HOP WELLS S RETIRED ncOTC'. Nov 12-Retlrlng ! ' V of principal Protes-vnth 4 the Canadian f -r because of the - i. recently Imposed, " Vm IU Rev. O. A. xd a farewell let-; d trict and senior Army and Navy) In j :.: i uvcrieas. x a feeling of great w;otc in part, "that , . '. note of farewell. we limit has been und the principal i x with several men who have been i 'ic scvlce from the 1 has been a great cood fellowship, fount myself for ,.avng had the priv , , - , 3 with you." . . . r idler will resume his of the Church : l Bl hop m Canada. He was ; E. :p of Cariboo. uard Was urdered smle Act, Supposedly of Jmnllrs, at Winnipeg De- nation Home. rr Nov. 12 w-avo 1 ajid 15 years of age, J from a detention a guard, Edwin J 58. was beaten to (recaptured today in r' Boniface. A third : : ' 17. surrendered 1 I IJ I arena i nreanner oved Overseas I r.'.V.'A N v 12 Air Mar- It ; al Carradlan Air v. ig that post to Marshal Harold Ed-, officer in command MRIIIAMfF in iii iif 1 VllkV U I V If M 111 IM ,UII1IU tog Donation llatrlton lllch Jf and Better lUdlo Sought :r section of in ir.:pert chamber of at its monthly din- last night, went on r -or-iing tne new am-1 Mrs H Gouid jjiioustont ampalgn and it waan Van Rhrri Houston) ' "I I nn lAActt rl l f M rti J t maklns a substan ' a:i from the old Port i pravlding this can be f!e purpose. Jw i ir Chamber appoint ".rrJUee consisting of D. :n and Robert Parker wl'h the Senior Cliam-"V.rrlnj representations &' ring surveys of the W -ion plan for a con-link north of Hazelton t-ie Alaska Highway. T ' alutlon of the Machln-l.ton seeking an Immedl-fook un of radio station . - - Wl.lll.Ullt.l V. Corporation network 3 f. . . ... of Flufarri nlnHrflnir 4 R O Birch was named to 'ic matter. ' next mrctlne of the Chamber will take place y.ame of President. L. M. - i'hai, who was not present li'.iht being away on an J business trip, Past Presl-, Robert Parker taking the Or jr It.,-- - ..".nuy, u. u, union, sPonrr. Sam Currle, Roger Tfl lrr hnva lc tfd as new members of Jl;' 'or Chamber. o. 4 r J - Some Miners t At Work Now . CALGARY, Nov, 12 a Flf teen hundred coal miners the Crow's Nest area voted 4 today and the only Thursday to return to work fields In British Columbia and Alberta are now Van- couver Island and Edmon- 4-4 ton. involving about 2,000 men. DE MARIGNY IS ACQUITTED NASSAU. Bahamas. Nov. 12-Alfred De Martgny was acquitted yesterday of the murder of his I'ther-ln-law. 8!r Harry Oakes, Canadian mining magnate. The Jury returned IU verdict" after two houn" deliberation. It recommended that De Marigny be deported. Ihe Judge denounced the chief prosecution witness and warned the Jury 4n regard to a-xeptance of circumstantial evidence The Jury voted 9 to 3 for acquittal. Victory Loan Subscriptions Northern DC Power $25,000 A. Carlson ou Miss A. Hamilton 50 Miss 8. E. Miller 50 Miss B. Stalker 50 Mrs. M. Rogerson 250 M. LePage 100 Mrs. A. Jrsoo.,. J. T Langridge 00 P. E- Enger 500 Collart & McCaffery Lt. 1500 J. J. Collart 500 Mrs. C. Collart 100 Pat Thorstelnssen 50 J. Armstrong 50 Mrs. I. LykegoM ,50 500 Miss v. Lee 50 Mrs. L. Mah Henry Wong 50 Mrs I. D. Bunting (Fort Fra.se r) 200 H. V. Stent (Fort Fraser) 100 Isobcl J. Bunrlng (Fort Fraser) ' 50 John Kruus (Topley) 300 C. Llndstrom (Remo) 150 R. R. McDonald (Remo) 100 Emma Llndstrom (Remo) J. Mycko (Terrace) 50 Thomas Ashe (Terrace) 50 MrSi A IL Kormandcau Tirrace 50 Mrs. W. Dtnsdalc (Telkwa 100 P. M. Dockrill Jr (Telkwa) T. J. Thorp (Telkwa) 500 John Gould (Houston) 100 100 50 Mls D. Silver thprn (Houston) 100 Peter Ollavy (Smlthers) 150 O. W. Flddes (Pt. Simpson) 50 Miss V. Deeprose (Pt. Simpson) 50 WAR Fa t am work between air and sea rescue servlcc-t of the R.