it i in I.- ! MM ! I 1 If I Ti ! Holiday With Pay. . . Undoubtedly .a move to produce more content- ment among the .working staff and to combat ab senteeism which has caused considerable interruption and inconvenience to the prosecution of the effort in the turning out of ships, the Prince Rupert 1 dry dock has instituted a policy of one week's leave pvith pay per year for regular and faithful workers, i Annual vacation with pay for many years has j 'been the custom" for most employees who work on a fi ixed salary basis. Now it is becoming more general i ior workers in the trades. The most of employers j who find it economically possible to allow holidays -with pay have already adopted the policy. It is one of the things which makes for more contented and more -steady -workers a condition which is so much jto be desired and so important these trying times. i The School Situat ion ... ; School reopens about a month from now and, due to the increase in industrial population here directly attributable to war industry, there is today the to school by reason of the fact that there is not accommodation for classes. One of the aldermen quite fittingly described it at Monday night's council meeting as a tragic situation. " Possibly there is more we could have been doing about meeting the situation. Even now we may not be in time to handle the condition when it arises but the longer we dally or permit those who could do something to .go along doing nothing the worse it . will be. Possibly we -have become too prone to accept some of these situations as things that nothing can be done about. We should already have learned some of the lessons of what ultimately may be the sequel of time lost in education und training of our young. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD A GOOD PLACE TO HUY i i 250 WINDOW SHADES Width sizes, .36 Inches, '42i2 Inches, and 45 inches. Length sizes, 72 Inches. We are here to serve you. Phone 773. 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Ilupert been in Y work for a year or two. Don will take over 'Bob's week. The Dicnic held on Sun- work. Hail and farewell! It's ; day was 'a grea't success. been nice knowing you, Robert : Thank you, Mrs. Bremner.for my lad, and L -know you are I the irdrr for the WDs. at 'Group leaving a host of good .friends Headquarters, R.C.A.F. In Prime Rupert, good luck and j All;AJ' lmmc -i.. Frank Ryan and Jack Mac- rilllCU 1 COtC l wi uw - I Clelland are off to Toronto on I H- I ...1,-v...-,U Tn.l. V. 1 luwuugu. uauii says wiieii . i? All 1 The German News Agency version ol Allieu ne gets off at the statlon and .peace terms for 'Italy purportedly emanating from a strange woman rushes up to President Roosevelt of the United States contains ; him and kisses him three times V. .. , u ;f mn wnifp', he'll know it must be his wife. nommg new or surprising even muugu n Interesting reading, originating as it does from the enemy. "The seven points mentioned would, naturally be comprised in any armistice letting -Italy -out of the, war on the basis of unconditional surrender upon which we are all agreed to insist. Realistically faced with the alternatives of unconditional surrender to one side .or the other, 'Italy is today in a dilemma such as was inevitable for her ever since she became a partner in international crime .with ' Germany. Now, no matter whether Italy decides to string along with Hitler or to attempt to get on the band wagon of the winning Allied side, she Is bound to be a 'battleground. If she stays with Hitler, the. Allies will move in from the south. If she turns about to surrender and co-operate with the Allies, Hitler will , invade from the north. Meantime Badoglio continues to temporize in de- ; ciding what must be done to make the best of Musso- ; 'lini's bad job. ": ' Italy is between the devil and the deep sea and 'we are almost beginning to feel sorry for her. How-hever, we must not forget that she is not worthy of Tour pity and we must be careful about our compas-; sibri. , ...The whole present war situation is due to our 'imisplaced trust and consideration of our enemy ever ince the last war. Unconditional surrender of Italy and all her resources is essential to our prosecution of the war for lultimate total victory and total peace. That's the signal they've arranged between them so they would recognize each other af- 1 ter.a year's absence. The regular Thursday night-dance of one of the highway British Envoy's Prediction For Southern Union News From Cdpe t CAPE TOWN, Aug. 4 South Africa will be a great steel producer after the war, predicts Lord 'Harlech, Britain's high commissioner to South Africa, who is on a visit to London. Lord Harlech described Vereen-lging, with cheap coal available, as a leader In the steel producing centres of the South African Union. 'The high commissioner said South Africans we're acutely conscious of the new role they would play In more intimate cooperation with the rest of the VJUU uicooi ! v, . -..v, ... Dally News Advertising Brings .. spumes u mmuu- Results. hications, trade and economics, He said he was satisfied this was. desirable in the general interest of the people of the Union. Railways Minister Sturrock points out South Africa is sharing in postwar aviation scheme talks and the nation will soon have Its own school for training naval and merchant seamen. Prince Paul, formerly senior regent of Yugoslavia, his wife, Lawn Bowling Green Level Excavation, rough levelling and fencing of the new lawn bowling green In the Canadian National Railways park has now been completed. Next will come the surfacing, rolling and later seeding, The work has been carried out with dispatch so far and bowlers are anticipating that the green will be ready for use next season. NAZI DESERTERS BERNE, August 4 0) The Polish Telegraph Agency reports desertions from the German army In Poland are increasing Between January and March , 342 deserters were shot in