H 1: t .1.1 I , PAOb TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRIXCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News limited, Third Avenue Q. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR The Ontario Election . . . The Co-operative Commomveatyh Federation, which .had not a single seat in the last Ontario Legislature and polled only about five per cent of the total vote in the last general provincial election, emerges as a strong second in party strength following the election in that province yesterday. This is the notable feature of the results of the election. It is the greatest confirmation we have had to date of the , marked swing to socialism that is occurring in Canada today. It will hearten Socialist politicians who envision the accession of their party to national ! power in Canada before long now. In any case social-, ism is definitely on the march towards political con-i trol, of the Dominion and we may as well admit the , fact here and now. The Progressive-Conservative party under Col. . George Drew, with some coalition or agreement with the Liberals, is apparently to form the new government in Ontario. A government by compromise, with nonparty having a clear majority, appears to be Ontario's present political due. Nor is there much of the unexpected in the overwhelming defeat of Premier Harry Nixon's Liberal government which was without powerful leadership and more or less wracked with internal dissension in reaction to the regime of the fiery Mitchell Hepburn, whose re-election was a personal tribute. All in all, the Ontario election results may be accepted as significant but they cannot be regarded as particularly surprising. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. Vancouver, Canada Queen Mary Chapter Has Regular Meet THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY. Ten thousand alarm clocks have reached Britain from North America to ease the shortage and another 50,000 art on their way. Railway worker and road passenger transport Phone 775. The. board of school trustees decided to get In touch with the city council last night inquiring as to what is being dons in regard to supply of coal for the coming winter. Some of the schools already have a good. workers are to be given prefer- : stock of coal while others have The regular monthly meeting ' ence In purchasing the clocks, yet to fill their bins. of Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of tfe Empire, was held at the home of Mrs. J. E. Boddie yesterday. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, regent, presided over a well attended meeting. Routine business was the order of the meeting. One new member, Mrs. E. T. Applewhaite, was -welcoomed into the chapter. " Mrs. Scherk was the winner of the usual raffle of War Savings Stamps. Next meeting will be held a? the home of Mrs. S. D. Mac donald on September 1. V. -r3- " . Tempting and delicious ...malted 'for extra flavour . . . &f-toasted for extra crunchy crispness. Serve better-tasting Quaker Corn Flakes regularly. Order a package or two today. The Quaker OaU Cuinpany ASK FOR QUAKER 1. Ideal for auto camps, picn grounds or summer cottage. 2. No tins, to dispose of. 3. Feather-light package means minimum bulk and weight. 4. Cooks in 7 minutes. Make the raou of your vacationing days. Wherever you go . . . whether you stay a day, week or month . . . take alodg a supply of Upton's NooJle Soup Mix. Vuu il enjoy the convenience" of the light-weight package which occupies minimum space . the speed of preparation . . . anil the taste-tempting chicken-y flavour that's as good as the' finest of slow-simmered soups. Tbtrt't ibortagt in Liplm'i NfJIt Soup Mix. Buy all you want. Eitjoy toup in its moil cutuiom ana. eciinomtcal Jorm. AA-ll JimL da. HI A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 0 250 WINDOW SHADES . . Width sizes, 38 Inches, 42y2 Inches, and 45 Inches. Length sizes, 72 Inches. We are here to serve you. 327 3rd. Avenue, Prince. Rupert I ! 1 a a Try a Results. eny wont use that factory again, Skipper" ANOTHER WAR PLANT FLATTENED I Another submarine base blasted! Another transport column blown into a tangle of scrap jron! Every night the R.C.A.F. attack teams tell of the havoc their bombs are spreading. Perhaps you, too, can share in these thrilling days and nights of flying adventure. R.C.A.F. aircrews take the world in their stride. The ivorld respects them. The enemy fears them. Canada offers more young men the chance for such a career. The biggest job is still to be done; What is to prevent you from getting into the fight? No job in Canada is as important as the job o blasting the fortress of Europe into unconditional surrender. II you art pbyiically fit, mentally Jtrt, over 172 and ; not yet 33, you art eligible for aircrew training. e do not require a High School Education. You (an it in uniform at onct. mm .7; JOIN THE FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES IlECItUITING CENTRES ARE LOCATED AT: Royal Rank Rldg., C75 West Hastings, VANCOUVER, and other principal xltles 01 1 ..nana, iuoone recruiting units visit smaller centres regularly. Aircrew Needed Now for Immediate Training as PILOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBERS AIR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS (AM GVHNikS) 3 kibjUX'BTiBdCavxmiai'Ea twin m I J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms Want-Ad for Quick LADIES' Carnival Queen Contest Candidates Starting At Once r f. k iaiii I buy hckets NUYY and Support Your Favorite Each ticket in three sections entitles holder to three admissions. Each ticket sells for $1.00. Children get In at half price, 2 on one adult ticket. for Coronation Honors On entrance to grounds numbered half of ticket Is returned to purchaser to be held for drawing. $50.00. Victory Bond given away every night. I .1 l ' ' VICTORY SHOE RENEW 531 KICILUtD STREET. vAncouveu, u.c. We have moved to larger premises and will now be able to give quick service. Mail or express your shoes to1- us. Please enclose your horr.e address, it will help to speed delivery. O WE I'AY THE UETUUN CIIAKCES : tn warn miMmimimm ;i u.r 'it Fresh Local Raw and p Pasteurized MILK u VALENTIN 111 ONE 637 . DAIRY 3 All ticket stubs and J in kn ... 1 . 1 veuueo. m at 14, uesner Block, by io p.m. Thursday August A 'Gionella' Dress Shot In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brow. Calf, Black Softie Cailf, Black Suede in lot spike and cuban heels. High styled llnti suit any taste and priced to suit any pocket j 000K. MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BQOTS in 6" and 8". Just arrived. r ; c. .... , J m mils a a -m m a al a I ' n, k mm .mama . v.m.. m The Home of Good Shoe J ..... b m m a. jm aw . mm m. mm mil Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormesltd 'Jiift Pioneer Druggists Open Daily from 9 a,m. till 9 p.m. I t MUI ifc - jfc 1 1. Ill uu w Everyone. Should Read The Summary of the WORLD FEDERATION PLAN By Ely Culbertson 39c An outline of a practical and detail plan for world settlement. . the strongest and most realistic Plan for creating a world police ?), tern that will protect all in collective security and protects even against all'Dorothy Thompson. aTir",L'-iii mmm