B ft R ft ft ft & ft a M ft M 9 y v V6 y y y y y y .2 ft ft 7X page pout: lamoits for flavour since 1892 the 'Salada' name assures you of a uniform blend of quality teas. KM 111 U AH ALnun TEA Shop at Wallace's For Your Xmas Requirements A Few Suggestions from our Extensive Stock. HOUSE COATS Chenille, Quilted Satin and Bengalines HANKIES Boxed or individual 8.75 t0 17 50 ...35' 150 GLOVES Kid lined or to T Tfl 3 unlined and fabric Z.Ju Jj HANDBAGS i ffl to f IU.JU A TQ 3 a pleasing variety Fancy SCARVES and ( to 0 1C HEADSQUARES .07 J.IJ J TABLE CLOTHS and r Qr to n Tfl NAPKINS in sets J.J J PILLOW SLIPS Boxed ...4 1.75 10 3.50 ! Vanity Sets, Runners and Squares and 1 Cushion Tops, to LtLJ BRIDGE SETS a variety of styles, set. . r , BOXED STATIONERY All Stores and Local Industries. 1.50 ,0 4.75 .39 10 2.75 Men's Ties, Scarves, Suspenders, Shaving Sets, 3 Gloves and Handkerchiefs 2 Christmas Cards boxed or individual Christmas Wrapping and Ribbons PHONE 3rd and Fulton jj a - - - - - ... m . . v. iauv. iiiu VJ. u Victory rested on British banner that day Nelson died. iue name 01 viueneuve is little known the world short memory for losers. Support the Navy League Drive. See our large stock of Mirrors Just Arrived. Phone "75 AND ALTERATIONS 737 Washington Block, I 2nd Ave., Apartment has 327 3rd Avenue r: jn it inxsTj it Fresh Local Raw and 5 Pasteurized MILK I VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE - READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA PIac6 an Ad in Th6 Dally NewsIt Pays Miss Dorothy Creech returned :o the city yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Douglas Frtziell returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver ami Seattle. R. W. Sinclair, manager of Inverness cannery, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Victoria enroute to the Skeena River. Oapt. Dan MeKlnnon and Capt. MacKay, well known coast pilots, arrived in the city yes- j terday from Vancouver. Charle5 ?raham. Inspector of mines, returned to the city yes terday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. James L. Lee, local manager of Atlin Fisheries, returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Russell Solloway, well known Vancouver shipping man, is a business visitor in the city, having arrived from the south yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Knight of Vancouver arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from the south for a visit here with Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Second Avenue. Westview. G. A. McMillan, manager of Canadian National Coast Steamships, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver for a brief visit here on official business. H. V. Moorehouse, district manager for B. C. Packers with headquarters at Namu, came north from Vancouver to Ocean Falls on Tuesday, being enroute U) his cannery. . , Mrs. C. H. Orme arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from Victoria and will be here for some time, taking up residence in the Waldron Parker S. Bonney, logging superintendent for Pacific Mills and former district forester here, was In the city yesterday Tternoon going through from Ocean Falls to Ketchikan on impany business. Petty Officer and Mrs. Ron aid Davidson are, leavlng-ito-night for Victoria to .which point Petty Officer Davidson has been transferred In the naval service. Mrs. Davidson Is the former Miss Kay O'Neill of the Dally News staff. Leonard Chatwln of the National Film Board arrivH in fh A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. 'ZZTZ OSTZ E "A Good Place to Buy" ADMIRAL VILLENEUVE WHO WAS HE? He and Lord Nelson met on October 21, 1805, to fight the Battle of Trafalgar. Kelson' Mam ! a hmiuhnM arrangements for the showing reeularly to local Industrial workers of National Film Board pictures on current topics largely having to do with the war III the "unrrm fowl n' ItrltMi Columbia In I'rnlialr In III Mattrr o I he - tilmlnMriitlup Art- anil In the Mil f r -f t- (Mate nf Uthur NorilluiKl. irr.ivf TAKE NOTICE :bf. 