&A.F made this picture possible It was taken from a search aircraft and shows five members, of an Anson bomber crew bcu: rescued after crashing into the sea 60 m.iia off the British Columbia coast. They were but three hours in their rubber dinghy . WartimeHousing VI1U111 vvuiiui Tenants Are Organized to Oper ate Clubhouse and Other Functions. At the first meeting of Wartime Housing Tenant Council held this week at the Community Clubhouse officers elected were Mr. McKenzie for chairman, Mrs. Johnston for sre-tary and Mr. Arnold for treasurer. During the early part of the meeting O. L. Braman was asked to act as chairman. Mr. Bra- ,man brought the meeting to or- cer and the nominations were made and votes taken by closed ballot. Members of the executive were appointed in the persons of Mr Toews, Mr. Quasi, Mr. Launer.l Mr...BcaraaJv.Mrs,,Ueatb,- Mrs.! Holllday and Mrs. Mllaney. Tenant Council meetings were 1 decided for every Monday night until Christmas. It will be the duty of the council to govern the use of the cluhoutc for tenant group work ; and to set down the rules and regulations for the clubhouse and to see that they are maln-50 talned. Also the council will have an active part In all activities in the interests of the Wartime Housing tenants. The obligations and work of the council was made clear to the members by Community Counselor Arthur S. Tassie bc- fore the elections took place. After the elections and appolnt-50 menu the meeting' was brought to order by the chairman, Mr. McKenzie, and business was carried on. A woodworking club was or- ganlzed and Ls open for mem-50 bers. An entertainment committee was By DOUG HOW (Canadian Press Staff Writer) LONDON, Nov. 12 (CP)-Britain's restive coal front lulled bv tho norsinsion nf tho Pi-imo MinicW ! ia iuucu uiuy. i uu Morm nas not Qiea. Air. UnurcniU'S, Victory in the COal debate m me ranKs 01 tne commons and his Government isi S"' mS'.o' the Navy LeagUe ?eame"S Heath and Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Canvassers who will be out the next week in aid of the Christmas tree fund have been asked to contact the mothers as to the talents of their children for entertaining during the Christmas tree program. NEWS OF ITALY staged nine furious counter-at HATTLK OF HUSSIA LONDON Amid reports that the Germans have already brnun to evacuate the Crimean Pcnlinula by sea, Russian shock tioops are plowlnK steadily westward from captured Kiev alter a twentyeven mile drive which the Russians say netted them and villages. Moscow communique more than one hundred towns says the Ruvslans have battled to within sixty miles of Korosten key rail city northwest of Kiev, to increase threat of encirclement of Germans still battlinj; in the lower western Ukraine. In the Crimea, the Russians, fighting to extend beachheads on Kerch Peninsula, repulsed fierce German counter-attacks. HATTLK ALGIERS The Germans local Temperature Local Tides Saturday, Nor. 13; 51 High 1:59 21.0 feet 43 13:51 22.8 feet Minimum Low 7:58 6.1 feet M'U'HiEKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH CQLliTONyPl,ER 20:31 1.6 feet No. 264 XXXII, PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. FRIDAY, NQViBMBEtW2, 1043 PRICE FIVE CENTS e rv.L i.- i-1 a la: vuigredK) in bid minor RKSCTE BY SEA OFF BRITISH COLUMBIA COAST tacks In twenty-four hours but the Anglo-American Fifth Army drove a three-mile wedge Into the Mlgnano-Venafro area against the core of the greatly reinforced Nail .winter line, it is announced. All counter attacks were thrown back with artillery and Infantry fire taking a heavy toll. Enemy resistance Is almost equally stubborn along the entire line but the British Eighth Army on the east has consolidated positions on high ground j overlooking the Sangro Klver. fa Problem in Miners Claim Great Manpower Increase is Needed to Hrinp Production up to Nation's Minimum now considering by what Campaign For Navy League On