t 1 ' 4 1 J 'i-, THE DAILY NEWS prince RurrnT, Brtrrisn Columbia Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince s Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue ? G. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR S MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication $f all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press-In this paper and also the local news published therein. AC rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Saturday. November 6. 1943 Time for Something Better ... . i has been hard for a goqd many citizens to understand how a condition can exist whereby, as hap- pened Thursday night, a vandal or vandals can go down the main'street in the very centre of the busi-nessection and hurl rocks to shatter the plate glass windows of several business places and get away with it. We must agree it is an unsatisfactory state of nffairs which simulv cannot be tolerated. It is not lawlessness. A condition where such incidents can go oil is simply not good enough and the public would be right in demanding that something be done about it. The people are not so much interested in blaming anyone but in having the necessary action taken to ensure that such things as this cannot happen, particularly in the very centre of the city. It is time to say,with due consideration of all, that so.methinp better must be done in the enforcement of law and order in Prince RuDert. Arguments and excuse? cannot fo any longer. The reason mustte found by those whoCkuow and the necessary action taken. Certainly, we have reason to insist that the ner-son Jr persons responsible for this latest vandalism shoijjd be apprehended and adequately dealt with. Wefiave ever greater justification to demand that we 5rer given protection against such or even more serisus acts. This comment mav hurt and offend certain per-soji&but we consider it our duty in the public interest to vbicfe it. IJalLthe chins where they may, it is time-to curb lawlessness which is becoming too general and flag-rant;in Prince Rupert. We have been patient long enough. f Young Men War's JVeedf f . . age limit for voluntary enlistment in the Can-ndfcw armed forces has been reduced from forty-five to tEn-fy-seven years. The importance of having good f lVhling men on hand is probably none the less, f avor-ablefwar developments notwithstanding. However, in makjnp; this new order, the government has no doubt been advised by the military authorities, that meniover thirtv-seven do not make the kind of fighting men we need. Thev are too old and simply do not havThe physical goods it takes. The" government has evidently come to the conclusion that, in the pursuit of the war effort, men over thirty-seven vears of age can be used to better advantage other than in the army. Premier Kinsf s Warning , , . t is probably as well that Prime Minister Kin? shnnM issue a warnintr against relaxation of the A Reorganization and activity on the Paejfjc .Coast We -are keeping rhe Jap busy thousands of miles W.r.M wi.... ssww cumjh, iutcvr'. LIlrlL Will 111 11 HI I HITl I IT p. d'Yrions or foravs and these mieht. as we bnve " said before, conwivahlv be in our direction. The 1. ! varjiinp- of Jlr. Kintr is timelv and we would do well m i, rne m mme Jiiirt to hpd it. The Jao could zrv to r?11 coniw Jiere. We should by no means overlook if j ' the -possibility. j Hereto Alaska... 1J The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has i i decided to institute an all-out campaign in support of sf ' tlie route f rom Alaska northward for a road to con-m nect British Columbia with the Alaska Highway. Al-i ; ready, due to the efforts and representations of ;$?T iuessrs. r vviison - and Taylor miiui of iA. Burns tuiihi T nl i jri rvr. liih miii port of all Chambers of Commeree and RllnVi nvfrnni. I'm i . zations from here to and including Vanrlo rnnnf Vino . neen won. inow tne lJnnce Kupert Chamber of Com j merce has decided to take the lead in carrying ad yocacy oi tne route to Victoria and to Seattle where ' important members of the international hitrhw.iv commission dwell. The support of other local organ- iMiuwiH is ueing sougnt ana, no doubt, will be span tanepusly accorded. t After all, the route north from Hazelton is not t new; in a general way. What is new about the Wilson ' lllnn' IP ftiof if nll'miHnfnn 4 I . 1 J T 1 m. i;nui io umi, iv ciuiiuiaicn uie Miuw-iauen lUKon tpip. praph trail, veering off to the west by way of the Kispfox, Naas and Irving Rivers in tlie lee to tho tleastyf the Coast Range, thus escaping the snows which 'had previously been the principal objection tn j j the Hazelton route. There will also be strong, if not !Li L ii. i 11 . vaiuij uppusiuuu iq n ivam certain otner quarters. CHURCOOTICES St. Peter's Anglican Church Seal Cove Rector Rev. E. W. Scott 11:00 a jn. Sunday School. 11:30 ajn. Holy Communion. 7:30 pm. Special Remembrance Day Service. St. Andrew's Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson Organist and Choirmaster. P. Lien SS Supt, F. J. Skinner REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 11:00 a m. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Anthem: "God of Our . Fathers." 1:00 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 pjn. Evening Prayer and Sermon. Solo: "How lovely are Thy Dwellings." Chief Petty 11:00 am. Done With Word?" 12:15 Sunday School. 