PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS 5 s r i i it CUT RATE SHOE STORE SHOE SALE Of Womens' ShoesAll Colors Shoes For Fall and Year Around Values from $3 to $6 Sizes 4 to 8 Pumps and Ties--Spike and cuban heels crushed, plain leathers and suedes. These are not out dated shoes but only short lines that we want to clear. Just pick your sizes and walk out with one, two or three pairs of shoes for the coming Fall season. No exchanges. ' Blacks - Browns And Combinations SEE OUR ODD and END RUMMAGE TABLE Shoe, odds and ends, Evening Slippers and sizes 3 to 4 Rubber Overshoes. Take your pick. Every item worth four or five times this price. Sale Now in Progress Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT w.OItE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAI HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant NOTICE Dr. J. F. Maguire Has returned and has resumed his practice. Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Smith Block STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OPEN 0 AJU. CLOSED 5:.'$0 P.M. THURSDAY OPEN AT 1) A.M. CLOSED AT 1 VM. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 . P.O. Box 575 Men Wanted BY LOCAL GARAGE Two or three skilled auto mechanics; steady work, ceiling wages. One boy or man, full time or part time for lubrication rack and repairing tires. Good wages for smart steady boy. Apply: UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE OFFICE. (Mention advertisement A.M. 70) Try Our New PERM WAVE for lustrous beauty that can't be beat ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street across from Post Office Phone Blue 917 for Appointment 1 39c CUT RATE SHOE STORE 506 Third Ave, W. (Across from Ormcs Drug) Advertise in the Daily News. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Wishes to announce that it will be CLOSED FOR BUSINESS until Aug. 20. BE READY! Summer Is here. Get your TENNIS RACQUETS strung by A. B. Hodges, White Apartments. Phone 427 fHlsiEMINDSvMEf t J a a "a. a aw V KLUfc blLLbl I b HLAUtb i ALWAYS.SH A V EjCLEAN ER, on the sidelines these critical days. I want to help win this war Jast. And one sure way I can do my part is to enlist in the RCAF!" Send fur the free booklet about airwomen in the R.C.A.F. Write: Director of Manning, R.C.A.F., Jacksdn Dldg., Ottawa, or the nearest Recruit iog Centre. YS,ANDQUICKER,TOO.'J HAKE SHORT WORK OF' THEjIOUSHEST BEARDS., fOCNT FORGET THAT BLUE. I filllPTTF RIADFS LAST flON G ER, SAVE.YOU MON EyJ There are two reasons precision-made Blue Gillette Blades give you easier, better-looking shaves and more of them per blade. First: They're made or glass-hard steel that stays keen longer. Second: They have the sharpest edges ever honed! Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. precision. rnada to fit your Glll.tta Razor exactly and ayold scrap and Irritation 'of misfit blade. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess Corporal Hodgson of the Air Force accounts section at Seal Cove is anxious to find a partner for the royal and ancient jame of chess. Players may leave their names with me or get in touch with Corp. Hodgson themselves. Starting Monday Merve Thomas, on duty in the hut, is going to hold euchre drives In the ladies lounge at the "Y" In the evenings. He says It's a fascinating, game and very popular in the recreation centres in the :ast. He thinks a lot of east ern boys might be Interested in taking up the game again. So come out and learn, it's a lot of fun and a good' card game! Don't forget that the regular Thursday night dance at the Highway regiment Is cancelled this evening. Tomorrow night the boys at Fairview are holding their dance. Bob Gibson says that he saw one of our kittens up In Ketch-lean. They showed It to him and said it was from the "Y" In Prince Rupert. As both our ' 'Sarges" have disappeared, the I boy "Sarge" and the girl "Sarge," I I feel It must be one of them. How our cats travel! It's Just about a year ago that "Pearl," one of the Harbor twins, went off on a freighter to England. For some time now the "Y" folks have been going out occasionally after work, around mid-1 tight that Is, for a dish of chow Vein. The food has been grand land it's about the only place I left open at that hour. The service boys often take their girls there after a dance. The atmosphere has been free and easy and, if at times it went a little beyond the beyond, well, we paid no attention. But the other night capped everything when a party in one of the booths started in on a series of barrack room ballads In what the booksellers call "an unex- purgated edition." I know the answer to that will be, "You don't have to go, do you?" But it is a public place and a popular one and it seems a pity that in a town of so few restaurants the pleasure of the many nr i , . should be subjugated to the tonight for a trip to Vancouver, license of the lew. I'd better quit being Witt m r4-al i Irf r l rem T USED to be proud of my job , JL but not now. It's no fun standing dian girl should think these.days . . and act! The RCAF needs girls like you -right now! Work that you can do is waiting to be done . . . important work . . . vital work. Do your part to back up the men who are training to fly and fight for Victory. Make up That's the w?y a red-blooded Cana your mind to enlist today! ROYAL CANIPjiniR FORCE Stephen King and daughter, Miss Faith King, are leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Collart are leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. O. P. Tinker leaves tonight for a trip to Vancouver and the Okanagan district where Mrs. Tinker and son are in residence for the Rummer. R. W. Sinclair, manager of Inverness cannery. Is leaving tonight for a brief business trip to Victoria. Mrs. James Catt returned to the city yesterday from a trip to Vancouver on vacation. William Sherman of Taylor Street has been admitted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital for surgical treatment. for SUNBURN INSECT BITES POISON IVY rnmmi Reserves Fall To Signals By the narrow but sufficient. margin of one to nothing Signals defeated Reserve In their match in the Ollhuly soccer cup series at the Acropolis grounds on Tuesday night. A large crowd of Servicemen attended the game which was fast and lively enough for the taste of any fan. Sid Woodslde refereed with his usual alacrity and clear jightedijess and the low scoring was Indicative of a hard fought match. Tonight the Signals meet the Ontarlos on the Same grounds Gilhuly Cup standings are a. follows: Air Force Reserves Signals Navy Ontario 4 2 2 2 0 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Christopher are leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. THE ANTISEPTIC LfHfMEHT tonight for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Advertise in the pally News! , bbh 0I I KB1SPIES I THURSDAY, AUQUSt 5 J TOMORROW S 2 Day They're at it Zti ,,u two wor mous laugh makt! IHUI) ;iti Cosfel Abbot Haw" At 1.30, 3:?.n 5:30 "J ADDED Cartoon WISE QUACK DUCK" Novelty "THERE AIM SUCH AXIJUi WOULD kd Complete Sbtil 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, Mai A Famous riaytn ; ENDS TOM Complete Show, 'll "White Savj '(At 7 40, it Mrs. C, H. Orme 1 been visiting here I 6 three or four week. k night on her te'ura tt 1 "SHE SERVES FURNITURE FOR SALE U-pce. Dining Room Suite, 6-pce. Dinette Sc Uccasional Chairs, Coffee Tables, Living Room Tables Axminster Carpets, Congoleum Hugs, New Plastic Floor Coverings, Mirrors, Folding Carriages ELIO FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue (Next to Daily News) Prince RiH NOTIONS FOR EVERYBODY AT Tfl-I VARIETY STORE! You haven't thn hnmst. nnfinn tiict hnw many notloBi I - -V w vaa J MMK av - ----- - m have here! Dut you can count on thls-a store lor Its completeness with everything from comm""' to comDlcte Its convenience right In the business section and W " tO-date Stocks Whpthnr conrlnrr thrnrsH or half CUrlB ' TTsawaaava, k w tllj Wa-4WMM v a other things you can count on. No matter what f notion for, you'll find It as usual at the VARIETY ST 01