Ambitious Membership Extrn slon Project In Order to Fur ther Valuable Activities. The Navy League of Canada Is Instituting a membership drive in British Columbia with a view to establishing new branches and strengthening existing ones and. with this end in view. Is commencing on November 20 a membership drive which will continue until the end of the year. To set organlzaUon of the local campaign in motion, Tom How-arth,, personnel director of the Burrard Dry Dock Co.. North Vancouver, and provincial organizer of the campaign, and Lome Brown, general manager Club at Vancouver and secre tary of the campaign, were In Prince Rupert yesterday. In connection with the drive for sale of $1 memberships. Mr. Howarth announced that a monster raffle for $19,000 In prizes would be held. The first prize will ,be a specially made sea treasure chest containing negotiable articles to the value of $15,000 (the taking of $15,000 in Victory Bonds being optional with the winner) and there will be other prizes as follows: second. $1,000 Victory Bond; third, $500 Victory Bond; two $250 Victory Bonds, ten $100 Victory Bonds and thirty $50 bonds. CLOTHES RESTRICTED The supply of clothes available for British civilians U about half of what It was before the war. Clothes are strictly rationed and are cut on austerity lines. RECORD IN BOMBS By July. 1043, the British Bomber Command had dropped 12,000 tons of bombs on Eicn. This was the greatest weight of I bombs at that time dropped on any single town n the world. Major Old Land averted a Serious division j methods it can better con-' duct operational control of the njlnes to meet a situation In which an already inadeouate Droduction is faced with th in- taaers of the miners are con- siderlng their position In the light of new concessions, but ihe Prime, Ministers soothlna Rav MicQinO" optimistic opumisuc words words have have api api,r'UJf i'11111 ina Lord Wooltori, Food Minister, Minister, Takes Over British Reconstruction Portfolio. LONDON, Nov. 12 Prime Minister Winston Churchill announces the appointment of Lord Woolton, minister of food, to a newly created portfolio of reconstruction. Woolton, who has made a great success of the food ministry, surmounting problems which seemed almost Insuperable, will make plans for the post-war rebuilding of Oreat Britain. Col. John J. Llewellyn, minis ter at Washington, D.C., will re turn to Britain as -minister of food. Ben Smith, Labor member of Parliament, will succeed Llew ellyn at Washington. 44-4 t Terrace Mad( t Good Victory t Loan Showing " TERRACE, Nov. 12 The Victory Loan was oversub- scribed by the Terrace dis- trict to the extent of 25 per ; cent The quqota was$35,0C0 was 4, takPn ,,n Thu u mm showing as compared with'o the Canadian Legion, com- larently faUed to banish labor's discontent with the pres- I Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Flewin of ent and doubts of the future. IPort Simpson have been ad-Mr. Churchill rejected nation- I vised that their son Charles Ed-alizatlon as impossible without ward (Ted) Flewin, aged 22, is a general election. The miners i reported missing as from No had asked that the present government control of, operar tlons be extended to Include financial control. The Prime Minister piomlsed hat the present degree of con-rol would continue pending a Inal decision by Parliament on the future of the Industry: that men would be drafted for ".he mines; that some miners Ajuld be returned from the fighting, and civil defence forces. What .Miners Ask The miners have asked an ; end of dual control: creater , mechanization: imninvrmpnt nf .QUlpmBnl; raising of the mini- mum wage levels granted last ' from $18.25 to $26.40 for underground work, from $17.16 to $2420 for surface work; better food facilities; a long-term policy for peace involving