A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd, 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 . 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0. a PAGE SIS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimoad f Optometrist In Charft Watch rIwfr X S Kepalrinf, Hand Enrravtnj VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dlnnerwmw, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jew elcr Diamond IMcrchant 5 I J Z3 X f-SSfc Takc a T'P fro,n 0ne Who Knows When It tomes 1 o SPORT CLOTHES Peoples Store Is Just About Tops Skirts Sweaters Sport Jackets Blouses Jerkins Juniper Dresses Slacks Shorts Slack Suits We predict this will be a "Sport Clothes Summer" and we're prcpaied with the finest selection of Sport Clothes we've ever carried. Look for yourself at Canada's finest array of smart women's wear. Mail Orders Promptly Filled RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Mm iUm. n.I am THIRD AVll Next to Hcilbroncr's riionc BLUE 907 A GOOD PLACE TO BUY JUST ARRIVED! 50 F AIRS CELANESE SUNN I WEB CURTAINS . . . The Ideal Next-to-the-glass Curtain Gotor fast: dust-free: cannot mildew; easy-to-wash; assures privacy; moderately priced. "Cclanesc Signifies Quality" Ph0ne 775 327 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best job and material obtainable. We Pay The Return Charges S o V' LADIES' I 'Gionella7 Dress Shoes In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any pocketbook. MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in G" and 8". Just arrived. n I Family shoe store ltD. g "The Home of Good Shoes" O 0000000600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CFPR (1240 Kilocycle). SCHEDULE w Tuesday P.M. 4:00 Afternoon Muslcale 4:30 Hoosler Hot Shots 4:45 Melodic Moods 5:00 Solllaque 5:30 Lud Gluskln. 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Musical Interlude 6:15 The Cavaliers 6:30 The Latin Americans 7:00 Fibber McGee and Mollv 7:30 Songs of Empire 8:00 Fred Warlng's Pennsylvan lans 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Great Music 8:45 Song Sheet 9:00 Bob Hope 9:30 Words and Music 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Musical Interlude 10:150. I. Jive 10:30 Spotlight Bands 10:45 Off the Highway 11:00 Silent Local Tides Wednesday, June 16 ' . - High 12:15 18.6 feet Low 6:04 3.2 feet 18:00 6.6 feet REGULAK SOLOMON A fur seal accumulates as mnnv as 150 wives. Till DAILY NIWB ' ACK-ACK 1 DISPLAY Demonstration Last Night In Con nection with Recruiting The demonstration of setting up anti-aircraft for action which tonk rlnri last evrnine on Third Avenue in front of the Post Office as part of the program in the cam paign for recruits for the ack-ack company of the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment proved to be of considerable Interest to a large crowd which gathered. The demonstration was in charge of AOJor Gray and a regimental band as well as a detachment from "A" 'Company of the reserve under ueut. Ralph Farris was in attendance. Tonight there will be another similar demonstration with low-Jlylng aircraft also taking part. The Prince Rupert Sea Cadet Band will also participate. 'Samson-Like Boy Held Back Stone LIVERPOOL .Innt IHjrt r year-old John Rohs6r of a Northeast English town is a blitz hero. He5BUDD0rted for hniirs uHth Vile baefca huge stone which threatened no crush his mother nnri fivo others buried wlth-: fiei in debris after their apartmentriwelling had been bombed. Rescuers finally got John and the others out safely. FOX OF MANY COLORS The red fox is 'also colored silver, black and yellow. ' !! ... wrwomtn ere Meded far tbese ond non 0 Worker, . . . S.eno Krvil!ng Ctri of) V..c.... C.l,., Um... i., o.. HM pt'ii(i). "SHE NOVEL IS -J; SCREENED ' "My Friend Flicka" Is Fine Attraction at Capitol Another novel has been made into an outstanding Picture in "My Friend Flicka," Mary OTIara's best selling book of last year. Slated to open Wednesday at the CaDltol Theatre, the technicolor film boasts a featured cast topped by Roddy McDowall, Preston Foster and Rita Johnson. In the film version of the dod- ular novel about, a boy and his horse. Foster plays the strone-will- ;d rancher. He's the father of the juj, piayea by Roddy McDowall. ho soared to fame for his work In "How Green Was My Valley ' md -The Pied Piper.- Rita John son is the caDahle nndrrsf nnHlnir mother. " Whifflets From Thn Wnfnrfrnnf Short stays which are being made In nort. hv thn tti ers on the Queen Charlotte Islands are again being protested by local "u"" 'en wno are rinding it difficult to receive their mail and .11 return orders for shipment to he Islands during the time the 'hips are in Arriving - - ..to .mil uiu a l - t iernoon and leaving ihnn.vim.. lug does not give enough time. It L contended. Some time ago the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was ndvlsori ht lit. TT-i J M.C WIMUII Steamshln Cn that th u - " aiupo WUU1U stay in port at least twenty-four hours. is in uniform ; ; : the same trim JEAN Air Force Blue that Bill is wearing. V , '' seem r'Sht to stick home while Bill was doing the fighting. she said when she joined. VI feit I bad Thousands of others have felt the same call; loday, they are playing an active, excitine part in winning the war. By taking over the ground jobs of men eager to fly, they hare . .,UIUI meniorserviceintheair. know ledge The R.CA.F. gives you thorough fort "J ft C 'n;nS ,i0 ne of mofe h forty different kinds of work. You may even becomeanexpertinpneoftheseraanyinterest. mg vocations. You will travel . .. ,ee Canada . meet people from all over the Empire. There s a place for in you Air Force Blue. .Make up your mind to join. The R.CA.F. needs you . . . uotvl 2 OUt men uuf fwcrvhmg Cnfr Hvvni ROYAL CAMnrjuR FORCE , i: ii mi tto1' :at who 'S'vpij,hv nau eotSO rr;n reader' l. thn ALSO NEWS SCENIC CARTOON lie MARY O'HARA'S d 40 RODDY PRESTON RITA McDOWALL- FOSTER . JOHNSON Rllill M KIT Ormes Ltd. Tif Pioneer Druggists r i . . -Thtr All r KUd the Bride" Complete Show s at 1:00. 3:00 5 00. ? . ' ; Feature at 1:30. 3:30. 5 30. 7 30 0 3! COMING FKIDAY - SATURDAY "Five Graves to Cairo," Eric von Stioheim as Kominc: PRESCRIPTIONS Through the years, the physicians f this community and their patie'1; have come to know that they can uc pend on us. m THE K EX ALL STORE PHONES tl and U Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. jjj Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-1 P-m- : See the - - - ACK-ACK DEMONSTRATION Tonight at 7:30 Third Ayenue in front of Post Office Reserve recruiUng Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday ali &1 and each evening at The Army Recruiting Office, Third Avenue The Armory, Sixth Avenue The Victory Loan Hut, near the Post Office The Capitol Theatre THIS SPACE DONATED BY- THE " VARIETY - STORE It's interesting to know wnen reading the Daily W hat the people of the whole district are doing the