DAY AUGUST 4, 1943 j ui juiy. 194.1. LAST FOUR WEEKS Crawford, well known vpri in rhp ritv vnctr- mrvin ipnm inn nnrrn rnt of next wpr -uipn I) Itt.dlMltV ACT eve Cot.iUaa:e tl Title " " I. K IWI .ia nff thai in mi. rr .. - 3y given that I Uie "exphaltxti ief one here Wau protl-Tl; :e cf TiU Id lieu "!rme. un!- In . ne lalld t ijjectijon be i- rt: -.g, Rr; rt. B.C . thl 2nd. l: AD. 1943. iitnrnie (Nmrt lor ItrlttOi ier ii 1 ii i.iiiiIi., mmi Art and irr M till, Ftfflf nf Hull. rid. Ieifilnl Jufie Piaher, Local Judse I. M JI MtVtl I vn on the 23rd day 1 0il .. j . . we 'Estt or Robe"' formerly Tf Prince Riv HmvucaH whs ,w" . j.ota tne said Estate nr re ai required to rile them ami iMifu .a m k.. --j - . v. uni v, - IWi day of- Seiptembw. failing which distribute made having regard m notified. . I jniw iniq Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, 'B.C. -i-" wr imiii ni iiriiiwii limhl-i lit fr-..i.-.. r of the -(tiiilnltriitlii Art" n,..l , -I,, 1nr r.inie til k-"ush rwnr. uxni Jtidsn ne Court of BrUt.tnli Ool- 1913. aipuioinU'd 'Admin 1b- 29th day cif June. AJJ. Me required to pay the heir Indebtedness to me ll I... J . ' fHKu tniaxe -fire f 1 1K ...!, - Hin-.ttk Wlt.ll i lima .vl . J - wt im urd dim? jam wmi, win Dft mnie BIUU1 itUlVo hu.n Pirn a jA t j . k. . vjjri't( D.Ki, tirm. r- . - . B.C. wuii ni 'iiriiiftii tnnltli 1.. .. ' "i mp "lminitrntlon - ... r,uifp or Mynott, lmmflt ii-lMUip I1LK thn L w E. Flfilier. nifld nn 'H paiTtllB h&Vlr rtatm. sa estate we hereby ftwnlilj same, niwwii OF THE STYLE SHOPPE Entire Stock to Clear at Astonishingly Low Prices. Come and He Convinced. COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS, SKIRTS, HATS, SHOES, . '' . HOSE, LINGERIE, WE CLOSE -OUIt'DOOlt ON THE 28th DAT OF AUGUST THIS IS FINAL THE STYLE S Next Door Bulkley Market. J. B. Scott, assistant director of Investigation, Canadian Na- j tional Railways, Winnipeg, is 1 spending a few days in the city i on official duties. Hon. Herbert Anscomb, provincial minister of public works and mines, and A. L. Carruthers, chief bridge engineers for the public works department, who , have been on an inspection tiHp through the interior, are expected to arrive in the' city tonight and will leave tomorrow night for Victoria. CAPETOWN, August 4 Oh South Africa gave an enthusi astic welcome to the largest i shipment of British merchandise to arrive here in a year. It included cotton and rayon piece goods, sheeting and children's Tear. ' GOLD SEAL Fancy Hcd Sockeye Salmon and Herring In Tomaio Sauce arc both on active service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. KWONG SANG 1IING HOP KEE CH0PSUEY" HOUSE Next to King Tal G12 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Thone Red 217 TILLIE THE TOILER TIL LIE, LET'S GO OVER "TO SPILTOM VILLASE? AMD GET REV. BOVJES TO HARRY US TONIGHT OP P E THIRD AVENUE cum :::b imm ma i tin ran Timely Recipes iiiSi'i m i -u imam i:i ;i.i;B ISLUCRFtltUY-KIIUBAUB CAKE 2 tablespoons mild-Xlavored fat 4 cup sugar ,,, 1 cup blueberries 1V4 cups cut rhubarb Pick over and wash blueber- 'i&a. Wash and cut rhubarb. Cover rhubarb with boiling water, let stand 5 minutes, drain. Melt fat In a baking dish add half the sugaj Add blue;, berries and rhubarb mixed with remaining sugar. Topping: V2 cups pastry flour or 1 13 cups all-purpose flour V4 cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder V2 teaspoon salt 1 egg Vi cup milk 3 tablespoons melted fat Sift flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Beat egg, add milk and shortening. Add to dry Ingredients, stirring only until mixed.. Pour batter over