set hours, government control of the disposal and price of coal, continued minimum wage levels, a guaranteed week, a better compensation scheme, new safety measures, and other concessions. Their Mlneworkers Federation contends that "the Industry as a whole Is suffering from- a number of accumulating factors that cannot be wholly solved so long as ownership of the Indus try remains In private hands." The nations' needs, the Federation said, call for minimum output of 400,000 tons a week. Under conditions existing before the debate the maximum that could be expected was 3,750,000. (The weekly average In the month of September was 3,819,-400 tons, compared with 3,767,-800 In August and 4,076.100 in September. 1942). "With the present manpower of 750,000," the Federation said, MINISTER IS NAMED most places in the prov- tace- other lnterir Plnts io exceed ineir quotas were Pincnl Lake. Smithers, 4 Vanderhopf, Hazelton, Fort i St James and Burns Lake. 4- IV . Q I OH uimDSOn A vember 3 after air operations overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He would have ha.n tii'onftf.ln.n v.irc . nf Ofyp : v. v J - .vy j -o ' this month. He was a naviga- tor. Ambassador Is Canada's First OTTAWA. Nov. 12 CR Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced yesterday an exchange of ambassadors between Canada and the United States. The change makes Hon. Lelghton McCarthy, Canadian minister at Washington, the first Canadian ambassador anywhere. Formerly there had merely been ministerial status. Chinese Victory Bond Campaign A draw for two $50 bonds raffled under the auspices ofj the Chinese Youth Association was held In the Victory Loan; offices. The winning numbers were drawn by the Misses Jackie and Barbara htoore. Winners were J. A. Wood, Vancouver, and Harry Chan, Star Store, Prince Rupert. This draw was the final act In a vigorous campaign put on by the Chinese Youth Association to sell Victory Bonds with Alec Mah as official salesman, other members of the organization assisting. Their canvass contributed In a measure to the i success of the Prince Rupert "producing at the rate of 5 1-3 .'campaign as they made a corn-tons for each person a week an j plete coverage of all ' Chinese additional 85,000 men would be residents In the area. Total bond needed to produce the extra sales by this group .amounted to 450.000 tons weekly." $25,100. Honor of War Dead Remembrance Day Observed With Parade, Service and Placing of Wreaths. With parade, service at the cenotaph and placing of poppy wreaths, solemn tribute was again paid yesterday morning at the armistice hour of 11 o'clock to the glorious dead of the First Great War. Thus .the twenty fifth anniversary of the ending of that war was commemorated on Remembrance Day. The pro- than usual on this occasion and'ff'f",""0" the principal participants were veterans themselves. However, women's organizations were also represented and among the participants in the placing of wreaths was Mayor W. M. Watts as well as the 102nd Battalion, Moose Lodge and Oddfellows. Capt. Grant, post state commander of the American Legion for the State of California, was present and deposited a wreath for his home post of Oakland, Cali- f rornia. ornia. Despite cool and showery wea - tner, there was a fair repre - sentatlon, of the public The parade was led by the splendid naval band of ILM.OS. Chatham. The war veterans, un- !der Dr. R. a Bamford. president prised me bulk of the proces slon In which there were also women of the Legion Auxiliary and the Imperial Order, Daugh - ters ot the Empire. The Veter- ans Included CoL D. B. Martyn,;Were lost area commandant, and Lieut C. V. Evltt rOri-arrtral-t the-eoteplttackwlkluanster. Ui Oecaanja J t where guardians of the stone were members of the three forces j navy, army and air force Major L. A. Morrant, senior area chaDlain. took charee and the proceedings opened with the j singing of "O Canada." In a brief but appropriate ad dress, Major Morrant felt the day was one of commemoration ' J?es fallen but to those who 'were still present "Today.