K1 NOVEMBER 12. 1943 r. LEO OYER th Chm Decorating nd raprrhantlnr Nj SGI lUtrdrn St. CLEANED HWHYMAN HOME SKHVICE Black 7S5 Sfttnth Are. West "-UK THE TOILER Try a Results. WIN BUT nOWT SAY SHE J like a Buck private VMOULD RE AM 1MKULT 1 - Itm. &itf. jifiv r)t rffn oveK PUREX NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Aay From Home Kate 5c up 59 ItiMiniv Hot and Cold Water Prince Huprrt. II.C. rRone mi r.o. nx i9 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT City of Prince Kuperl NOTICE A Court of Revision to 2 i correct and revise the the Municipal Voters' List will be held in the Council 4 Chamber. City Hall, Fulton 2 Street. Prince Rupert. DC, i on Monday. November 15th, H 1043. at 10 a.m. 11. D. THAW, c iv cierx. Want-Ad for Quick 0 id .... TTr ' OVfi KANfi IMNO HOP KKF. H Mr M KY HOUSE a,.m. la l:J0 t.nu wviijr is p.m. U 1:31 a.m. lid ftrfra V m m l:J a.m. fhne Red t7 CALL . . J Meatless Days Tuesday and Friday are meatless days. See our local bill of fare. They wish to induet us In eat- less ways, And we meekly accept dare. llut when these dayt are effective. Yon get such a crave for meat, H would need a smart detective, To try and locate pigs' feet. Omelette and eRgs and Ilth, Alternate them twice a week. Three meals of this ghastly dish, In our restaurant you seek. For ladles who wish reducing, Tills diet may be O.K. But It's surely not Inducing The end of a perfect day. The time Is drawing nearer, To another dawn of dread. Lrt us fortify our system, With an extra loaf of bread. S. F. Stevenson. MOW USfl LET'S- V-IATL: A j sup's QOVocyy MAV her pro- ;TyS MOTION 'S? C J1 ! V f V 1 i . 1 S W I IM IIM I I SWIVEL NECK! 1" I . -rwtJUDY WK I NAlOMDER IF iHlSOMb IS . t rr; yx yj mim i i il a iii'sjiim i.tk iimi i I 1VA J a mi A H U ssssssssji ISSSSSSSSM T M I f- ' A 'II I i i m t . i a 1 lit. r t i v v" ii mi r l J T I ' Tire DAILY TEW8 PAGE FTVE J; The Experts Say Sport Chat - - - A modern Sampson who the unhappy Biblical precedent, Arthur Danahar relaxed (or a hat; cut between rounds of a welterweight bout with Van-; couver's Sonny Jones then raced to an easy points victory in London. The young Irish Guard's sergeant was having plenty cf trouble with Sonny in their eight-round contest at London's Queensberry Club un--il m the Interval alter the sixth round he had a fringe of hair sheared. It had been falling over his eye and bothering a small forehead cut The effect was immediate. Danahar floored Sonny for an eight-count in the seventh round and punched him all over the ring in the final three minutes. Sonny, a veteran who put up some fine performances In this country before the war and reentry returned as a Canadian Army private, fought back like the old campaigner he is and show ed a dangerous left hook. In Danahar, he was opposing one j of the best welterweights in i Britain. Peter Kane, one-lime world flyweight champion, gained his second victory in three days with a triumph over Sammy Reynolds of Wolverhampton that headed the Queensberry card. Reynolds, challenger for the world title now held by Olasgow's Jackie Paterson, re-i v: aled little form that would suggest championship possibilities. Intent on a comeback, the 25-year-old Kane wants a I rematch with Paterson. hard- I hitting wee lad who knocked I ifcim out in Just 61 seconds last J ' ' June to take the world title as recognized by the New York , Bjxing Board of CoiUral. Previous to the Reynolds bout. Kane kayoed Johnny Summers ( Edinburgh at Bristol In 90 vonds. It was the first figlv. for the Royal Air Force sergeant physical ttalnlng instructor since he ran into Paterson'! litis. Against Reynolds, the ring s rise Kane wasted few punches but his defence was by no means perfect and In the sir3 round of the eight-round af fair his mouth and eye were cu slightly. 8gt. Rod MacDonaM of Edmonton, who won the 1943 British and Canadian Armies middleweight boxing champion- the1 strip, lost on a referee's'casUng I vote to a former Utleholder over six rounds at a charity match In London's Queensberry Olub. MacDonald kept pace in the punching depa'tment with SiTt. R. Thomas, British Army middleweight king two years ago, but persisted in clinching The Canadian previously lost a decision in the same ring to Thomas, Amateur Boxing Association welterweight champ. ' The biggest threat of the moment on the British profess For Mutual Benefit t Health and Accident See JOHN U WRIC.HT rhone 741 Pioneer Rooms No. C WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE AltMY! TIL HE. THERE'S UYES,MACl SOME THIMQ MORE IMPORTAMTl TVWN BECOMING, A CLASS PRIVATE mt HOT DESSERTS With "colder I days at hand hot desserts are Increasing In popularity and a new recipe for Apple Upside-! down. Cake comes from the testing kitchens of the consumer section of the Depart ment of Agriculture to add a fillip to the dally menu. To make six servings melt three tablespoons of butter In a baking dish, add one-third cup brown sugar and cook together two or three minutes. Pwl and core three apples and cut them In half to make, six thick rings. Spread the butter and sugar mlxtuie evenly over Ihe bottom of the baking dish and arrange the apple rings oil top. t Now cream one-quarter