadsmoor was purchased by Sir William Rootes for $15,980. LONDON 0 Lord Bennett, former Prime Minister of Can I ada, said during an address j St. Pauls Church, Onslow , Square, London, that the British and Fo.-eign Society had dis- tributed 530,000,000 Bibles. RATIONS SMALL Bees eat their weight In food every month. FEW COULD WRITE Quill pens were first used - the sixth century. srjr f i m MM PAGE THREE PUT YOUR COAL ON A BUDGET TO MAKE IT LAST Because extraordinary war demands have outstripped the supply, coal is scarce. Every Canadian is asked to prevent waste. Some simple conservation methods are outlined below . . . Others are contained in a free booklet "33 ways to SAVE COAL' Cet a copy of this helpful booklet from your fuel dealer TODAY ! WrM A flaw-full Hnltb MmI of WkoU WWl tni Rjt, rirW In body-bulMing prop- rtM. mm for nU4 FraUetaof ner, president of the Amalgam- lted Engineering Union, told a workers' meeting here. BARKINSIDE, Eng. Oi A safe containing the equivalent of $4,- 500 was stolen from a vegetable shop in this Essex town. LONDON 0)ln the 12 months ui august ji, nearly o,uuu men and 1,690 women were prosecu-t ted for being absent or being persistently late for work without reasonable excuse. LEEDS, Eng. O) Hugh Mid-dleton Butler, Conservative member of Parliament for North Leeds In 1922-23, died at Bur-ley, Leeds, at the age of 87. Don't try to heat the outdoors: leaving don't stand talking at the coming In or going out, make closed tight. Much heat is lost through windows. Draw shades to tills, or pull drapes together, in all rooms, from dusk to rising, and thus save up to 10 of your lueL riaaaaaaaaaiaiaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Subetantial fuel savings can be firing of your furnace. Ask your booklet oi Instructions on how from less fuel. For banking a fire at night nothing "la better than cinders silted from ashes. By burning up cinders you conserve fuel. Sate ou ten, Health Bran from flnait" daadiaa Wbtat for por-ridga. bread or muffin. II Braa and Hl ore' Ttdea bulk for tba Mxb lautiv rfftct. laal tnr Uutira actios. UELOGRAIN HEALTH FOODS Cft The Market Fruit Grapefruit, Calif. .10 and i tot . 25 Lemons, doz. J5 and Jio 'Oranges, Navel, doz. . .35 to .60 T)Aa 1( , th ' Apples, lb Cooking Apples, lb. Butter First Grade Lard Pure, lb. Veeetable. Cooking Onions, No. 1 OKanagan. 4 lbs. Spanish Onions, lb. dpanlch, local, 2 lbs. Beets, local, 2 lbs. Parsnips, local, 3 lbs. B.C. Carrots, per bunch Tomatoes, Hothouse, lb. aweei potatoes, id. Turnips, yellow, lb. turnip's, white, local, lb. .. Potatoes, 5 lbs. - in Caulinower, each .15 to 25 Cabbage, lb. .. . JDS Lettuce .each .15 Celery, lb. ' Flour f' Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 15 Second Patent 1.80 Flour, 24's 5 Pastry Flour 7 lbs. .44 Sugar White, lb. Golden Yellow, lb. vff.ng Meats Vfa Bacon, side, best grade, sliced; package .54, slab Ham, first grade, lb SrA5 Cottage Roll, lb .44 Pork, dry salt, lb. i 20 Veal, loin, lb. L 23 Veal Chops, lb. 25 and .40 Beef, pot roast, lb .25 and -30 Beef Steak, lb 40 and .45 In K'choA Lamb Shoulder, lb. 21 to 25 iin- When people aie Open door. When sura all doors are made by correct coal dealer for a to get more heat 2j fite .12 .23 .10 .03 ! .19 25 .10 25 25 25 .08 20 .15 X5 J05 22