7!30 p.m.-,"When the Son of Man Cometh," Mr.' XL Aalen wiil preach at the evening senlce. A cordial welcome to alj! Christian Science This Society is a branch of rhe Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist. Bos ton. Mass. Sunday Service 11:00 ajn. pw.-y to be sure and he will probablv not cv n nV JggJ u. further territorial campaieros very far afield: We ! A fellowship hour will be con. , ! one jbf those things to shrug one's shoulders over and !ducted by the Young People's ; savlt cannot be helped. If vandals can get away with SAssociaUon following the service. i thisort of thing, they ean aieo get away wun worse :M andit is just about time that some adequate meas- -f F ure 01 protection was given agauiM mic-h dtuuiis ui The Confirmation Class will meet In the Cathedral at 1 pxn First Baptist Church Fifth ve. and Yoimr Street Preacher. Rev. Henry Knox, Vancouver. 11:00 a.m. Subject, "The Christian Jn Action." 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Special Remembrance Service. Young People in charge. Service men taking part. Anthem and Male Quartette. Sermon by Rev. Henry Knox. veteran of the last war. Veterans and Service Men and Women Invited. Ordinance of the Lord's Slipper. 8:45 pjn. Sing Song and Refreshments. St. Paul's Lutheran Church 5th and McBride Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor "What Have Jesus and You His Subject "Adam and Fallen Man." MeeUngs which Include tesU- monials of healing are being held on the second Wednesday of each month. The reading room In the church building is open every Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 pjn., and every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:30. First United Church C36 Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. DunneU, M, .Minister Mr. J. S. Wilson. Sr. Choir Leader iiizeins. Jr Ciiolr Ldr anna Olafson. A.T.C.M. OrennLst Dr. R, G. Kniue. SuDerlntendent of Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Service. 7:30 Evening Service. Sunday School at 12:15. Come and Worship. NOIt.MAL MAINTAINED Water plays a large part In the regulation of body temper ature through evaporation from the surface of the body PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Bras Casting Electric and Acetylene Uridine SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY Ail Type of Gas Entlnes Repaired and Overhauled ':Bu",.a.:i:i;-ltj::rBrr(iBJ H Procli f nial If v.. vM t UIIU Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY I PHONE C57 LETTERBOX SERIOUS SITUATION Editor, DaUy News: May I have some or your valuable space for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the general public a serious situation which has developed in regard to our ambulance, i doubt if the public genera realise that at the present moment they are without any ambulan?- faciAies. In a town of this size, this is a real catastrophe I: means that no indus- THE DAILY NEWS 'da! awldent can be properly transported to the hospital. It means that during the night when taxis are no longer available, maternity cases will have to walk to the hospital. It means that a patient suffering hom acute appendicitis er pneumonia or Half a dozen other major lllne&sc will have to be carried out to a taxi or In some cases they will have to walk to the car. It should not be necessary for me to point out the serious atntequence of this state of affairs. . So far as one can find out. nothing has been done to supply a new ambulance for itw ntv It is easy enough to say TYYTTTYTTYYTYTYTYTYTTTYYYTYYYYYTYTYTTYYTTTTYYTYYY I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSueen, B.A, Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1943 11:00 a Jn. Morning Worship "Remembrance Day." 12:15 pjn. Church School. 7:30 p.m. A Service in Sacred Song. Anthems by Choir "Incline Thine ear." "He wipes the tear from every eye," "Turn Thy face from my sin," "One sweetly solemn thought." Soloists Mrs. Wm. Martin. Mr. J. A. Teng "In Flanders Fields." Cpl. Miller. "O Lord most Holy." Bdr. O. Yachnicki. Violin. Favorite Hymns. 8:30 p.m. The Sunday Evening Hour. A cordial invitation to worship with this conaregaUon is extended to all. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE '"Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetable, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three timet weekly Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays Opposite Canadian Legloa THE REX CAFE Nov Open for Business CHOI' SCEY CHOW ME! IN' Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. ?nd Ave. (acrow from Kupert Hotel) I'lwine 173 f. ft I 'Ma 4 4 YYTYYYTYYYYYTTYYYYYYYYTYYYYYYYTYYTYYYYYYYYYYTYYYY t MIJLK FACTS CAMPAIGN Sunday, November 7, li)1.'J THE JUDGMENT DAY! Do you know when? Who will be Judged first the righteous or the wicked? A most interesting and informative Illustrated lecture by KVANCIXIST F. T. BALM Lit OUMLIXOWS HALL (Fourth Ave, Fast of Mrllride) Picture - Illustrated Hymns You're Welcome 31 i 3i Back our gallant fighters. They're smashing the pill boxes and clearing the way. Buy 5 th Victory Loan Bonds to give them the tools to finish the job. They're counting on you: don't let them down. Buy and speed their Victory ! ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW to supply one but that U not going to save the Injured and sick while uhe argument is being settled. One thing we do know, the city Fire Department operated the ambulance during the past year in an exceptionally efficient manner. There Is reason to suppose they will continue to do so if they are supplied wlUi the car. The problem Is where to get a new ambulance. Perhaps If we vteUm-lee the general public long enough, someone wtH come to the rescue but I am going to suggest Mr. Editor, that we get busy and help ourselves. I sug-at to you that a public subscription be opened In your paper and that eveiyone be ak-d to send in a contribution. To start the ball rolling. I will contribute $25. We wttl probably need at least $2,000 to purchase a first-class ambulance. It should be very easy to do this if everyone w4l! get behind the proposition. Thanking you for this space In your paper, I am R, O. LAROE, MD. (The Dally News will ge glad to receive and acknowledge donations to an ambulance fund fund Editor. (IIKL GUIDES INCREASE EDINBUROH O Despite wartime difficulties, membership In the Scottish Otri Quld Association hos Increased to more than 73 00 in aH ranks. We are the only store In town earrvtnic Frozen Fruits and VcgetMbles Fnlerprise (irocery SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. ritone 3? r.O. Hoi 311 FKASEK STREET ritlNCE IlLTIOtT YYYTTYTTYYrYYY Y Y Y YTYYTY t roit sal: FRESH SHRIMPS Daily I o'clork. 4 lloat "Main." jf-tt' Dork 3 -4 AAAAAAAAA.A AAAAAA AAAAAAAA J.M.S.Loubser .C HA. Chiropractor Wallare niock fbone SU (ALL LEO OYER lllli CIa Drcorallng and I'aperhanKing lied 33S 67 Horde n St. t YYYYYYYYYYYYVYYYYYYYYYY CLIP THESE COAL TIPS Keep Radiator Clear Hot water radiators can give off maximum heat only if they are unobstructed. Chesterfields and other furniture in front of radiators prevent aenws-the-room radiation, Remove all radiator covers, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, nri r?-.. i o POTATOES NutriUun services point out Uiat choice, mealy potatoe f-he kind which taste so good when baked are on the market. They bring with them the opportunity to step up the family's score on vitamins and minerals. Must of the mineral lie just under the skin ui the potato, and when a potato Is peeled, no matter how thinly, these minerals go into the garbage pall with the skins. Skins also act as a life preserver" lor vitamin C. When potatoes are cooked and served In their Jackets, they make Important contributions to the diet. APPLES USEFUL - Apples simplify the planning o'. desserts at tills time of year, for an almost endle&s variety of desserts ean be made with them and they are easy on the sugar ration too. Tost made by the consumer section of the agriculture de partment show that one teaspoon of sugar per apple provides enough sweetening fot most tastes.. As with other fruits, a dash of salt wltl reduce the amount of sugar re-quired. When sugar 1 cooked with fruit as In making apple sauce It Is changed chemically into another. Ie4 sweet form tk sugar, and for this reason lea sugar is required to sweeten fruit If It U added only after the fruit has been cooked. SAVING WOOL Have you been In the habit of discarding a needleful of wool? It may seem only a short length, the consumer branch of the prfe4 board say, but It can be put to I a variety of uses the day nay jcome when youH want to eke out enough of that color for a reinforcement Job or to mw up ' ' seams. Sometime several tfryr balk of wool may be left tw from SATURDAY l ne nxperis aay knltttac m i ay to uu- -h. ,. flMHl nrfvn. ! Js k! into a plum dark to P1CKTJ". wit.,.. vltugar eta W over ibm .0,t sh,.w i: 1U koi- ai. 5 duh:i"z, ".harp' .v4mSV Whin ii. . lot ssod fir, lnt. wail sugar "'" iwuj ;unej u . COAL SAVFltS- Lr : 4 CWNtJM kXi iriT JJ Syi. fifial unit t .-r ' j w.ji.,;:-; j Httlng swirm wuvcow) u X. man jwj pr;!!T:!,, pt? y which mean t b mem ninrc : can be saved ) yr home wuli y,x w . r KWONO SANG H1XG HOP KIE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Nest U lUar Til CIS Hh AVE. WTST AH your patronsff artnai Open S pjn. U 1 11 is. Tuetdsj II pm. U 1:30 sua. (lutMde Otttn tin t y& 1:J sjo. Phone Red W Dibb Printing Company CHRISTMAS CARDS Now on Display Make Selection SOW fnr Otmrai INK Til DAY AND E V K It Y 1) A Y CARDS WATKUMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone l IS REAL WAR ThU is not a phoney war. The Canadian Armjr Is In the Uiklc of the light. The only u- e can win U on the field of battle If phjMi-ai y fit and between 1ft and 43 you are e-HHble f i the Active Army, which is UU an er.t.reU volunteer Army. VMt your nearest Army Rrcrultlnx Office Mar Don't delay. Ormes ltd. 771m Pioneer Drufiyist THi: REX'ALL STORE SPEED fTJ PHONES 81 I Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 pn. Sundays and 'Holiday from 12-2 p.m. and 1-9 VICTORY The llltle. Uilnirs we do at ' ' obfjlnj tlie rationing: regulations . . "' Inr Mllhoiil luvmle . . . curtailing nrff'' ties . j . skiiiiplnc to buy bonds . thr' are not utcriNcc. They are merely denial. The mrn who fare the aitual Lrunt of in 1 1 lr make the karriflres. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage RINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. 'T,sn fotn"U