NOVEMBER 23, 1943 ffo) ! - , more canned poodn iri her house thun over before . . . in fact he linn inure of almont everything. Frequently he (tpetnU houra going from More to More . . . trying to huy things hhe never bought before jijHt beeuiiM; they ure nearee. Hetty lins Hoarder Koerl This highly contagious wartime tlipcapc hus leen rrK)iiMihIe for creating many uliort-gen which noetl not cxint. Protect yourself note against the danger of an attack. Invent every penny you can in War Savings Stamps. Thin tried and proven treatment is guaranteed to render you immune for just as long as you continue to take it regularly. BREWING COMPANY LIMITED The Answer to the Coal Shortage WOOD FUEL Arrange to see your Dealer today. Deliveries may be delayed by snow, so order early. Wood must be paid for before Delivery. PHILPOTT- EV1TT & CO. LTD. Vhen at Terrace Stay at Nbert Hotel Hut make advance Itescrvatlons "x s Terrace T k SHRIMPS FKKSII EVERY DAY Uoat "W.S.L." First Float west of Imperial Oil Co. dally after 1 p.m. LETTERBOX LAUOK I'ROGS. vs C.C.F. Editor, Dally News: John Worstey bu attacked our Party at some length and rulre a full answer. I wtild appreciate your publishing tbta amwer from me to Mr. Worsley. The greatest crusader again Communism 1 Adolf Hitler who came to power and overcame -ountry atter country by splitting his enemies with the spectre of a false enemy, "the ted bogey... Re-baltlnir 1 lying about Communist. For example, it is accusing Communists of organizing to seize power by force and violence. Do the Communist deny this? Then say they aie deceiving liars. Do the Oom-nisti give their all in struggle for democracy? Then say. It Is Just an Ingenious manoeuvre to fool the public. Have the Com munists formed a new party, better fitted to serve our changing nation? Then say it is "just i the same old Communist party. ,Do the Labor Progressive propose a united labor movement to cripple the plans of reactionary monopolies? Say they are riving for big business support by splitting the CCF vote. Mr Worsley has every right to disagree with us but he has n right to lie about us, and his Is the precise technique he the displaced minority, security of public Socialist property and democracy Is Inseparable from measures to prevent any action by which the minority might be restored to power over the nation. Article 8, section six of pur constitution says: "Should any Party member be found guilty of advocating any form of vio lence or terrorism for any purpose whatsoever, he or she shall be summarily expelled from the Party". As to Mr. Worsley not being asked to the platform, there were close to eight hundred people In the Capitol Theatre who came to hear Tim Buck. not him. The meeting had already' gone overtime and there were humbed of soldiers waiting to get in to their own show. He asked his question and It was answered In full. Nobody Is trying to shut up Mr. Worsley. He has every opportunity of expounding his views In pub. lie, which he frequently dves Would he expect the local C.CP. to break an agreement with the theasre "by inviting Mr. Winch's opponents to the stage for a debate after the scheduled meeting time Is over? Mr. Worsley falsely states Tim Buck accused the CCF of being reformist because CCFers believe small business will exist during the change-over to, a new social order. What Tim Buck did was to quote the CCF publication "Make this your Canada", to the effect that by lifting them from the con-ndttheiirettini! ud of a Canad tents and by his own comments. tamSoviesRepublic". This Is a uan i he Know tne ci. was cus salved this year and the "old' Canadian Communist Party dls affiliated eaily In the war? He Insists on confusing the legal 1' use of force by the people's state, after the majority of the 'population have taken power and against a self-seeking minority, with a mythical use of "force and violence" by a Com- ' munlst minority to setae power. Mr. Worsley Is very wrong when he specifically refers to the proletariat as a minority. The working people of Canada make up the vast majority of the population. A statement to the contrary assists those who do not wish to see the workers exercise their majority right Two great members of the British Labor Party. Sidney and Bes&lde Webb, after years of study of the Soviet Union, wrote. "If by the proletariat is meant the mass of the copulation dependent on their daily earnings, or as Marx frequently meant, the whole of the workers engaged in Industrial production for wages, the dictatorship of the proletariat would, in highly developed capitalist societies like Great Britain where three-quarters of all men of working age are wage-earners, mean no more than the rule of an Immense majority over oc-ratlc rather than dictatorial. The Labor-Progressives have not given up scientific socialism. If Mr. Worsley wishes to warn business Interests of our beliefs, then go direct to our ' program, as adopted this summer at the Toronto cdnventlon, where the dictatorship of the proletariat Is described as follows: "The sovereign will of the people, led by the most ad vanced class, the working