Cracow. More than i300 officers and 750 other ranks await sentence for the same crime. WOMEN'S PAY in the ARMY - NAVY - AIR FORCE NCREASED K a new regulation now in Toree, the basic rates of pay for women in the Armed Forces have been increased by a to 30. You now start at 1.05 a day. Pay then increases, sub-jeet to good conduct and efficiency. ' Trades pay has been substantially increased and now equals men's. This is now 25, 50c! or 75c! a day additional to your basic pay, depending on your efficiency and trade. y Dependents of enlisted women (fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers) arc entitled to the same allowances as dependents of service men. ENLISTED WIVES OF SERVICE EN WILL NOW RETAIN THEIR E PEN DENTS' ALLOWANCES This means that the enlisted wife of a service man is now In the same position as If she were in a civilian job, with certain limitations. Women are urgently needed in the Armed Forces. These new rates of pay und oilier allowances now make it possible for women previously held back by financial reasons, to do their duty by enlisting. . YOUR PAY IS A CLEAR SURPLUS because you are provided with board and rdom, and complete clothing and equipment; as well as medical and dental care. 'If 'you re between the ages of 18 and 45, single, or married without dependent children, and physically fit, you arc eligible. For full details SEE YOUR NEAREST RECRUITING OFFICER $ AT ONCE! WRCNS CWAC Women's Royal Canadian Naval Strvlce Canadian Women's Army Corps Royal Canadian Air Foroa est IB T. PAUE TWO THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY II ! ' ' THE DAILY NEWS TRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert -Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES -VByCity Carrier, per week 15 ' 'Per month 65 . per year $7,0'' By Mall, per month -40 Per year v $400 MEMBER'OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are ka1so reserved. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, August 4, 1943 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess Bob Gibson has returned from a most interesting trip hv the north country and is leaving Thursday to assume his new duties as area secretary for the Manitoba - Saskatchewan area. Don Forward came up on Monday from Victoria where he has camps has been cancelled tomorrow night but, within the next week, there are two dances to whteh the Junior hostesses are invited. This Friday the Falrview boys are 'holding a dance at their camp. Junior hostesses will meet at the Y. Chaperones representing the ladies of theOrange Lodge will be In attendance. Next "Monday, August 9, the Coast Battery Auxiliary will hold a. dance, the funds from which go to purchase cigarettes tor overseas. The ladies of the auxiliary will act as chaperones. for this dance. The regular msetlng of the Service Wives' Club is cancelled for this week. The next meet ing will be on Thursday of next ' iL A f ' l Princess Olga, sister of the SO CCS O Oil til AiriCa Duchess of Kent, and their two children have arrived In Johan-1 a r, i n As Meel Producer 1,, ueilue unci uvii's v..j Since July, 1941. A bill prolonging the life of the Southern Rhodeslan Parlla ment until May, 1945, has pass ed its final reading in Salisbury. William "Westrup, Johannes burg author and former secretary of the Anglo-American cgrporatlon, was killed by train Coupons Which H Become Valid H I TOMORROW H 22 61 23 Meat: H INOS. Pair No. 11 Whiffled From The Waterfrcnt J.M.S.Loubser D C, B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block I'honr litU VICTORY SHOE RENEW 531 KICIIAKI) STKKET, VANCOUVER, B.C. We have moved to larger premises and will now be able to give quick service. Mall or express your shoe.? to us. Plea;e enclose your home address, It will help to speed delivery. WE PAY THE RETURN CHARGES For Income Tay RimiRNS SEE K. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. RE READY! Summer Is here. Get your" TENNIS RACQUET'S strung by A. B. Hodges. White -Apartments. Phone 427 Tchesinkut Lak Tcheslnknt v auiu Vyulll lr T'o.. . 1 1 JX s?utn of Burns Lake, nn Thrhl8hwJy t0 Twecdsmulr Park, ,no.,.uten,sils fiuppl'ed. Trailer SS? nn,?d c,?,mp s'tes- te- 50c d,a,v with ute of kitchen. blf m0oUt ana thar fishing, and K? outry- Open from way 1st to January 1st. Antn X. nn connection. Write 6r t nVf nn lA,ra' Tcnesinnut w j.Vi MALUM BEST AT It we have Im-oi ,f lor X K i a t ikL itf tun i.f L. I ..... r. ........ Illr nnii onrr ajrnlu tliU uM-rb tjl Hie I mi, oaui)ing lUior of ! AVlille ljil-riVa. t H.VLK AT Ylll'R ;H(k:U S1(hJ i lf. imrltmtm !t lb. fmrkmgm . THE W. H. MAIKIN CO, M now uakox mm LONDON, A j r I Chief Marine si Ha l ing, the man V. i I Battle of Bi.Lai ta i Bentlev Tr.crv The boatbullfting estab:Uh- , Middlesex ment In Cow Bay. formerly j owned by Y. suehlro. has seen purchased from the city by J. Robinson for $200. A recommendation to the city council that the deal be consummated was made by the finance committee at last night's council meeting and was accepted. The -basis of lease of properties In Waterfront .Block F with oil companies which are to move their storage Jtanks from the outtlde to the inside of the railway tracks on ;tie local waterfront will be full taxes on the land and Improvements plus $139 annually from the Standard Oil Company of British Col-umQla and $126 annually from the Home Oil Distributors Ltd A recommendation to this ef fect from the rinance committee was accepted by the citv council lust night. NEW ROli HOTE J. ZARELLI, 'A Home Ana; Ftal Itatn ?k t SO Rooms. Hot nil Wats Prince Ilnptrt, I Thone 281 Pill .11 ANDY JUS HOMK Wishes to ar:3 It will be CL06B BUSINESS u::'-iU SAYti H 0 III Carl Zarclli, Phone 37 t&H FRASKH STRfj trince it SERVICES TO Vancouver. Victoria V.ivnolnR St""1 North Queen Charlotte Full lnformatlnn'i and Reserve SKIVI irif A'K J. 1 Prince Kup" Third Ave. i:TB.m!"','l''1 3 Fresh Local M Taslcurized - 1 VALENTIN H " ..unVE ' J.L.W CbiroH Westhol"!'