DAY AUGUST 5, 1943 I 11F LAST FOUR WEEKS in ana nomen ii i wan lur ix ta i A VOLUNTEER! . II.M.f. ,.f Till.. Vn 9I.VVI-I ..... lit I i.ln II it SMtioii t, nty r rrint KA3 sc. .Sfclic' 3TJ proof cX be ii: j Car.U'.?ale of TUW K ie i. 3 I 8m.ui VlaOor (),: W.i Wed In thta ot-3kv f; c: r given that I ex?! tiau of on fcc.Tl iile u. cf Ahe flct pu hre 1 Luiue a provl- r'K Tltl- in llu .?r. If Irate -unl 'la r.o Li rl! e.j Incd nglstxy, ., - ac. thjs 2nd. AD. 1943. 3RSW THOMP80N. pfi J RejlMtrar cf TJl9" Sumn tourt of HrltiftV 'uliimblii In Pr)ilt attrr (if th".ij)ilnMriUlnu. I Art and alter i,l Oi KkUt; of ttnli-I Held, ltnrar1. NOTICE thot by Order of r Judge Flrtwr, Local Judg popmne Court at British . I w on the 23rd da ID 1M3, appointed Admin-t-f the Ec ate of Rot ' d. formerly of Prince Bu-. Ih Columbia, decewted, who iw aiicut the 7tih day of D 1943. All nnrCTrui In. the mid Estvt are repay tihe amount of their wing claims aglnt the are required to file them iui day of September, Tailing which dlatrUU- be made havlnw regard kuch claim of which I been notified. at Prince Ruoert. B.C. this MAW A ,t, TT. n & a Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Mpffme four (if British mihiuu In L-riilmte it nl'tlie -lnilnlstriittoi Matter of (he Estate of IMntrth. Iteceusisl rmnm ........ ""age I'tehor. Local Judge cm the 30th day of 1943. nnnhiitv1 Artiminbi. 'i nnce Rupert, British Yeased, will died on or 2&m day June. a.D. persons lndeflrted; fo the ' required to ipn.y the Jwlr lalc(btedniK ta me 'd all persons having uie said Enta.te ere them with me pro- i Oil or bofnro hff lMh tetmber, A.D. 1943, falling "unuon, wm be made m oiUy to suoh cia.lim shall liave been notl- imre ituDert. no. ... i n . i T( .. .. . i unpen, p.c "pretne Court iiriii.i, lllllllll,! I.. t.. ...... (er i,r t .,. ....... . ... -x Ullll ' f the Kstnle of Her. mi xi....... tiiirMiuie u. - "J uraer 01 " E. Fisher. miM! mi "wor or tne Herbept Jalin Mirn h-. all parties having claims Hilt. 4 ..t t - . . . he. on or about th 24t.h pay the aanount of Wieir PrlnrA niuu n ... Julv a n ,7" w' ""' OMfiH i.. . ndmuiistrator. OF THE STYLE SHOPPE Entire Stock; to Clear at Astonishingly Low Pricey Come and Be Convinced. COATS, . DRESSES, WAISTS, SKIRTS, . HOUSECOATS, ; HATS, -SHOES, HOSE, LINGERIE, WE CLOSE OUR DOOIt ON THE 28lh DAY OF AUGUST ' THIS IS FINAL THE STYLE SHOPPE Next Door UuUtley Market. ARMY NEEDS, FOR SALESealed Tenders will be received by the underslgn- . ed up until noon of Wednesday, August 12th, next, for the purchase of the following described properties-belonging to the estate pf Gust Selvln, de- - ceased: 1. 4-roomed cottage with 2 additional attic rooms situate on Lot 12, Block 22, Section' 6 (7th Ave. East) 2. Two 4-roomed cottages situate on Lot 23, Block 11, Section 5 (approximately opposite Hawklnson's Ldry. at 6tb Avenue West). Avenue West). Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (189) FOR SALE Beige coat, size 18, almost new. Apply 1384 Overlook Street. (183) FOR SALE Hillcrest Farm, Terrace, 50 acres, with stock, Implements and household contents. Apply Frank Morris, Terrace, B.C. . (193) FOR SALE Beautiful camp site at Lake Kathlyn, three acres and some cabins. For full particulars, write Mrs. K. E. Birnie, Smlthers, B.C. (187) FOR SALE National cash register, McCaskey's adding machine and register, Sunklst fruit Juice extractor. Mc-Cutcheon's Drug Store. (184) FOR SALE Desk (bookkeepers), oak, with 4 drawers, cabinet attached, $33.00. G. A. Wig-more, 622 Third Ave. Phone 302. . (186) FOR SALE Bedroom suite. 203 9th East, after 6 p.m. (185) FOR SALE Set. of 6 Marconi wireless instruction Victrola records. $10. Apply Box 545 Daily News. (1821 FOR SALE Modern six room house. Centrally located. Immediate possession. Phone Green 317. (tf) FOR SALE Dinette sutye, single bed with mattress, double bed stand, other miscellaneous articles. 