r . 17 rtrs hinotis jor jiavour since rjic 'Salada' name assures you ...'nmi li1fnfl nf" rliiril!ti tone TEA mer Produce irting From I Markets u d vegetable .mqulahlng .jt.il groceri : x Unt varieties ble among the t m grape, ? watermelon, timber. A prevails at Announcing Opening of j1 usrIvc you . . . in ALADA present but It la hoped to be only temporary. Newly arrived produce Items which will make a glad bubbling In many a cooking pot are cooking and Spanish onions, local spinach, beet and parsnips. BABY NO HANDICAP HENLEY-ON-THAMES. 0, Mrs. Elizabeth BushnWl. who took over her huband' Job of radio engineer here when lit? Jomed the Air Ministry three yt-jiB aga. win nanaicappea Dy j parade. a Daoe-in-arms. Trie baby ac company her mother through out her working day. JiONAL MONUMENTS We have been granted a licence from 'he Wartime prices and Trad Board and the City of Prince Rupert to manufacture monu im-nts and tombstones and wUh to announce to the public that we are now operating and manufacturing monument in Prince Rupert and ere able to take care of all orders. Our workshop is located at 002 Fifth Avenue East until further bailee We will be at the shop from 9 30 a.m, to 3 p.m. dally. i -j the shop inquiries may be made of A. V (, f" ff Hoiwe or see Jock Malr at 744 Sixth W r one Black 984. NATIONAL MONUMENTS A, i: UKIXL, Proprietor IIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIHII e Answer to the Coal Shortage is OOD FUEL ! Arrange to see your Dealer today. Dim '.'erica may be delayed by : . , so order early. ;1 rut lie paid for before Delivery. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. i . . hrifty Housewives FBATURB A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. f'U can get everything you want at this mmunity Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET XMAS PERM ur PERMS are hard to BEAT nette 'Powe I I e a u t y Shoppe ,rt(t (Across from Tost Office) Phone nlue 917 LOCAL NEWS NOTES A local Butcher' wlU be closed ali day Thursday, Armistice Day. 263 I Mr. and Mrs. E. Peterson left j thu artcrnoon Tor a trip to Van- i couver. ' Mr and Mr. A. Seines and ramlly left this alternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Ling the Tailor returcd to the city last night from a three weeks' trip to Vancouver. A Dont forjrt Little Norway Tea and Bale of Home cooking tomorrow at Mrs. Munthe's, ttl 4th Ave. West Mrs, G. 3. Dawes returned to the city last evening from a two months' visit to Vancouver and Victoria. AW. A. Canadian Legion fall in at Legion Hall 10:30 am. Nov. 11 for Remembrance Day 263 Dr. and Mrs. D. R. T. McCall arrived In the city last evening Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Rob erts of Victoria have taken up reUdenee, ki the Lee Oordon house on Second Avenue. B. M. Brynlldsen, H. J. and W. C. King of the Fish eries patrol service, who have been in the city for a few days. left this afternoon for Namu enroutc to their homes at Bella Coola. ATTENTION flSHERMAN Regular meeting of the Dtep Sea Fisherman's Union, will be held Tuesday November 9th, at ':30 pjn. and members are requested to attend this meeting: Ut) Rev. E. W. Slater, Anglican Church rector at Terrace, re- ' turned to the Interior on last evening's train after a brief I vlott to the city. Col. S. D. Johnston. M.O. VD., former area commandant here and now located In Vancouver, arrived In the city last evening for a brief visit. Lieut M. L. C. Brown. Cana dian Women's Auxiliary Corps recruiting officer from Victoria, who is arriving from the interior tonight, will be the speaker at this Thursday's Rotary Club luncheon. Lyster (Barney) Mulvaney, pioneer of the central Interior country, left on last evening's train for his home at Burns Lake fora brief visit. Mr. Vul-vaney is at present engaged In bridge guarding at the Kaycx River near Skeena and had spent a couple of days In the city OIL HURNKRS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 73S 2JI Seventh Ave. West WVTTTVVTTTVVTYTVTTTTTTT Meet Me At i JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Ls Tops) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA In I lie iiprrniF Court nf llrltMt CohnnliU In I'mlmf In I lie M.ittrr of tlir " AilnilnMrntloii In IIh Mllff f ll tklalf ut Jnlm riHrlrk llirrlpin. Irrrl. TAKE NOTICE ttnX tof onT Of Kti Honor. W. E. Ftthw. nude on the ftmt Uy rf Novrntbor. A.D. I9tS. I v 4Tpoltl AlmUilt nitor (with WW wuwxwU of the Eatt nf John mrlcJc lurrigaii. wwxa ni1 ll purtif haTln chtUn uriUrwt lh Mid -trt rr hereby rrqulrrd to ftirnlsli une, prcprrty v?rlnd, to n oil or about .the flmt day tf ivmivlxr. AD. 143. and til imltV liulbtt to th mtate r