the fruit. Bake in a hot oven, 400F, for 25 minutes. Turn out onto a serving dish and serve hot with top milk. Six servings. Constable Robert Moore of the city police and Mrs. Moore returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver.' BUSY COAST GUARD LONDON, August 4 P Patrolling 6,000 miles of British coastline, the coastguard In 194? saved l,C00-odd lives. Th&r duties include a look-out for sneak raiders, enemy minelayers, ships in distress and allied ah-men who have balled out. THE DAILY NEWS PADE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES A See Annette's windows for her summer clearance sale. (182) Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Ecker-man left last evening for a (vacation trip to Vancouver, Seattle and Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. "P. C. Miller and. daughter, Betty, left last evening for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Carpenters' Meeting Wednesday, 6 p.m., Carpenters' Hall, Fraser 'St. Representative Wm. Page in 'attendance. (181) Jack Wearmouth, after a brief visit on leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wearmouth, left by last evening's train on his return to his Canadian Army training at Calgary. SPECIAL New Green Cabbage ' Nice Size Heads Per lb., 10S Fresh from Terrace--Arriving on Every Train LINZEY & .INGRAM 2 Phones: 585 - 58G A See Annette's windows for her summer clearance sale. (182 Mrs. A. L. Holtby and daughter, Monica, returned to the city this morning from a vaca- Hon trip to Vancouver. ' C. R. Stonehouse, sanitary ikw spector, returned to the city this morning from a -vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs.. John Manson and daughter arrived In the city this morning from 'Victoria for n visit here with Mrs. Manson's sister, Mrs. O. L. Murray. Lieut. 'Beatrice Berner, now stationed at "Nanaimo military hospital as a nursing sister, arrived In the city this morning Quartermaster Sergeant W. F. Broadley of the local reserve unit staff returned to the city this morning after a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on leave. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full rmonth at 25c a word. Women of Moose Invitation Dance Aug. 4, 10 'to 2. Mrs. Jean deOarlo's Orchestra. Oddfellows' Hall. C.C.F. Dance. Fri.. Aug. 6. Odd fellows' Hall, Tickets from members. W.A. Coast Regt. Servicemen's Dance, Aug. 9, Empress Club. Orange "Dance Aug. 9, I.O.O.F. Hall. Contact members for Invitation, The minnow is the largest ramily of fishes, with 350 spe-cies native In this country. NOTICE Dr. J. R.Maguire Has returned and has (resumed his practice. Kooms 7, l8 -and 9, Smith lilock I HIP ! 1 1 1 MARCHING" ORDERS! VM Hy, REV. 'BOWES IS A CUAPLAIW IN THE ARMy NOW Sons of Norway Meeting, 8:00 pm., Thursday. (182) W. R. Overend returned to city this 'morning from a trip to Vancouver. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, was reported this morning to be one hour and a half late. Meeting of Women of Moose, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday, 8 p.m. (it) August Buschmann and H. B. Priel'e, both well known Ketchi-kon cannery operators, are here today on their way from Seattle to the Alaska town. Rotary Club. THURSDAY, 1 IM. Commodore Cafe Installation of Officers Visiting Rotarians Especially Invited Length 43 ft, beam 12ft, 24 gross tons. New 6 cylinder ISO h.p. Buda engine, 12 knots. 2 from the .south tqspend. leavejmwer dinghies, otherajequlp visiting .