1 Yes Mom, I'm Warm! j i ft . K H H iM PAOi sec Expert OPTICAL SERVICE K1MOXAS UNDERWEAR PYJAMAS HOSIERY SNOW SUITS PARKAS Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Chart Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand EnrraTlflj VISrr OUU BASEMENT ...ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant In Peoples Store Warm Children's Night Wear Complete stock and varied selection of children's warm winter sleeping wear. Keep them comfortable. Pyjamas in sizes 2 to 14. As usual prices,, that youll find gen erally mean a saving. NOTE We may not have all these items in stock all the time but do have some each month. Mail Orders Promptly Filled n VESTS PANTIES COATS UPERT r EOPLES s jTORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 PAULSEN'S GROCERY CASH AND CARRY SIXTH AVENUE AND DRY DOCK ROAD (Beside Postal Station B) $OW OPEN FOR BUSINESS A full line of Groceries, Produce, Meats and Confectionery. Your Patronage Solicited. Simmons Mattress ALL SIZES BEAUTYREST SLEEP UNIT . $71.00 DEEPSLEEP SLEEP UNIT $61.50 SLUMBER KING SLEEP UNIT $52.50 SIMMONS PILLOWS SLUMBER KING Mixed Goose Feathers. Size 20x26. Per pair - It you lose anything, advertise for it, $11.50 Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) Prince Rupert MEN'S I Working Boots PALMERS "MOOSE HEAD BRAND" 8 inch and G inch. GREB & STERLING .Chrome and Men-'rienite calf with double soles and solid .'throughout. f Priced from $5.50 Shoe findings and arch supports. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" CFPR C1240 Kilocycles) Schedule FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Boston Pops Orchestra 4:30 Music ,in Three-Quarter Time 5:00 Lone Ranger 5:30 Sound off 5:45 O. I. Jive 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Canadian Pattern 6:30 Music Makers 7:00 Aldrich Family 7:30 John Charles Thomas 8:00 Isabelle McEwen Sings 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Round-up 9:00 Frank Morgan and Fanny Brice 9:30 Novelesque 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude lu: 14 Yarns tor Yanks 10:30 Drama from Vancouver 11:00 Closing announcement SATURDAY AJL 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Mornlne Devotions 8:45 Old Timers s:00 Musette Time 9:30 CBC News Hebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Children's Scrapbook 10:30 Hank Yodelling Cowboy 10:45 Music by Herbert 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Guadaljara Trio PL 12:00 Shep Fields 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 L6C News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program1 Resume i:oo Saturday Musicaie 1:30 Rebroadcast John Thomas 2:00 Closing announcement Canadian Legion Backs Ambulance Sum of $350 is Voted to Fund at Meeting Wednesday. At the regular meeting of the Canadian Legion held in the clubroom on Wednesday eve nlng, R. C. Bamford, president, t 4 1 V..I i .11. " - m At Little Norway Tea and Sale A rich satisfying drink, the coffee which thousands enjoy you will too ! Drip or regular grind, in the flavour fresh pack. f i THE DAILT NEWS Autumn Flowers Set Tone for Affair at Home of Mrs. J. Munthe. Decorated with autumn flow ers, the home of Mrs. J. Munthe was the scene of a successful Little Norway tea and sale of home cooking on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Munthe retelved the guests. , Pouring at the tea table which was also embellished wltl1 autumn blooms, were Mrs. J Ivarsen and Mrs. J. Hansen. Thf serviteurs were Mrs. II. Knut sen, Mrs. Peter Lien, and 'Mrs H. Rikvalsen. Mrs. L. Sandvar. Mr. M. Nor- gard, and Mrs. C. Johansen were in charge of the preparation of the food, and in charge of the home cooking table was Mrs. A. Dybhavn and Mrs. O. Wick. -f we Mrs. R. Webber was cashier. Winner of the raffle for a framed picture was Mrs. Mlk). with ticket number 47. Story of C.W.A.C. Career Is Told Lieut. M. U G. Brown, Recruiting Officer for Women's Army. Rotary Sneaker. Lieut. M. L. O. Brown, recruiting officer of the Canadian Women'l Army Corps, was the speaker yesterday at the weekly Chas. ! luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Ckib. She traced in an Interesting manner the carer and experiences of a newly enlisted member of the Women's Army from time of attestation until she became a fully trained member of the force on active service. In addition to Miss Brown other guests at the luncheor were Lieut. M. K. Robinson ?t Kami oops and Tom Howar'a, Lome Brown and W. E.iDrake 1 Vancouver. $h r.. J t n b xti 1 . ln. the chair ai! winner of th new ambulance required for the I certlf lcate tot tne QUeen Funi city w orougm up ana iv was was MacKenzle. felt by the members present that the cause, being a worthy ; one. u snouia De given support. , Kouune ousiness tooK up Accordingly the sum of $250 was most of the evening otherwise voted as a donation to the on Wednesday several new mem-Prince Rupert Ambulance Fund, bers being admitted. FOR YOU Whifflets From The Waterfront v Capt. Tony Martlnusen, representing the Canadian Halibut Fishing Vessel Owners' Association, and George