tnniin-d to tiy (e ivuut of their ImKWednwm t" me XoftftwltJi, DATED t Prince Iliinwt, B.C.. thl first clay of November, AO. 1043, NORMAN A, WATT OfflcUl Admlnttrtor, Piinc Ruprt, B.C, Oforge C. night for a Vancouver. Mitchell business Tins DAitT tizua left last trip to A Presbyterian Young People meet November 17.No change In date. 263 Game Warden Ed. Martin re turned to the city last night from a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on official business. A Prince Rupert Industrial Workers Union Meeting, Wedr nesday at 8:00 p.m. in Valhalla Hall, comer 8th and 9th. All Retail and Wholesale Clerks and Warehousemen cordially welcome. (2C3) A Attention members of I.OD.B. meet at Legion Hall Thursday morning at 10:30 for Remembrance Day Parade to Cenotaph. (263) Word has been deceived of the safe arrival overseas of Sergeant Air Gunner Don McCavour who Is on service with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Well known former focal High School boy ...r f th nt,J. I an h the son of Mr. ..... "-" . . . . . . . . Thursday. iiiu Mrs. tiarry wviTUur oi Claxton. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club will be holding Us monthly bust ness luncheon tomorrow. Busl nets will Include recommendations from the executive that the club assist In the drive for funds for a new ambulance and that the move for an improvement In local radio service by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation be endorsed. ' FOR SALE 3 counters, 20 stools, 1 cash register, 1 show case, 1 toilet and basin, 1 candy scales, 2 Ice boxes, 1 meat grinder, 1 cast iron griddle plate. Phone Green 461 after 6 p.m. 266 FOR SALE McClary Range with oil burner, extension dining room table with 6 chairs. 660 7th Ave. EiBlajkJ Mi M26t FOR SALE Double bed, washer ringer, wicker table. 215 7th Ave. West. (264) FOR SALE Two room house on two lots. Immediate possession. $600 cash. Section 8, Lot 2, Lots 23 and 24. Apply Box 619 Dally News. (266) FOR SALE Bed complete and dresser. 935 1st Ave. West. (264) FOR SALE 4 kitchen chairs, drop leaf table and dining room table. Phone Black 606. ! 1263) VlSHPACKER FOR SALE Now being reconverted and thoroughly reconditioned by Naval authorities to satisfaction of Government Steamboat In spector and of owners" marine surveyor on release from government charter. Price $35,- 000.00 subject to prior sale or charter. Apply to G. Bruce Duncan, 418 Pacific Building, Vancouver, B.C. Mar. 4232. (267) LOST LOST One lady's light Tiege gabardine raincoat. Taken In error from Headquarters' Dance Reserve Drill Hall, Saturday. November 6. Identification In billfold In pocket. t263 LOST A parcel containing work shoes either at Empress Hotel, Rex cafe or at the Grand Cafe. Finder please leave at Dally News. 267 LOST Fox Tterrler with black spots on ears and tall. Please Phone Oreen 883. (262) PERSONAL "JET" for polishing hot stoves ls a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always'JET" Is safe, handy. Sold CHRISTMAS Gift subscriptions. ' special low rate. Attractive gift card and envelope included. Please phone Green 59, DAY NURSERY - Reasonable rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue East. (280) Coast Regiment Dance Success Under the general direction of the president. Mrs. C. V. Evltt, a very successful dance was held last night 'in the Empress Hall by the Women's Auxiliary of the Coast Regiment, the affair being for the purpose of raising funds to send cigarettes to members of the unit serving overseas. Music for dancing, which was in progress from 9 to 12 o'clock was provided by the area orchestra. About 175 .persons were in attendance. : Mrs. IL R. Hibbard and Mrs. Engstrom, with 'the assistance HELP WANTED WANTED The Dally News Is open to receive the names of bright and honest boys or girls who are desirous of obtaining delivery routes, (tf) WANTED Ward Maids for General Hospital. Apply Unemployment Insurance Office A. F. 97. (264 WANTED Driver for grocery store, part time, for afternoon delivery, Applyi Selective Service, AM 94. S 263) WANTED Chambermaids for local hotel. Apply National Se lective Service. AF 96. (266) WANTED Female cook for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service Office. AF 85. (266) WANTED $50.00 Reward for Information leadine to the renting of a furnished or unfurnished house, responsible couple. Apply Box 618 Daily News. (264) 1 1 1 - $25--.Reward for Information leading to the renting of an unfurnished house, four rooms or larger. Immediate posses sion. Phone Red 877. tf) NAVAL officer and wife, no children, desire furnished apartment, room with kitchen privileges, or sleeping room. Phone 231. 