BEH 22, 1943 IB, T n Charge is i- Bcfure Koiary or C-fl" Crce. ii charge at ... ho I'rince r ub yc iterday . nnluprsarv t: ...- Tv.Lii.Tar Day. 1 1. . .U r in 11 -'.II lldlf. Hup re- ir of the an- ..j ivrpss 01 h:. days of Hel i. -.frt. the com vice h. traHltlnn tf liw... ItrO TlPa The speaker re .IIIUUIU " " w o thr navy to- llllw " ' nmp frnm Crc poke of the - iaci- r,- a -lonal . .r r moraie. ne :. he had In . in view. :hcd slgnifl-nrldence at fl'h Victory n . nd uie com- h fifth year of w. the "V lee rr.;- thr syrniooi H; imravcd since r 1910, there b: rns today wa;, becoming ;wever. should ; . ime to sit J -nry it was ' uarf'er for, :i wjuld bring , i :;ider Crce J aii t ' or crltl- ,izens of f r as his, ; wa.. con- ; nn was d 's lun-lu Lieut VV P'.i.t . -a, 1.4 .... . l.I'A'tK-' radix; Ci here, membership. wn; winner of ' Certificate ..' led for the a al War A .ill r- w ij " '3 Canadian .ft:- spearhead of fvnoo tr wrHViln fsuud temporary i n unn r r ri ko r A n a v FAMILY J lUIMriJT Hxft tut H' u , n ( , w ii ii ii n x i itAlkW. UB tm Ck. m i THE DAILY NEWfJ OUR LEADERS SAY.... PAQK THREB war is far from over. Our leaders do not think it is ;won yet, 'though wc arc winning. TUIS But it lakes hlood, and sweat, and tears over the last mile, too, and youshouhl he thankful that you can do your part by LENDING yoiii inoncy, at good interest and do the double job of backing our troops and your own, future in Canada with the same transaction. So . . . buy Victory Bonds now. Buy all you can from savings, then buy more on the instalment plan, out of income. The money you LEND for Victory Bonds will earn good interest, and will provide our troops with the extra power they require to speed the victory. f More people must buy more Bonds in this Victory Loan! Think now of what the men on the firing line face. Ponder a moment on the youngster who. is daring the blinding flak over enemy targets. Dream about the lad who is slicking it out in cold lashing spray to keep it our ocean. Then dig deep for those Bonds that are needed to put ibis loan. over the lop. i "Our men arc certain to continue in action on many fronts until the enemy has sur. rendered. No one can say for how long that may be . . . they must command a singleness , of purpose in our hearts and minds and the utmost that our country can give in their support." V Mr. ChiirchM-Jiriu 27, 1043 "Nevertheless, let us not allow this favour, able inclination of our fortunes to blind us to the immensity of the task before us. or of the exertions still to be made, and priva. lions and tribulations 6till to be endured and overcome." Mr. IloosevcltJiilu - 1043 "We still have to defeat Hitler and Tojo on their own home grounds. No one pretends that it will be an easy matter. We 6hall not settle for less than total victory." HtHiWilLaAVr i i iHrmi; -r rm. v i If- .... ir mrnw www ww v Ml u mMtss ill few s lllrV Vnif .MVtrtHBBIBiii lHUIl "HW aHBtW I hiiiiA. t I .,.. ::: . 1 1 . .-I f Ml -i; .iit-i .u: t .; j . .... .ii ..." Sis WW - - mm -m m n .us jrv mm ua h mm mm mw jmmmA mhhhhhhi mmm mm m mma m a HkKkHHHHHHHHt rami hhk a m HHHHHkm. c 1 V JBn W . K ItPH K W A T w IP k MB W JP WmmmWT ff lHV . i..lll IIHITTTWII. II II I I -' "1 pjpjaBBKjPWSPfflj"- "- - HOW TO IfcUY Give jour order to the Victory Loan saliMiian who calls on yon or place it with any branch hank or lrut company. You can also buy lloiuls through your employer for cash or on the Tayroll Savings Plan. Or semi your order to your local Victory Loan-Headquarters. Any one of these agencies will he glad to give you every assistance in completing your application. Uonds may he bought in denominations of 850, $100, 300, $1,000 and larger. Local Fifth Victory Loan Headquarters: 313 Third Avenue West Telephone No. 301