1102 6th East, after 7 p.m. ' (1821 FOR SALE OR CHARTER Licensed jlie,sel passenger ferry, diesel towboat$. Box 531, Dally News. FOR SALE Steam tug, small scow, 100 h.p. marine diesel. Box 531, Dally News. r BOOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. THIRD AVENUE Lieut. Jack McEae. 'son of Accounts totalling $1,607.07 Mr. and Mrs. D. C. 'McRae, Is ! for the month, of July, Including expected home on leave soon $582 in salaries, were passed alter the middle of this, month ! for payment at the regular from his naval duties ou the monthly meeting of the school east coast. board last night. Classified Ads FOR SALE HELP WANTED WANTED Ditcb. diggecs U city. Good wages. Apuly National Selective Seivlce, A,NL 73. WANTED Warehouseman, able to drive truck for local Oil Co. Good wages, living accommodation. Apply National Selective Service, A.M. 72. (181) WANTED Stenographer for law office. Permanent position with opportunity for advancement. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF, 60. (tf) WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance-Commission, A.M. 71. (t) WANTED WANTED, by Aug 1, light housekeeping room for soldier's wife. Apply Box 535 Dally News. (184.) WANTED $2500 reward for furnished or semi-furnished rooms or house. Urgent, by August 15. Box 544 Dally News. (184) URGENTLY needed, a room for working couple, phone Black 59. (183) GIRL wants housework, sleep In. Phone Red 509, between 12:00 and 7:00 p.m. (184) WANTED $10 reward for 2 or 3 room unfurnished suite or small house. Mrs. Aurphy, Red 822. (186) INTERIOR Decorating and Paper Hanging, by reliable workman. Black 810. (184) WANTED Small boat. Apply Box 543 Dally News. (183) WANTED Woman wants light housework. Mornings. Apply P.O. Box 415. . (182) WANTED Light housekeeping room by September 1, would pay to hold It. Apply Box 540 JDally News. (185), WANTED Furnished suite or housekeeping rooms. Will exchange furnished apartment in Victoria for same. Phone 231. (182) LOST LOST On Friday an envelope containing bankbook and some papers. Finder pleas return to Dally News.' (183,). LOST Friendly gray kitten, Monday night, phone Red 9,53. (182) LOST Between 5th Ave. East and Seal Cove pamphlets and papers. Please return Daily News. (183) THE DAILY NEWS WJ 11 pw LOCAL NEWS NOTES See Annette's windows for her summer, clearance sale. (182,1 Dr. A. Hakstaln, provincial chest specialist, and tylss M, F. Erlckson, clinic nurse, .will ar-riye. next Sunday from Vancou- ver to conduct a week's tuberculosis clinic at the Prince Rupert- General Hospital. J. N. Carr of Smlthers has been appointed assistant Janitor of Booth Memorial High School here at a salary of $125 per month plus bonus and will -be arriving next week to assume his duties, It was reported at the meeting of the school' board last night. Permission was granted by the board of school trustees last night to. the Wartime Prices and Trade Board to use classrooms in Seal Cove, Borden Street and King Edward and Westvlew Schools on August 25-28 in connection with the distribution of new ration books. SPECIAL New Green Cabbage' Nice Size Heads Per lb., lOe-Fresh from Terrace-Arriving on Every Train linzey & Ingram 2 Phones: 585-586 A, See Annette's windows for her summer clearance sals. (182) "Largest Organization of its kind in the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLbYD WRIGHT Resident Representative lG7 3td, Ave. P.5I Box 952 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone "U and I will gladly call Tchesinkut Lake Tchesinkut Lake Auto Camp Ten miles south of Burns Lake, on highway to Twcedsmulr Park. Three cabins, $1.50 per day. Cooking utensils supplied. Trailer space and camp sites. Rate, 50c per -day with use of kitchen. Good trout and char fishing, and big-game country. Open from May 1st to January 1st. Auto service in connection. Write or wire: R. E. Lord, Tchesinkut Lake. B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. 