'Mr cf Ills HrTr. W. E. Fl-ber made on 'H 23rd day or November. AD ' I wa rxttel Admlnhitra-:r at the Eta,t of Arthur Nord-'und. drceawd. and all partita ha-"i? rttn aalMt the mid estate re herrtjy required to furnWi same rcp-rly verified, too me on of about h 23rd dr 'f Dnber. A D. 1143, id all pirtl-a Indebted to itie E-.e are required to fJ the amount 'heir tndtitedneM to me forth -v"l. DATED at Prince Rupert. DC t)il 23rd diy rt November. AD. 1943 NORMAN A. WATT OtflchU AdmlnMraitor Prince Rupert, BC. J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms KWONfl SANG HINfl HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Neit to Klnt Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All vour patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outdlde Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 '-- TIES DAILT IIKW8 'l I.OPAI. NEWS NOTPQ I R. O. Vandereluys returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Vancouver. Richard Knox, representing Lloyd's, marine underwriters, and former well known chief engineer of Canadian National Coast Steamships, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver for a brief visit on official business. Ernest EUlott, formerly with the Canadian National Railways dty ticket office here and now located at Saskatoon, was here yesterday afternoon with his bride, being on their honeymoon trip following their recent marriage In Vancouver. SOUTH AFRICA BUSY CAPE TOWN. OV During three years of war South Africa manufactured 7,000,000 pairs of boots and shoes for the forces and 100,000.000 pounds of army rations, accoiding to Director-General of Supplied van tier BjL TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Modern 5-rqomed house with two large attic rooms situate at 644 7th Ave. East Convenient to school Immediate possession. Price $1,800 cash. Norman A. Watt. Official Administrator. tf Chest Colds To Relieve Misery Rob on Tested WICKS WVapoRub FOR SALE "Foos" Perform Dangerous Jobs WITH THE EIGHTH ARMY IN ITALY. Nov. 3$ a Silly as it may sound, there are officers with the Canadian In Italy who are performing serious and Important work though they are known amonc Uw troops as "foos." Every unit, In telling about one operation or another. Invariably mention "foot" or u Too" who has performed a vital Job effectively despite hai-ardi. -Poo" Is short for Forward Observation Officer, a man who operates well forward, often exposed to enemy fire and from observation posts report results of arUMery fire back to the guns. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS LOCAL TRAIN SKKVICK Retwccn Terrace and Prince Rupert Present service will be t maintained to Nov. 30th. 1 after which service will be I as loiiows: Iave Trinre Hanert " Monday, ' , Thunday, ' 4 p.m. Sunday. nday. Wednesday, Iiday t Arrive Prince Rupert I I II 30 a.m. Men day, Tues- day, Thursday, Friday. a Saturday. telephone orders Rate 2c per word per FOR SALB--Tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of December 27th. 1943 for purchase of Lot 9. Block 18, AUln Tbwnsite for cash. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George II. HaJfett.' Official Administrator, Atlfn, B.C. (234) FOR SALE Skis, best quality. little used. Phone Black R86 evenings. (277) FOR SALE 14 ft. outboard boat with 14 h.p Johnson Seahorse: $300.00 cash; 12 gauge Oeha bolt-action shotgun, $30.00 cash; 29 Studebaker President 8. Phone Black 335 from 7-9 pjn. (277) FOR SALE Electric gramophone and records. Practically new. Apply No. 4 Staff House. (278) FOR SALE One electric washing machine. Apply Charlie, 235 Taxi, ' (tf) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT By Air Force officer and" wife, small furnished apartment, suite or room. Please telephone Mrs. Pallas, Oreen 830. WANTED TO RENT Furnished house or rooms on Dlgby Island. Best references. Box 620 Dally News. (280) WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-room furnished o r unfurnished house or apartment by someone who, having been a landlord, appreciates the value of a good tenant. Phone 455 Local 40 days or Black 528 evenings. (279) For Mutual Benefit j Health and Accident acc JUII.-X I WKKilll A rhone 711 rioneer Rooms No. 6 .ANNOUNCEMENT The Norwejlan VJce-Consulate has now been taken over by DR. JENS SIUNTHE, Room 15 -16, ISesner Block. Advertise In the Dally News. WANTED WANTED, urgently Sleeping room for single girl. Apply Box 623 Dally News. 1275) WANTED Room and board for couple wtth baby. Phone Midland Exchange. 