263) $25 REWARD for finder of small furnished or unfurnished house. Civilians. No children. Apply Box 605 Dally News. (280) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Can take electric work In spare time. Box 618 Dally News. (263) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for service man's wife in exchange for services. 718 Fraser Street (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms if furniture ls purchased. Apply 927 9th Ave. West after 6 ( 263) FOR RENT Light large front room suitable" for 2 gentlemen sharing. Phone Black 965. ISATIOXS REDUCED CAPE TOWN, If A reduction of between 20 and 30 oercent lit supplementary rations for i privately-owned cars will be en- ? . . 1 rt 1 k- ma, jorceu in ijouin mnca. mis decision: is part of the National scheme to save transport. NO CIDER SHORTAGE DUBLIN, W In spite of a poor apple crop In Eire this year, it Is unlikely there will be eider shortage. Manufacturers say they have a surplus from other years large enough to keep up the supply for five years. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25e a word. Little Norway Tea, Nov. 10, Mrs. Jens Munthe, 431 4th West. Dry Dock Employees' Associa tion Dance. Friday. Nov. 12. of Mrs. R. . Woods, were in j Aristocrat's 12-plece orchestra. cnarge. In the raffle of a man's sweater, donated by Fraser and Payne, the winner was Lance Bombardier D. Ouerin. Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L,) ARMISTICE DAY Morning Fall In at Canadian Legion Rooms at 10:30 ajn. for parade to the Cenotaph. Evening All members of the Canadian Legion are invited to a Smoking Concert in the Legion Rooms to celebrate "Our Day." You are promised a specially good program with first class refreshments, so reserve this evening to be with your comrades at the Legion. A Canadian Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nor. 12, Oddfellows' Hall Cathedral Tea and Sale, Nov. 18. Job's Daughters' Dance. Nov ember 19, Masonic Temple. L.O.LJ11. 2 L.O.L. 2310 Orange Dance Mon. Nov. 22, 9:30 sharp. Oddfellows' Hall, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov. 25. L.O.BA. Dance, Nov. 2S, Oddfellows Hall. 9:30-1:00. Jean d- ; Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Valhalla Invitation Dance. November 26, Oddfellows' Halt Dancing from 9:30 to 2. United Church Bazaar 2nd. Nurses' Fall Dance Oddfellow's HalL CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Kate 2c per word per insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE 7-roomed house. Phone Black 930. 2M Dec. 3 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302. Third Ave. W. l WfA'T.'' ' jrHsjnsjjjjjjjjhA "? w. a m - Beauty Culture In all Its branches ?06 4 th St. Phone 655 Black 787 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing artd Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 52G 1315 PijfOt Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays every month at 8 pjn. When at Terrace Stay at Philbert Hotel But make advance Reservations Box 5 Terrace : U&ICAFE Will open on Sunday, Not, 4 7, nndfr the old manatee- ment. CHRISTINA VIETCH Try a ciassinea Ad In the Dally News for .Quick Results. The building of the Alaska Highway was an epic war effort. Many of the workers who speedily completed this lifeline of Victory were protected by Stanfields Underwear ,. against the cold of the north country. You, too, can get Stanfield's Underwear. ' In spite of large shipments to our armed j forces, we are providing our dealers with a , i supply of good underwear for civilian use'fvj ion may noi una. uu me siyies uuu sizes. formerly available, but you will find Stanfield's garment to fit you. & Do not buy more underwear 1 Ml than you actually need. But,i when you do buy, buy Stanheld s. Then you are sure of quality underwear that fits well, and wears longer. SIANnttM UMTTItJ TtUltO, N.S. '.A'.MirZj?. liTT I mM f I i f 1 TAT AM MMislflS V n ' iTTI Each A : Phone 775. v EXPENSIVE FARE Surrey village. They atefjsoj many holes in the officUljrobt; SURBITON. Eng.. V, The of the deputy mayor that ltrwjlf; moths had a $350 meal at thU have to be replaced. ' A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 6 BEDROOM SUITES, just arrived, In Eastern Hard wood. Sold in 3 or 4 pieces. Spring filled mattresses with foundation to fit 100 KITCHEN CliAlRS. Eastern Hardwood. 20 CRIB MATTRESSES. Standard sUes. . . ' "j . fttStf.and. &55QLMi ZZl 3rd NEW! i MODERN! SMART! ' , Raised Pictures ... in light frames, colorful and attractive a nice range of sub-. jects. Sizes: 7 x 9. Each $1.95 7 x 11. Each ..... $2.93 Nursery Picture Placques 60c, 65c, 95c and $1.15 I. : . . I.f fi