'A Uome Away From Home' Rates 75c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 J. M.S. Loubser D.C., U.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 640 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT KWONG SANG IHNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 247 Sons of Norway Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Thursday. (182) Charged with being intoxi cated, Eric John Olsen, appeared before Magistrate Vance In city police court this morning and was sentenced to, pay a fine of $25. or spend seven days in jail. A C. C. Z Public Meeting Friday Aug. 6th, 8 p.m. Oddfellows' Hall, Speaker Arthur Turner, M. " L, A. 1183) The board of school trustees is having difficulty In obtaining certain supplies for the school including lumber for the manu al training department ,and new "desks, for some of the classrooms. Efforts are being made to get the lumber in Vancouver. In the matter of desks inquiry will be made of the Department of Education as to the possibility of some being obtained frorn schools In the district which have been closed down. NATIONAL S E L S E 4- Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a. word. C.C.F. Dance, Fri Aug, 6, Oddfellows' Hall. Tickets from members. W.A. Coast Regt. Servicemen's Dance, Aug. 9, Empress Club. Orange Dance Aug. 9, I.O.O.F. Hall. Contact members for Invitation. The Northern B.C. power Co. advised the board of school trustees in a letter at last night's, meeting that the board's request for a reduction in electric light and power rates had been placed before the directors of the company for consideration. It has been pointed out to the power company that the. light rates for schools here were higher as much as 100 per cent than those being charged in other cities In the province. IN. THE BRIGHT RED PACK.-"CHEERY WITHOUT AND WITHIH" Mr. and Mrs. J. S- Irvine are Miss Olive Gordon, R.N., Is leaving tonight for a tripr to leaving tonight for a vacation Vancouver on vacation. i trip to Vancouver. . Birth Notice A son was born at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, August 4, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Engelcke, Fifth Avenue' East. For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Tbone 88 321 2nd Ave. e c t i v e Employers and Employees R V I G E 1 J L J mm nn should read this, to see if they are affected! Coiiipiilsoiy Employment TRANSFER ORDER Notice is now piven that men employed in a further list ; of civilian employments lunst report for interview not later than August 9lh, 1943, to an Employment and Selective Service Qffice. This refers to men who are in age and marital classes already designated nu.der, National Selective Service Mobilization Herniations, and, also to men who arc 16 to lit years old (both ages inclusive). A. Objectives, i- This Fifth Order makes available for essential employments the services of men in age and marital classes designated as callable for Military Training under National Selective Service. Mobilization Regulations arid also all men from 16 to 18 years of age (both ages inclusive) who are presently employed in the less essential employments now specified. H. EMPLOYMENTS COVERED BY THIS OKDEUt Men, of the pecifieil.. categories, are covered if now employed in any of the following;: I. Any occupation in the following lines of manufacturing: (a) Gundy, confectionery, soft 'drinks, flavouring extracts cjmp,' an,l "essentiaV" oils. (b) Tobacco, tobacco pipes nd cigarette holders (c) Hal and caps artificial leather, padding and uphoL-tery filling for general use. (d) Public building furniture, office and store fixtures; window- shades' Venetian blind-; wall paper; rubber flooring; children's vehicles; lamp shades. (e) Monuments and tombstones; rut-stone and stone products; ornamental metal work; signs and advertising displays. (f) Pianos, organs and musical instrument parts and materials, games, toys and dolls. (g) Pens, mechanical pencils and pen poiuls; artists' materials; jewellery cases and mstruiueut cases, (h) Soda fountain und beer dispensing equipment; vending amusement and other coin-operated machines; household and service industry ma-chines; store niacb'uies and devices; beauty and barber equipment; vacuum cleaners. 