275 WANTED Room and board for single man. Close in. Phone 263, Mr. McDonnell. (275) $25 REWARD for finder of small furnished or unfurnished house, civilians. No children. Apply Box 605 Dally News. (280) WANTED To buy shack at SaK Lake" 'if any for sale. Apply Box 625 Dally New. 1276) WANTED Duplies ter or mimeographing machine. Phone Black 183 or Oreen 917. (277) ROQM, furnlahed or unfurnished. Apply Box 627 Dally News (276) URGENTLY NEEDED by end of wonts, housekeeping or sleeping room. Willing to help In home or mind children In return. Phone Oreen 800 or write Box 624 Dally News. (276) HELP WANTED HOTEL requires housekeeper. Prince Rupert resident preferred. Oood wages and good accommodations. Apply National Selective Service AP. 100. (280) FOUND FOUND Man's gold wrlstwatch at Seal Cove. Initials on back. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News nnrf paying for this advertisement. FOUND White crepe scarf. Owner can have same by calling at Datly News and paying for this advertisement, (280) PERSONAL 'JErr for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold DAY NURSERY Reasonable rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue East. (280) WILL person who owns piano left In house I recently purchased please claim same and remove? Unless claimed within a week from this date the in-strument will be sold for expenses. C, Creamer, 1010 Eighth Avenue. East, Situation Critical In 1940 Says M.P. PEHIVALE. ddl-sex. Nov. 25. Oeorge Tomlinson, ptir Uamentary secretary to tfe ministry of tabor, didn't believe In 1&40 that Britain could hold out for longer than six months. He formed that opinion, and he was not alone in hoktlng It, he told a meeting here, when he joined the government In 1940 and heard from the InaMe the facta of the national Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Dry Dock Bmpkyee' Association Dance. Friday Nov. -M. Aristocrat's 12-peoe orchestra. St. Ptter'a Fall Dataar. Nov. 25. , L.O.B.A. Dance. Nov. . Odd I fellows' Hall, 9:30-1:00. Jean de Carlo's Orchestra, netreahnynta. Valhalla Invitation Dance, November 24. OddfeMkwa' IlaQ, Dancinf from 9:30 to 2. United Church Dataar 2nd. Nureea r"aU Daaee Dee. 3 Oddfellow Hall. Lutheran Tea and Sale of Home Oooktaft. Saturday, Dot. 4. C.C.F. Dante Oddfellow' HtlL Dec. 10. De Carlo's 'orcheatra. Harold U1nh,C.C.F, MJA Capitol Theatre, Sunday. De.1 5. Meeting 12 noon. Vote solid Labor Dec IMto. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable In adranre at the Office No Iniertion. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE rubllc Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace ntok rhone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better CleanlniT Authorized "FLILXrOUM" SERVICE Shapes I)re.ves Without Guesses Waterprrmting a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 8S8 Mall Orders Hot 93 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all 1U branches 206 4th St. phone 653 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' it Men's Made-to-Mcasure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITH & ELK INS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. rhone 171 P.O. Box 271 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. P. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 riggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.P. LODGE NO. 63 rrf7s, meets 2nd and t- 5 4thTuesdaya every month at 8 p.m. Dally News Advertising Brlngj Results. I 1 1 Miiiiir a COOLER DAyT I . Suggest ; JANTZEN I tfM 1 St- m 5 Wt ATE it njar5 ... . ;-s-1 n & a t K? mttfrPAMM " - ;v led h J, 1 W.'AiWmL32.- S3t Third Ave. .MEN'S I-TLL ZIPPER JANTZEN SWEATEKS In9hMlof of Rrown, (irwn, Blue and Maroon, ALL SIZES IN STOCK. $5-9 Others from $2.9.) to $9.93 O Wh I VV HI IS A IN ( KPlMl .MlVS and BOVS CIOTIIIFM .ii:ii.ii ii:u 11:11:11:11 ii ii n u u b M r w y i a-' v i if f if rifi. iinn. Ocautiful P - BY a m mm m m a tl iiiauvi gANNETTE POWEL VS PPAIITV SHfiPP w a. t- 0 1 1 'CZ, '"1 M'rft l.UMM from rM"iiirri -" MORE - CHRISTMAS ' CARDS 1 t I t .-L-nrlmPUt1 in racuanes and iio.mu " . 10 Bright Xmas Cards 18 Bright Xmas Cards 15 Cards Holiday Assortment 12 Cards Edgar Guest Assortment ; 12 Cards Sentinels of Empire . 12 Cards Guardians of Empire 12 Cards Fighter Planes anil Bomber, 12 Cards Outstanding Dogs . tmcnt JU Villll ijvviiiii . COUTTS CANADIAN CAH' . n!lif i Ti T l A.l.,n,.Hen n The f,lV II. I.I UN III lUVL'l Lioi; ---- .