class, will, under Socialist society, pre-: vail in the realm of economic i and political democracy, And precisely because the establishment and consolidation of Socialism demands It. the Canadian people will be called up by historical necessity to form their Socialist government which will be a workers' and farmers government or. by. and for the people. Such a government which has the fundamental task of transforming the basic economic forces of the country Into public Socialist property will, of necessity, be compelled to adopt measures to protect the people against the danger of attempts by monopolist interests or their political henchmen to restore the old order of tilings. Such has been the ex perience in every case In history 1 when a new social order was ' established by a class which was formerly exploited and oppressed. Until such time as the ov- i'lace an Ad in The Daily News-It rays .ereign ru.e 01 .ecumy 0 0 .ot PubUc Socialist accepted by, honora y president of a Ukran-lan Nationalist organization whose Hetman (leader has his headquarters In Betlin. Mr. Wotaley further falsely s . i j sms s fv THE DAILY NEWS PAOE ITVE peace with butcher Hitler" and by "underground agitation aid ed the enemy". Has he forgot ten that it was- the Munlchmcn. the appeasers, who held power until the time of Dunkirk that strained might and main for peace with Hitler, for a wdr against the Soviet Union In aid of poor little Finland, Hitler's satellite. Has he forgotten tha! 'he Communist Party was the only pary which consistently fought this treacherous policy'' Has he forgotten that the Soviet Union In the spring of '3i proposed a three-power alliance against agression to Britain and France and that Chamberlain termed such talk "midsum mer madness". Has he forgotten that Communists have been consistent antl-Fasclsts for a generation, that they are In the very ironi ranits ol our war effort today? Where has he stood during a these years Mr. Worsley' anti-Communist phobia drives him onto the same Ideological ground as the Quislings he quotes: The par- wuonm wmte ouard groups nave every reason to hate the dictatorship of the proletariat in in the mc Soviet ouviri Union union which wnicn wouM he be warning his fellov prisoners of the menace of Communism? could have brought disaster to the United Nations and can likewise wreck the home frpnt Bruce Mickleburgh, Chairman. Prince Rupert Labor Progress-slve Club. (This deflntely ends letters of such great length on this .MONTREAL'S YEAR Editor, Dally News: Montreal Canadiens m the National Hockey League are running away with victory after victory. How long will It continue and who Is going to atop them? Boston came close. Will Detroit do U? Certainly not Rangers. Montreal should be the team for the old mug this year if '.hey don't suffer any serious military call-up. Any call-up would be serious. But I must add that this is Montreal's big year against Toronto. Toronto fans are worked. Let's hope they stay so. A FAN. Christmas Cards i f r smashed the Nazi armies to MaV UC nP I V1U Jin llnGS which their hopes were pinned AUCV But it Is a fortunate thing ' for Mr. Worsley that the work- I LONDON, Nov. 2S W If you lng people of the USSR, ley by I get a Christmas card from some- CJommunlsts, . Instituted the die tatorshlp of the proletariat and made Stalingrad possible. Had the Nazis broken throujh and were Mr. Worsley today slttin? what the CCF actually proposes fin a Nazi concentration camp. Is government purchase of mon- has employed In letters to the j 0polies. Our Party rejects the Editor. He has unwittingly play ed the Hitlerites' game. I can-, not say his help to Canadian reaction is also unwitting for to be Uylng to warn business men not to have any Illusions as to whether Labor-Progressives stand for Socialism or not and without compensation to big business horror of horrors!). He distorts the meaning of passages from the program of the Communist International idea that government purchase or nationalization of certain monopolies would constitute Socialism. Unable to back up his claims !n any other way, Mr. Worsley has lesorted to peddling cheap malicious lies. He states that on June 22, 1941. "Mr. Buck Issued a four page manifesto call-ins for an Immediate Commu nist revolution in Canada, the oveHnrow of British institutions complete fasMfcood and I cat. on him to publicly repudiate this statement. Mr. Wbrsley's authority for the statement is one Prof. Wat son KUkconnell. who has been DuWlcW challenged by Leslie Morris as a liar and a dealer In forged evidence and who Is the ..... The Moscow Conference shows that Communist and non - Communist states have sunk their differences and risen to the noble task of jointly winning the war and the peace This smashes the Red bogey for all time and I would appeal to Mr. Worsley to play his part la building the united labor movement which Canada desperately needs If we are to win the war and the peace. We appreciate horytt differences with us but reel Mr. Worsley helped se back the Prince RuDert labor movement by stooping to reck-e s Red-baiting. Such pollcler