Anderson, the local Deep Sea Fishermen's Onion, will proceed, to Seattle won to attend the annual con-erence with the International Isherles Commission on Novem-er 20. Following the conference vith the Commission, there will e a meeting of halibut boat perators and fishermen as well s dealers with Office of Price dmlnistratlon of the United States and Wartime Prices nad Trade Board of Canada officials on December 6 when fish orices and wartime production emulations will be discussed. Indians in the Prince Rupert irea this fall have been going n for dogflshlng on the most -xtenslve scale yet. A few na-Jve boats tried it out last winter and now a great many more re taking it up. Some of the halibut vessels are also engaged In this line. The dogftih are caught for their livers which are landed at Prince Rupert for the extraction or shipment of the olL SHIPPING ROUTES CLEAR LONDON, O) Clearing of :dlteiranean shipping routes as so speeded surface trans -ortatlon that airmail to Egypt. Typrus, Palestine. Syria. Trans-Jordan and Turkey has been uspended. SAVE ON SHAVES With Minora Blades! ' Minora out)at ordinory doubU-tdgmd tutor ladi. It tt quoit ifcxJ In the low-pric fld. Jtng-PI'f-WaraAjlJl MIDLANDS Thoughtless persons broke into the Navy League salvage depot In Cobourg one day last week and stole bundles of magazines destined to be reading material for Allied seamen. Word was received lost week by Mrs. James Williamson of Cobourg that her husband, Sgt. Wireless Air Gunner Williamson, is missing after air operations over enemy territory. A corvette bearing the name of the town of Cbbourg will be launched at a great lakes po.i on November 8, It was announced recently by the 1I.M.CJ3, Cobourg committee. Sgt. H. T. Ooatew of Cobourg was one of two army sergeants who bought victory bonds a few minutes after they had arrived in Toronto from overseas. TWO SONS CASUALTIES BULAWAYO. 0--FU. Lt. Mel- fill n.l.rt V ..4 , i tnt. uumi M, will J auillfllli j son of Southern Rhodesia's Air Minister, is listed as missing. His twin brother. John, was : killed in Libya in 1941 Mei-,,30,40,50! Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? , Try nmi ThM Tiktot amtutt Maka. mmm. j Un.1ro,TIU i fjlrmm tnmvh-mm.it y Imal l9 r.WK vigor, rll-lilr IW .; lMTMMHrf MM Mlt IV ft Mt MUlWi !.' ' At mi (miimiViiiIvm inii T rV J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon i Chiropractor Weslholme Rooms SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 r.O. Box 511 FKASEK STREET ritlNCE RUPERT TTTTTTTTY V TTTTTTTTTT CLIP THESE COAL TIPS Jt I HOB!! Fragrant and flavourful. A pleasure to drink and to serve. Makes 288 cups to the pound. i Don't Cover Soft Coal When burning -x-It coal or a mixture of soft and hard coal, rake the glowing coals to one , side and add fresh coal at the other, leaving a good Rlowtn? spot to Ignite the gas from the fresh coal. In the umnr Court nf llrltMi f'oliimtila In lrolial In the Mattrr f I lie iliiilnllrallm Ait" anil lu Mallfr of Ihr tMat of Jitlm Patrlik llarrltan, l)r ra.nl. TAKE NOTICE that br ordrr ot II:, iunrr, w. E. 1hr. made on th riort tay of Novtmbw. A.D. 193, I wm 4p5ltttl Admin lotraUir (wiU WW anncxmi of Um Ett of John Pa,trlck JUrrlpin. drcoaW. and all rnrUm havtim claim mta.tnt Ui aAld mtut arc hwby rUlrtd to fumUli mme. properly vrrlfll. to me on or nlxon r flmt day eif Dorombrr. A.n !0 uui u I prup indnbtod to Uu ftate are rrfuirl Ut piy lie amount of thflr IrvdfihUdnf! to me forthwith. I DATED t Prlnc Rupnrt, n.C. thla rirmt Oajf of Novcmhrr. A.D. ; NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdBuntatrator, I Pruice Rprt, B.C. i For FRIDAY Ki OVEMBer AND SATl'RDAY Willi. E HUMAN --.FRANK komkl AY COltlNJ VAN JOHNSON rL' JAW XNKNvDOCOTUY ur... '" HIB I'AAAiii.V-S PARAMOUNT ivt Feature at 1:00, 3 09. 5 ;s - - '. '3 Coming .MondayTue.dar-Wfdr.fv!,. " nnint WAS DICKENS AUTHORITY well-ki ow" v BIRMINGHAM, Eng.. O) - pu.m.. , Thorns Hutton of I l etter, 67. Dkkerw u WE FEATURE - -' A full line of Swift's Premium Mead rat all times. A cmnpTctc and fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetable-. You can get everything you wan -J Community Shopping Centre Pricn R1( SEVENTH AVE. MARKET WW m wwwwww - - - - OU. TO DtPT. WE'RE ALIVE WITH THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS! The curtain rises on our brand wv Ct'-' urijuung jor n ixrieci uiu jor iiu.' j.jh . VARIETY STORE U a rallying ground f : J to be stampeded Into random mirrhasc II that ore right for glft-glvers. Rlgh .a t,-. In value . . . Right In price! For year; THE STORE has brought happlncM and rhrrr i of Prince Rupert's home. Why not ad p' your guiding spirit? You'll save m "fir. wear and tear on your disposition' Wood Fuel Coal miners are out on rat The Variety Store 1 ! I we have no idea when wc cu-delivery of coal but wc can & immediate delivery on wooa Phone your order for your rcRiilar fuel dealer. Wood orders must be P3id before delivery is made. ALBERT & McCAFFERY IIP. PHONE 110 and 117 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiaa Early Ad. Cow is Avpr V car