; t i 5 t M B M 1 I PAGE SIX Tin daily ktwb Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Chart; Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, nand Enrrarlng VISIT OCR BASEMENT ..ORE for Fine Chlnm, Dlnnerwarc, Glasses, Bagtage and Xorelties MAX HEILBRONER , Jeweler Diamond Merchant There's Style Children's Wear at The Peoples Store Coats Dresses Underwear Hosiery Hats . Blazers Night Wear Sweaters Skirts Blouses BABY'S WEAR, TOO Mail Orders Promptly Filled j Rupert Peoples Store ? "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone ULUE 907 PAULSEN'S GROCERY CASH AND CARRY SIXTH AVENUE AND DRY DOCK ROAD (Beside Postal Station B) NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS A full line of Groceries, Produce. Meats and Confectionery. Your Patronage Solicited. FURNITURE 9-picce Walnut Dining Room Suite Rich looking, which will give years of good service. Suite includes Buffet, Corner China Cabinet, Extension Table, and Six Chairs. 9 pieces $U.8.00 Natural Dinette Suite Buffet with- ample space for display and storage of dishes, cutlery, etc. Extension Table and Four Chairs with red upholstered leatherette seats. 6 pieces , $87.,"o Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) Prince Rupert, MEN'S Worl ing Boots - PALMERS "MOOSE HEAD BRAND" 8 inch and 6 inch. GREB & STERLING Chrome and Men- nenite calf with double soles and solid throughout. Priced from $5.50 Shoe findings and arch supports. Family Shoe Store Ltd. 'The Home of Good Shoes" v" U you lose anything, advertise for it, I CFPR (1218 Kilocycles) Schedule THURSDAY lM. 4:00 Sound Off 4:1S-G. I. Jive 4:30 Ray Kinney's Orchestra 5:00 Caravan 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Air Command 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Sports Interviews 6:30 We Shall Have Music 7:00 Major Bowes 7:30 Blng Crosby 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 On Night Stand 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30 Classics for Today 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time 10:30 Great Music 11:45 Band Wagon 11:00 Closlne announcement FRIDAY .A-M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clook 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Novelty Tunes :w jimmy cash 9:15 Music a la Carter 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Henry Klns'j Orchestra 10:30 Hill Billy Music 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Troubadors 12:00 Wayne King's Orchestra im. 12:30 Snotllght Bands 12:45 CBC News . 12:50 Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 Blng Crosby Rebroadcast 1 :30 National newscast 2 00--Closing announcement HEROIC BANDSMEN LONDON. O Royal Marine bandsmen, many of whom man gunnery control systems on warships, have won three D. S. M.'s, cne B.E.M. and 14 members have been mentioned In dispatches. Nearly 200 have lost their lives, Including 17 GOLJHEAL Fancy Red Sockeye figgS?! Salmon and U IMA 1LM. Ml Herrlag tn Tomato are both on acth'c service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit TTffTTVTTf f f f yfVTTTTTyvT Trappers Don't be foolish and jour Furs on the Waterfront to buyers who are getting big commissions. Goldbloom can pay 30 per cent more than anyone else as a result of finding the best markets when in Montreal and New York. SEE GOLDBLOOM FIRST 1 AAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAa In the Htiprcnic Court f Hrltlnh Columbia In Itobatf In llif .Matter of tlir "AdmlnMrallon let" and In the Matter of the ltate of liarlr Merman, llrieaoetl TAKE NOTICE that toy Order of His Honor Jurl Pihr fo.t t, ....... of the 8uprme Court of Brttu i w on Oie 22nd. day of Novenrber. AX. 1943. appolndtd Administrator of Che EMtate of unariM Merman, formerly of Terrace, British Oolumtola, dcceaned, who died on or bout the 9th y of June. A D. 1943. All pernor IndeWed to itihe nald EhU are required to pay the amount of their Indebted-net to me forthwXh and aU per-Kru having claims agalnxt the mid EHtate are required to file ithem wth me properly verified on or before the 31t. day of December, A D. 1943, flUng -which dtotrltrjtlon will be rnnoe naring rryard o-'y j mr.h claims of whU4 I utuit tu. i-. notified. . DATED at Prince Rupert. BXJ, thU 22nd, day of November, 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Aialawtrator. Pnaca Ruptrt, B.c TEA Buy ike Vactcaqem witk ike SlueXtMoK "on it Estop yttr V BLUE RIBBON VcOflPOHShf JUMPS Partially Repays Debt to Surgery LONDON, Nov. 25 0 Fifteen years ago W. H. Collins, British industrialist, was dangerously III Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson operated on him three time ana saved his life "a deot that 1 ca never fully repay" in Collins' words. Today Sir All red Webb- Johnson Is president of the Royal College of Surgeons. In pari repayment of hU "debt" Collins has given $900,000 -to the college to endow two medical professorships. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT I heard of Prince Rupert's own CWAC. Phyllis Hamblln, the other day. She Is now attached to the R.C.O.C. In Vlc-:orla and Is In the motor transport section doing practically the same work that she did up here with the B.C. Bridge and Dredging Co. She says Iter nick-lame down there Is "The Qrem-l;n." She is living out on subsistence and likes It. She Is still entertaining the troop and goes out with the Y concert parties in the evenings. While doing this she has met Jean Melvln's sister who also does concert work. So our Phyllis Is getting around and spreading sweeU ness and light in her own way. I also had an cirgraph from ter overseas and he replied on November 3, I his letter reaching here Nov- rmber 20. The remarkable ' hlng Is thnt my letter took seventeen days by ordinary post 3 reach him and his took sev-n,een days to reach me by alr-nph. Ho vems well and happy r.d says that he expects to be a much warmer climate" v he time It reaches me. so I uesa he's over in Italy by now. tie went ud to London on leave and visited a nel-hbor of mine in Harrow. He promised to be on his best behaviour. This Is not the week for the Highway dance so all the girls will have to rest up and be in good form for the iN'avy dance on Friday. The dance orchestra reaHy promises to go to town, housh they also said they wiM put In one or two "sweet" i umbers, mainly I think be cause a certain WD' ould like to hear them. J We now hate an large B.C. D!6tory Jdek. It has all the principal towns of British Columbia listed. Oh sure. Prince Ruperfs there, bft as life. And like all persons I immediately looked up my own name and found It In there not only once but wice My my and again, my? A rich satisfying drink. the coifee which thousands enjoy -you will too! Drip or regular grind, inthe ffavourvfrcsh pack. t t FOR YOU -,,ramnr"TrlaaW FILM IS TOPICAL Stirring romance and b" llevable drama have been deftly blended and brought to the screen in "Hers to Hold" which comes to the screen of the Cap! tol Theatre here this Friday and Saturday with Deanna Durb: i and Joseph Cotten co-starred with Charles Wlnnlnger. Evelyn Ankers and Ous Schilling in principal supporting roles. In a logically timely stor. Deanna appears as a, debutante who goes to work in a war industry and finds romance as well as the satisfaction of st-ryu.-' her country. Cotten portrays an Army flyer whose loyalty to the service very nearly thwarts his devotion to the girl he must leave behind. Climatic so-., quences, It Is said, have more serious dramatic depth than any picture In which Miss Dur bin has previously appeared Particularly Interesting are realistic scenes photographed , Claude Wllklns. stationed for alie a great California aircraft 'two years In Prince Rupert. On manufaeturlnir ,niant . sw-i October 12 I wrote him a let- section, of the great entrrpnw v, uium.1 vw tn action. Songs which Deanna sings Include "Begin the Bcpuiur "Kashmiri Song." "Say a Prayer for the Roys Over There' -nd "Seguidllla." P T. Exerrises Help Aged Dean WINDSOR. Eng.. Nov 75 0 -The Dean at WJmterr Verv v v A. V. Batttie. who Is 81. told a meeting that "i am an old man." and that a few months ago he began falling, often In the street, and injuring htmaelv "I deekM I stooping forward too moeh. so I got n lusrds' Instructor from Windsor Castle to come to the Deanery and make me stand tin Id she,, straight itisiii, I tun itu tn more? otitav hi: sine then J liar m.t 3!aBcn down." aitnVlyT. , vi our Mer30, 40,50! Want Normal Pep, Vim, V1gor7 Trt Cam TMf T.Mw. ' nwati unit. nm. 1MM4 -ml, iv It m Mi(u4 nk - ta4t mrm mnr. Fragrant and (lavourful. A pleasure to drink and to serve ! Makes 288 Clips to the pound. m fc- 11 D Otl V32 3300aAVil Mrrrle Melody lirly Ulrd CitU Worm l itipatritk 1 ravel 'Over the Amle World News Gaoif For iruoes rtiiiit limit C -rp.ctc Show t 00 j. 4 if Ai 4 'mm Thrifty Housewm WK FKATUKK A full line of Swiff Premium MtaU at all times. A complete and fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you S i Community Shopping C't-ntr. -Pi SEVENTH AVE. MARKET FOR CHRISTMAS I'crfume, and folonr-Tollft Vtltn, Cmca Jj I'oMdrri for Milady patkacrd in many csmt-nsti-CM lludnut Twretl dilrnnc, (iardcnU Chanf-lK l lonr Ilorel, Varclley. Also ome for the Mn In NM ChrUtmaa Stalloncry and Crackers Oh irMwi (irayand Mullnard. rmes Wood Fuel ltd "3iu Jhoneer Druqoists TIIK ItlA'AI.L STOKE I'llOMi l,i flnen llillv I run, l am. till 9 P.m. Sllttf!a- ntifl llnllils. frrifn 1? 2 n.m. and J TTTYTYTTTTYYTYYYYTYTYTYTTTTTTTTTTYTrWff Coal miners are out on trikel we have no idea when we can-delivery of coal but wc can ff immediate delivery on wood. vood ' Phone your order for your regular fuel dealer. iir..i .tct lwi 0& VOO(l oriiuja iiinfv . before delivery is made. ALBERT & McCAFFERYLTD. PHONG 110 and 117 AAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I I