1-ESDAY MAY 25, 1943 THE DAILY IfEWS PAGE FIVE ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY fiAKUUTT The Hostess The Veterans' Guard have asked e if I can locate an old fashioned .ringer for them. They think scfme-L with an electric washer might Le cheir outmoded one in some brner of the basement or attic and Ly would like to. buy it if it is at j; workable. The men in the servt-is have vei y serious laundry proems and are trying to solve them doing weir own ana geiung various pieces of laundry equip, ment together so anything the people of Prince Rupertcan do to help would be very .greatly appreciated The "Y- entertained the children of Borden Street School at a Saturday morning kiddies' show. It Is planned later to have the people of other schools in to morning performances. An army unit dance was held at the Empress Y Hall last night. Junior hostesses turned out to help make this a real success. Y.W.C.A. chaperones were Mis. Laura Mitchell and Mrs. B. J. Smith, representing the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Johnston., our Y.W.OA. hospital visitor, reports three new babies in the hospital, and each one iepresenting a different service. Here they are: Navy to Leading Quality Groceries Fresh Vegetables Cooked Meats Confectionery Cigarettes Tobaccos MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18-10 "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box r7r I mmmamm warn Seaman and Mrs. Croxford on May 21, a little girl, Joan Hilda; Army to Sergeant and Mrs. Bob Houston, R.C.A., an eight pound boy, Donald George, born May 19; Ar Force to L. A. C. and Mrs. Aniaony Smith on May 15, an eight pound, 3 oz., boy named David Anthony. Congiat-ulations all you proud parents. Friday night sees another of the regular monthly chiefs' and petty offcers' dances at the Empress Y Hall, junior Hostesses are cordially invited to attend and Y. W. C. A. chaperones, names to be given later will be in attendance. These dance3 are well planned and well conducted and a source of much pleasure. infant Clinics Proving Useful Infant and pre-school age children clinics being held weekly by the local Public Health Uult at King Edward and Seal dove Schols continue to be taken full advantage of. The attendance at King Edward School last week was about' forty and a. Seal Cove, some twenty-five. Dr. R. J..MacDonald is being assisted at King 'Edward by Miss Elizabeth Ochs R. N. and at Seal i ove by Miss Eleanor Graham R. N. m . ao home- SP"" b,tS and i" ' otU that a" V to heat . it ,vith a V might find it .hcy.- ing as fast ?fZJ?2 -niay uvc ru 1 They income" CeSfflS CONCERT IS FINE Strictly Instrumental Was Army Show Sunday Nite (By Dorothy Garbutt) Strctly instrumental was the concert for uie troops jn Ounday night at the Capitol. Two first class bands alterna:et with Froressor McLel-land's quizz teams in making the conceit really entertalng. Cleaver Wilson, as master of ceremonies, introduced the various acts and contributed a number of clever en-tre-actsr himself. rtay Proverb's Swing Septette opened the program with "China Boy" and "Stardust,,' the latter featuring Freddie Gustinl and hb trumpet. This group of seven is really smooth and the boys couldn't have enough of them. The Quiz Contest was between the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Americans and comprised two teams of three men each. The Americans won, the scores being 110 for the Americans and 100 for the Air Force. The "stunt" which followed was a gum chewing one. Each man wa. vv. given a long piece of . string to which was tied a stick of gum. The one who chewed up the string and had the gum in his mouth first was the winner. Their efforts were comical and caused no end of laughter. xjrryc THERE IS NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST LIKE OLD CHUM of this i. vetches actoss the matcrials of race they 1 y . rkh the mcn . (Vredom. Dominiov jylivemft .var.sothatanrf" hours J of Twentrfour an army . ' rolling, driven oy t wheels . s scrving , oVCCX50,000:voefront andthe fronts . fr- ord, fighting ;:forM,tanUsor troop, WhCthCr lett letter to yo- ir 0c just yoi "For well nigh 40 years I've been selling you Old Chum" 3? OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality One of the ships In port sent a quartette of land3 known as the "Three and a-Half Eaiis of Fi;e" to entertain the boys. This Was an evidence of co-operation which the other ships m!ht follow. These mi boys, under the direction of Glenn Harlow on the banjo, were Chick Wlebe at the piano, Art Ralph and his accordion and Larry Shlbleckt on the guitar. Their first number was a fast moving "Strip Polka" followed by "Our Ship's Lament." The tune of "Texas In My Walk" and the words by Glenn Harlow had a strictly local and topical theme. Freddie Gustinl, who helps out with the Prinw Rupert Area Orchestra at the Wednesday "Y" dances, played solo numbers on his trumpet, "Home" and "Dinah". Freddie's music is sweet and lovely and he was called back repeatedly. Next to entertain was Chick WJ-cbe, the pianist of the "Three and n-Ha!f Ball of Fire" the Minesweeper Maestro in a Medley of popular songs. For his encore he gave an interpretation of "Stardust". Closing the program was Ray Proverb's Swing Septette In "My j Blue Heaven" and their well known I theme song "Mine All Mine". Eastern Star Dance Enjoyed Two Hundred Persons in Attendance at Deli'litful Affair Last Night The M.ironlc Temple .banquet iall was the scene of a delightful "nnce Fridv ni?hf bv Bel'st Chap. r. Order of the Eastern Star. Excellent music was furnished by Mrs. Jean de Carlo's orchestra and G. J. Dawes was master of ceremonies, Delicious refreshments were served at midnight. Mrs. J. G. Ganet, the worthy matron, was in general charge of the affair. KWONO SANG I1ING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Nest to Kins Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All jour patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 ajn. Phone Ked 247 J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms I 1 .TW SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Frlnce Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568