- the chap- ,.i m u. un.. ,, "V" - . ? ! r"i: nuy oi going uiruugn uie auor which was opened by the sacri fices of those who fell and those who suffered." Remembrance Day i tr. toiro or. if tr,iA i significance marking merely an armistice and space between two great conflicts. The Veterans of the last war "had flung a torch which we, thank God, have picked up. May our silence today be dedicated to the task f going through the door they " left open." . .' The singing of the nym)i '6 God Our Help lhuAges'tast" was followed by the!1 laying ;6f wreaths on behalf of various organizations and services. After brief prayer, "The Last Post" and "Reveille" were sounded by Bugler William Ranee and the nroceedlngs closed with the National Anthem and the Bene-tlctlon. Favorable comments were heard on all sides from veterans and others as to the fine music of the Naval Band. PLANES FOR PROTECTION The British Coastal Command engaged in anti-submarine and -envoy duties, had more planes In 1942 than the entire R.AT had in the first year of the war. OLD CALENDAR s March was considered the first month of the year In England until the adoptlqn of the Gregorian calendar In 1752. FIRST IN SOCIAL LAWS The first minimum-wage law was the New Zealand Industrial conciliation and arbitration act Of 1894. 1. LEBANON TROUBLE British Government Announces It Will Not Permit Disorders There. LONDON, Nov. 12 Ot The British government will not permit disorders In Lebanon area, it informed the French Committee of National Liberation Friday in a protest against the arrest of the President Prime Minister and members o! the Lebanon government anJ parliament. There have been serious disorders with much bloodshed, dfficlal informants said the taken. In Lebanon without consultation with no notification to the British authorities. ; Blocking Up Rails iajwiajim, inov. u Koyat A" torce Dumoers inursaay 1 night engaged In operations aimed at blocking Germany's railway communications through i Tance w aiy. me mam at- tack was concentrated on coastal rail centre at Cannes where the blow was. quite heavy and jrclV concentrated. Mosquitoes mad-a three-ply I attack on 'Berlin, Hanover and i the Ruhr. seven bombers and a fighter United Ktates flvln fnr- Tr'i tresses staged a heavy daylight H yesiexaay. f - - n . KncfC fit rfllir A Arw-mnn Turn. (niUCIlllCU, 1 YYU Trustees Open Nominations for candidates or electoral vacancies will 06 neia m ine iy nau on ue cember 13. Date set for the elec tion Is December 16. The seats now held by four aldermen will be open to con- test n the civic election next monui. Aiaerman itooeri mc- Kay, Thomas Elliott, Nora E. Arnold and Tage Sorensen, elec- ted for a one-year term, are v due for retirement unless re- elected. It Is not yet known whether or not they will "choose to run." Two retiring members of the board of school trustees are Clifford G. Ham, and Edward . ' J. Smith, and their attitudes to- W f wanTa return to candidacy for their present posts Is also not known. TRAIN FOR INVASION i LONDON, ff Three Brtti women, wives of Poles, are c dergolng what Is described Polish mltltaiy headquarters "commando training In prepar- i-, ' atlon for the Invasion of Eur- t ope." f 4- 4'4 4 Nazis Wreck Italian Ports LONDON, Nov. 12 Sup- posedly anticipating a large invasion attack on that ' part of the Italian main- 4 land north of Rome, Oer- mans arc scuttllne shim and wrecking docks to block the ports of Leghorn and Pescara. Already much damage has been done by this action. The Germans acted simlIarlyvbefore losing Naples. ' " "l