cup clarified dripping or mild-flav ored fat with three tablespoons of sugar. Add one well-beaten egg and one-third cup, molasses ana beat thoroughly. Silt to- lather SHAVING CREAM size tube 7;4i$K mi ft r i mmnmm BSSSSMf 4 1 srHsssssssssssssssssssssi MR Mix) by fh woflcTl Uodinj xptrfi in (having comfort tfw maktn cf Blut Offer Modes. By Wcstovcr 1 NF Vf-R CAN REST NOW TILV. 1 BECOME A CORPORAU 1 ILUE, VME1RE Q1VIMG YOU THIS PRESENT IM HONOR OF J MXJR PRO-IJVlViY, IT'S MOTION 1 (LINIMENT I I i ,i i f IT I . I I I SURE FOR NOUR NECK VJHEN IT SETS LAME R50M TVAllSTIMd IT TQ L.OOK AT THOSE STRIPE half teaspoon cinnamon. After the dry Ingredients have been added, quickly mix lri one-third cup boiling water and spread the batter over the apples. Bake lr. a moderate oven, 323 degrees F. Jxmt 40 minutes. IT AM A VEGETABLES Marlon Harlow of nutrition services tells us that housewives t czn make a sound health In- I vestment and delight their hun- J grr families by taking advan I tag of the yellow and green I vegetables which are rich m vitamin A. Carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and turnip, among tht yellow vegetables, and spin ach, cabbage, brussels sprouts and broccoli among the green, ae all rich In the vitamin, which, unlike most vitamins, can be stored in the body. This I vitamin "bank" helps keep the membranes oi the nose and gether and add one cup pastry throat healthy and so ward off flour, one teaspoon baking I and other similar Infec-powder. one-half teaspoon bak- ' tlons. lng soda, one-eighth teaspoon salt, one teaspoon ginger, one- BACK IN CIRCULATION , . Good news about Uie recondi- ' tionlng of woollens comes from lonal fight mart Is Len Davles, the consumer branch of the a Swansea featherweight who Prices Board which offers sug-has taken decisions from three gestlons for lepalring them, champions in non-title bouts. Worn, torn or frayed woollen The feat rocketed tht Welsh- clothes stand a better chance man from comparative obs- of being put back, into clrcula-eurtty to top-line ranking. , Uon than clothes of any other Davles has recently defeated Jackie Paterson, world fly weight champion. Nel Tarreton, British and Empire featherweight champion and Jim Brady. Empire bantamweight king. "To Qukkly SoUefc Toughest Beards - We Gillette material. Consumer branch experts say tears can be almost concealed by running stitches back and fcrth with the weave, regardless of the direction of the tear. Ordinary adhesive tape, pressed on with a cold or barely-warm Iron will .do a good sticking Job on two torn edges brought are-fully together. Tiny holes or threadbare spots can be darned or reinforced by ravelling threads from the un-derseams and weaving them back and forth. If the elbows (jir.e worn and you cant restyle me gaxmeni wiin comrasuni? '.sleeves, knitted sleeves of the same color are both smart and practical CiEW MENDING . TAPE A new resin-treated material can be used to mend materials other than woollens, while they are being Ironed, says the consumer branch. Cut to fit, this mending tape, can be placed under the tear or worn spot, pressed for a few seconds with a hot iron and the Job's done. For patching heavy material, such as trousers or raincoats. It Is suggested that a matching piece be taken from a concealed pare of the garment and then set In with the tape. NOT SECULAR SUBJECT 1 DEAL, Eng., g The Archbishop of Canterbury, pleaching at St. George's Church, stated that religious education should not be regarded as a secular subject, but should be closely related to all the Divine preachings of the Bible. I SKEEMA MOTOR I 4 G. L. Brookes, Mgr. 21-Hour Taxi Service I Trucking of all kinds i Bus Service to Airport Special Charter Free Parcel Checking Room Public Waiting and Rest Rooms for Men and Women P.O. Box 101, Terrace GOLD SEAL re Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Ilerrlng In Tomato Sauce are both on acth't service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. t3 No one has seen the 4 Rumor Roach ... but you will meet many victims of its deadly bite. They are the people who whisner" sensational inffirtrintiri, u m M i. m a -. a m 9 m - u U " m a i of a confidential nature. Tlie'y may ' s 2 tell you of flagrant stein high' places ... of the Incompetency of our military leaders . . . anything reflecting on the efficiency of the war effort nnd the sincerity of the Mar aims of one or all of the United Nations. There Is only one way to help these victims of the Rumor Ji-h' Roach. Put them on the spotJtAjsk them the source of their information. - INIake them confess that it's Very shaky; then tell them how serious may he the consequences , of their rumor-mongering. They'll feel pretty small . . . and the smaller you make them feel, the more likely you are to work a cure. BREWING COMPANy LIMITED 1-A ml MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have & complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion The Answer to the Coal Shortage is wonn ci i ci 2 4 -m - 0 9 m Arrange to see your Dealer today. I iJenvenes may be delayed, by snow, so order early. Wood must be paid for before Delivery. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. I k si n : 1