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Berner, ment too numerous to list here, write for complete specifications and price. It will surprise you. C. Cartwrlght, 693 Hornby St., Vancouver, B. C. FOR SALE Desk (bookkeepers), oak, with 4 drawers, cabinet attached, $33.00. G. A. Wig-more, 622 Third Ave. Phpne 302. ' (183) FOR SALE Bedroom suite. 203 9th East, after 6 p.m. (185) FOR SALE 1 oil burning kitchen range. Can be seen 6 to 7 :30 pjn. at 741 6th Ave. West. Phone Red 448. (tf) FOR SALE Set of 6 Marconi wireless Instruction Vlctrola records. $10. Apply Box 545 Daily News. (182) FOR SALE Modern six room house. Centrally;, located. Immediate possession. Phone Green 317. (tfV FOR SALE Dinette suite, single btd with mattress, double bed stand, other miscellaneous articles. 1102 6th East, after 7 p.m. (182) FOR SALE 3 room furnished house. Apply' 1169 Ambrose Phone Green 322. (181) FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply 1340 Overlook St. after 4:30. (181) FOR SALE OR CHARTER Licensed diesel passenger ferry, diesel towboats. Box 531, Dally News, FOR SALE Steam tug, small scow, 100 h.p. marine diesel. Box 531, Daily News. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men shar-lng. 718 Fraser Street. IcjOOD 3WEF, lyvAND I I f mssnmsm. MAC! THE P, Wavemit Mr.' and Mrs. T. P. Smith returned to the city this morning from a,trip to Vancouver. Col. J. w. Nlcholls, general manager 6f the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. returned to! the city this morning from a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Flight Commander and Mrs. E. C. Tennant arrived In the city this morning from Vancouver. Flight Commander Tennant has long been actively Identified with flying m the north. H. D. McNaughton has arrived in the city from Vancouver to be stationed here as Canadian immigration officer. He has opened his office In the Canadian National Railways general office building. Birth Notice Born to Mr. and Mrs. "R. J. Manson on August 2, at the, Prince Rupert General Hospital, a son, weighing nine pounds. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until noon of Wednesday, August 12th, next, for the purchase of the following described properties belonging to the estate of Gust Selvin, deceased: 1. 4-roomed cottage with 2 additional attic rooms situate on Lot 12, Block 22, Section 6 7th Ave. East) 2. Two 4-roomed cottages situate on Lot 23, Block 11, Section 5 (approximately opposite Hawkinson's Ldry. at 6th Avenue West). Avenue West). Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (189) BOAT FOR SALE Suitable for work or pleasure. Built 1934. HELP WANTED WANTED Warehouseman, able to drive truck for local Oil Co. Good wages. Apply National Selective Service, AM. 72 (181) WANTED urgently Graduate nurses for private duty at hospital, full or part time. Apply Miss Faust. Phone 121. (181) WANTED Ditch diggers in city. Good wages. Apuly National Selective Seivice, A.M. 73. WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 71. (tf) WANTED WANTED, by Aug 1, light house keeping room for soldier's wife. Apply Box 535 Daily News. (184) WANTED $25.00 reward for -furnished- or semi-furnished rooms or house. Urgent, by August 15. Box 544 Daily News. (184) URGENTLY needed, a room for working couple. Phone Black 59. (183) WANTED $10 reward for 2 or 3 room unfurnished suite or small house. Mrs. Murphy, Red 822. (186) INTERIOR Decorating and Paper Hanging, by reliable workman. Black 810. (184) WANTED Small boat. Apply Box 543 Dally News. (183) WANTED Woman wants light housework. Mornings. Apply P.O. Box 415. (182) WANTED Light housekeeping .room by September 1, would pay to hijld It. Apply Box !54C Dally News. (185) WANTED Furnished suite or housekeeping