2, Any occupation in the following activities: (a) Art, authors, museums; library operations, photography; lapidary work. (b) Costume renting; manufacture of wigs, toupees, braids and switches. f (c) Fur dressiug and dyeing; fur storage. C AGE AM) MARITAL CIASSES OF MEN COVERED BY THIS ORDER: (n) Every man born in any year from 1917 to 1927 (inclusive) who lias reached 16 years of age. (b) Every man born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who, at July lolh, 1910, was: (i) unmarried; or (ii) divorced or judicially separated; or (Ui) a widower without child or children. (c) Every man. born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who has, since July IS, 1910, become a widower without child or children now living. HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Blinister of Labour (l)' Every liian born from 1902 To 1915"" (inclusive) wins since July Lj, 1940, has beeu divorced oc judicially separated. Note: Attenliyn is called to. the Inclusion in tlUs OroVr. of youpg men J6, 1" and lt( years old. D. Procedure to be Followed: AH men as defined above must report to an Employment and Selective Service Office not later than August 9th, 1943. Men resident outside a, city; or town having an Employment and Selective Service Office, who are too far removed to call -personally, may write to the nearest office in the first instance, and await further directions. E. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYEES: When directed to accept employment, subsequent to the interview referred to, men described in Paragraphs. B and C above are required by the Regulations to follow the direction giveu. F. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS: It will be illegal for an employer to retain in his employ after August 9lh, 1913, any men referred to in Paragraph C above, at any of the employments set forth in Paragraph It above, unless a special permit has been obtained from a National Selective Service Officer, per-milling such action. G. Appeals; A man may enter appeal with a Court of Referees within-7 days of receiving direction to transfer to employment. II. Penalties in, Case of Employers: Penalties are provided for any employer who retains in, or takes into, his employ after August 9th, 1943, any mini covered by the Order, except under special permit. Penalties are also provided for failure on the part of any man affected to register under this Order, or to follow a direction ta em ployment: in addition to other penalties, .refusal to comply renders a man liable to compulsory labour service. I. Special Request to Employers: Each. Employer with three or more mep covered by this' Order in his employ is requested to co-operate by getting in touch with the Employment and Selective Service Office, to arrange a time for the interviews of his employees. J. Authority: This Order is issued under National Selective Service. Civilian Regulations. K. Previous Orders: Employments listed in Paragraph B above, to be reviewed under this Fifth Order, are additional to the employments listed in the First, Second, Third and Fourth Order, previously; published. Wen rerred to above mu$ pretnt document! al the employment ojfice, indicating compliance with Mobilitalion Regulations. Any employer or employee in doubt in regard to the application of the first jour Compulsory Employment Transfer Orders, should communicate tn'ii the nearest Employment and Selective Service Ojfice. A. MacNAMARA, Director, National Selective, Senlc. D.P,-7 V.