He CUTS, BURNS tutd CRUISES OLYHPEME body In Britain, look at It close ly most likely It's a second hand greeting. Back in 1940 some enterprls- that there wouldn't be so many lng person or persons realized cards about when Christmas rolled around In 1943 so they advertised in the personal columns of newspapers for cards which usually lie around for months before being tossed Into the waste bin. Now they've hit the market, fith the centre leaf removed and a verse printed on the Inside of the back cover. Somebody, they say, is making a small fortune. Hockey Standings Canadiens Chicago Toronto Detroit Boston Raneers W 8 5 4 4 3 0 L F 0 47 33 40 30 38 23 APts. 18 13 35 45 23 55 50 GARDEN PRODUCE NEEDED WARE. HERTFORDSHIRE. Eng.. (T George Filer was fined SI 12 inrliirilnff rnsia tnr crrmu- Sport Chat Britain's Football Association, for the first time in its 80-year old history, will make a estlmonlal to a player. The fel low to be honored Is handsome Eddie Hapgood. Arsenal full back who has worn an Inter- ' national cap for England 43 :imes a record and captained Sngllsh tear" on 34 occasions ! another record. Pat of the tes- j UmonlaL which fca a value of $450, vrZI lonslst of a :hoto-; graph album deplctlnz out- standing Incidentj In the career ; af the great player. The re-: malnder will buy war bonds Hapgocd, now a pilot officer in :he Royal Air Force, has led England successfully against every home county and practically every European side. A highlight of his career came at Wembley Stadium last February when the King stepped out on the field to shake his hand and congratulate him before an International against Wales, j Commenting on the testimonial, L. V. Manning In the London Dally Sketch suggested it be presented to Hapgood in the centre cl the field at the next I Wembley Cup final "There were ; no cash acknowledgements for fthe old masters on retirement," i he wrote. "This, the club of post-war planners hope to remedy but the Hapgood testimonial Is the first sign of the F. A. awakening to their very real obligations to box-office In ternationals." The British Football Associa tion, Incidentally, just passed Its 89th birthday but there was no official celebration as on the 75th anniversary when England played the Rest of Europe at Highbury. Eleven dubs were represented at the inaugural meetins In October 1863 at the Freemason's Tavern, O r e a t Queen St., London. Now mor than 6,500 are- affiliated. The F. A. drew up Its first rules In 1863 and legalized professional soccer 23 years later. This business of hitting obstacles hard was nothing new to Lieut. R. M. Marshall of the R. N. V. R., who commanded a torpedo boat that sliced through a Nazi E-boat off the East Ccast of Britain. He learned It as an Oxford rugby blue and an England International forward Fast and brilliant, Marshall was : captain of the Dark Blues for lng geraniums In glaS hcuses ! the season In which wars sir- nY i If vne a , w v.s str n eu MfUkiiucu isiiuuiu ; wm-w. a-- - states that Communists In Can- THE AMTISEPTIC LlHIMEMT ave b"n used td'r.soch veget- j for England twice la 1938 and ada "demand a negotiated n i mmTmmm es fwnatoes and lettuce tnree umes tne iouowing year. I i nimiM'i imh i i t- "i wn rrw-Ttrwerraitsr Iff ,rc lH I Q&'rtef ffjff m&iJJer I ? III 1 Kt - 1 One-eyed Dune Mdntyre. 35- year old Fort William butcher, displaced the record, holder by winning a 14-mile marathon from Fort William to the 4.406-foot summit of Ben Nevis, Britain's highest mountain, and -eturn. Mdntyre covered the rind in two hours, 4V minutes, followed more than three mln-ilon, Danny Mulholland. HEAVY ON OIL It took 531,000 gallons of oQ 'a send American bombers to 'heir first assault on Rome and FYTYT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) UtiiliilillAAiAAilAliiA SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Box 19S i00 10 in Bi AND Sr. 1 9 Made of steel hard enough to cut glass, with the sharpest edges ever honed, Blue Gillette Blades give smoother, quicker shaves and more of them per Blade! Start enjoying the most comfortable shaves of your life ... get Blue Gillette Blades today? EES K mad to fit jrour 1 Cillett Raso mactlr and A avoid crept? is nd Irritation of rnitnt bUdasv 2& TIMRER SALE XIM39 Seall tenders will be rtcel7r-1 bT the MlnUter of Lands at Victoria. bc, not jatr than ll o'clok Jn ths forenoon on the 7th dar or December. 193. for the purchase of Licence X12939. to cut 8.331,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlrvk on an area comprising porta -f Sections 13. 14, 23 and 24, Township 2. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Three (3) years Till be Allowed for retnoral of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Foreater. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prlnoe Rupert. B.C SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Arent Third Ave. Phone 568 TTTTTVTWWWTWTTflTTfV r THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours; 3 p-m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone.173 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 824 2nd Aft, it 4 ' n ? h i h