rooms. Wilf.ex-change furnished apartment " In Victoria for same. Phone 231. (182) R. Dansereau has been 'appointed part-tinfe :poll tax collector for the city on a basis. PERSONAL SARDIS NURSERIES R.R. No. 2 Sardis, B.C. Order your re-, quirements In fruit trees and ornamental shrubs and trees direct from' us. Last year's cat-' alogue and prices still prevail.! Catalogue on request. LOST LOST On Friday an envelope containing bankbook and some papers. Finder please return to Daily News. (183) LOST Friendly gray kitten, Monday night. Phone Red "953. . (182) A CEMETERY J H'( VJELt-, DONTl VLLKEEPH VJHlSTLE AW COURAGE THl N6 TVW 3 mszy& wmFrszs&VMmi asix MARCH The Markets Fruit Grapefruit, Calif., 2 for 25 and 35 Lemons, doz 35 and .45 Oranges, Navel, -doz. .. 35 to 60 Pears, doz 1.00 Grapes, Seedless 50 Apples, Transparent, lb 20 Strawberries, box 40 Plums, Blue, lb 30 Cherries, lb .40 Canteloupe 30 and 35 Peaches, doz. .90 Apricots, lb 35 .Watermelon 14 "Butter First Grade .. .43 Lard Pure, 2 lbs .40 Vegetables B.C. Carrots. 2 bunches .15 Potatoes. 5 lbs .. 22 Garlic, Imported, lb .20 Cauliflower, each 15 to 35 Cabbage, lb 10 Lettuce, each 10 Celery, lb .20 Flour Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.95 Second Patent 1.80 Flour, 24's 1.05 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 05 Sugar White, lb 09 Golden Yellow, lb; 09 Brown, lb 09 Meats Bacon, side, best grade, sliced .54 Ham. first ?rade, lb 45 Cottage Roll. lb. 44 Pork, drv salt, lb y Veal, loin, lb 33 Veal Chops, lb 35 and .40 Beef, not roast, lb 25 and .30 Beef Steak, lb 40 and .45 Lamb, leg, lb J55 Lamb Chons. lb 40 to .Pi Lamb Shoulder, lb 40 and .45 Eggs RC. fresh extras, Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz 59 Local, new laid, doz 65 NAZIS BOLSTER DAMS STOCKHOLM, August 4 CT) Two of Norway's greatest dams are .being supplied with torpedo nets to prevent destruction by air -attack. One, the "Moesvan dam, is one of the largest In Europe. r ; taBiKi(LflS3m: SMOffltBOACOVMS AU.1UC RASt WTtM FMGtlSH ARISTOCRACY IN THE nv ctKrum nx ah nonce. M Tut tir -0 M,tf HI fY V. ...TT7 OUT IF YOU DIDN'T SMUfFlt (The high quality of any of iOur men's furnishings will -win your approval and our moderate ii iica urc sure 10 piease. 1 '-XT' THEY'RE GETTING TOKYO LONDON, August 4 0) The EBC has started daily broadcasts to Tokyo. The news goes out for 15 minutes on a number of short waves designed 'to cover not only Japan but the whole of the eastern and south eastern Asia. SALVAGING COAL BERNE, August 4 ff) The Italians, in their coal shortage, are going to try to recover 40.j-000 tons lying at the bottom ot Trieste harbor, "wastage 'of 'years from coaling of ocean-going " Ships. v STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ' OPEN i) A.M. .CLOSED o :30 P.M. ' THURSDAY OPEN AT AM. CLOSED AT 1 PM. MUSSAHEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 Everyone Should Read The Summary of the ' H WORLD FEDERATION PLAN '! 1' By Ely Culbertson ' 39c An outline of a practical and detailed "; plan for world settlement. ". . . the strongest and most realistic :1 Plan for creating a world police system that will protect all in collective . security and protects even against all." Dorothy Thompson. .tfCHE PRESCRIPTIONS Through the years, the physicians of 'this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes ltd. CBta Ptonecr Druqpjts i sr. A r , n.A ". and all , me, THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 83 Open pally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. ffllal Admin 1 Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. J uyer(, JB.(J1 AM